xbf ,hc - Temple Beth Israel

xbf ,hc - Temple Beth Israel

xbf ,hc - Temple Beth Israel


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The Voice of The <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Community<br />

ADAR 14 / MARCH 8 - 9<br />

INSIDE:<br />

February/ March 2012 / Shevat/Adar/Nisan 5772<br />

PURIM<br />

ohrup<br />

• TBI Parking Solution • Purim • Ner Tamid Award • Sir Zelman Cowen •<br />

• Bet T’fila (services and song) • Bet Midrash (education/learning) • Bet Knesset (community activities)<br />

Would you or your family like to sponsor an edition of Kol Yisrael?<br />

We are seeking your continued support.<br />

For further information please contact us.<br />

w w<br />

Painting: John Cox

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Or exhaust fumes to be exact…<br />

That’s right folks; in a bid to raise funds like never<br />

before, the TBI brains trust have hit upon what they<br />

are sure will be a Grand Prix winner of an idea.<br />

Indeed, every year without fail, once the Yom Tovim<br />

are upon us, our devout congregants are reduced<br />

to cursing and blaspheming as they struggle to find<br />

parking spots around our hallowed synagogue. And<br />

that’s before wrestling with the unwieldy beast of time<br />

restrictions.<br />

That in mind, our General Manager went into lock<br />

down, digging deep, so as to devise the perfect<br />

solution. And in what can only be described as a<br />

miraculous and somewhat divine flash of inspiration,<br />

they concluded that an underground car park was<br />

the answer. In further discussion with the marketing<br />

committee it was decided that the positive spin<br />

that could be generated by way of being the first<br />

synagogue in the world to have an underground car<br />

park that surfaces from directly beneath the Aron<br />

HaKodesh was an absolutely irresistible prospect.<br />

The same engineering group who spear headed<br />

the construction of the West Gate Bridge have been<br />

engaged to bring this bold and unprecedented project<br />

to fruition.<br />

“It is first and foremost for our TBI congregation” said<br />

one of the Rabbis who then privately went on to clarify<br />

that in the interest of fund raising though it would also<br />

be open to the public on a fully commercial basis.<br />

The plan has already got council backing who are<br />

incredibly enthusiastic about this initiative as it will<br />

ease the already heavily congested traffic in the area.<br />

While some congregants have already expressed<br />

what can only be described as startled dismay at the<br />

suggestion that cars will be emerging from the bimah,<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Inc. (No. A0040666N)<br />

76-82 Alma Road St Kilda<br />

P.O.B. 128 St Kilda, Vic 3182, Australia<br />

T. (61-3) 9510 1488 F. (61-3) 9521 1229<br />

info@tbi.org.au • www.tbi.org.au<br />

MISSION: <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> is a kehilla kedosha (spiritual community) bringing<br />

innovation and creativity to Jewish traditions. We provide multiple pathways for<br />

our members and friends to enjoy an engagement with Progressive Judaism that<br />

enhances their lives through spiritual enrichment, learning and community. We are<br />

guided by principles of egalitarianism and respect for others. We are inspired to<br />

continually develop and grow and to provide a spiritual home for all who wish to<br />

embrace our values. We welcome your membership!<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> acknowledges that we are assembled on land whose traditional<br />

