Elemental Spiral

The Daily ABCs of Living, Learning, Loving - A Holistic System for a Synchronized Humanity

The Daily ABCs of Living, Learning, Loving - A Holistic System for a Synchronized Humanity


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<strong>Elemental</strong> <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

The Daily ABCs of<br />

Living, Learning, Loving<br />

Age Sol

Integrating Insights<br />

When man becomes aware of the movement<br />

of his own thoughts he will see the division<br />

between the thinker and thought, the observer<br />

and the observed, the experience and the<br />

experiencer. He will discover that this division<br />

is an illusion. Then only is there pure<br />

observation which is insight without any<br />

shadow of the past or of time.<br />

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti<br />

Looking Within<br />

Insights Emerge<br />

Spontaneously Affirming<br />

Our Hearts Knowing<br />

With Our Minds Flowing<br />

Reminding Our Self<br />

Of That Which We Already Are

Motivating Motion<br />

Life is Motion. Move with it.<br />

~ Gabriel Sol<br />

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your<br />

balance, you must keep moving.<br />

~ Albert Einstein<br />

Life is a song that goes on forever, Love is the<br />

dance that we do in the center.<br />

~ Tubby Love<br />

You are the universe in ecstatic motion. Set<br />

your life on fire.<br />

~ Rumi<br />

The love of my life is found in the motions.<br />

~ Mario Julian Bennasi<br />

Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease<br />

and we are all the better for being blessed<br />

enough to dance with life, as it dances with us.<br />

~ Joe Neyer

Day of Essence<br />

We enter through thought<br />

Are we busy telling a story about the story?<br />

Or are we present with the story as it is told?<br />

Being with this<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Learning Gracefully<br />

Living Abundantly<br />

Loving Freely<br />

Contemplating these with curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing our belly and it’s innate power<br />

Noticing our breath and it’s innate balance<br />

Noticing our being and it's innate presence<br />

Breathing Balance; Belly, Breath, Being

Crown Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun<br />

Connecting to Earth<br />

And Connecting to Crown<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing a Violet Thousand Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Crown<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Day of Earth<br />

We enter through smell<br />

Are we busy telling a story about the scent?<br />

Or are we actually smelling it?<br />

Being with this<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Acceptance<br />

Appreciation<br />

Breathing Balance<br />

Contemplating these with Curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing our breath and it’s innate balance<br />

Noticing our being and it's innate presence<br />

Noticing our body and it's innate strength<br />

Breathing Balance; Breath, Being, Body

Root Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun and Earth<br />

Connecting to Crown<br />

And Connecting to Root<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing a Red Four Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Root<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Day of Mana<br />

We enter through emotion<br />

Are we busy telling a story about the emotion?<br />

Or are we actually feeling it?<br />

Being with this<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Asking<br />

Aligning<br />

Bringing Blessings<br />

Contemplating these with Curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing our being and it's innate presence<br />

Noticing our body and it's innate strength<br />

Noticing our brain and it's nature of perceiving<br />

Breathing Balance; Being, Body, Brain

3rd Eye Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun and Earth<br />

Connecting to Crown and Root<br />

And Connecting to Third Eye<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing an Indigo Two Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Third Eye<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Day of Water<br />

We enter through taste<br />

Are we busy telling a story about the taste?<br />

Or are we actually tasting it?<br />

Being with tihs<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Authenticity<br />

Attraction<br />

Being Blissful<br />

Contemplating these with Curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing our body and it's innate strength<br />

Noticing our brain and it's nature of perceiving<br />

Noticing our blood and it's nature of renewal<br />

Breathing Balance; Body, Brain, Blood

Sacral Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun, Earth, Crown, Root and<br />

Third Eye<br />

And Connecting to Sacral<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing an Orange Six Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Sacral<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Day of Ether<br />

We enter through sound<br />

Are we busy telling a story about the sound?<br />

Or are we actually hearing it?<br />

Being with tihs<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Appreciation<br />

