Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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in money wage rates. In some branches of business, monev' ^'ages u-cnt a<br />

little bit down. But bv' and bi^ the unions urrc successhil in maintaining<br />

the wage rates which had been de\-elopcd arnficialh* dunng the<br />

boom. Therefore, the number of unemplovrd rcmamcd considerable, and<br />

unemployment continued for a \rrN' long ame. On the other hand, those<br />

workers who did not lose their jobs enjovrd a sitiunon m which their<br />

wages did not drop <strong>to</strong> the same extent as commodirv' pnces. The bving<br />

conditions of some groups of labor e\rn improvrd.^<br />

This was the same sitiution that led <strong>to</strong> the condiDons m England in<br />

the latter part of the 1 92( K. which urrr important m bringing about the<br />

doctrines of Lord Kc>-nes and the ideas of crrdii expansion that ha\r been<br />

practiced in recent years. The British govrmment made a xttv serraus<br />

misuke in the 192»' matenab and<br />

ftxHlstuffs and exports nunufacturrs should not ha\T nude the pound<br />

more oxpciiMvc. \s Hitler expressed it. ** The> must either expt>rt or<br />

starve." In such a countrv. in which the unions did ntx <strong>to</strong>lerate a dmp in<br />

wage rates, it meant that the costs in pounds of nunufai turtng British<br />

products were increased in rebtion <strong>to</strong> pnxiuction costs in countries which<br />

had not made a similar return <strong>to</strong> the gt>ld surulard With higher costs. \xhi<br />

must ask higher prices <strong>to</strong> stav in bu\inexs So \t>u *,in sell fc^rr units and<br />

must cut pnHluctu>n I hcrrti>rr. uncmpUntneni irKreasesi. and there wm<br />

permaneni mass unemploMncnt<br />

Because it was impi>\sible ti> deal with the unnnis cofKcming thn<br />

pn>blcm. the gosTrnment pnHxeded in 1**31 <strong>to</strong> des-aJue the pound much<br />

more tlun it had l>ccn rrsalued in 1*0>. in order, thes vaid. <strong>to</strong> etHourage<br />

export trade Other c»>untries did the same ( /evh«nknAu did it rwKe.<br />

I he United State^ <strong>to</strong>lUmrd in I*>.V^ The countries t>l the HeiKh tundard<br />

(France. Switzerland) fi>IKmrd in |V.V» I mentHin this became it n<br />

necesvir> tti rrali/e vvhv the crisn i^t 1**2**— it was mereK* a crms of credit<br />

y (Sec Ludwig \x>n Misct. "Thr ( juv-^ «»« the (omtimK ( >m»" (I'*.^l) m IVrry L<br />

ihr MjnipuUtu^ .y Skttrf smd ( tr^ Ht*^ M fjii^ mm Xhtrt<br />

("•rrJNTs. Jr . c\l . (^<br />

(lX>hbs Frm. N Y Frrr Mirkct l*.M>k%. l^'^Wi. pj, |?V>l.^. nf pp lJlh-92 —Ed ]

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