custodians are the people of the Kulin Nation.<br />


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mid-service;<br />

TBI management have<br />

insisted that disruptions will be kept to an<br />

absolute minimum. To assist in the swift movement of<br />

vehicles the pulpit itself has been hinged at its base so<br />

it can be swung forward and effectively flattened at a<br />

moment’s notice.<br />

While there is an acknowledgement that it may take<br />

a while for congregants to warm to the proposed<br />

development, the projected revenue will more than<br />

make up for any shortfall in the liturgical experience<br />

with the first round of funds already ear marked for a<br />

state of the art industrial grade extractor fan to remove<br />

any carbon monoxide that might otherwise poison<br />

congregants and their families.<br />

When questioned as to how the Board of Governance<br />

might ‘sell’ the idea to the congregation the President<br />

explained that, “people are naturally afraid of change<br />

– so this will involve a gradual transition which is why<br />

we won’t be allowing any light trucks into the car park<br />

for the first year of its operation”.<br />

So while congregants will now be able to buy their<br />

own parking space, much in the same way that other<br />

members of the broader Jewish community can buy<br />

seats at orthodox synagogues, it’s really going to be a<br />

case of ‘watching this space’ to see whether the TBI<br />

underground car park, rises triumphantly or else sinks<br />

like a stone.<br />

Senior Staff<br />

Rabbi Fred Morgan: rabbi.fred.morgan@tbi.org.au<br />

Rabbi Kim Ettlinger: rabbiettlinger@tbi.org.au<br />

Robyn Felman (General Manager): robyn.felman@tbi.org.au<br />

Monica Hyams (Education Director): monica.hyams@tbi.org.au<br />

Sue Silver (Community Projects): sue.silver@tbi.org.au<br />

Va’ad (Executive)<br />

Sam Sharman (President): sam.sharman@bigpond.com<br />

Robert Hershan (Vice President): rhershan@iprimus.com.au<br />

Rob Sward (Vice President): rob_sward@hotmail.com<br />

Victor Appelboom (Treasurer): vappelbo@bigpond.net.au<br />

Rebecca Silk (Secretary): rebeccasilk@bigpond.com<br />

Dorothy Graff (Chair): dmwg3@aol.com<br />

Brian Samuel (Immediate Past President): bsamuel@bigpond.net.au


ohrup ,tmuv<br />



I hope your holidays were amazing<br />

and filled with friends, family and<br />

great food!<br />

Now, to business!<br />

The ancient Babylonians made<br />

promises to their gods at the start<br />

of each year that they would return<br />

borrowed objects and pay their debts.<br />

The Romans began each year by making promises<br />

to the god Janus, for whom the month of January is<br />

named.<br />

So, is the high bar you set with your New Year’s<br />

resolutions already wobbling a bit? Are unrealistic<br />

expectations getting tossed aside for manageable<br />

goals?<br />

Well here at <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> your Board of<br />

Governance have been busy prioritizing the four Key<br />

priorities for 2011/2012, which are both realistic and<br />

manageable.<br />

1. Fundraising<br />

2. Membership<br />

3. Rabbinic succession<br />

4. Building and Maintenance.<br />

The one I wish to elaborate on at this stage is Rabbinic<br />

Succession. I want to advise you that Phyllis Dorey<br />

has been appointed “Chair” of the Rabbinic Search<br />

Committee. Phyllis is eminently qualified to take on this<br />

onerous role, as her list of Community positions are<br />

extensive:<br />

• She is a Past President of <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> from<br />

1999-2001<br />

• Immediate Past President of the Union for Progressive<br />

Judaism (UPJ)<br />

• Member of The King David School Council and Chair<br />

of their Education Sub Committee and,<br />

• UPJ representative on the Executive Board of the<br />

World Union for Progressive Judaism.<br />

By the time you read this article a committee will have<br />

been formed for the purpose of finding a new Senior<br />


TBI, like other synagogues, is dependent on donations to our continuing<br />

existence. We have solicitors who are TBI members who would be happy<br />

to help you with your will if you include a bequest to TBI.<br />

Rabbi to serve upon Rabbi Morgan’s retirement in<br />

August 2013.<br />

Committee members will be selected to reflect the<br />

diverse composition of our community, with varying<br />

backgrounds and experiences. The committee<br />

is responsible for, screening, interviewing, and<br />

recommending rabbinic candidates to serve as our next<br />

Senior Rabbi.<br />

Initial contacts were made with potential applicants,<br />

known to our community; however, it has now become<br />

clear that in the best interests of our community that it<br />

is time to go to a international search.<br />

When the Committee holds its first meeting it will<br />

discuss the process and timetable for the selection.<br />

The Congregation will be surveyed mid to late February,<br />

resulting in the development of the Position Description<br />

and selection criteria.<br />

Our Rabbinic search is governed by the procedures and<br />

requirements of the Rabbinical Placement Commission<br />

of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR)<br />

which oversees recruitment and placement of Rabbis<br />

for Reform Congregations.<br />

At all times throughout this rigorous process you will be<br />

updated constantly.<br />

I am excited to announce that the UPJ notified TBI that<br />

Sue Morgan had been awarded the prestigious Ner<br />

Tamid Award in December 2011. This will be presented<br />

to her at <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> by David Robinson,<br />

