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Revue Horticole no. 419: 22-23.<br />

Lecoq H. 2001. Découverte du premier virus, le virus de la mosaïque du tabac :<br />

1892 ou 1898. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris, III 324:<br />

929-933.<br />

Lecoq H, Blancard D, and Desbiez C. 1999. Quel est votre diagnostic ? PHM -<br />

Revue Horticole no. 407: 53-54.<br />

Lecoq H, Blancard D, and Desbiez C. 1999. Quel est votre diagnostic ? Les<br />

jaunisses du concombre. PHM - Revue Horticole 407: 53-54.<br />

Lecoq H, Dafalla G, Desbiez C, Wipf-Scheibel C, Delécolle B, Lanina T, Ullah Z,<br />

and Grumet R. 2001. Biological and molecular characterization of moroccan<br />

watermelon mosaic virus and a potyvirus isolate from eastern Sudan. Plant<br />

Disease 85: 547-552.<br />

Lecoq H, Desbiez C, Delécolle B, Cohen S, and Mansour A. 2000. Cytological and<br />

molecular evidence that the whitefly-transmitted Cucumber vein yellowing virus<br />

is a tentative member of the family Potyviridae. Journal of General Virology 81:<br />

2289-2293.<br />

Lecoq H, Desbiez C, and Gébré Sélassié K. 2000. L'émergence de nouvelles<br />

maladies virales chez les plantes. PHM - Revue Horticole no. 419: 24-29.<br />

Lecoq H, Desbiez C, Wipf-Scheibel C, Girard M, and Pitrat M. 2002. Durability of<br />

Zucchini yellow mosaic virus resistances in cucurbits. In: 2002 C, ed. 294-?: ?<br />

(sous presse).<br />

Lecoq H, Lot H, and Gébré Sélassié K. 1998. Integrated management of virus<br />

diseases in vegetable crops in open field. Arabian Journal of Plant Protection<br />

16: 32-34.<br />

Lecoq H, and Pitrat M. 1999. Resistance to aphid-borne viruses in vegetable crops.<br />

In: Bejarano ER, Toscano N, Lacasa Plasencia A, Antignus Y and Lecoq H,<br />

eds. Current trends in epidemiology and virus control in horticultural crops:<br />

Fundacion para la Investigacion Agraria en la Provincia de Almeria (ESP). 91-<br />

107.<br />

Lecoq H, and Raccah B. 2001. Cross-protection: Interactions between strains<br />

exploited to control plant virus diseases. Chap. 10. In: Jeger MJe and Spence<br />

NJe, eds. Biotic interactions in plant-pathogen associations. UK: CAB<br />

International. 177-192.<br />

Lecoq H, Wisler G, and Pitrat M. 1998. Cucurbit viruses : the classics and the<br />

emerging. In: McCreight JD, ed. Evaluation and enhancement of cucurbit<br />

germplasm. Alexandria (USA): ASHS, American Society for Horticultural<br />

Science. 126-142.<br />

Lecouls AC. 2000. Spectre d'activité et marquage moléculaire du gène Ma1<br />

contrôlant la résistance aux nématodes Meloidogyne chez le prunier myrobolan.<br />

Marseille: Université d'Aix-Marseille II. 107.<br />

Lecouls AC, Rubio-Cabetas MJ, Minot JC, Voisin R, Bonnet A, Salesses G,<br />

Dirlewanger E, and Esmenjaud D. 1999. RAPD and SCAR markers linked to<br />

the Ma1 root-knot nematode resistance gene in Myrobalan plum (Prunus<br />

cerasifera Ehr.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99: 328-335.<br />

Lecourieux D. 2001. Analyse fonctionnelle des variations de la concentration en<br />

calcium libre dans le cytoplasme et le noyau des cellules de tabac en réponse à<br />

des éliciteurs des réactions de défense. Identification de protéines kinases<br />

cibles. Dijon: Université de Bourgogne. 222.<br />

Lecourieux D, Mazars C, Pauly N, Ranjeva R, and Pugin A. 2002. Analysis and<br />

effects of cytosolic free calcium in response to elicitors in Nicotiana

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