Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 6th Edition

Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 6th Edition

Clinical Neurology for Psychiatrists, 6th Edition


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Central Nervous System Disorders<br />

Lesions in the two components of the central nervous<br />

system (CNS)—the brain and the spinal cord—typically<br />

cause paresis, sensory loss, and visual deficits<br />

(Table 2-1). In addition, lesions in the cerebral hemispheres<br />

(the cerebrum) cause neuropsychologic disorders.<br />

Symptoms and signs of CNS disorders must be<br />

contrasted to those resulting from peripheral nervous<br />

system (PNS) and psychogenic disorders. Neurologists<br />

tend to rely on the physical rather than mental status<br />

evaluation, thereby honoring the belief that ‘‘one<br />

Babinski sign is worth a thousand words.’’<br />



Of the various signs of cerebral hemisphere injury, the<br />

most prominent is usually contralateral hemiparesis<br />

(Table 2-2): weakness of the lower face, trunk, arm,<br />

and leg opposite to the side of the lesion. It results<br />

from damage to the corticospinal tract, which is also<br />

called the pyramidal tract (Fig. 2-1). During the corticospinal<br />

tract’s entire path from the cerebral cortex to<br />

the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, it is considered<br />

the upper motor neuron (UMN) (Fig. 2-2). The<br />

anterior horn cells, which are part of the PNS, are<br />

the beginning of the lower motor neuron (LMN). The<br />

division of the motor system into upper and lower<br />

motor neurons is a basic tenet of clinical neurology.<br />

Cerebral lesions that damage the corticospinal tract<br />

are characterized by signs of UMN injury (Figs. 2-2,<br />

2-3, 2-4, and 2-5):<br />

n Paresis with muscle spasticity<br />

n Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes (DTRs)<br />

n Babinski signs<br />

In contrast, peripheral nerve lesions, including anterior<br />

horn cell or motor neuron diseases, are associated<br />

with signs of LMN injury:<br />

n Paresis with muscle flaccidity and atrophy<br />

n Hypoactive DTRs<br />

n No Babinski signs<br />

Cerebral lesions are not the only cause of hemiparesis.<br />

Because the corticospinal tract has such a long<br />


2<br />

course (Fig. 2-1), lesions in the brainstem and spinal<br />

cord as well as the cerebrum may produce hemiparesis<br />

and other signs of UMN damage. Signs pointing to<br />

injury in various regions of the CNS can help identify<br />

the origin of hemiparesis, that is, localize the lesion.<br />

Another indication of a cerebral lesion is loss of certain<br />

sensory modalities over one half of the body, that is,<br />

hemisensory loss (Fig. 2-6). A patient with a cerebral<br />

lesion characteristically loses contralateral position<br />

sensation, two-point discrimination, and the ability to<br />

identify objects by touch (stereognosis). Loss of those<br />

modalities is often called a ‘‘cortical’’ sensory loss.<br />

Pain sensation, a ‘‘primary’’ sense, is initially<br />

received by the thalamus. Because the thalamus is<br />

just above the brainstem, pain perception is retained<br />

with cerebral lesions. For example, patients with<br />

TABLE 2-1 n Signs of Common CNS Lesions<br />

Cerebral hemisphere*<br />

Hemiparesis with hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, spasticity, and<br />

Babinski sign<br />

Hemisensory loss<br />

Homonymous hemianopsia<br />

Partial seizures<br />

Aphasia, hemi-inattention, and dementia<br />

Pseudobulbar palsy<br />

Basal ganglia*<br />

Movement disorders: parkinsonism, athetosis, chorea, and hemiballismus<br />

Brainstem<br />

Cranial nerve palsy with contralateral hemiparesis<br />

Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (MLF syndrome)<br />

Nystagmus<br />

Bulbar palsy<br />

Cerebellum<br />

Tremor on intention ^<br />

Impaired rapid alternating movements (dysdiadochokinesia) ^<br />

Ataxic gait<br />

Scanning speech<br />

Spinal cord<br />

Paraparesis or quadriparesis<br />

Sensory loss up to a ‘‘level’’<br />

Bladder, bowel, and sexual dysfunction<br />

CNS, central nervous system; MLF, medial longitudinal fasciculus.<br />

*Signs contralateral to lesions.<br />

^Signs ipsilateral to lesions.<br />


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