Debtfree Magazine August 2018

SA's Free Debt Counselling & Debt Review Industry Magazine. News, Interviews, Advice and a detailed look at Reckless Lending

SA's Free Debt Counselling & Debt Review Industry Magazine. News, Interviews, Advice and a detailed look at Reckless Lending


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<strong>August</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />



Why won’t this winter ever<br />

end? It’s almost spring already.<br />

Seriously! It just feels like things<br />

are dragging their heels. At the<br />

same time, the year is almost ¾<br />

done. Can you believe that? Time<br />

sure flies when you are busy and<br />

cold. If the Debt Review Awards<br />

signal the middle of the year to<br />

the industry, then the DCASA<br />

Conference, which was held in<br />

<strong>August</strong>, signals that we have very<br />

little year left. Before we realize<br />

it December will be upon us and<br />

then the dreaded January cash<br />

crunch. So, watch out!<br />

This month we are looking at the topic<br />

of reckless lending. No, not ‘reckless<br />

borrowing’ - where consumers go<br />

and try get a loan they know they<br />

can’t really afford. That’s a whole<br />

different ball game and a topic for<br />

another day. Rather, we are looking<br />

at things from a mainly credit<br />

provider perspective. We explain<br />

what reckless credit is and why<br />

some consumers actually have their<br />

debts written off. Could you be one<br />

of those people? Now getting debt<br />

written off may sound fantastic but it<br />

is not easy to establish if something<br />

is or isn’t actually reckless. These<br />

matters are so sensitive they actually<br />

have to be decided by a Judge or<br />

Magistrate. We discuss why that is<br />

the case and also why consumers<br />

need to rely heavily on their Debt<br />

Counsellors when this topic comes<br />

up.<br />

We also have a bunch of recent<br />

industry and economy news, articles<br />

with consumer advice, interviews<br />

with some new role players within the<br />

industry and some very interesting<br />

court cases which could directly<br />

impact on your debt.<br />

For those who did not get to attend<br />

the recent Debt Counsellors of South<br />

Africa annual conference we get a<br />

quick round up of the day and what<br />

was said and who was there (or not<br />

there). The event is one of the largest<br />

meetings of Debt Counsellors each<br />

year and was once again well<br />

attended this year. The rather hot<br />

topic of Debt Intervention came up<br />

and you probably want to check out<br />

what was said about that (hint: it<br />

wasn’t too optimistic).

The debt review process, much like<br />

the year, starts off like a rocket, with<br />

lots of changes and excitement. Over<br />

time, however, things seem to slow<br />

down and start dragging on and on<br />

without any end in sight. Don’t be<br />

fooled though.<br />

FROM<br />

THE<br />

E<br />

Each month is taking you closer and<br />

closer to the end of the process. You<br />

might not be too aware of it but the<br />

end of the process can roll up on<br />

you suddenly and much like spring<br />

might be here before you realize it.<br />

D<br />

IT<br />

O<br />

R<br />

So, keep on ‘keeping on’. Make<br />

those debt review payments. Learn<br />

more about the process and how to<br />

manage your finances and before<br />

you know it you will be basking in<br />

the warmth of finally being totally<br />

debt free.


C<br />

O<br />

NTENTS<br />

JOB<br />


PDA<br />


NEWS<br />




<strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> considers its sources reliable<br />

and verifies as much information as possible.<br />

However, reporting inaccuracies can occur,<br />

consequently readers using this information do<br />

so at their own risk. <strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> makes<br />

content available with the understanding that<br />

the publisher is not rendering legal services or<br />

financial advice. Although persons and companies<br />

mentioned herein are believed to be reputable,<br />

neither <strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> nor any of its<br />

employees, sales executives or contributors accept<br />

any responsibility whatsoever for their activities.<br />

<strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> contains material supplied to<br />

us by advertisers which does not necessarily reflect<br />

the views and opinions of the <strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

team. No person, organization or party can copy<br />

or re-produce the content on this site and/or<br />

magazine or any part of this publication without<br />

a written consent from the editors’ panel and the<br />

author of the content, as applicable. <strong>Debtfree</strong><br />

<strong>Magazine</strong>, authors and contributors reserve their<br />

rights with regards to copyright of their work.


One of the reasons why many families have to enter debt review is<br />

because of one member of the family losing employment. When your<br />

income takes a serious knock it is hard to make ends meet, never<br />

mind pay all your creditors. Fortunately debt review can help during<br />

your hunt for new employment.<br />

But in an environment where 1 out of 4 are unemployed countrywide,<br />

competition for jobs can be tough. Here is some advice from job searching<br />

Guru Gerard Le Roux about looking for work and your daily routine while<br />

doing so:<br />

Job Hunting: Do you find it...<br />

Gutwrenching? Stressful? Panic inducing?<br />

Whether you are younger and still live at home or you’re an exec, with no<br />

current job, in your 50s, wondering if ‘this is it’ (but you’re not ready for<br />

that… not mentally and definitely not financially!), the question is:<br />

What can you do?<br />

How can you cope?

Whoever you are you can benefit by having a good routine.<br />

A good active routine is key to success. Not only in life in general but in<br />

having the right mindset for searching for new employment.<br />

Wake up early. Read something positive. Get some exercise. Eat healthy.<br />

Work on yourself. Remember the good you’ve done in the past. Create a<br />

very clear vision of what you want your future to be. Picture yourself making<br />

a difference. Embrace the feeling of being successful in achieving something<br />

meaningful. Feel it! Plan some home improvement or get going on a home<br />

organisation project. Help a charity on a Saturday morning. Tutor some kids<br />

in Maths.<br />

It’s hard. But you have to put one foot in front of the other. Do good stuff for<br />

you and do good stuff for others.<br />

The WORST thing you can possibly do is sit around the house in your pajamas<br />

and wait for the phone to ring, while surfing for jobs online.<br />

Check out Gerard’s Facebook page with lots of free stuff<br />

to help in your job search here:<br />







When the National Credit Act was being drafted, credit providers<br />

panicked at a new provision in the act which addressed the practice<br />

of giving credit to consumers who could not realistically afford to<br />

repay it.<br />

New provisions were made to postpone or even write off the debt. Credit<br />

Providers were very concerned since, from the beginning of time, consumers<br />

have come to credit providers when they do not have enough money, not<br />

when they have nearly enough, and definitely can repay it over time. Most<br />

of the collections industry was dependant on consumers being given loans<br />

they would default on, and then making a huge profit off the collections<br />

process. Consumers who defaulted were liable for, not only legal and<br />

collections costs but, also extra fees and interest. This new provision was<br />

a game changer.

The end of 2006 and early 2007 saw a huge drive by credit providers to<br />

offer credit and credit limit increases to everyone they could get their hands<br />

on. To this day we have more credit users in South Africa than employed<br />

people. This is somewhat a testament to these last minute efforts.<br />

When the Act (NCA) came into effect, so did this provision. Thus credit<br />

granted before 2007 is not subject to this provision but all credit granted<br />

since is. Over a decade has passed and surprisingly not many high profile<br />

reckless lending cases have been heard. In fact, you may know a little<br />

about the topic but not be entirely sure what it is and how it works.<br />

Have you been a victim of reckless credit granting? What does this mean?<br />

Could you have your debts written off?<br />


If you were granted credit recklessly, it can be postponed or totally<br />

written off by a court. You would then not have to repay a cent more<br />

toward that debt. The court can also order that all the payments<br />

you already made be refunded to you. The National Consumer<br />

Tribunal can fine Credit Providers for granting credit recklessly.<br />

NOTE: It is important to acknowledge that credit providers have made<br />

big changes to try to avoid reckless credit since the NCA came into effect.<br />

In addition to this, the National Credit Regulator (and DTI) have pushed<br />

for stricter lending criteria and assessment requirements. Not all credit<br />

you cannot afford is “reckless”, and just because people become over<br />

indebted does not mean they were when they first gained access to credit.<br />

Things change, the unexpected happens and this is a common cause for<br />

consumers ending up in need of help or debt counselling.


WHAT IS<br />


CREDIT?<br />

Credit is defined as “reckless” for a variety of reasons, not just if<br />

you can afford it or not. This is something many people forget. Here<br />

are some of the reasons as set out in the National Credit Act (&<br />

regulations):<br />

The consumer was given credit which the credit provider knew they<br />

could not realistically afford to repay.<br />

This is the big one. This is what most people think of when discussing this<br />

topic. A greedy or foolish sales agent at the credit provider gets all the<br />

consumers information and works out that the consumer is probably going<br />

to fail to make the required payments each month. Regardless, knowing<br />

the consumer will eventually default, the agent grants the credit.

Credit Providers have adjusted their computer systems to try to avoid this,<br />

but most times, these are open to some human manipulation to ‘get it<br />

to work’ regardless. A classic example was a credit provider whose staff,<br />

many times, captured customers monthly household running costs as R850/<br />

month regardless of the size of the family. This figure pleased the software<br />

and allowed the staff to grant credit, meet targets and earn commission<br />

(even though the consumers would later default).<br />

The consumer was given credit which the credit provider should have<br />

known they could not realistically afford to repay.<br />

When you apply for credit, the credit provider will ask you to share your<br />

monthly running costs with them. They will also draw a credit report and<br />

see who else you are paying each month. They will ask for proof (of some<br />

sort) of your income.<br />

Math’s then allows them to take your income (which they can see on your<br />

bank statements and payslip) and subtract your other debt repayments<br />

(which they can see on your credit report) as well as your monthly household<br />

running costs (which they can see from your bank statement and your<br />

application form).<br />

Even if you ‘fudge’ your figures a little on the form (hey, mistakes happen)<br />

the information they have access to, will show them whether you can afford<br />

the credit or not. If you can’t, and they grant the credit anyway, perhaps due<br />

to laziness in not checking the figures properly, then the credit is reckless.




