Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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the individual played a role in his<strong>to</strong>rical evolution. According <strong>to</strong> them,<br />

his<strong>to</strong>ry goes its own way. The material productive forces go their own<br />

way, developing independendy of the \s-ills of individuals. And his<strong>to</strong>rical<br />

events come with the inevitabiht>' of a law of ruturr. The material<br />

productive forces work like a direc<strong>to</strong>r in an opera; they must have a<br />

substitute available in case of a problem, as the opera direc<strong>to</strong>r must have<br />

a substitute if the singer gets sick. According <strong>to</strong> this idea. Napoleon and<br />

Dante, for insunce, were unimportant—if the>' had not appeared <strong>to</strong> take<br />

their own special place m his<strong>to</strong>ry-, someone eke v^-ould havr appeared on<br />

stage <strong>to</strong> fill their shoes.<br />

To undersund certain \\t)rds. you must understand the German<br />

language. From the se\enteenth century on. considerable efibrt >**as<br />

spent in fighting the use of Laun %%t>rds and m eliminating them <strong>from</strong><br />

the German language. In many cases a foreign word remained although<br />

there was also a Gernun expression with the same meaning. The rvkx><br />

words began as synonyms, but m the course of his<strong>to</strong>ry. che>' acquired<br />

different nieanuigs. For mstance. take the ux>rd i'mrndzm^, the hteral<br />

German translation of the Latin ^x)rd m\*l»ttioH. In the Latin word there<br />

was no sense of fighting. Thus, there e\x>KTd t>ikx> meaning for the wofd<br />

"revolution"—one b\' violence, and the other meaning a gradual<br />

revolution like the "Industrial Re\x>lution" HauT\Tr. Marx uses the<br />

Ciernun word Rnvluiion not only <strong>to</strong>r violent revolutions such as<br />

the French or Ku\sian revolutions, but also for the gradual<br />

Industrial Revolution<br />

Incidentally, the term Industrul Ke\'olut>oa was introduced by<br />

Arnold loynbce |1H.S2"IM8.^| Mar\i%ts say thai "What furthers<br />

the overthrow i>t capitalism is not revolution—look at the<br />

Industrial Revolution "<br />

Marx assigned a %pectal meaning <strong>to</strong> slasxry. tcrfiom. and ochef<br />

systems of bondage It was necessarv. he uid. for the %rarkers <strong>to</strong> be<br />

free in order for the exploiter <strong>to</strong> exploit them This idea came horn the<br />

interpretation he gave tt> the situation of the feudal lord who had <strong>to</strong> care<br />

for hiN workcr% even when the> \%Tren*t %^\)rking Marx tnierpfrted<br />

the liberal cha^ge^ that desrioped a* freeing the exploiter of the<br />

responsibility for the lises of the \%\>rkers Marx didn't see that the hberal<br />

movement was directed at the abolition of inequality under law. as<br />

between serf and lord<br />

Karl Marx believed that capital accumubuon was an obiucle. In llil<br />

eyes, the only explanation for ssralth accumubtion was that socnebody<br />


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