Alphabetic list - Inra

Alphabetic list - Inra

Alphabetic list - Inra


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of Locusta migratoria. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 28: 839-848.<br />

Chevalier G, Gandeboeuf D, Masclaux F, and Dupré C. 2000. Applications des<br />

méthodes biochimiques et moléculaires à la taxonomie et la systématique des<br />

Tuber. Bulletin FAMM 18 HS: 57-68.<br />

Chevalier G, Lemaire J-P, Lemoine M-C, and Rejou P. 2000. Amélioration de la<br />

qualité du chêne mycorhizé par la truffe. Le Trufficulteur 33: 14-16.<br />

Chevin H, Cantot P, and Phalip M. 1999. Les Hyménoptères symphytes du Centre<br />

Ouest de la France. Cahiers des Natura<strong>list</strong>es. Bulletin des Natura<strong>list</strong>es<br />

Parisiens 53 (1): 1-17.<br />

Chèvre A, Marie, Eber F, Darmency H, Fleury A, Picault H, Letanneur J, and<br />

Renard M. 2000. Assessment of interspecific hybridization between transgenic<br />

oilseed rape and wild radish under normal agronomic conditions. Theoretical<br />

and Applied Genetics 100: 1233-1239.<br />

Chèvre A-M, Eber F, Jenczewski E, Renard M, Pierre J, Darmency H, and<br />

Reboud X. 2001. Impacts agro-environnementaux de la mise en culture de<br />

variétés de colza transgéniques tolérantes à des herbicides. Comptes-Rendus<br />

de l'Académie d'Agriculture de France 87: 11-20.<br />

Chevreau E, Brisset MN, Paulin JP, and James DJ. 1998. Fire blight resistance<br />

and genetic trueness-to-type of four somaclonal variants from the apple cultivar<br />

Greensleeves. Euphytica 104: 199-205.<br />

Chevreau E, Mourgues F, Reynoird JP, and Brisset MN. 1998. Gene transfer for<br />

fire blight resistance in pear. Acta Horticulturae 489: 297-300.<br />

Chillali M, Idder-Ighili H, Guillaumin JJ, Mohammed C, Lung-Escarmant B, and<br />

Botton B. 1998. Variation in the ITS and IGS regions of ribosomal DNA among<br />

the biological species of European Armillaria. Mycological Research 102: 533-<br />

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Chillali M, Wipf D, Guillaumin JJ, Mohammed C, and Botton B. 1998. Delineation<br />

of the European Armillaria species based on the sequences of the internal<br />

transcribed spacer (ITS) of ribosomal DNA. New Phytologist 138: 553-561.<br />

Chipman PR, Agbandje-McKenna M, Renaudin J, Baker TS, and McKenna R.<br />

1998. Structural analysis of the spiroplasma virus, SpV4: implications for<br />

evolutionary variation to obtain host diversity among the Microviridae. Structure<br />

6: 135-145.<br />

Choueiri E, Jreijiri F, El Zammar S, Verdin E, Salar P, Danet JL, Bové JM, and<br />

Garnier M. 2002. First report of grapevie " Bois Noir " disease and of a new<br />

phytoplasm infecting solanaeous plants in Lebanon. Plant Disease 86: 697.<br />

Choueiri E, Jreijiri F, Issa S, Verdin E, Bové JM, and Garnier M. 2001. First report<br />

of a phytoplasma disease of Almond (Prunus amygdalus) in Lebanon. Plant<br />

Disease 85: 802.<br />

Chovelon V, and Leroux JP. 1998. Sélection de l'ail : des variétés et des semences<br />

de qualité. PHM - Revue Horticole no. 394: 39-40.<br />

Chrzanowska M, Kerlan C, and Martin J. 2000. Carlaviruses infecting potato<br />

(Solanum tuberosum L), and their relationship with PVM and PVS. Roczniki<br />

Akademii Rolniczej w Poznaniu CCCXXI 30: 17-25.<br />

Claessens O, Granjon L, de Massary JC, and Ringuet S. 2002. La station de<br />

terrain de Saint-Eugène : situation, environnement et présentation générale.<br />

Revue d'Ecologie - La Terre et la Vie supplt. 8: 21-37.<br />

Clair D, Larrue J, and Boudon-Padieu E. 2001. Evaluation of vectoring ability of<br />

phytoplasmas by Metcalfa pruinosa SAY (Homoptera:Flatidae) recently<br />

introduced in Europe. Bulletin OILB-SROP 24: 195-198.

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