Many credit providers think that if you are not 100% honest or<br />

accurate in the form you fill in with them, that they have a ‘complete<br />

defense’ against reckless credit. This is simply not true.<br />

If they had enough info to check what you told them (even if slightly<br />

inaccurate) and grant you credit that you cannot afford then they made a<br />

mistake and breached the requirements of the NCA.<br />

Eg. A wife applies for new credit, not realizing her husband has run up secret<br />

debt due to his gambling habit. She hands in the requested documentation<br />

and completes the credit application form which asks about their other<br />

debts, but does not include the secret debt. She also forgets about their<br />

monthly insurance debit order which comes off her husband’s account.<br />

The credit provider draws a credit report on them and sees the extra hidden<br />

debt noticing it is not included in the list of debts she has mentioned.<br />

They also see the monthly insurance deduction on the husband’s bank<br />


If the calculations show that the couple cannot actually repay the new<br />

credit she is applying for, the credit provider should not grant the credit. If<br />

they do, based only on the incomplete figures which she gave them and<br />

not all the information they have, then the credit is reckless.

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Many consumers who default on bond or vehicle repayments are<br />

horrified that the creditor has the legal right to go to court and get<br />

a judgment, which ultimately allows them to not only to sell the<br />

asset but also collect on the left over debt for up to 30 years. This is<br />

because they never understood the agreement they were signing.<br />

A frequently overlooked reason why credit may be reckless is when the<br />

consumer did not fully understand the obligation they were taking on. This<br />

can happen for a variety of reasons.

The Pre Agreement (quote) and Credit Agreement (contract) may have<br />

been in a language that the consumer is not able to read well. Many<br />

times consumers are just too happy, and too desperate, to even read the<br />

contract. Some will sign the agreement even if it is in a language they<br />

cannot read. Others cannot read at all and yet will still sign, simply trusting<br />

that the credit provider knows best.<br />

Can you clearly define difficult terms like:<br />

Default;<br />

Litigation;<br />

Interest;<br />

Residential;<br />

Notification<br />

If not, then how could you fully understand and agree to a contract which<br />

uses these terms? The NCA (and other laws) requires that consumers<br />

actually understand what they are agreeing to if not, the account may be<br />


SURE<br />

Credit ProteCtion – debt review<br />

Applied to go under debt review?<br />

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There are a number of other reasons which may make credit<br />

reckless such as: did the consumer actually get the legally required<br />

pre-agreement quote or not? Did the pre-agreement have all the<br />

information about all the costs included in it? Did they initial or<br />

sign the pre-agreement and/or the contract document. Were only<br />

some pages initialed and not others?<br />

These small but significant things also determine if credit was granted<br />

recklessly or not. It is not just about whether the consumer could afford<br />

the debt at the time or not. That is too simplistic and narrow a view of the<br />

requirements of the NCA.




When consumers apply for Debt Review then they can ask their Debt<br />

Counsellor to look for reckless credit.<br />

At present, the onus in the NCA is on the consumer to ask. If a Debt<br />

Counsellor investigates and finds something that looks suspicious they can<br />

approach the court with the information they have been able to gather,<br />

and ask the court what they think.<br />

NOTE: a Debt Counsellor does not find the matter to be reckless but rather<br />

can aver or suggest to the court that it may be reckless. The court is then<br />

empowered under the Act to find the credit reckless or not.<br />

Whenever any court in SA considers a matter about any credit agreement,<br />

they can have it investigated to see if it may be reckless.<br />

If a court finds the debt to be reckless, they have a few choices. Most<br />

consumers hope that the court will say that the debt no longer has to be

epaid, and perhaps even that the credit provider has to give back all the<br />

payments which have already been made. This can and has happened<br />

in the past. It is seen as a way that Credit Providers can be punished and<br />

taught not to grant credit recklessly again in the future.<br />

More frequently, however, many courts are now simply delaying repayment<br />

on these particular debts until the consumer’s other debts are repaid<br />

through debt review. Then payments on this reckless debt would start up<br />



WHY SO FEW<br />



There have been one or two high profile cases where a pensioner<br />

ended up not having to pay off a bond, or where the National Credit<br />

Regulator severely punished a major bank but these cases are few<br />

and far between. Why?

Cost & Credit Provider<br />

Push Back<br />

Debt Counsellors find that as soon<br />

as they mention that an account<br />

could possibly be “reckless” then<br />

the credit provider sends a huge<br />

legal team and really delays and<br />

fights the debt review application<br />

in an effort to bury the matter. This<br />

means the consumer is unable to<br />

benefit fully from debt review and<br />

often prevents them from getting<br />

a court order to protect their other<br />

assets. It also means very big legal<br />

costs for the case. Debt Review<br />

consumers cannot readily afford<br />

these, especially if it is a small debt.<br />

Settling Out of Court<br />

Rather than extensive legal battles,<br />

many times a Credit Provider will<br />

make a brilliant offer on the possibly<br />

reckless account, or may even offer<br />

to write off the debt themselves<br />

rather than let the court rule on the<br />

matter (court cases are never cut<br />

and dry and things can always go<br />

either way). This is something Debt<br />

Counsellors also need to keep in<br />

mind. They do so because they do<br />

not want to face possible fines of<br />

a Million Rand at the NCT over a<br />

small credit amount.

Credit Providers May<br />

Not have the Original<br />

Documents<br />

Delayed Payments<br />

Remove the Incentive<br />

Some courts now delay payments<br />

on these reckless accounts. It may<br />

cost many thousands of rand to<br />

prove that a small debt is reckless<br />

and then the court simply delays<br />

payment. This means that the<br />

consumer ends up worse off than<br />

if they had simply paid the account<br />

normally through debt review (with<br />

the relevant discounts and benefits).<br />

Debt Counsellors and their clients<br />

are forced to analyze the cost to<br />

benefit ratio and make a choice.<br />

When Debt Counsellors ask for the<br />

original documents to see what the<br />

consumer did or didn’t sign, they<br />

are often met with silence or non<br />

cooperation. This could simply be<br />

because the credit providers cannot<br />

find or do not actually no longer have<br />

the original documents. Some have<br />

tried to pass off similar documents<br />

signed by other people at the time.<br />

Not too long ago, a huge bank in<br />

the USA got into huge trouble for<br />

providing fake contract documents,<br />

which a company in Mexico had<br />

made up for them. They simply no<br />

longer had the original documents.<br />

No documents equals no actual<br />

contract, this is scary for Credit<br />

Providers. When credit providers do<br />

not cooperate and provide these<br />

documents, it may be a sign that the<br />

agreement is reckless.





One of the highest profile cases involved the NCR asking the NCT to<br />

fine African Bank, who had revealed what was happening at their<br />

Dundee branch where credit had been recklessly granted. The banks<br />

shares nose dived, the CEO quit and the bank folded within a short<br />

time.<br />

Then the whole issue of consumers losing their life savings came up, and<br />

the bank had to be shut down, split up and eventually relaunched as a new<br />

credit provider with the same name (and same staff and same branding).<br />

Other cases have not been as successful.<br />

Overall, Government has been disappointed that there have been so few<br />

reckless credit matters. They would like to see more.

The NCR recently made a bold move to try to get Debt Counsellors<br />

motivated to investigate reckless credit. Debt Counsellors reported to the<br />

NCR that a reckless credit application doubles the amount of time and<br />

resources required to do a debt review application. The NCR updated their<br />

suggestion on Debt Counselling Fees and included an amount of R1500<br />

to be paid to the Debt Counsellor if they investigate reckless credit.<br />

It is no surprise then that Debt Counsellors followed this cue from the<br />

Regulator, and began to do so even though this fee is small. There has<br />

since been a lot of complaints from credit providers over this, as some<br />

have received hundreds of requests for additional account information as<br />

a result. The big banks have tried to get the NCR to get Debt Counsellors<br />

not to ask them for information on accounts, as this is expensive for them<br />

to find and difficult for them to get. They have made several proposals at<br />

the Credit Industry Forum to try reduce these requests.<br />

DebtSafe, a debt counselling firm, reports in their quarterly Reckless<br />

Lending Indicator that they investigated 5591 cases between 1 April <strong>2018</strong><br />

and July <strong>2018</strong>. Their findings in those cases showed that as many as 40%<br />

may indeed be reckless. They report that they have really struggled to<br />

obtain many of the needed documents to fully clarify if this is the case or<br />

not.<br />

Note: The NCR has released a non binding opinion (or guideline) on<br />

their 2009 NCR Task Team Report which requires that every account<br />

in debt review be investigated for reckless regardless of whether the<br />

consumer asks for it or it appears to be dodgy. The NCR say each<br />

account must be investigated. Thus Debt Counsellors who decide to<br />

follow the NCR opinion will all be charging this fee on every matter.




