2018 September COLONY Magazine

COLONY Magazine — Your Hometown Magazine. A collection of events, activities, news, business, and culture for the Atascadero area. COLONY Magazine — Your Hometown Magazine. A collection of events, activities, news, business, and culture for the Atascadero area.


Something Worth Reading ATASCADERO — SANTA MARGARITA — CRESTON BUSINESS | DINING | SHOPPING | ARTS | EVENTS | PEOPLE | NEWS 805-391-4566 publisher@colonymagazine.com MAIL: P.O. Box 163 Atascadero, CA 93423 PUBLISHER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Nicholas Mattson publisher@colonymagazine.com OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Hayley Mattson EDITOR Luke Phillips LEAD AD DESIGN Denise McLean, Mode Communications LEAD LAYOUT DESIGN Travis Ruppe GRAPHIC DESIGN Aaron Seedorf ART PRODUCTION Sue Dill WINE EDITOR Mira Honeycutt WRITER Melissa Chavez WRITER Heather Young COLUMNIST Sarah Pope COLUMNIST Simone Smith COLUMNIST Barbie Butz VOLUME 1 | NUMBER 3 19,000 Printed | 15,775 Mailed COLONY Magazine is published monthly and distributed FREE to every residence and business in Atascadero 93422, Santa Margarita 93453, and Creston 93432 zip codes. Postage paid at Paso Robles, CA 93446. 3,200 Dropped at High Traffic Locations COLONY Magazine is also available for our visitors at wineries, Chamber of Commerce, North County Transportation Center, local motels, hotels, vacation homes, B&Bs, the airport, doctor’s offices, restaurants, and other high-traffic hotspots. Subscriptions AD CONSULTANT & WRITER Millie Drum AD CONSULTANT Pam Osborn AD CONSULTANT Jamie Self AD CONSULTANT Karli Twisselman AD CONSULTANT Carmen Burton Kessler COLONY Magazine ©2018 is owned and published by Nicholas & Hayley Mattson *No part of this periodical may be reproduced in any form by any means without written consent from COLONY Magazine. Find and Share Your Hometown Magazine Online at COLONYmagazine.com Like and Follow us: Facebook: @theCOLONYmag Instagram: @COLONYmagazine Twitter: @theCOLONYmag EDITORIAL DEADLINE 7 th of each month preceding publication AD ORDER DEADLINE 10 th of each month preceding publication Share COLONY Magazine! Annual subscriptions to COLONY Magazine, mailed to areas beyond the described distribution areas, are available for $26.99 per year (no international mailing). Subscribe online at COLONYmagazine.com. Let us keep our faces to the sunshine and we will not see the shadows. — E.G. Lewis Happy birthday to us! Yep, we are officially 12 months into our ownership of PASO Magazine and we are thrilled about where we are going. With the launch of COLONY Magazine for Atascadero and Santa Margarita, we are proving that print is alive and well, and we love being a part of making a community like ours stronger. For many years — after picking it up as a quote misattributed to Benjamin Franklin — I have kept the motto “Do something worth writing, or write something worth reading.” As a member of our local media, it is a pleasure to live in a community that continues to produce things worth writing about, so we can fulfill our part in writing something worth reading. Thank you all for being a part of this early journey. Now three months into a new life as COLONY Magazine, we could not be more proud of the team and the community that has come together to make it all work! We took over PASO for the October 2017 issue, went glossy in December, made a splash in January with a polar bear dip cover and our inaugural Taste of PASO restaurant issue (watch out for our second annual! It will be even bigger). We added a couple of columnists to give our young parents some ideas about activities and outings with the kids, with Tonya Strickland of Two In Tow and Sarah Pope with Pope X 3. As a member of the community, we’ve partnered with the Chamber of Commerce, Paso Robles Event Center and California Mid-State Fair, and continued to support our Downtown Paso Robles Main Street Association. We also continued our focus on our local nonprofit organizations, including Boys & Girls Club, Committee for Atascadero Public Schools, Colony Days, Printery Foundation, and other events throughout the year. We have a great community to partner with and we look forward to doing that for all our community organizations. My wife and I serve on multiple boards as directors and volunteers and we know how much work goes into providing services to those in need, or producing community-centered events that make our community great. Some might want to Make America Great Again, and that sound wonderful, but around here, we have a long history of working together for a great community, and we just want to do what we can to Keep North SLO County Great … and make it even better. We are moving into our second year with a full head of steam and a few more great things we are excited to release as a service to our community. We are destined to become a community favorite, and appreciate everyone’s encouragement as we introduced COLONY Magazine with the hope to improve the community and present our community to visitors, and the support that our local businesses and advertisers deserve for supporting such a great community asset. Please enjoy this issue of COLONY Magazine. Nicholas Mattson 805-391-4566 nic@colonymagazine.com If thou wouldest win Immortality of Name, either do things worth the writing, or write things worth the reading. For advertising inquiries and rates, story ideas and submission of photos, letters, press releases, etc., email publisher@COLONYmagazine.com. — Thomas Fuller, 1727 6 | colonymagazine.com COLONY Magazine, September 2018

The Hope Chest Emporium Old Ranch and Antique to Just-Made Local Goods We Carry a Unique Blend September 2018, COLONY Magazine colonymagazine.com | 7

The Hope Chest Emporium<br />

Old Ranch and Antique to Just-Made Local Goods<br />

We Carry a Unique Blend<br />

<strong>September</strong> <strong>2018</strong>, <strong>COLONY</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> colonymagazine.com | 7

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