Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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characters, Karl Marx and Georges Sorcl, who created all this mischief.<br />

Most of the violent ideas of our times ha\T come fiom men who<br />

themselves wouldn't have been able <strong>to</strong> resist am- aggression.<br />

Wilson accepted the doctrine of the Manchester Liberals, namely<br />

that so far as war was concerned, democraaes don't like <strong>to</strong> fight wan;<br />

democracies fight only W2n of defense because the indnndual citizen<br />

cannot expect any improvement of his condioons fiom u-ar, not e\Tn it" his<br />

country is vic<strong>to</strong>rious. But Wilson didn't see that this ^^•3& true onK' m a<br />

world of free trade. He didn't see that this \%-as quite differmt alread\- m the<br />

age in which he lived, which was an age of inier\mtK>ni$m. He didnt<br />

realize that an enormous change in economic policies had dcpriwd chn<br />

theory of the Manchester Liberals of its practicabilirv' Trade bamcn were<br />

comparatively innocent in 1914. But thc>- %%"rTr Nrry much >*T>rscned<br />

during the years of the League of Natiom While fire traders urrr meeting<br />

with the League in (iene\-a and talking about rrducing trade bamen«<br />

people at home were increasing them In 1^33. there wx% a meeting in<br />

London <strong>to</strong> bring about cooperation among the nabons. And pircncK' at<br />

this time the richest countrv. the United Statri. nulUfied the whole thing<br />

with moiictan, and financial regubtiom Afier ihtt the \% hole apparatus vkrai<br />

absolutely useless.<br />

Kicardo's theorv- of compara<strong>to</strong>r advantage ts thai it n <strong>to</strong> the ad\'anU|ce<br />

<strong>to</strong> a nation <strong>to</strong> ha\r fire trade e\m if all tHher naciont cbng co thetr tnde<br />

barriers. If the United Stales alone tixia\ adopted fire trade thefr would<br />

be certain thange^ But it all i>ther lountrio clung <strong>to</strong> pnHevtKHitsm ^ith<br />

import barriers, it would not be possible for the United Suirt <strong>to</strong> buy more<br />

got>ds fnim other countno<br />

There are isoUtioiitsts mn onlv in this country; thctr air aho<br />

isolationists in other countries lmpi>rts rmni be paid Hh b>' exports<br />

and cxpt>rts hasr !U> t>thcr purpme than <strong>to</strong> pj\ lot import% Thus the<br />

cst-iNishmcnt i>f free trade b\ the ruhest ami iik>m p*w*rTtul nation only<br />

would not change the situation lor the Italurn. <strong>to</strong>r imtaiu e. if the\' rrtained<br />

their trade barriers It \s\>uld n*>t nuke am ditietrme t«>r other counfnct<br />

either. It is advantageous for jnv countrv <strong>to</strong> ha\T trre trade e\m if aO<br />

other ci>untries do not. but the pn>hlem is <strong>to</strong> rrnKnr the barriers ol'thr<br />

other n>untrics<br />

Ihe term "s*Hulisin." when it was nes% in the second part of ihc<br />

I8.^(K. meant cxacilv the same as "communiun"—i e.. the rutionaliration<br />

ot the means t>f pHxhution "Communism" was the more popular term in

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