TO THE NCA<br />

– RECKLESS<br />


Many consumers are as excited about the prospect of ‘Debt intervention’<br />

which may be included in the National Credit Act as they were many<br />

years ago about reckless credit. There is a wild hope that all their<br />

debts will be written off as was speculated about reckless lending.

One of the more worrisome parts of the new bill which has Debt Counsellors<br />

concerned, is that it may become a punishable offence (meaning fines or<br />

prison time) if they do not report any matter which may be reckless. As we<br />

have seen an account may be reckless for many reasons and not just if a<br />

consumer could not afford to repay the debt at the time.<br />

Did the consumer sign every page of the agreement? Did the Credit Provider<br />

actually draw a credit bureau report? Did the consumer understand every<br />

phrase in the agreement or not? If in doubt, Debt Counsellors may have<br />

to take the safe route and report that every account they see may in some<br />

way be reckless, but they were unable to make a full determination and<br />

recommendation with the info they had at the time.<br />

They would then have to report this to the NCR who would be swamped<br />

by thousands of such reports each month (anywhere from 70000 to 140<br />

000 reports each month). This would then bury the NCR in paper and<br />

pretty much defeat the actual intent of the bill. However, when faced with<br />

the choice between being reasonable or being 100% sure of not going to<br />

jail or being fined Debt Counsellors will make the obvious choice.<br />

Some experts say that if the draft bill becomes law, even more Debt<br />

Counsellors will leave the shrinking industry (over the last 2 years the NCR<br />

has reduced the amount of Debt Counsellors by 50%) as a result.





LENDING?<br />

It is entirely possible that some of your credit accounts may have<br />

been granted recklessly. This means that a court could order that<br />

this account be written off or the payments postponed.<br />

Though it seems that it is best to have each account investigated (and<br />

this could become the norm in the future) it could also result in legal<br />

fees which are much higher than you are able to financially cope with (in<br />

some cases as much as R25 000). In addition, the benefits could end up<br />

being minimal compared to the risks it brings to your overall debt review<br />

application. You could spend all that money, and run additional risks, just

to have payments postponed for a while or you could lose the case and<br />

end up having to pay the credit providers fancy lawyer’s bills. A balanced<br />

and practical approach to this topic is typically best.<br />

Your Debt Counsellor will know more about the particular credit providers<br />

involved, the court the matter will go to, and the likelihood of any benefit<br />

in investigating the account. If you ask for an investigation, it will of course<br />

happen, but it is good to rely on their experience and expertise in these<br />

matters and not to get your hopes up of an easy debt write off.


SCHOOL<br />

Multiple Choice:<br />

In the Debt Review Industry:<br />

PDA stands for<br />

(a) Public Display of Affection<br />

(b) Payment Distribution Agency<br />

(answer on the next page)

Jothie Bechoo<br />



Taking care of all your legal needs<br />

Specialising in Debt Review Applications<br />

for Debt Counsellors/Attorneys<br />

Our offices personally attends to debt<br />

review applications in the following<br />

courts:<br />

Durban<br />

Pinetown<br />

Chatsworth<br />

Verulam<br />

Ntuzuma<br />

We aim to have debt review orders<br />

granted at the first court appearance<br />

We avoid unnecessary adjournments<br />

Our fees are reasonable<br />

We have six years’ experience in Debt<br />

Review applications<br />

We assist clients in Rescission of Debt<br />

Review orders & administration orders<br />

Suite 7 Gladstone Court<br />

103 Smiso Nkwanyana [Goble] Road<br />

Morningside<br />

Durban<br />

Tel: 031 303 1004<br />

Mobile: 076 835 2810<br />

Email: jbechoo@jb-attorneys.co.za<br />

Also specializes in:<br />

Deceased Estates, Wills, Divorces, Ante Nuptial Contracts, Correspondent Attorney, Rescissions


SCHOOL<br />

ANSWER:<br />

(B) Payment Distribution Agency.<br />

These firms are registered and<br />

checked on by the NCR (National<br />

Credit Regulator)<br />

and are part of the<br />

National Credit Act.

NEWS<br />





The annual Debt Review<br />

Awards process for 2019 is<br />

now set to begin and as usual,<br />

NCR registered parties will all<br />

be considered. To be eligible<br />

to win however participants<br />

need to register. The annual<br />

Debt Review Awards peer<br />

review process allows those<br />

within the industry to weigh in<br />

on the performance of their<br />

counterparts on the opposite<br />

side of the industry on a<br />

number of occasions. These<br />

evaluations or Peer Reviews are<br />

then compiled (by an online<br />

system) into a composite overall<br />

result.<br />

If you have suggestions on ways<br />

that the Debt Review Awards<br />

process can be improved you<br />

can register and capture your<br />

suggestion at the end of the<br />

form. Over the years dozens of<br />

suggestions from the industry<br />

have been incorporated into<br />

the process and Awards event.<br />

Suggestions have seen the<br />

process transform from an<br />

industry panel of experts to an<br />

online peer review process,<br />

seen additional categories and<br />

Awards been added and even<br />

helped shape the criteria that<br />

are used to evaluate each NCR<br />

Registrant.<br />

The 2019 registration sign up<br />

can be found here:<br />



40% OF ACCOUNTS<br />


DebtSafe is a nationally<br />

operating debt counselling firm<br />

with thousands of debt review<br />

clients. They have just released<br />

an interesting report on the<br />

state of reckless lending which<br />

shows that as much as 40%<br />

of all the credit accounts they<br />

have looked at recently may be<br />

reckless.<br />

Reckless credit is credit granted<br />

illegally to consumers who<br />

do not understand their<br />

obligations, do not receive all<br />

the information about their<br />

obligations or cannot afford to<br />

realistically repay the credit.<br />

Credit Providers can be heavily<br />

fined for granting credit<br />

recklessly and consumers can in<br />

some cases have their recklessly<br />

granted debt written off.<br />

DebtSafe reviewed thousands<br />

of client’s cases over the last 3<br />

months and of the over 5000<br />

accounts they looked into, over<br />

2000 appear to be reckless in<br />

one way or another.<br />

You can download the Report<br />

here:<br />







Payment Distribution Agencies<br />

or PDAs are part of the<br />

National Credit Act and often<br />

help Debt Counsellors with<br />

software to manage their<br />

businesses and clients, as well<br />

as, calculate the best way to<br />

repay debts. One of the four<br />

NCR registered PDAs, DC<br />

Partner have now introduced<br />

additional support and training<br />

to Debt Counsellors and their<br />

staff who work on their system.<br />

DC Partner has set up a support<br />

desk specifically for Debt<br />

Counsellors (or their staff) to<br />

provide web based training via<br />

Skype. This allows the PDA to<br />

reach their many clients online<br />

swiftly and provide country wide<br />

training on an ongoing basis.<br />

The Portfolio Committee on<br />

Trade & Industry has been<br />

working on a way to deal<br />

with the growing need among<br />

millions of low income South<br />

Africans who are accessing<br />

credit and getting deeper<br />

and deeper into debt. They<br />

recently delivered a finalized<br />

amendment bill to the NCA<br />

which they feel will address<br />

this by creating something<br />

called Debt Intervention. The<br />

process is basically debt review<br />

done, for free, by the NCR for<br />

consumers who earn less than<br />

R7500 and have debt smaller<br />

than R50,000. The process<br />

also caters for those who are<br />

unemployed. The adopted bill<br />

now goes to the council of<br />

provinces and potentially on to<br />

the President.

KIM<br />





Tel: 021 949 1758 | 084 702 3760<br />

info@legalwc.co.za | www.capeattorney.co.za






The NCR recently began issuing<br />

Debt Counsellors with annual<br />

renewal certificates when they<br />

pay their annual fees. In the<br />

past there were some concerns<br />

and some mix ups in getting<br />

these certificates to everyone<br />

in time for their next court<br />

appearances.<br />

This year, the NCR has<br />

reportedly done a great job in<br />

emailing a digital version of<br />

the Debt Counsellors annual<br />

certificate on time and also<br />

mailing hard copies to all<br />

registrants promptly.<br />

When visiting a company<br />

offering debt restructuring<br />

assistance or dealing with<br />

one online ask to see their<br />

certificate of registration with<br />

the NCR to ensure you are<br />

dealing with a legal, NCR<br />

registered individual.<br />

30 different individuals working<br />

at 23 different banks have<br />

been accused of colluding to<br />

manipulate foreign exchange<br />

rates. These banks are now<br />

defending themselves before<br />

the Competition Tribunal<br />

against the Competition<br />

Commission who are looking<br />

to have these banks fined up to<br />

10% of their annual turnover.<br />

It has been said that the various<br />

banks made secret agreements<br />

on when to trade and when not<br />

to trade and buy currency from<br />

international currency trading<br />

platforms. They allegedly took<br />

turns to trade so that they could<br />

get the right price and it is<br />

alleged even created fake bids<br />

to manipulate the price of the<br />

Rand V Dollar. The case is set to<br />

begin at the end of <strong>August</strong> and<br />

run into September <strong>2018</strong>.