President of the UPJ on February 18th 2012, so please<br />

come along to this special Shabbat service and help<br />

Sue celebrate this wonderful award with her community<br />

which she continues to serve selflessly.<br />

In closing let me just say that 2012 is going to be a year<br />

of change and growth and I am looking forward to<br />

being with you: to building new friendships, to studying<br />

and praying together, to mourning and celebrating<br />

together and to building our Jewish <strong>Temple</strong> community.<br />

B’Shalom<br />

Sam Sharman<br />

You can speak with us for more<br />

information at the TBI office<br />

on 9510 1488.<br />

Our children are our future<br />


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From the very beginning, what<br />

has set Reform (later Progressive)<br />

Judaism apart from other<br />

expressions of Judaism is its<br />

emphasis on the pursuit of social<br />

justice, what we today call tikkun<br />

olam, repairing the world. Other<br />

forms of Judaism concentrate much<br />

more on matters internal to leading life within a Jewish<br />

framework. They invest most of their attention on<br />

Jewish law and how traditional authority is maintained<br />

within the structure of community.<br />

These things are important to Progressive Jewish<br />

trend-setters, too, but not at the expense of pursuing<br />

tikkun olam. Social justice is less about internal<br />

structures of Jewish life than it is about the mission<br />

of the Jewish people in the world at large. Tikkun<br />

olam reflects the outward-looking character of the<br />

progressive outlook to Judaism. It is concerned with<br />

the way in which we impact on the world in which we<br />

live, which is multicultural and pluralistic, a world of<br />

interdependency and mutual obligation.<br />

Despite the fact that social justice is so central to<br />

Progressive Judaism, not all people who affiliate<br />

with Progressive synagogues seem to realise this<br />

or acknowledge its implications for their own lives.<br />

Virtually by definition, we can expect every Progressive<br />

Jew to be committed actively in at least one area of<br />

social justice, and that commitment would explain why<br />

that person is affiliated to the Progressive movement.<br />

Many Progressive Jews can be spotted exactly in<br />

this way. Yet, many others seem not to understand<br />

that the pursuit of social justice at the very heart<br />

of the Progressive outlook and the way we practice<br />

Judaism. Indeed, in my opinion, someone who keeps<br />

a traditional life-style -- observing Shabbat, keeping<br />

a kosher home, learning Torah on a regular basis,<br />

contributing to the congregation with time and money<br />

– but puts social justice high on the list of mitzvot, is<br />

adopting a Progressive Jewish outlook, whatever their<br />

affiliation.<br />

Of course, some people affiliate with TBI because they<br />

like the way we run our services, or train children for<br />

bnei-mitzvah, or perform chuppot or funerals (l’havdil–<br />

what a difference!), or offer educational programs for<br />

adults, or for a myriad of other reasons. But behind<br />

all these activities lies an abiding concern for social<br />

justice. This concern is exemplified by our egalitarian<br />

outlook. We don’t discriminate between people in the<br />

rituals we offer, not on the basis of gender, race or<br />

ethnic background. That in itself is an expression of<br />

tikkun olam.<br />

We at TBI continually run social action events through<br />

which we model tikkun olam. Over the next couple<br />

of months we have two events which are devoted to<br />

promoting social justice.<br />

The first, on February 4, is our first-ever “Eco-<br />

Shabbat”. Throughout the Shabbat morning service<br />

we shall be highlighting God’s role as Creator and<br />

the world as God’s creation. We shall be focussing<br />

attention on our obligations as God’s creatures to<br />

uphold the integrity and well-being of the world<br />

in which we live. We shall also be promoting the<br />

beautifully produced booklet recently published by<br />

JECO (the Jewish Ecological Coalition) called “Shavu’a<br />

Tov: good week sustainable week”, and we’ll be<br />

handing out 100 copies of the booklet to those who<br />

attend the service on a first come, first served basis.<br />

Then, on Sunday March 18, in conjunction with<br />

the City of Port Phillip Interfaith Network, we’ll be<br />

opening TBI to the wider community of St Kilda and<br />

beyond. We’ll be taking a look at “A Jewish Life”,<br />

with lively sessions and displays on the major rituals<br />

of a Jewish life: birth, bar- and bat-mitzvah, death<br />

and marriage. The afternoon will include a full-scale<br />

chuppah ceremony, complete with klezmer music<br />

and refreshments. This will be the third open-house<br />

we’ve run at TBI over the past four years. Each of the<br />

previous open-houses was a brilliant success, breaking<br />

down barriers between us and our neighbours by<br />

demystifying the synagogue for them and introducing<br />

them to our religion in an inviting way. This, too,<br />

promotes social justice.<br />

We need your help to put on “A Jewish Life”. We need<br />

lots of people to help with welcoming and ushering,<br />

putting out food, answering questions and just being<br />

there for our guests. If you’re interested to help on this<br />

one-off project, please contact me at TBI.<br />

Rabbi Fred Morgan


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Denise has a varied background in Non Profit<br />

