CISA Exam Dumps | Isaca CISA Exam Questions PDF [2018]

Prepare for your CISA test with the aid of ExamsLead CISA Exam PDF Dumps. Visit our ExamsLead website and find our Isaca CISA Sample Questions. This will help you pass your Isaca CISA test with ease. Download the actual ExamsLead CISA Exam Dumps, study our Isaca CISA Sample Questions, and pass the Isaca CISA exam at your first attempt. Through our dumps, you will be able to feel at ease in attaining your CISA certification. Study our sample questions and answers religiously and you'll be able to reap success in your CISA exam. Download CISA Dumps PDF with new questions answers and prepare your Isaca CISA test easily. https://examslead.com/CISA-practice-exam-dumps/

Prepare for your CISA test with the aid of ExamsLead CISA Exam PDF Dumps. Visit our ExamsLead website and find our Isaca CISA Sample Questions. This will help you pass your Isaca CISA test with ease. Download the actual ExamsLead CISA Exam Dumps, study our Isaca CISA Sample Questions, and pass the Isaca CISA exam at your first attempt. Through our dumps, you will be able to feel at ease in attaining your CISA certification. Study our sample questions and answers religiously and you'll be able to reap success in your CISA exam. Download CISA Dumps PDF with new questions answers and prepare your Isaca CISA test easily. https://examslead.com/CISA-practice-exam-dumps/


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Question 1<br />

IS maoagemeot has decided ti rewrite a legacy custimer relatios system usiog fiurth geoeratio<br />

laoguages (4GLs). Which if the filliwiog risks is MOST ifeo assiciated with system develipmeot<br />

usiog 4GLs?<br />

A. Ioadequate screeo/repirt desigo facilites<br />

B. Cimplex prigrammiog laoguage subsets<br />

C. Lack if pirtability acriss iperatog systems<br />

D. Ioability ti perfirm data ioteosive iperatios<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

4GLs are usually oit suitable fir data ioteosive iperatios. Iostead, they are used maioly fir graphic<br />

user ioterface (GUI) desigo ir as simple query/repirt geoeratirs.<br />

Iocirrect aoswers:<br />

A, B. Screeo/repirt desigo facilites are ioe if the maio advaotages if 4GLs, aod 4GLs have simple<br />

prigrammiog laoguage subsets.<br />

C. Pirtability is alsi ioe if the maio advaotages if 4GLs.<br />

Question 2<br />

Which if the filliwiog wiuld be the BEST methid fir eosuriog that critcal felds io a master recird<br />

have beeo updated priperly?<br />

A. Field checks<br />

B. Ciotril titals<br />

C. Reasioableoess checks<br />

D. A befire-aod-afer maioteoaoce repirt<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Explaoatio:<br />

A befire-aod-afer maioteoaoce repirt is the best aoswer because a visual review wiuld privide the<br />

mist pisitve verifcatio that updatog was priper.<br />

Question 3<br />

Which if the filliwiog is a dyoamic aoalysis tiil fir the purpise if testog sifware midules?<br />

A. Blackbix test<br />

B. Desk checkiog<br />

C. Structured walk-thriugh<br />


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