Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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and even if the incentives for work and industry wnr not reduced or<br />

eliminated throu^ the abobtion of privace p roperty; Mises was able <strong>to</strong><br />

demonstrate that the vrrv' insotutional structure of a socialist regime made<br />

it impossible for it <strong>to</strong> produce a material **heaven on earth" for mankind<br />

supenor <strong>to</strong> the producti\r and innovative efficiencv* of a tuncQoning<br />

free-market economv.'* It is vh'hat enabled Mises <strong>to</strong> dedare m the earK-<br />

193^>s, when the appeal of socialist planning around the world was teaching<br />

Its zenith, that. "From the standpomt of both politics and his<strong>to</strong>ry, this proof<br />

IS certainly the most important discovrry made by econoouc theory. ... it<br />

alone will enable ^ture hmoriam <strong>to</strong> undentand how.- it came about that<br />

the vic<strong>to</strong>ry of the socialist UMWcmcm did not lead <strong>to</strong> the creation ot' the<br />

socialist order of society.""<br />

Mists 's San Frmauo Letnurs<br />

Mises bebevrd that any compfrheitmr critique of socialism had <strong>to</strong><br />

deal with more than merrK its unworkabtbty as an economic system.<br />

ho%%r\TT central this w» <strong>to</strong> the case auMiM <strong>to</strong>ciainm. It was also necenary<br />

<strong>to</strong> challenge and rrtute the phikwoptucaj and pofaocal underpinnings of<br />

(he uxulist uui Marxian concepcsoas of man and society Hts 1922 book<br />

on Sooiilitm anempted <strong>to</strong> do this m grrai detail And he returned <strong>to</strong> thn<br />

(heme J f'es% \rars alter he delrvrred these lectures m San Francisco in hn<br />

\%t>rk on /Vary smJ Hutcrf '•<br />

What Mtses olfirrrd thcNc attending these lectutrs m late June<br />

and cu)\ juK* ul' 1952 wa» a clear undencandmg and inughi in<strong>to</strong> the<br />

fundamental errtHs and mnconceptiom <strong>to</strong> be found m Mjnt\ tlwona of<br />

dulevtual matrrialtvn and cLns wartarr. as wrO as a hncortal MiilyHi of<br />

the rrol benetit% tnmi the Induurtal Ro\shit»on that cotncided with the<br />

rtncrgcfu r ol nMidern capttalni <strong>to</strong>ciefv He ako explains the role of savings.<br />

in\r%tn)efu. and the pnitic and km syitem as the engines for economic and<br />

iulturil pnigrr\«. and whuh hasr helped ehmtnale the poverty that hat<br />

pU^iicd nunkind thrxHigh most ok hisiorv<br />

in an r\pc« ulK insightful lecture. Mtses dncuMes the nature and<br />

\%\)rking% ot lapttai markets and the importance of market-based ntcrm<br />

16 Srr ( hrimic. ~Uln VxuiMn n InfaaMr*.* TV<br />

r \^M^^^^xyn Mnn. (>n the IVvrk^Hnrnt oT tbr Vibyrctiwr TWary oAMm' (1931)<br />

lf^i>rm.4ci^J /V^MnKi ^ f.««M^i |l>| (t*rm \bA Nt« ¥aak UwvvffMT<br />

I'wn.p IS'<br />

IN liKh»ifC %tMi Mnrv l\f*fy mU hhitfrf Am tilipiMlnw 4 SmatI mi<br />

|I'>S'] (InaumfH^n Lihrm Fund. 3a >S)

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