Organizations and commercial companies within<br />

Australia.<br />

Her experience includes Strategic Planning and<br />

Development; Budget and resource management<br />

and Project Management. She has worked extensively<br />

in Events Management; Major Gifts; Foundation<br />

Relations; Grant & Proposal writing.<br />

Purim Supper Quiz<br />

– Adults Only!<br />

Wednesday March 7 @ 7.30pm<br />

Previously she ran her own consulting service where<br />

she was Development Officer with Friends of The<br />

United Nations.<br />

Denise joins us at TBI on Monday January 16, 2012<br />

where she will work with our Donor Database and<br />

assist us in all fundraising activities.<br />

Please make yourself known to Denise as she settles<br />

into her new role.<br />

$10 for TBI members, $15 for non-members (includes punch and soft drinks, hamantaschen - BYOB).<br />

How well do you know the geography, music, dress, history and customs of<br />

countries from around the Jewish Diaspora? This is your time to shine!<br />

TBI will assign a country per table. Register your seat via the TBI office,<br />

tel 9510 1488, to find out which country will be yours.<br />

Your country will determine your dress code for the evening and what kind<br />

of supper snacks to bring and share.<br />

There will also be a surprise appearance of “Megillat Esther”.<br />

Come along to find out more!<br />

Purim Family Carnival<br />

Sunday March 4 from 3pm – 5pm @ TBI<br />

Everyone loves a Carnival, no – Everyone loves a PURIM CARNIVAL!<br />

Join us for a carnival atmosphere with sideshow games, prizes, arts &<br />

crafts, face-painting, music, fairy floss, popcorn, Purim spiel and parade.<br />

