Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB

Marxism Unmasked from Delusion to Destruction.pdf 7471KB


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important became tfaeie ifaey could pioduce something they w-antcd<br />

ugar. The setdements in America vMnr not a part of the old colonial<br />

policy; they developed m spite of the ideas of the govrmment, at least not<br />

'ccause o( them.<br />

In the eighteenth century there was alfrad>' some imrstment in<br />

the North American colomes. but it was not yet » phenomenon of<br />

girat hts<strong>to</strong>TKal importance. The real foreign imrstment scaned in the<br />

nineteenth century. This forrtgn imrsonent w» diHerrnt Irom the earlier<br />

olontal investment insoCir as it <strong>to</strong>ok place m temcoriet owned and ruled<br />

tryjomgn govrmmenti.<br />

This foreign investment was developed m two dtfiermt wxy% One<br />

trvelopmeni was the imrstmem m colonies owned b>' the sesrral colonial<br />

lowers, i.c . in countrio dependent on European lunons. I'or tmtancc. the<br />

hrinsh imrsiments in Indu Ikit aiU more imporunt ^attt the imrMineim<br />

III countries that were politically mdrpendeni *t\d Mime ol' which %%-rrr<br />

highly developed, such as the United Stales The American railntads. I'or<br />

I nuance, were buih <strong>to</strong> a giral extent v^tth the aid t»( l-.untpcjn capital<br />

imr^tments in the United Stalo. ( anada. Mnd Amiralu urtr diffrrmt fntin<br />

inve«tinent\ in cither forrtgn countrie* brcau»c tho«e three iinintno wwe<br />

not "backward" in the «en«e tliat thes* lacked the buunesi* mentality Ihevr<br />

imrsiments had a very different hwrnry bee au%e they %krrr rrallv u»ed<br />

HI the best pcmsible %vay. Mnd ako because ihes- urrr bier conipletelv<br />

paid back In the IHfifK uui 1K7(K tme of the nunt important imrMineni<br />

opponuniites f(»r hurtipeam was <strong>to</strong> imrM in the United Suio<br />

( apiial imr%fment in a counirv- meam. of courte. what t% tailed an<br />

unfastiraMe balame t^ trade "The United Staiet imported capital in tlte<br />

nineteenth centur>- Iherrforr. in the nmeiernih centurv- there wa» in<br />

exceia. by and large, of imports <strong>to</strong> the Umted Suirs mrr exports (rum the<br />

United Statet Hut then fntm the last deiade of the nineteenth centurv an.<br />

(he United Sta<strong>to</strong> began <strong>to</strong> pay back the imrumetitt the l-.unipcaiu had<br />

made Ihen there wa% *n e«cew of exports mn tmpiHU. the baiaiue ol<br />

trade became, therrlore. "actisr** The chllemKc wj» paid hu b\ the<br />

purchases by US cttifem of American %harr% itu\ bttnch that Ixiorr had<br />

been sold <strong>to</strong> Europeam Thn umt on until after World War I 1 he United<br />

States then became the greatest mcMtes* lender and imrttcM in the \sxjrld<br />

The capital fmm Europe, and bter fttwi Nonh America, that came<br />

<strong>to</strong> these countries made it pos\ible fcH Eunipean and Nonh American<br />

countries <strong>to</strong> expand their economic ^wem* t>nc rrwult ol thcie lorcign<br />

iinr^mients was that certam branches o( pmduction xsrrr desriopcd in<br />

91<br />

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