Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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of their churches or denomiiudons. So it >K.x>uki be absoluteh' >\Tong <strong>to</strong><br />

make the Christian church responsible for them. I mention this <strong>to</strong> show-<br />

that, at least in the minds of some groui>s, most of which the church<br />

considered heretical, there is no absc^te conflict bco^ren sociaksm and<br />

the teachings of the church. The anti-Christian tendencies of the socialist<br />

forerunners of Karl Marx, of Karl Marx himself, and later of his folkywrrs,<br />

the Marxians, must first of all be unders<strong>to</strong>od >»-ithin the whole fi:aniew\>rk<br />

which bter gavr rise <strong>to</strong> modern sociahsm.<br />

The sutes, the governments, the conser\-ative parties, were noc alwax^s<br />

opposed <strong>to</strong> socialism. On the contrarv-; the personnel of a gowvmment has<br />

a tendency or a bias in fa\x)r of the expansion of go\TTnmcnc pawrr: one<br />

could e\'en vi\' that there is an "occupaDonal disease** on the part of<br />

government personnel <strong>to</strong> be in fa\t>r of more and more goxrmmental<br />

activities. It y\is precisely this fact, this propcnsit>- ot' go%Trnmenis <strong>to</strong> adopt<br />

socialism—and nun>' gosrrnments rraUy did adopt soculism—chat<br />

brought <strong>Marxism</strong> in<strong>to</strong> conHict with the various itavrmmcnts.<br />

1 have pointed out that the \%x)rsi thing thai can happcti <strong>to</strong> a soculia<br />

IS <strong>to</strong> hasT his country ruled b\- uxtaltsts who are n*M hit friends Thn %%is<br />

the case with respect <strong>to</strong> Karl Marx and the l*ru%Man gostrnment The<br />

Prussian gosTrnment was not against wxtaltsm Frrdsiund LamaUe attacked<br />

the liberal parties of Prussu. whnh v^rrr at that time fi|^nng a great<br />

constiiutu>nal battle against the Hohen/ollern kings, headed b\ lltsinarvk<br />

I he major itv in Prussu at tlui time wi\ against the gosTrnment. the<br />

gmrrnmeiit couldn't get a nujs>rir> in the Pruvuan Pariument The<br />

l'rus\ian gtnrrnment s%-as nm vcty stnmg at thai time The King and the<br />

Prune Ministrr ruled the countrs \%-iihiHii consent, vk-ithout the coopera-<br />

tion ot the Parliament I hi% was the case in the euh \Ht4h As an lUuMn-<br />

tion i>l the weakne\* t>t the Prussian ginTrntneni. Htsnvmk. in hi* Mrmetn,<br />

reported a lonsrrvituMi he had with the King llisinank said he %MHikl<br />

defeat the Pjrliantent and the libcraK The King amwrrrd. "Yes. I know<br />

how that will end Here in the «quarr in fn»nt »»l the palace Hnt they wHH<br />

cxcuitc MHi and then thes will execute me"<br />

Queen Vu<strong>to</strong>ria | IK1**-1**»I j. whose oldest daughter (Vic<strong>to</strong>ru.<br />

IH40 I«*

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