Dress up as your favourite TV Character...<br />

Fun for all ages – bring your grandparents, bring your neighbour.<br />

Prize for the family who has 3 generations in dress up.<br />


6<br />

1. LOTTERY<br />

2. PURIM<br />

3. ESTHER<br />

4. GRAGGER<br />

5. HAMAN<br />

6. HOLIDAY<br />

7. MEGILLAH<br />

8. MORDECAI<br />

9. ADAR<br />

10. PERSIA<br />

11. QUEEN<br />

12. BOO<br />

13. HISS<br />

14. COSTUME<br />

Purim Word Search<br />

X H H M O R D E C A I J<br />

M E G I L L A H N I A A<br />

O V C G R A G G E R H P<br />

K Q R L L O T T E R Y E<br />

K U L A D P M H I S S R<br />

R E T U D I O V T O J S<br />

V E R W R A R O L G W I<br />

O N T U B O O E L M Y A<br />

N L P Q B H H D H X O T<br />

O G H A M A N Q Q T O L<br />

W V H O L I D A Y H S I<br />

C O S T U M E B W C K E<br />


Joliet Jewish Congregation<br />

250 North Midland Avenue<br />

Joliet IL 60435<br />

4 eggs<br />

1 cup sugar<br />

1/2 cup oil<br />

1 tbs. lemon juice and lemon rind from half a lemon<br />

1 tsp. vanilla<br />

5 cups sifted flour<br />

2 tsp. baking powder<br />

1 egg to brush<br />

jam/jelly for the filling<br />

• preheat oven to 180º<br />

• beat eggs and sugar<br />

• add the next five ingredients and mix well<br />

• stretch it on a floured surface about .5cm thick<br />

• cut out circles with a cup<br />

• fill each one following the illustrations (right)<br />

• put in a greased pan<br />

• brush with beaten egg<br />

• bake for 20 minutes<br />

815.741.4600<br />

jolietjewish@att.net<br />

www.jolietjewis<strong>hc</strong>ongregation.com<br />


,<strong>xbf</strong> ,<strong>hc</strong><br />

Purim mix-up<br />

Here is the story of Queen Esther,<br />

according to the Megillah – but it’s all<br />

mixed up! Number each scene according<br />

to the proper order, and email the results<br />

to Rabbi Morgan. The first three correct<br />

entries will receive a Purim prize!<br />

____ Vashti refuses to dance before<br />

King Ahashueros<br />

____ Haman’s 10 sons are hanged<br />

____ The King, unable to sleep, reads<br />

in his diary about how Mordechai<br />

saved his life<br />

____ Mordechai overhears<br />

Bigthan and Teresh plotting to kill<br />

the King<br />

____ Esther accuses Haman of plotting<br />

to kill the Jews<br />

____ King Ahashueros throws a party<br />

for the VIPs in his kingdom<br />

____ Haman throws lots (purim) to<br />

find a date to kill the Jews<br />

____ Esther invites the King and<br />

Haman to a party<br />

____ Esther declares a new Jewish<br />

holiday on “Purim”<br />

____ Haman leads Mordechai through<br />

Shushan on the royal horse


ohhj ,urha<br />



The Rabbi Fred & Sue Morgan Music Foundation was<br />

established in March 2011 to honour their dedicated<br />

service to our congregation over the past 13 years.<br />

The funds from the Foundation are to enable us to<br />

pursue the services of a fully invested Cantor, and I am<br />

very pleased to advise that we will be re-invigorating<br />

the Cantorial search committee early in 2012.<br />

The reason we are able to move forward at this time<br />

is because of the generous donations that we have<br />

received from our congregation, which to date stands<br />

at 120k. This is the beginning of our work as we need<br />

to raise in excess of 250k to ensure the continuing<br />

viability of this programme.<br />

We believe music elevates prayer, blending word<br />

and spirit. It provides its own language of hope and<br />

holiness to our worship. It is transcendent.<br />

Music, in our view, is the soul of a community of faith.<br />

When you enter the gates of our synagogue, we want<br />

you to find a world of song: in prayer, in learning, in<br />

teaching, and in a broad range of special events, large<br />

and small, throughout the year.<br />

Also at this time I am very pleased to announce that<br />

Cantor Michel Laloum will be joining our team for<br />

Mr Ron Aarons & Ms Sandra Farber<br />

Mr Richard Asznowicz<br />

Mr Roger Bancroft JP<br />

Mrs Ellen Bando<br />

Mr Phillip & Mrs Sandy Benjamin OAM<br />

Mr Joe Bentata<br />

Mr Arnold & Mrs Mary Bram<br />

Mrs Norma Brand<br />

Mr Alan & Mrs Rayleen Chanesman<br />

Mr Ken County<br />

Mrs Susie Cymbalist<br />

Mr George & Mrs Marlene Dryen<br />

Mrs Pamela Durra<br />

Mr Frank Durra<br />

Ms Roslyn Eldar<br />

A/Prof Joseph Epstein AM FIFEM<br />

& Mrs Janice Epstein<br />

Mr Barry Fradkin OAM<br />

& Dr Pam Fradkin<br />

Mr Frank & Mrs Fliss Goldstein<br />

Miss Dorothy Graff & Mr Felix Wyss<br />

Mr Clive and Mrs Elana Green<br />

Mr Geoffrey Green OAM & Mrs<br />

Pauline Green<br />

Mr Garry & Mrs Julie Grossbard<br />

Mrs Felicity Guthrie<br />

Dr Paul Hall<br />

Mrs Caroline Heard<br />

Mr Gary & Mrs Susan Hearst<br />

Mr Robert & Mrs Yvonne Hershan<br />

Dr Ian Heyman<br />

Mrs Marilyn Hyams<br />

Dr David Irons<br />

& Ms Joanne Loewy Irons<br />

Mr Peter Isaacson AM,DFC,AFC,DFM<br />

& Mrs Anne Isaacson<br />

Mr Silviu & Mrs Jeannine Iser<br />

Mrs Alwynne Jona OAM<br />

Mr John Kaufman<br />

Dr Steven & Mrs Doris Klein<br />

