Alphabetic list - Inra

Alphabetic list - Inra

Alphabetic list - Inra


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Jarousse AS. 1998. Etude de l'activité ribonucléasique des protéasomes 20S :<br />

identification des sous-unités catalytiques, et effet des protéasomes sur les<br />

éléments A+U-riches impliqués dans la déstabilisation des ARNm à vie courte.<br />

Clermont-Ferrand: Université Blaise Pascal. 127.<br />

Jarraud S, Mougel C, Thioulouse J, Lina G, Meugnier H, Forey F, Nesme X,<br />

Etienne J, and Vandenesch F. 2002. Relationships between Staphylococcus<br />

aureus genetic background, virulence factors, agr type (alleles) and human<br />

disease type. Infection and Immunity 70: 631-641.<br />

Jarraud S, Peyrat A, Lim A, Tristan A, Bes M, Mougel C, Etienne J, and<br />

Vandenesch F. 2001. egc, a highly prevalent operon of enterotoxin gene, forms<br />

a putative nursery of superantigens in Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of<br />

Immunology 166: 669-677.<br />

Jarrousse AS, Gautier K, Apcher S, Badaoui S, Boissonet G, Dadet MH, Henry<br />

L, Bureu JP, and Schmid HP. 1999. Relationships between proteasomes and<br />

viral gene products. Molecular Biology Reports 26: 113-117.<br />

Jaubert S, Laffaire JB, Abad P, and Rosso MN. 2002. A polygalacturonase of<br />

animal origin isolated from the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita.<br />

FEBS Letters 522: 109-112.<br />

Jaubert S, Ledger TN, Laffaire JB, Piotte C, Abad P, and Rosso MN. 2002. Direct<br />

identification of stylet secreted proteins from root-knot nematodes by a<br />

proteomic approach. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 121: 205-211.<br />

Jéanne F, Jéanne B, Bartlet R, Le Conte Y, Vallon J, Mazet I, and de Vaublanc<br />

G. 2002. Survie d'abeilles à Varroa. Bulletin Technique Apicole 29: 73-78.<br />

Jéanne F, Vallon J, and Le Conte Y. 2001. Lutte contre Varroa destructor. La<br />

dimension des cellules peut-elle entrer en ligne de compte ? Bulletin Technique<br />

Apicole 28: 77-80.<br />

Jedrycka M, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH, Mendes-Pereira E, and Bertrandy J. 1999.<br />

Molecular characterization of Polish Phoma Lingam isolates. Cereal Research<br />

Communications 25: 279-283.<br />

Jedryczka M, Fitt BDL, Kachlicki P, Lewartowska E, Balesdent MH, and Rouxel<br />

T. 1999. Comparison between Polish and United Kingdom populations of<br />

Leptosphaeria maculans, cause of stem canker of winter oilseed rape.<br />

Zeitschrift für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz 106: 608-617.<br />

Jedryczka M, Rouxel T, and Balesdent MH. 1999. Rep-PCR based genomic<br />

fingerprinting of isolates of Leptosphaeria maculans from Poland. European<br />

Journal of Plant Pathology 105: 813-823.<br />

Jedryczka M, Rouxel T, Balesdent MH, Mendes-Pereira E, and Bertrandy J.<br />

1999. Molecular characterization of Leptosphaeria maculans (Desm.) Ces. Et de<br />

Not.isolats from Poland. Rosliny Oleiste 18: 305-314.<br />

Jégou D, Brunotte J, Rogasik H, Capowiez Y, Diestel H, Schrader S, and<br />

Cluzeau D. 2002. Impact of soil compaction on earthworm burrow systems<br />

using X-ray computed tomography: preliminary study. European Journal of Soil<br />

Biology 38: 329-336.<br />

Jéjou D, Capowiez Y, and Cluzeau D. 2001. Interactions between earthworm<br />

species in artificial soil cores assessed through the 3D reconstruction of the<br />

burrow systems. Geoderma 102: 123-137.<br />

Jock S, Kim W-S, Barny M-B, and Geider K. 2002. Molecular characterization of<br />

natural Erwinia pyrifoliae strains deficient in hypersensitive response. Applied<br />

and Environmental Microbiology 69: accepté.<br />

Jolivalt C, Brenon S, Caminade E, Mougin C, and Pontie M. 2000. Immobilization

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