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Die Republiek van<br />


Hi Almal,<br />

Daar is al baie dinge in die verlede gesê oor hoe om geld te bespaar<br />

maar teen die tempo wat ons verarm deur die styging in lewenskoste<br />

soos elektrisiteit, water, brandstof en voedsel, dinge buite ons beheer,<br />

dink ek tog dit is n onderwerp wat weer bespreek kan word.<br />

Ek het op n facebook blad die vraag aan mense gestel, hoe bespaar julle?<br />

Is julle in die proses van besparing bereid om kwaliteit in te boet? Alhoewel<br />

hierdie groep in Pretoria is met die naam van EK IS VAN DIE OOSTE, is daar<br />

honderde sulke groepe in julle onderskeie omgewings waar julle inligting<br />

en idees kan uitruil. Opvallend was dat niemand mekaar gekritiseer het<br />

nie of opinie gehad het die ander persoon is n armgat nie. Die inligting<br />

en raad wat uitgeruil was, was opreg. En ja, kwaliteit was en is belangrik.<br />

Hier is van die insette:<br />

Riatha: Ek koop my skoonmaakmiddels by Westpack. Dis R40 vir 5L en<br />

doen presies dieselfde as die brand name. Katkos daar is R200 vir 10kg.

Eiers, room, kaas en mushrooms word by die boeremark gekoop. Die<br />

naby geleë Escort fabriek vir bacon en viennas. Koop koffie voor die 25st<br />

van die maand in die supermarkte want dit is dan op n special. Die maand<br />

was Nescafe R75 ipv R120. n Maandpak hamper vleis by die slaghuis is<br />

goedkoper.<br />

Ria: Soms is dit goedkoper om uit te eet as om vleis en groente te koop en<br />

elektrisiteit te gebruik om gaar te maak. O’Gallito’s se spesiale middagetes<br />

wissel van R80 – R110 per bord. Maak ook die kinders groot om nie soos<br />

die res oor “brands” bekommerd te wees nie.<br />

Bernice: Kan nie kruideniers koop nie. Koop genoeg paste en a paar<br />

blikkies tamatie en uie souse, brood en so nou en dan eiers. Gevriesde<br />

groente is die kleinste pakkies R11 wat ons in twee deel. Af en toe hoender<br />

borsies vir minder as R50.<br />

Ria se raad aan Bernice: Gaan kyk by FoodLovers daar is gereeld sakke<br />

gemengde groente vir goedkoop. Jy kan dit opsny en vries. Aartappels,<br />

rys en soppoeier rek enige gereg, die soppoeier is vullend en smaaklik.<br />

Pieter: Met GD10 Multipurpose Cleaner bespaar die gemiddelde<br />

huishouding R4800 per jaar op skoonmaakmiddels en kwaliteit word nie<br />

ingeboet nie.<br />

Jennifer: Ek koop Ackermanns, Truworths, Edgars of Woolworths se 50%<br />

uitverkoping op kinderklere vir volgende jaar se winter/somer want hulle<br />

groei so vinnig.<br />

Cathleen: Nog iets waarop ek bespaar waar die pryse gebiedsgebonde<br />

is, is n haarsny. In Villeria betaal ek vir n sny, kleur, strepies en blow wave<br />

R350. In die Ooste is die pryse belaglik. Jy kry nie noodwendig swakker<br />

diens omdat jy nie jou hare in n salon sny waar die huur R25 000 is nie.<br />

Da-Ina: Ek sny gereeld vleis uit. Groente hetsy gekook, gebak of gebraai<br />

is heerlik saam met kruie of kerrie.

Marinda: Ek het so n jaar terug vanaf die Ooste na Middelburg verhuis.<br />

MInce is R137kg hier en in Pretoria R85kg. Koop maar genoeg vleis<br />

wanneer ons Pretoria/Ooste toe gaan.<br />

Cathleen: Ek het vir die afgelope 8 jaar nie n bediende of tuinman nie.<br />

Gebruik tuindienste vir R650 per maand, tuinman sou R250 per dag kos<br />

uitgesluit taxi fooi en voedsel. Die take van n bediende tussen my kinders<br />

verdeel wat geroteer word. Dit wat ek aan n bediende sou betaal word<br />

aan die kinders betaal, nie eintlik n besparing nie maar dit leer my kinders<br />

hoe om te werk vir dit wat jy in die lewe wil hê. Nadat ek gehoor het pryse<br />

is gebiedsgebonde het ek meer uitgevind. My kruideniers vir 5 mense is<br />

tussen R4 500 en R5 000. By Shoprite in die Bougainville sentrum het<br />

dieselfde kruideniers my R3 000 gekos. R2 000 besparing vir 35 minute<br />

se ry. Groente vanaf Fruit Stop in Gesina en vleis direk van n boer, 21kg<br />

vir R1 400 verpak en afgelewer.<br />

Charles: Dstv afgesit en Netflix met uncapped internet gekry, n mens kan<br />

dus n kleiner bundle op jou foon vat. Skoonmaker kom elke 2de week<br />

ipv weekliks, dit is darem nie n hele dag se werk om self gou te vee of te<br />

stofsuig. Brandstof - gebruik Shell me Clicks clubcard en kry so n paar sent<br />

terug op n liter. Maak genoeg kos om die volgende dag werk toe te vat.<br />

Om op te som, praat met die mense in jou omgewing, sit n post op<br />

facebook en hoor waar en hoekom hulle koop. Vergelyk pryse en ry<br />

miskien n kilometer of twee verder, dit kan jou miskien duisende spaar.<br />

Dankie aan almal wat waardevolle raad gedeel het.<br />

Groete.<br />

Christo Hattingh<br />

Kyk gerus my LinkedIn profile:<br />

https://www.linkedin.com/in/christo-hattingh-351a52130/<br />

* Seriously please do let us know if you found this article to be<br />

funny/offensive/amusing/interesting feedback@debtfreedigi.co.za


SCHOOL<br />

Establish connections with your<br />

Debt Counsellor in various ways<br />

(eg: Facebook, phone, website,<br />

physical office).<br />

This helps you stay in touch in<br />

case you lose their<br />

phone number or if they<br />


Debt Counsellors Collective<br />

iDCC is waiting to hear back from<br />

the NCR in regard to our official<br />

request to join CIF.<br />

We encourage non-affiliated<br />

DCs to join.<br />

Listen to a great interview with<br />

Toby Chance MP, Shadow<br />

Minister for Small Business<br />

Development in SA. Toby is<br />

introducing new legislation that<br />

creates an Ombudsman for small<br />

businesses<br />

https://soundcloud.com/scottcundill/toby-chance-mp-and-the-neweconomic-rights-alliance<br />

A representative will be<br />

attending the meeting<br />

at parliament on Tues<br />

31 July <strong>2018</strong> where<br />

proposed amendments<br />

to the NCA will be<br />

discussed.<br />


Visit our facebook page<br />

for more info.<br />

www.bdcf.co.za<br />

Free State Branch Meetings<br />

Kopano Nokeng Country Lodge,<br />

Date: 19th October <strong>2018</strong><br />

Gauteng Branch Meetings<br />

Kempton Park Golf Club<br />

Dates: 23rd October <strong>2018</strong><br />

KZN Branch Meetings<br />

Westville Country Club<br />

Dates: 26th October <strong>2018</strong><br />

Western Cape Branch Meetings<br />

Parow Golf Club<br />

Dates: 23rd October <strong>2018</strong><br />

NDCA continues to actively<br />

participate in industry<br />

forums, including the<br />

CIF, and looks forward<br />

to the implementation<br />

of proposed DCRS rule<br />

changes<br />


We appear in the following courts and act as a correspondent for Dc’s<br />

and their attorneys.<br />







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A number of important court cases are underway or have recently<br />

been held. We take a brief look at some of them and how they<br />

impact on the industry and debt review. Also be sure to download the<br />

latest version of the Magistrates Court Act at the end of this article.

