Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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development of economic condidom that takes place in all countries<br />

with capitaUsm does not proceed steadiK- upu-ard, but follou-s a >*'avT-likc<br />

movement, a movement in which there are repeated boom periods that<br />

always are followed b\ penods of depression." In this wzy the crisis<br />

problem was transformed in<strong>to</strong> the problem of the trade cycle. And fbr<br />

the problem of the trade cvcle man>' more or less ^Tong explanaoons<br />

were offered.<br />

1 want <strong>to</strong> mention only one. This u-as the doctrine of an ocfacrwisc<br />

famous economist. Willum Stanle> Je\T>ns (1835-1882). Hb doctrine<br />

acquired some fame. He attributed economic crises <strong>to</strong> sunspots. He said<br />

that sunspots bring about bad harvrsts. and this means bad business. If this<br />

was so. why then didn't business adjust <strong>to</strong> this natural phenomenon as it<br />

learned <strong>to</strong> adjust <strong>to</strong> other natural phenomena?<br />

If there is credit expansion, it must necessarily kwMrr the rate of<br />

interest. If the banks arc <strong>to</strong> find borrtn%rn for additional credit. the\ must<br />

lower the rate of interest or lourr the credit qualihcations ol* \A\Hild-be<br />

borrowers. Because all those who u-anted loans 4t the prrsious rate of<br />

interest had gotten them, the banks must either offer loans at a los%rr<br />

interest rjtc or include in the class of businesses <strong>to</strong> whom kvun are granted<br />

at the presious rule le\s-pn>iiiising businesses, petiple ol lo^^rr credit qualits<br />

When indisiduals it>rnuine less than the> pcnduce. the surpliix<br />

pnxluction is set aside a% \as-ingv Thus when the nKme\- gnm out in loatu<br />

mmc\ fn>m vasrrs. it reprrsrnts actual g«xxit whK'h are a\*ailable for further<br />

priHluction. Hut when the loan« are granted out ol credit expanvion.<br />

buMncNMiien are miUed. there are no g«Hxls staf>ding behind them. onK<br />

newly created credit I hi% leads <strong>to</strong> a laKifiiatKin of eiiMKHtiK cakubtion<br />

C'redit expansion brings about i %>^enutu taKification— tf gnrs <strong>to</strong> the<br />

indivuUul buMiiewnun the tmprrwiitn that j pn>jeit that couldn't be<br />

cxci uicd \TMcriljv Ix-i ju\c there \srre ihm en«>ugh capital gixxK. can nos*<br />

be cxcmtcd on acvouiit of the credit expansion A» j result, there » an<br />

intciiMfu jiion i>t buMiicM activirs. which meam that higher prices are<br />

offered for the lacti>rs ni pnxluction But there has hern no increase in the<br />

quantity ot c jpital ginxK Therefore the intenuficatM^n f business actmrv<br />

incjiiN an artifuial Khmii Pnxluccrx c»f fac<strong>to</strong>r* of pnxluction arr happs<br />

when thcv sec thai the prurc thes are getting are higher than the\<br />

were \eNtcaiav But ihi\ cannot go on foresrr. because no nK>fr nuterial<br />

fac<strong>to</strong>rs of prxxluction hasr been ptxxiuced The prKes ol' these CK<strong>to</strong>n of<br />

pnxluction are going up more and more as Kwttmrrs of the new credit<br />

compete and bid up their prices I hen tinallv t\%\j akernatnrs are possible

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