Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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an interest and that men must act according <strong>to</strong> their interests.<br />

Two questions must be asked: (1) To^-ard what ultinute ends do these<br />

"interests" lead people? (2) What methods do the\' v^-ant <strong>to</strong> appK* in order<br />

<strong>to</strong> reach these ends?<br />

The First International v>-2s a smaD group of people, a committee of a<br />

few men in London, friends and enemies of Kax\ Marx. Someone<br />

suggested that they- cooperate uith the Bntish labor-union movrtnent. In<br />

1 865, Karl Marx read at the meeong of the Intenutional Committee, a<br />

paper. Value, Price, and Profit, one of his few untings ongmalK- written m<br />

En^ish. In this paper, he pointed out that the methods of the union mo\r-<br />

ment were verv- bad and must be changed. Paraphrasing: **The unions u-ant<br />

<strong>to</strong> improve the fate of the \%x)rkers >%ithin the framework of the capitalist<br />

system—this is hopeless and useless. Within the framework of the capitalist<br />

system there is no possibilirv oi improving the state of the WTMkers. The<br />

best the union could achiesr in this wa\ wtMild be some short-term<br />

success. The unions must abandon this 'comcrvatnr* pobcy; the\' imnt<br />

adopt the re\x>lutionarv' pt>lic> The\- must frghf for the jboliaon of the<br />

NV'age socierv* as such and \%T)rk for the conung ol* socialism.** Marx didn't<br />

have the courage <strong>to</strong> puNish chis paper during his litirtime. it w» puNtshed<br />

only after his death b> one ot his daughters He didn't want <strong>to</strong> antagonue<br />

the labor unions, he still had hopes the> s%\>uld abandon their theor>-<br />

Here is an obvious conflict ol' optniocn among ifae prolctanam<br />

ihcinsclves i oncerning the right meam <strong>to</strong> use The pnsletartan unions ai>d<br />

Marx di\jgrced as ci» what wa* in the "inteirsc" ol' the pn>letaruns Marx<br />

said that the "interrst" til a ilas% was i>b\-HHts—therr coukl be no doubt<br />

ab*nic It—e\rrvt>iic \%\>uld krniw it Then hetr conies a nun who docsn^<br />

l>cK>rig <strong>to</strong> this pmletarun class ai all. a v^Titrr and a Uwyrr who tdh<br />

the unums thr> ssrrr wnmg "This is bad p«iIk>.** he said. **You imiU<br />

Mdicallv ihangr \t>ur poluv" Heir the whole idea of the cIjm brraks<br />

doNN t). the ulcj that an individual nu\ unnetifnes err but that a cLim js «<br />

whole ».jn iicNTf err<br />

C>ituiMii\ ot Marxun dtxtrines hasr alwa>n brcn super6cul. They<br />

haven't {v>intcd t>ut h«ns Mars vontradicted himself and h

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