University of Stellenbosch’s Law Clinic &<br />

Summit Take On Section 103(5)<br />

Back in 2016, Stellenbosch University’s Law Clinic and Summit<br />

Financial Partners helped a group of poor farm workers to get relief<br />

from their crushing EAOs (commonly called Garnishee orders). It<br />

was a landmark case that finally sparked change in how garnishee<br />

orders are handled. Subsequently, the Magistrates Court Act has<br />

actually been amended to make allowance for the refined processes<br />

suggested in that case.<br />

The basic idea of Section 103(5) Induplum is that when you owe<br />

someone money and default on payment, then this draws a line<br />

on how much they can recover from you in the future. The law says<br />

you only ever then have to pay double the defaulted amount. In the<br />

past, lawyers and credit providers really abused the old common law<br />

Induplum rule and people ended up paying many, many times more<br />

than double what they originally owed due to the wording of the law.<br />

Even now since the inception of the NCA some credit providers (and<br />

even courts) say that if you make a new arrangement to pay off a<br />

debt (like debt review) this ‘cures’ the default (even if you are paying<br />

a lot less than what you should). That then means they can carry<br />

on milking you for more and more payments and fees and interest<br />

as long as you pay something and don’t let the debt prescribe. This<br />

seems to defeat the fundamental purpose of the law.<br />

Over the years, consumers who have had “garnishee orders” (EAOs)<br />

have often ended up paying ridiculous amounts toward this debt and

later find out after many years that they still owe more according to<br />

their creditors and greedy lawyers. This is because the lawyers try to<br />

say that the collections costs are not part of the Induplum amount or<br />

they simply ignore the law on Induplum.<br />

In an example put forward by Summit and USLC, they shared how<br />

one Bayport client who borrowed R12 000 in 2011 (who planned to<br />

pay off the debt in 3 years) defaulted on payments. He then received<br />

a EAO against his salary of R732/month towards the remaining debt<br />

of R11 685.00.<br />

After 6 years of payments (+-R52 704.00) Bayport said that he still<br />

owned R7400. Why? Because they had added interest charges of<br />

R21 019 and countless other legal and collection charges of around<br />

R6500 onto his debt).<br />

They cite another case where a consumer with a EAO ended up<br />

paying over R5000 for a R600 debt.<br />

While it may seem that these things are obviously immoral and illegal<br />

based on the law, many credit providers and their collections agents<br />

say that they are operating according to the limits of the law.<br />

Credit provider’s collections & accounting units hate this law because<br />

it limits how much they can collect from debtors and thus their profit<br />

margins. If they ignore it or work around it they can make a lot more<br />

money than if they automatically institute it on their systems (as<br />

some good credit providers already have). Over the last 10 years, the<br />

NCRs and Debt Counsellors have been valiantly trying to get credit

providers to abide by the requirements of NCA Section 103(5) to<br />

the benefit of consumers but many credit providers have successfully<br />

ducked and dived for over a decade.<br />

This case should now force the issue into the public eye and help set<br />

absolute clarity on the involved consumer’s matters. This, in turn,<br />

should help when the matter arises in other courts across the country.<br />

SBSA & ABSA At Court Over Setting<br />

Reserve Prices For Auction Sales<br />

If you take a bond on a property you are committing to making<br />

payments over several decades. Also part of that agreement is that if<br />

you default at any point (and leave the account in default) then the<br />

bank has the right to summons you and get a judgment. After getting<br />

a judgment the credit provider can then move to sell the property on<br />

auction to recover some of their funds. Normally, this takes about 30<br />

months from the time of first default but can be much faster if the<br />

bank is aggressive and uncompromising.<br />

Often though, properties sold on auction this way have been sold for<br />

very little (as little as R10 in one case), leaving the consumer in deep<br />

debt with the balance of the bond to pay even though the property is<br />

sold. This can leave consumers with many years of debt repayments<br />

on an asset they no longer own.

The real goal of the collections process is to get in the missing funds<br />

and so in many cases the consumers catch up payments before the<br />

property is actually auctioned.<br />

In that case, the consumer can carry on with the original agreement<br />

(after paying for some extra fees). It is said nearly 66% of such<br />

matters are sorted out before the auction. This, however, means that<br />

a third of these matters end up with the property being sold.<br />

Recently, the law changed so that a reserve price (minimum amount<br />

for which the property can be sold for) can be set by the court before<br />

the auction. Some courts have been quick to implement this while<br />

others have simply ignored it as the law is not clear on under what<br />

circumstances such a reserve price must be set.<br />

Now ABSA and Standard Bank will be heading to the South Gauteng<br />

High Court, following a directive from Gauteng judge president<br />

Dunstan Mlambo, in an effort to gain clarity on when this must<br />

happen. The banks all say that when there are reserve prices set it<br />

can reduce the amount of interest from potential buyers.<br />

These two banks would like to see a very particular set of<br />

circumstances under which this would happen while others in the<br />

court case argue that it should always be done.

KIM<br />



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The Minister of Trade and Industry &<br />

the National Credit Regulator vs Micro<br />

Finance South Africa case no A172/17<br />

Recently, MFSA took the DTI & NCR to court over changes that they<br />

claimed were made to the National Credit Act regulations without<br />

proper industry consultation and consideration of how the changes<br />

would affect industry parties. Many smaller credit providers often<br />

give consumers repeated loans such as small pay day advances etc<br />

and this case dealt with the rate that could be charged. The court<br />

originally ruled in favour of the MFSA.<br />

The DTI then asked that the matter, as previously ruled on by Justice<br />

Louw in the North Gauteng High Court, be reviewed as they were not<br />

happy with the outcome and how the case was handled.<br />

The recent changes to the NCA regulations which were published,<br />

meant that if a credit provider gave another loan to a consumer,<br />

within a calendar year (which is very common with small lenders and<br />

low-income consumers) that the rate cap for that loan then dropped<br />

from 5% per month (original loan cap) down to 3% per month<br />

(subsequent loans).<br />

A full bench of several Judges carries more weight than a ruling by<br />

a lone Judge and in this case, when the matter was reviewed, the<br />

ruling swung in the opposite direction (now in favour of the DTI).<br />

The ruling in the case of The Minister of Trade and Industry & the

National Credit Regulator vs Micro Finance South Africa case no<br />

A172/1 makes a number of points and says that the previous<br />

ruling was incorrect because (1) the Judge didn’t consider all the<br />

evidence, the changes to the regulations help combat heavy debt,<br />

credit providers (like the big banks) have already adjusted to the<br />

new regulations and MFSA members (small lenders) are relatively<br />

unimportant in terms of the overall credit industry. It also says that<br />

the Minister of Trade & Industry did actually consider the effect and<br />

do enough research.<br />

Therefore due to this new ruling, the regulation changes about<br />

subsequent short term loans is still in effect and consumers will<br />

pay 5% interest on the first short-term loan and then a reduced 3%<br />

interest on any other short term loans from that credit provider within<br />

a calendar year.<br />

SA Class Action Law Suit Vs Steinhoff<br />

Retail giant Steinhoff was revealed to be an unstable house of cards<br />

when shocking accounting fraud was finally revealed late last year.<br />

Once the first irregularities were revealed the situation snowballed<br />

with Directors quitting, the sudden sale of assets to try to stay afloat<br />

and the slow unveiling of the true extent of the cunning accounting<br />

which had hidden the SA founded company’s rather empty coffers.<br />

Steinhoff was first incorporated in South Africa, then in Netherlands

and was eventually listed both on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange<br />

and Frankfurt Stock Exchange.<br />

Now three legal firms have launched a joint class action suit against<br />

the firm, former directors (including Mr Jooste) and even several<br />

banks such as ABSA, Standard Charted (UK) and Commerzbank<br />

(Germany). Other respondents are auditors Deloitte and Rodi &<br />

Partner.<br />

Though other shareholders are taking similar action overseas,<br />

local SA law in a class action is beneficial in that it automatically<br />

includes share holders unless they specifically ‘opt out’ (as opposed<br />

to overseas where people have to actively opt in). The class action<br />

suit could well end Steinhoff as they are seeking damages for those<br />

affected to the tune of R185 Billion.<br />

Download the Amendments to the<br />

Magistrates Courts Act<br />

The recent changes to the Magistrates Courts Act, as signed off by the<br />

President, allow for refinement of procedures surrounding things like<br />

consent to jurisdiction (regional or district), recession of judgments<br />

where the debt is paid up, clarifies the process of debtors making<br />

offers after a judgment has been issued on a debt and adds in fines<br />

and penalties relating to emolument attachment orders or EAOs<br />

(commonly called “garnishee orders” by most people).

The amendments really attempt to reshape the past EAO (Garnishee)<br />

practices and hope to ensure an end to abuses in this regard by<br />

adding limits and ensuring proper oversight.<br />

There are also some refinements to the definitions section to add<br />

greater clarity. It also adds that orders in terms of section 55 should<br />

be just and equitable and allow the consumer enough to cover<br />

necessary costs and obligations while taking into account their<br />

income. This is something that was often overlooked in the past.<br />

Download the updated Act here:<br />




TEL: 021 872 1968<br />



PDA<br />


<strong>Debtfree</strong> took some time to<br />

speak to Marcelle Williams,<br />

Director at CollectNet PDA.<br />

Where are you from<br />

(where did you grow<br />

up)?<br />

I was born in a Township called<br />

Eersterust in Pretoria. I have lived in<br />

Pretoria area ever since.

Where have you<br />

worked in the past?<br />

Can you tell us<br />

a little about<br />

your education<br />

background?<br />

I matriculated from Eersterust<br />

Secondary before doing a Marketing<br />

and Business Diploma (Damelin)<br />

(1995) and a B.Com (Financial<br />

Accounting) at the University of<br />

Pretoria. (2000).<br />

I then completed my Hons B.Compt<br />

(Accounting Science) /CTA via UNISA<br />

in 2005. Because I am a big believer<br />

in ongoing education I am currently<br />

busy studying M.Phil Management<br />

Coaching. You are never too old to<br />

learn new skills.<br />

I started working in 1995 at Telkom<br />

(Clerical in the finance dept) and<br />

spent 5 years at Telkom where I was<br />

eventually promoted to be a Debtors<br />

& Creditors supervisor. I spent 5<br />

years at TFMC – in various positions<br />

from Financial Supervisor to<br />

Financial Manager and even acting<br />

Finance Exec. This gave me a lot<br />

of experience both in management<br />

and the corporate environment.<br />

After some time after that at Business<br />

Connexion as Financial Manager, I<br />

moved into the banking world at FNB<br />

in the Property Finance division and<br />

then on to Mettle Property Finance.<br />

Starting in 2009, once the National<br />

Credit Act was already in force, I<br />

started a debt collection business<br />

(MIW Risk Solution) and got to really<br />

see the needs in the industry. Then,<br />

in 2014, I moved to CollectNet as a<br />


How did you become<br />

involved with the<br />

financial industry<br />

and specifically<br />

CollectNet?<br />

As you can see, I have really been<br />

in the financial industry for the past<br />

24 years. I have had numerous<br />

financial type roles in different<br />

industries from pure accounting and<br />

auditing to financial management<br />

and financing.<br />

I had previously been involved in a<br />

debt collection business for about 5<br />

years. In 2010 I bought a small debt<br />

counselling franchise which I quickly<br />

found was very labour intensive. I<br />

eventually closed the franchise after<br />

a year. So, I have been aware of<br />

and exposed to the DC environment<br />

since 2009.<br />

I was later introduced to Capital<br />

software, in 2013, through my<br />

business partner Rene Pillay. Rene,<br />

Jacques De Wet (CEO of Capital<br />

Software) and I created CollectNet<br />

in 2014 to explore different<br />

opportunities in the FINTECH<br />

space including, eventually the PDA<br />

environment. We have since applied<br />

and subsequently received approval<br />

to become the 4th NCR approved<br />

and registered PDA in the country.