Admiration<br />

Curious Contemplation<br />

Contemplating these with Curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing our brain and it's nature of perceiving<br />

Noticing our blood and it's nature of renewal<br />

Noticing the space between it all<br />

Breathing Balance; Brain, Blood, Between

Throat Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun, Earth, Crown and Root,<br />

Third Eye and Sacral<br />

And Connecting to Throat<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing a Blue Sixteen Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Throat<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Day of Fire<br />

We enter through sight<br />

Are we busy telling a story about our vision?<br />

Or are we actually seeing it?<br />

Being with this<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Aligning<br />

Allowing<br />

Currents of Contribution<br />

Contemplating these with Curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing our blood and it's nature of renewal<br />

Noticing the space between all the things<br />

Noticing our belly and it's innate power<br />

Breathing Balance; Blood, Between, Belly

Solar Plexus Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun, Earth, Crown and Root,<br />

Third Eye, Sacral and Throat<br />

And Connecting to Solar Plexus<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing a Yellow Ten Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Solar Plexus<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Day of Air<br />

We enter through touch<br />

Are we busy telling a story about the sensation?<br />

Or are we actually feeling it?<br />

Being with this<br />

Breathing Balance Within<br />

We Alphabetize and Actualize<br />

Attraction<br />

Affection<br />

Compassionate Communication<br />

Contemplating these with Curiosity<br />

And Breathing Balance<br />

Noticing the spaciousness between all things<br />

Noticing our belly and it’s innate power<br />

Noticing our breath and it’s innate balance<br />

Breathing Balance; Between, Belly, Breath

Heart Chakra<br />

Connecting Chakras through the <strong>Spiral</strong><br />

Connecting to Sun, Earth, Crown and Root,<br />

Third Eye, Sacral, Throat, Solar Plexus<br />

And Connecting to Heart<br />

Love is Interconnectivity<br />

Seeing a Green Twelve Petaled Lotus<br />

Unfolding Here at Our Heart<br />

Revealing the Jewel Within<br />

Om Mani Padme Hum

Inclusion & Interaction<br />

We are all in this life and world together, interacting. We<br />

can isolate by thinking of ourselves as separate, but<br />

science is clear on this matter of matter. We are all the<br />

same stuff. With interaction, all possibilities open in a<br />

unique way that allows for creative energy to flow<br />

naturally, unforced, in all directions simultaneously. All<br />

are included, just as we see on the quantum level. We<br />

are all the same stardust, interacting, and in this<br />

interaction, creation occurs. Separation, division into<br />

subject and object is a practical element that is helpful<br />

for navigating this world of matter. There is no factual<br />

separation. I am the world, I am that I am. -JN

System Synchronization<br />

Any computer system requires synchronization.<br />

Especially when there are many processes happening<br />

concurrently<br />

Humans, being in a sense, bio-computers<br />

Are no different<br />

We require synchronization<br />

With our selves and with nature<br />

This, to me, demonstrates a very real need to<br />

integrate systems within our selves that are by their<br />

very nature, holistic and synchronistic<br />

~ Aaron Gabriel Neyer

Day of Essence<br />

Day of Earth<br />

Day of Mana<br />

Day of Water<br />

Day of Ether<br />

Day of Fire<br />

Day of Air<br />

A 7 Day <strong>Spiral</strong> through the Elements<br />

Aligning with the Galactic Calendar<br />

Synchronizing with Nature<br />

Synchronizing with Us All<br />

A Holistic System<br />

For a Synchronized Humanity<br />

LiveLearn.Love<br />

(A Note on Days: The <strong>Spiral</strong> begins with the Day of Essence. In<br />

traditional terms, at time of writing (September 2018), this is on<br />

Thursday. It shifts every year on the Day Out of Time (July 25).<br />

So starting July 26, 2019, the spiral begins on Friday.

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