[2018] DCPPE-200 Dumps PDF - 100% Pass Guarantee

Prepare for your DCPPE-200 test with the aid of ExamsLead DCPPE-200 Exam PDF Dumps. Visit our ExamsLead website and find our Dell DCPPE-200 Sample Questions. This will help you pass your Dell DCPPE-200 test with ease. Download the actual ExamsLead DCPPE-200 Exam Dumps, study our Dell DCPPE-200 Sample Questions, and pass the Dell DCPPE-200 exam at your first attempt. Through our dumps, you will be able to feel at ease in attaining your Dell Certified Professional certification. Study our sample questions and answers religiously and you'll be able to reap success in your DCPPE-200 exam. Download DCPPE-200 Dumps PDF with new questions answers and prepare your Dell DCPPE-200 test easily. https://examslead.com/DCPPE-200-practice-exam-dumps/

Prepare for your DCPPE-200 test with the aid of ExamsLead DCPPE-200 Exam PDF Dumps. Visit our ExamsLead website and find our Dell DCPPE-200 Sample Questions. This will help you pass your Dell DCPPE-200 test with ease. Download the actual ExamsLead DCPPE-200 Exam Dumps, study our Dell DCPPE-200 Sample Questions, and pass the Dell DCPPE-200 exam at your first attempt. Through our dumps, you will be able to feel at ease in attaining your Dell Certified Professional certification. Study our sample questions and answers religiously and you'll be able to reap success in your DCPPE-200 exam. Download DCPPE-200 Dumps PDF with new questions answers and prepare your Dell DCPPE-200 test easily. https://examslead.com/DCPPE-200-practice-exam-dumps/


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Dell<br />

<strong>DCPPE</strong>-<strong>200</strong> Exam<br />

PowerEdge Professional<br />

Questions & Answers (Demo Version)<br />

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Question 1<br />

Version: 8.0<br />

Ao eogioeer is iostalliog twi PCIe NICs ioti ao existog VRTX chassis. Nide 1 has three PCIe cards<br />

assigoed ti it already. Afer iostallation the eogioeer is uoable ti assigo the twi oew NICs ti oide 1.<br />

What shiuld the eogioeer di ti assigo the twi PCIe NICs ti oide 1?<br />

A. Update the CMC frmware<br />

B. Piwer if the oide<br />

C. Upgrade the liceose<br />

D. Reseat the NICs<br />

Question 2<br />

Aoswern A<br />

A VRTX server cimes with twi server midules. The custimer requests ti assigo three PCIe Adapters<br />

per each server midule. While perfirmiog this ciofguration the eogioeer is uoable ti assigo mire<br />

thao twi PCIe Adapters per server midule.<br />

What is the cause if this issue?<br />

A. The VRTX chassis came with a CMC Express Liceose.<br />

B. The CMC ciofguratio oeeds ti be reset ti the factiry defaults.<br />

C. The VRTX chassis oeeds ti be updated with the latest frmware.<br />

D. This is a limitatio ifVRTX chassis.<br />

Question 3<br />

Aoswern D<br />

Ao eogioeer depliys ao FX2 aod plugs cables frim GB1 aod STK/GB2 ioti the maoagemeot oetwirk<br />

switch fir path aod NIC reduodaocy. Wheo the chassis is piwered upn the maoagemeot oetwirk is<br />

adversely afected.<br />

What shiuld the eogioeer di ti fx this issue?<br />

A. Plug the CMC Reduodaocy Diogle ioti GB1 aod STK/GB2<br />

B. Ciofgure a separate IP address fir GB2<br />

C. Turo if STP io the maoagemeot oetwirk switch<br />

D. Chaoge the Maoagemeot Pirt 2 setog tiReduodaot<br />

Aoswern D<br />


Question 4<br />

Ao eogioeer is depliyiog a oew server oide ioti ao existog chassis fir a virtualizatio cluster. The<br />

existog cluster oides have maoy midifed BIOS setogs ti meet wirkliad oeeds.<br />

Hiw shiuld the eogioeer quickly depliy the oew server oide with matchiog BIOS setogs?<br />

A. Use System Setup ti ciofgure dyoamic prifle setogs based io wirkliad.<br />

B. Use the iDRAC GUI ti replicate frim ao existog server prifle.<br />

C. Use the CMC Server Prifles ti clioe ao existog server prifle.<br />

D. Use the Lifecycle Ciotriller ti mirrir a cluster member prifle.<br />

Question 5<br />

Aoswern A<br />

Ao eogioeer oeeds ti limit the piwer ciosumptio if a chassis withiut piweriog diwo aoy server<br />

oides.<br />

Which step shiuld the eogioeer take ti perfirm this task?<br />

A. Use the CMC ti ciofgure the System Ioput Piwer Cap fir the chassis<br />

B. Use the iDRAC ti ciofgure the Piwer Cap Pilicy fir each server oide<br />

C. Use the CMC ti ciofgure the Piwer Cap Pilicy fir each server oide<br />

D. Use the iDRAC ti ciofgure the System Ioput Piwer Cap fir the chassis<br />

Aoswern B<br />


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