So, you are very<br />

familiar with what it<br />

takes to be a Debt<br />

Counsellor?<br />

Yes. I had a DC franchise in 2010-<br />

11. It was a tough time for the<br />

industry and being a DC is a lot of<br />

very hard and time consuming work.<br />

I learned that a good PDA can make<br />

all the difference.<br />

Can you share<br />

a little more<br />

about your role at<br />

CollectNet?<br />

I am one of the 3 owners of<br />

CollectNet along with Rene Pillay<br />

and Jacques De Wet. I perform the<br />

function of Operations Director<br />

looking after implementation and<br />

also now directly heading up the<br />

PDA division.<br />

Do you have any<br />

hobbies when you<br />

are not hard at<br />

work?<br />

Yes: Playing Golf and also watching<br />

all sorts of sports like soccer, cricket<br />

and rugby. I also really enjoy<br />

travelling.<br />

Do you have any<br />

pets?<br />

Yes. I have 3 white Swiss Shepherds.

?<br />

Are you excited<br />

that the NCR are<br />

relooking at the PDA<br />

fee structure?<br />

Where do you see<br />

CollectNet and the<br />

industry going over<br />

the next few years?<br />

I believe the industry is currently<br />

going through some tough times<br />

from a perception perspective.<br />

In time, the value we deliver as a<br />

industry will be more appreciated.<br />

I don’t see debt counselling as an<br />

industry going away anytime soon.<br />

I do believe that, like with any<br />

other industry, it will change. We<br />

at CollectNet are ready for change<br />

and I believe that in the next 5 years<br />

we will be a noticeable player not<br />

only in the PDA environment, but in<br />

the Fintech space as a whole.<br />

Yes, we are but we are not holding<br />

our breath. We will just wait and<br />

see what transpires. I do however<br />

believe that if the PDA fees do not<br />

increase somewhat, it will be difficult<br />

to sustain a PDA business going<br />

forward.<br />

Do you think that<br />

PDAs will play a role<br />

in Debt Intervention?<br />

If I look at the Bill that was drafted I<br />

cannot see how the NCR will deal with<br />

Debt intervention without involving<br />

the PDA in some way or form. In<br />

order to perform an efficient PDA<br />

function, you need the systems and<br />

expertise to do it properly. This is a<br />

function that the existing registered<br />

parties can perform.

STUCK<br />

USING<br />



Contact Maximus on 011 451 0041 | www.dcmax.co.za

don’t be a twit<br />

http://twitter.com/<strong>Debtfree</strong>_DIGI<br />

All professionals have professional indemnity if the unforeseen<br />

happens. Do you as a professional Debt Counselor have<br />

professional indemnity as stipulated by the ethical code?<br />

contact us today for more information<br />

086 111 2882<br />

TELEPHONE 0861 112 882 FACSIMILE 086 605 9751 MOBILE 082 449 6856 EMAIL andre@in2insurance.co.za<br />


HELP NEW<br />

MOMS &<br />

BABIES<br />

Being in Debt Review and Pregnant can be daunting prospect due to<br />

the sudden extra unexpected costs. It can even threaten to ruin your<br />

debt review. DCCS want to help pregnant Debt Review moms with a<br />

special gift hamper to help them deal with the extra costs.<br />

Each Hamper consists of nappies, creams, soaps, wipes, clothing<br />

and a receiving blanket. Would you like to donate a pack to help a<br />

pregnant debt review mom?<br />

DONATE R180.00 admin@dccsupport.co.za<br />




SCHOOL<br />

Your Debt Counsellor or their<br />

staff should never ask you to pay<br />

money into their account.<br />

They will probably ask you to<br />

make debt repayments via a NCR<br />

registered PDA.

DCASA Annual Conference<br />


The Debt Counsellors Association of South Africa held their annual<br />

conference in Gauteng this month. Debt Counsellors from around<br />

the country attended along with credit providers and other support<br />

services. You may not have had the opportunity to attend this year<br />

and so we have a brief look at some of the highlights from the day.<br />

The day began and ended early with hundreds in attendance. Most of<br />

those attending were from the Gauteng area and at least one of the<br />

largest Debt Counselling firms in SA had representatives at the event. Most<br />

Debt Counsellors in South Africa are split between Gauteng and Cape<br />

Town, with the biggest firms being mostly situated in Cape Town. Debt<br />

Counsellors are able however to assist consumers countrywide and DCASA<br />

have many provincial branches across the country. Representatives from<br />

these regional DCASA groups were in attendance.<br />

The event took place in the now familiar venue at Emperor’s Palace (who<br />

have a conference centre) and was well attended. Also there on the day<br />

were a number of displaying industry role players ranging from industryspecific<br />

insurance providers (like ONE|SURE), to PDAs (all except NPDA<br />

attended) to ancillary services such as Compuscan (who also offer training<br />

to the industry). Some banks such as FNB and ABSA had stands where<br />

Debt Counsellors could interact with them face to face.<br />

This was very helpful and allowed Debt Counsellors to breifly exchange<br />

contact info and mention matters that require urgent attention.<br />

Special time was set aside during the event for guests to mingle and<br />

enjoy some tea and visit the sponsor stands. Though brief, these breaks<br />

enabled everyone to stay fresh between all the speeches and presentations.<br />

Attendees were able to grab a bunch of the printed Special Edition of<br />

<strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> as well. Many of those displaying had nice gifts for the<br />

guests ranging from pens and water bottles to lip ice and sweets. At the

end of the day some even gave away prizes such as Hyphen PDA (a Tablet)<br />

and CollectNet PDA (an iPad).<br />

The day was a mix of general business information (such as the presentation<br />

on PoPI) and association-specific speeches (such as the review of the year<br />

by the DCASA President).<br />

• Starting off the day DCASA President Russel Dickerson spoke to the<br />

audience and welcomed all.<br />

• Next, was a presentation from previous conference speaker Mr Mike<br />

Schussler. Mike is an economist and gave an overview of where the<br />

SA economy stands at present and where it is likely to go. All in all, he<br />

painted a rather sad picture and warned that tough times are ahead.<br />

He did, however, point out that this means that Debt Counsellors would<br />

soon be busier than ever with more consumers needing help.<br />

• Mr Theo Vorster and the folks at Galileo Capital then made a<br />

presentation themed: ‘The investment solution and how to build a<br />

long-term annuity income for business‘. They showed how investing<br />

in property only brings a marginal income slightly higher than inflation<br />

over time whereas investing in shares will, over time, bring a higher<br />

return. Interestingly, they showed how if you just leave your investments/<br />

shares and don’t trade and mix them up too much you make a high<br />

return anyway (though slightly lower than if you are trying to move<br />

them around). One of the most interesting slides presented showed<br />

what happens when investors run scared during a sudden downturn<br />

and what can happen if you miss just 6 days on the market over a<br />

period of several years.<br />

• If you are unsure of how the Protection of Personal Information Act<br />

is going to impact on your debt counselling practice then you would<br />

have benefited from Mr.Juan-Jacques Jordaan’s presentation on the

topic. He pointed out how no one really reads the T&Cs anymore and<br />

a lot of consumers data has been illegally shared already. He warned<br />

that the fines and punishment for breaches are sever and showed<br />

examples of how an innocent thing can get you into a lot of trouble<br />

once the Act kicks in 100%.<br />

• The next speaker was Ms Maya Fisher-French, well-known journalist<br />

(Maya on Money). She discussed how nearly no one is saving and how<br />

fewer people than ever are saving toward retirement. So, while South<br />

Africans are in trouble now with over usage of credit they will be even<br />

more in trouble in the future when their meagre savings run out or<br />

they have to face retirement without any savings at all.<br />

• After Lunch “the prof” Mr Frans Haupt (of the University of Pretoria<br />

Law Clinic) gave a walk down memory lane as he reviewed the last<br />

few years of debt review. He explained some of the serious hurdles that<br />

the industry has had to overcome and in particular the inconsistent<br />

legal rulings on the topic which have shaped the current debt review<br />

landscape. He also said some very nice things about <strong>Debtfree</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong><br />

and how it is a good resource to the industry and consumers alike.<br />

• The two final speeches of the day were from DCASA President Russell<br />

Dickerson and former President Mr Paul Slot. Russel gave a presentation<br />

on the industry and industry updates which covered all sorts of things<br />

such as what is happening or not happening at CIF.<br />

• Mr Paul Slot gave a rather gloomy presentation on Debt Intervention.<br />

He pointed out how the Portfolio Committee have decided that Debt<br />

Counsellors do not want to help low income consumers and how this<br />

is simply not true. DCASA has repeatedly indicated that this is not the<br />

case. Regardless, the Draft Bill (which should be passed over to the<br />

Council of Provinces in the next few weeks) simply cuts Debt Counsellors<br />

out of the process. The general feeling was that the NCR will be

swamped by the work and that everyone knows this. Of particular<br />

concern was how many staff it will take to assist just a fraction of the<br />

people who should apply. Some estimates are 1.5 million people,<br />

others are around 5 million. If the NCR take on just 15 000 new<br />

consumers each month then they will need to match the current staff<br />

amount of all debt counselling companies countrywide at present (this<br />

is roughly how many consumers Debt Counsellors help each month).<br />

DCASA wish the NCR well and hope that things go better than they<br />

anticipate.<br />

The day ended a bit earlier due to a decision to forgo the usual question<br />

and answer session at the end of the day and guests who wrote down<br />

questions were promised an electronic reply. This made it possible for<br />

many to leave a bit earlier and beat the traffic. The day ran smoothly and<br />

all who attended enjoyed receiving a new helpful guide booklet on PoPI<br />

and its impact on debt review, as well as, all the chats, snacks, lunch buffet<br />

and speeches.




