Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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The concqx of -capital" must be dtsongutshed f<strong>to</strong>m the concept of<br />

capital goods" It is unpowible <strong>to</strong> think and <strong>to</strong> deal vkith the problems of<br />

. apital goods without using and rrfemng <strong>to</strong> the concepts which \%r have<br />

developed in the comphcated modem syuem of capital calcubnon. Capital<br />

^'bletti is how <strong>to</strong><br />

riuintam or <strong>to</strong> ptrservr the amount of capital asaiUHc and hoxs <strong>to</strong> a\"oid<br />

consuming the available capital goods %vithout rrpUcing thcin The<br />

f>r»>blem 1% how not <strong>to</strong> consume more, or if ptnsiMr. hem <strong>to</strong> coiuuinc Ics*.<br />

dun the amount of nrwiy pntduced products It is the pn>blcni of capital<br />

preservauon. nuinietunce. and of course o< UKirastng the capital avaibblc.<br />

Under some ctrruimtaiKes. it ts povuMe <strong>to</strong> deal with this problem<br />

u ithout any special calcubtKsn or computation If a farmer continues <strong>to</strong><br />

prtiduce in the same way and if the mrtht>ds of ccmsiruction and method<br />

< t lis'tng hasm't changed, he can esiinuie his condition because he an<br />

< \taNtsh compariuMis in physical and btttlagual lernu—twxt barm are<br />

inorr than one barn, a do/en head tsf cattle t% iiMirr than iss-o uns-s. and so<br />

i>n. Uui such umpte methocK of iomputaiuni *tv iinutficicni in ^n<br />

rconomic system in which there is change and prugrrs% KrpUcrinent may<br />

not be in the same form as the facti>rs which are u«cd up Diesel engines<br />

itiay be substituted ft»t strain engines. At\A u) on Krpbtetncni and iiuin-<br />

trnance of capital under such londitiofu rr^uirr a inrtluMl ot computation<br />

and calcubtion which can only be figurrd in term* c»l monc>- Ihc various<br />

physical and external fac<strong>to</strong>rs a( production cannot be compared in any<br />

»ther way than (mm the point is( \icsv of the scrsnce* the>' render <strong>to</strong> men.<br />

jlcubted in terms ol mones<br />

It ^%-a% one of the tiirubnsental errt>rs of Ari^tiHlc that he beliescd that<br />

in exchanges the thinp which urre exchanged inuvt base the umc value.<br />

Since the da>*s ol' Aris<strong>to</strong>tle. fc»r tssxj or three ihouvind vrars. the vainc error<br />

has pirsMiled again and again, leachng great thinker*, at \srll as *iniple men.<br />

astray. The same error appears in the fini pages o\ Marx* lyas Kapiial,<br />

making evervthmg Marx uid about these problem* useless. Thi* error was<br />

repeated esm much bter in the M*Titing* of Henri Bergsc^n |1H59-1941|.<br />

the eimnent Ftrnch philosopher.<br />


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