Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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rxpamion—bad modi kiager and moie icnous consequences than chose<br />

< rises in p icicding dnieE. Of coune. die Mandans say. every cnsis muse be<br />

v.f>rse and wone; die Rtwwam. diey sa>'. ha\r no trade cycle. Of course the<br />

|< uMians don't; they hii^c a dqwrsision all the ame.<br />

We muse realize die ormendous **p«>'cholof(ical" importance, the<br />

enormous importance of the (act thai m the hi«or>- of the nineteenth and<br />

twentieth centimes, cirdtl expansion w» limited. Nesrrtheless. it y^'^^ the<br />

grneral opinion of bustneiMnen. economttts. tutetmen. and the people,<br />

tluf bank credit expansion wa% neceniarv-. that the rate of interrM was an<br />

olntacle <strong>to</strong> pfosperir>'. *nd that an ''easy monc>" polio- wa* a ^xxl polic>'<br />

Ci> have. Evrryonc. busineiMiien as weU as economists, considered credit<br />

expansion necciMfy and diey became very angry if somebods* tried <strong>to</strong> say<br />

diat 11 might have some drawhacks At the end of the nineteenth century.<br />

n was conuderrd practically indecent <strong>to</strong> support the Briitih Currency<br />

St hool. which was opposed fo crrdii e«pafnion<br />

When 1 sianed <strong>to</strong> tiudy the iheorv* c«f nMme>- and credit 1 found in the<br />

svhole world of literature only one Itsnng author, a Swedish economist.<br />

Knut Wicksell |18S1-1*/26|. who really saw the pn>bletm in credit expan-<br />

sion.' The idea pcrvaik even <strong>to</strong>day that we cuinai do without crrdii<br />

expansion It will be impovubte. wtthcMJt a srrs* «cr<strong>to</strong>ut tiruggle which<br />

rrally has <strong>to</strong> be fought, lo defeat all fhoM- ideological forces that are oper-<br />

Jting in fasn wiihtmi rrprr%enia-<br />

iion" Howrsrr. govrrnments beliesr the> cannot aik iheif uti/ein <strong>to</strong> pas-<br />

as much in uxes as n needed <strong>to</strong> cosrr the whole tt( government<br />

expenditures. When gmrrnmenti cmwo* cosrr their expenses out o(<br />

legally eiucied taxes. ihe>' borrow frcnn the commercial banks and so<br />

expand credit Therefore, reprcsentattsr gcnrrnment an actually be the<br />

insogi<strong>to</strong>r of credit expansion and inflation<br />

4 [Knut WKbdl.JbMMsf«»ilVtin (New Vbrk Macmdbn. (ItfM) 1936) -£J i<br />


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