2017<br />

We are happy to announce that the Amended National Credit Act booklet<br />

is now available via our shop.<br />

Get the latest version for only R250.00<br />

















directory@debtfreedigi.co.za<br />

LEGAL<br />









KWAZULU-<br />

NATAL<br />





Cathy Foster<br />

Debt Counsellor – NCRDC1977<br />

Penny Wise Debt Counselling<br />

Tel: (011) 679 1540<br />

Fax: 086 719 3378<br />

Mobile: 083 298 4467<br />

Email: cathy@pennywise.co.za<br />

www.pennywise.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />


Armani Debt Counselling<br />

Take the First Step<br />

to Financial Freedom<br />

Tania Dekker<br />

Tel: 011 849 3654 / 7659<br />

www.armanigroup.co.za<br />

Dynamix Debt Counselling TLC<br />

Alida Christie NCRDC2324<br />

Office 1, 34 Beefwoodstreet,<br />

Vanderbijlpark, 1911<br />

Tel: 079 520 4369<br />

Tel: 016 100 8020<br />


Specialist Debt Management Centre<br />

Beverley Ludick, NCRDC948<br />

Pretoria<br />

Tel: 012 377-3557<br />

Email: obligco@gmail.com<br />

Email: dc@obligco.co.za<br />

www.obligco.co.za<br />

Creators In Financial Wellbeing<br />

NCRDC677<br />

You Are Not Alone<br />

We’ll handle your creditors so you<br />

don’t have to!<br />

1 Dingler Street, Rynfield, Benoni<br />

0861 10 11 00<br />

info@debtmend.co.za<br />

www.debtmend.co.za<br />

“Helping you the SMART way”<br />

0860 061 008<br />

info@smartdebtadvisors.co.za<br />

www.smartdebtadvisors.co.za<br />

NCRDC197<br />

Tel: 011 660 9970<br />

Fax: 086 540 5017<br />


e-mail: nicky@nvdmdc.co.za<br />

www.nvdmdc.co.za<br />

All Debt Solutions<br />

Fast tracking your financial freedom<br />

Tel: 0861 255 3328 / 021-557 9981<br />

Email: info@allds.co.za<br />

www.alldebtsolutions.co.za<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<br />

alldebtsolutions<br />

CCDC<br />

Consumer Care Is our Priority.<br />

Tel: 018 462 4263 / 073 624 6949<br />

Email: info@ccdc.co.za<br />


DEBT NO MORE - NCRDC1973<br />

Christelle du Toit<br />

Tel: 016 423 6301<br />

Cell: 083 321 6731<br />

FAX: 086 219 3306<br />

Email: debtnomore@jjckruger.co.za<br />

www.jpawfin.co.za<br />


MV Business Empowerment<br />

9 River Road<br />

Morning Hill<br />

Bedfordview<br />

(next to Eastgate mall)<br />

Tel: 083 490 3339<br />

velaphi@infitech.co.za<br />

Suite 7 Gladstone Court<br />

103 Smiso Nkwanyana [Goble] Road<br />

Morningside<br />

Durban<br />

Tel: 031 303 1004<br />

Mobile: 076 835 2810<br />

Email: jbechoo@jb-attorneys.co.za

Get<br />

debt relief ¨<br />

with our<br />

help today!<br />

016 423 3029<br />

082 812 5442<br />

info@resolutiondebt.co.za<br />

South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

Tel: 010 005 5326<br />

Cell: 083 748 4426<br />

FAX: 086 571 7003<br />


South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

KWAZULU-<br />

NATAL<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

Debt Review Specialists<br />

23 Coronation Road<br />

Mithanagar<br />

Tongaat<br />

4399<br />

Tel: 071 222 9481<br />

Tel: 032 944 3446<br />

admin@kmadebt.co.za<br />




084 367 1236<br />

“Helping you the SMART way”<br />

info@bmhdebtsolutions.co.za<br />

www.bmhdebtsolutions.co.za<br />

17 Arbee Drive, MP Centre<br />

Office 09, Tongaat,4400<br />

Registered Debt Counsellor<br />

NCRDC2662<br />

0860 061 008<br />

info@smartdebtadvisors.co.za<br />

www.smartdebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />

Get<br />

debt relief ¨<br />

with our<br />

help today!<br />

082 937 7874<br />

082 812 5442<br />


National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />


South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />



National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />

Depopulating a generation of over<br />

indebted and populating a debt free<br />

generation.<br />

Office no 2, 5 A Schoeman Street,<br />

Polokwane<br />

Tel: 0152912731<br />

Tel: 0877028518<br />

Email: admaau66@gmail.com<br />

www.maaudebts.co.za<br />

SMS Salary Management Services<br />

Annerien de Jager<br />

Registered Debt Counsellor<br />

NCRDC0075<br />

015 307 2772<br />

info@smslimpopo.co.za<br />

South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />



GMC Debt Solutions<br />

52 Kerk Street<br />

Lydenburg<br />

Tel: 087 802 7054<br />

Tel: 087 151 1034<br />

www.gmcdebtsolutions.co.za<br />

National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Romi Oliphant<br />

Debt Counselling<br />

Service<br />

013 650 0116<br />

rodcs4u@gmail.com<br />

http://rodcs4u.webs.com/<br />

WhatsApp<br />

062 502 5987<br />

South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

Credit Matters<br />

winning South Africa’s Debt Counsellor.<br />

Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

086 Cape 999 Town 0606<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />


National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />


Depopulating a generation of over<br />

indebted and populating a debt free<br />

generation.<br />

Office No. 6, Prime Pharm Building,<br />

36 Dr Nelson Mandela Drive<br />

Tel: 0186320053<br />

Tel: 0877026744<br />

Email: papi@maaudebts.co.za<br />

www.maaudebts.co.za<br />

South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />


National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />


South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />


National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />


South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />


WEBSITE | www.debt-therapy.co.za<br />

debt therapy<br />

integrity guaranteed<br />

debt therapy is registered with NCR | NCRDC49<br />

National Debt Advisors<br />

Fighting For Consumer Justice<br />

Tel: 021 007 1688<br />

www.nationaldebtadvisors.co.za<br />

Drastically reduce your monthly<br />

debt repayments<br />

Let US help 0861111863<br />

Regain control of your finances<br />

www.debt-therapy.co.za<br />



Heidie Knorr NCRDC209<br />

Paarl, Worcester, Wellington, Ceres,<br />

Piketberg, Clanwilliam, Vredendal<br />

Tel: 021 863 2754 / 082 380 4401<br />

consolidebt@vodamail.co.za<br />

CHOOSE<br />

YOUR<br />



TODAY<br />

Tel: 021 204 8001 • Email: dc@ffsdc.co.za<br />

www.financialfreedomsolutions.co.za<br />

dc@ffsdc.co.za<br />



Get Your Life back on track<br />

TEL: 087 230 0223<br />

FAX: 086 551 1649<br />

EMAIL: makanti@isiseko.co.za<br />

WEB: www.isiseko.co.za<br />

NCRDC1142<br />

No 2 Golden Isle Building<br />

281 Durban Road, Oakdale,<br />

Bellville, 7535<br />

Tel: 086 111 3749<br />

Email: help@zerodebt.co.za<br />

www.zerodebt.co.za<br />

Credit Matters<br />

South Africa’s Leading<br />

Debt Counsellors<br />

14th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 086 111 6197<br />

Fax: 021 425 6292<br />

info@creditmatters.co.za<br />

All Debt Solutions<br />

Fast tracking your financial freedom<br />

Tel: 0861 255 3328 / 021-557 9981<br />

Email: info@allds.co.za<br />

www.alldebtsolutions.co.za<br />

https://www.facebook.com/<br />

alldebtsolutions<br />

“There is no dignity quite so<br />

Impressive and No Independence<br />

quite so important as Living<br />

within your Means - Calvin Coolidge”<br />

For your Convenience Our Range of<br />

Services are Availble to you Anywhere in<br />

South Africa!<br />

Jackie Coetzee<br />

079 317 8557<br />

022 713 2021<br />


South Africa’s<br />

largest and most<br />

trusted, multi-award<br />

winning Debt Counsellor.<br />

Your Guide to Financial<br />

Wellness and Recovery<br />

0861 229 922<br />

info@debthero.co.za<br />

www.legalhero.co.za<br />

086 999 0606<br />

info@debtbusters.co.za<br />

www.debtbusters.co.za<br />

2014<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2016<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />

2017<br />

Debt Review<br />

Awards<br />

WINNER<br />



Annienne Nel NCRDC2452<br />

Kairo’s House, 22 Fairfield<br />

Southstreet, Parow, 7550<br />

Office: 021 930 5791<br />

Cell: 082 641 2328<br />

Fax: 086 563 3264<br />

e-mail: info@debtcentre.co.za<br />


“Helping you the SMART way”<br />

0860 061 008<br />

info@smartdebtadvisors.co.za<br />

www.smartdebtadvisors.co.za<br />



086 111 2274<br />

081 785 3724<br />

info@logicaldebtsolutions.co.za<br />



011 451 0041<br />

0860 072 768<br />

www.dcmax.co.za<br />

lana Van Herwaarde,<br />

DC Operation Centre (PTY)<br />

Tel: 0867227405 Email:<br />

info@dcoperations.co.za<br />

www.dcoperations.co.za<br />

DEBT<br />

086 126 6562<br />

debt@one.za.com<br />






LEGAL<br />

Liddles & Associates<br />

“It always seems impossible until it<br />

is done” N. Mandela<br />

(T) 021 930 5790<br />

(F) 0866070940<br />

(E) frontdesk@liddles.co.za<br />

www.liddles.co.za<br />

Steyn Coetzee Attorneys /<br />

Prokureurs<br />

Adri de Bruyn<br />

11 Market Street / Markstraat 11,<br />

Paarl, 7646<br />

Tel: 021 872 1968<br />

Fax: 021 872 2678<br />

adri@steyncoetzee.co.za<br />

RM Brown and Associates<br />

16th Floor, The Pinnacle<br />

Cnr Strand & Burg St<br />

Cape Town<br />

Tel: 021 202 1111, f: 021 425 0875<br />

Email: roger@rmbrown.co.za

Your Debt Counselling Attorneys<br />

Johannesburg | Cape Town<br />

Kim Armfield<br />

Attorney & Family Law Mediator<br />

Address: Unit 1B, FinansHuis, 7<br />

Voortrekker Road, Bellville<br />

Tel: 021 949 1758 / 021 945 2526<br />

Office cell: 084 8588 284<br />

kim@legalwc.co.za<br />

Andre Van Zyl<br />

021 494 4862<br />

info@bassonvanzyl.com<br />

www.bassonvanzyl.com<br />

CREDIT<br />


Xpert Decision Systems (XDS)<br />

South African information bureau.<br />

Cape Town | Johannesburg<br />

+27 11 645 9100<br />

info@xds.co.za<br />






+27 12 140 0602<br />

DC Partner<br />

044 873 4530<br />

Hyphen PDA<br />

011 303 0060<br />

NPDA<br />

0861 628 628



Tel: 011 451 0041<br />

Tel: 0860 072 768<br />

www.maxpayments.co.za<br />

Debt Review Software<br />

Tel: 016 004 0031<br />

South Africa’s premier<br />

debt management solution<br />

www.finwise.biz<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

‘’ I was pleasantly surprised by our experien<br />

new system is intuitive and e<br />

Debt counsellor Eas


Form 17’s<br />

Proposals<br />

Court documents<br />

General Queries<br />

Refund Requests /<br />

Cancellation of Debit Orders<br />

Complaints<br />

Insurance Certificates<br />

ccsforms17@capitecbank.co.za<br />

ccsproposals@capitecbank.co.za<br />

ccsdebtrevieworders@capitecbank.co.za<br />

ccsdebtreviewqueries@capitecbank.co.za<br />

ccsrefundrequests@capitecbank.co.za<br />

ComplaintManagement@capitecbank.co.za<br />

coming soon<br />

Sharecall Contact Number 086 066 7783 - Select Option 2<br />



Debt Review DepartmentEmail Address<br />

Turnaround Time<br />

Contact Details Standard Bank Debt Review<br />

Debt Review Call Center: 0861 111 525 or 0861 111 402<br />

Debt Review Documents*:<br />

DRApplications@standardbank.co.za<br />

Debt Review Service requests: debtreviewservices@standardbank.co.za 5 days<br />

Debt Review payment queries: DRPayments@standardbank.co.za 7 days<br />

Debt Review administrative requests**: DebtReviewAdmin@standardbank.co.za 5 days<br />

Debt Review complaints and escalations: debtreviewcomplaints@standardbank.co.za 5 days<br />

Reckless Lending Allegations<br />

recklesslendingallegations@standardbank.co.za<br />

*Debt Review documents: Form 17.1; Form 17.2; Proposals; Court Applications; Court Orders<br />

**Debt Review Admin related requests: debit order cancellations; statement requests ; refunds; paid up<br />

letters; account closure instructions; settlement balances; or outstanding balances<br />

Other Standard Bank areas<br />

Credit Card 086120 1000<br />

Diners Club 0113588400 / 0860346377<br />

Vehicle Asset Finance Recoveries 0861102347<br />

Vehicle Asset Finance Collections 0861102347<br />

Home Loans Pre Legal 0860102270<br />

Home Loans Customer Service 0860123001<br />

Standard Bank Insurance 0860123911<br />

Deceased Estates 0861001868

Department Email address / Contact number TAT<br />

Call Centre 0861 005 901<br />

Absa<br />

En<br />

For your convenience we now offe<br />

in these departments are subject m<br />

could delay the resolution of your q<br />

Option 1: Updated balances, s<br />

Option 2: Any COB related qu<br />

Option 3: Any proposal relate<br />

Option 4: Any termination rel<br />

DRCob@absa.co.za 5 Business Days Pr<br />

DCTransfer@absa.co.za 5 Business Days M<br />

Certificate of balance<br />

DCCOBQueries@absa.co.za 5 Business Days M<br />

Debitordercancellations@absa.co.za 5 Business Days M<br />

DCRCAssessment@absa.co.za 10 Business Days M<br />

Proposal<br />

DCProposalquery@absa.co.za 10 Business Days M<br />

DRProposals@absa.co.za 10 Business Days Pr<br />

Legal Courtapp@absa.co.za 5 Business Days Al<br />

Termination<br />

DRTerminations@absa.co.za 10 Business Days M<br />

17.4@absa.co.za 10 Business Days M<br />

Clearance DCClearanceCertificate@absa.co.za 5 Business Days M<br />

KYC DCKYC@absa.co.za For return of KYC forms.<br />

Debtreviewqueries@absa.co.za 10 Business Days En<br />

Service<br />

Debtreviewmanager@absa.co.za 5 Business Days Es<br />

2 | Presentation title

Function<br />

nity to call our contact centre and be transferred to specific departments. Note that our consultants<br />

and will best be able to assist you for a swift resolution. Please note; choosing the incorrect option<br />

ettlements, refunds and general enquiries<br />

Function<br />

Debt Review<br />

try Points<br />

r the opportunity to call our contact centre and be transferred to specific departments. Note that our consultants<br />

atter experts and will best be able to assist you for a swift resolution. Please note; choosing the incorrect option<br />

uery.<br />

tatements, settlements, refunds and general enquiries<br />

eries e 17.1 application.<br />

d queries<br />

ated queries<br />

t counsellor swaps and system changes.<br />

ocessing of the 17.1 application.<br />

escalated queries and follow-ups.<br />

anage all debt counsellor swaps and system changes.<br />

it order cancellation requests.<br />

anage all COB escalated queries and follow-ups.<br />

s lending allegations.<br />

anage all debit order cancellation requests.<br />

posal escalated queries and follow-ups.<br />

anage reckless lending allegations.<br />

anage e following all proposal documents: escalated queries 17.2, proposals, and follow-ups. proof of Insurance, 17.3 & supporting documentation.<br />

ocessing ents to be of the provided following to documents: this department 17.2, proposals, for review. proof of Insurance, 17.3 & supporting documentation.<br />

l legal documents to be provided to this department for review.<br />

ination queries, reinstatement requests and follow-ups.<br />

anage all termination queries, reinstatement requests and follow-ups.<br />

ntary termination requests.<br />

anage all voluntary termination requests.<br />

rance-related queries and requests.<br />

anage all clearance-related queries and requests.<br />

all query-related matters.<br />

Types of queries managed by this department: Account closure<br />

try point for all query-related matters.<br />

Types of queries managed by this department: Account closure<br />

confirmation/request. Balance confirmations/query. Account status<br />

confirmation/request. Balance confirmations/query. Account status<br />

confirmation. confirmation. Statement Statement request. request. Paid Paid up up letter letter request. Refund<br />

request. request. All relevant All relevant operational queries to to be be referred to operational<br />

calation t for all point query-related for all query-related matters. matters.<br />

queues queues mentioned mentioned above. above.<br />


First National Bank – a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider (NCRCP20). Reg. No. 1929/001225/06.

DC Query Process DC Query Process<br />


17.1, 17.2, Proposals, General<br />

correspondence:<br />

debtcounselling@africanbank.co.za<br />

To register for Legal Web Access:<br />

lwac@africanbank.co.za<br />

Reckless Lending investigations:<br />

RLA@africanbank.co.za<br />



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