Dr George Klempfner & Mrs Yolanda<br />

Klempfner AO<br />

Mr Ken & Mrs Carol Klooger<br />

Mr Peter & Mrs Shirley Koadlow<br />

Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie<br />

Kolliner<br />

Mr Eddie & Mrs Rena Komesaroff<br />

Dr Phillip Feren<br />

services on the 1st<br />

Saturday and the<br />

second Friday of the<br />

month from February<br />

to June, so please<br />

come along and<br />

introduce yourself, or<br />

re-introduce yourself,<br />

as many congregants<br />

will remember Michel<br />

from the early 90’s<br />

when he sang at TBI.<br />


People have always<br />

found music significant<br />

in their lives, and I am<br />

hoping you will feel as<br />

I do that the Music Foundation is a very worthwhile<br />

way of making a contribution to the ongoing needs of<br />

<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong>.<br />

I am sincerely hoping that you will consider making<br />

a generous donation in support of the Music<br />

Foundation, and if donations are made to the<br />

Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund they are<br />

tax deductible.<br />

& Ms Devorah Komesaroff<br />

Dr Margit Korn<br />

Mr Michael & Mrs Lyn Lawrence<br />

Mrs Marian Lawrence<br />

Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Danielle Leigh<br />

Mrs Helen Leperere<br />

Mr Joe Lewit & Dr Ruja Varon<br />

Mrs Maria Lewit OAM<br />

Dr Larry & Dr Helen Light AM<br />

Mrs Marion Lippmann<br />

Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig<br />

Mr Jonathan & Dr Fairlie Mahemoff<br />

Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Mendelson<br />

Mr Andrew & Mrs Irene Metter<br />

Mrs Stella Mitchell<br />

Mrs Inge Mohrer<br />

Mr Sam Moshinsky OAM & Mrs Ada<br />

Moshinsky QC<br />

Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller<br />

Mr Paul &Mrs Dorothy Nathan<br />

Hon Mr Justice Howard Nathan<br />

Mrs Rhonda Nirens JP<br />

Ms Win O’Hoy<br />

Prof Leon Piterman AM<br />



TOTAL: $120,000<br />

$500,000<br />

$100,000<br />

$20,000<br />

$10,000<br />

$5,000<br />

& Dr Hannah Piterman<br />

Mr Peter & Mrs Bette Pulver<br />

Mrs Rodika Reich<br />

Mrs Ruth Riess<br />

Mrs Lynette Rockman<br />

Mrs Ruth Rosenbaum<br />

Mrs Rysia Rozen OAM<br />

Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan<br />

Mr Leo Sambor & Ms Irene Shrayer<br />

Mrs Mim Segal<br />

Mrs Sam Sharman<br />

Mr Efim & Mrs Manya Shmukler<br />

The Silberscher Family Foundation<br />

Mr Colin & Mrs Sue Silver<br />

Dr Maurice Slonim<br />

Mr Oscar Sokolski<br />

Mr David & Prof Liz Sonenberg<br />

Dr Norman & Dr Sue Sonenberg<br />

Mr Andrew Sward<br />

Mr Geoffrey Sward<br />

Mrs Magdee Taryan<br />

Mr Tevita & Mrs Barbara Tauelangi<br />

Mrs Manya Van Aken<br />

Dr Mark & Mrs Stefanie Weis<br />


8<br />


LIMMUD<br />



February 5, 12 and 26, March 4 (skipping February 19)<br />

A brief journey through Jewish history, looking at key<br />

moments in the history of our people through progressive<br />

eyes. Presenter: Emeritus Rabbi Dr John Levi<br />

Entry: Free for TBI members, $5 donation for non-members.<br />



March 18 and 25<br />

Baruch Spinoza is one of the most puzzling and divisive<br />

philosophers of the modern era. He rejected the Jewish<br />

religion and was banished from his community, and yet<br />

devoted himself to arguing for religious toleration and for<br />

utter devotion to the love of God. He rejected traditional<br />

ethical systems as mere fictions, and yet his central work<br />

(entitled “The Ethics”) is an extended argument for peace<br />

and community. In these lectures, we will discuss Spinoza’s<br />

historical context and the central themes of his philosophy. A<br />

guiding question will be: what would Spinoza have thought of<br />

contemporary Judaism?<br />

Presenter: Dr Colin Marshall. Dr Marshall lectures in the<br />

history of philosophy at the University of Melbourne. He<br />

studied at New York University, and he has a special interest<br />

in the philosophy of Spinoza and in contemporary ethics.<br />

Entry: Free for TBI members,<br />

$5 donation for non-members.<br />


* Important notice * Changes to Monday Limmud 2012 *<br />

The series of Monday morning classes advertised in the<br />

Chanukah issue of Kol Yisrael for Term 1, 2012, cosponsored<br />

by TBI and the Melton Adult Mini-school, on<br />

“Exodus: from Slavery to Sinai”, will not be taking place,<br />

due to the decision of the Melton Program not to run their<br />

courses in Melbourne for 2012. Instead, Rabbi Morgan will<br />

be offering an eight-week course for Term 1, 2012, under<br />

the auspices of the Jewish Museum. These classes will be<br />

held at the Museum.<br />




Mondays 9.30am – 11.45am<br />

February 6, 13, 20 and 27, March 5, 19, 26, April 2<br />

Jewish Museum – 26 Alma Road, St Kilda, 3182<br />

Every Shabbat in Synagogue, alongside the Torah portion<br />

we read the “haftarah” – a selection from the “Nevi’im”, the<br />

Prophetic books of the Bible.<br />

Reading the haftarah has become an essential feature of a<br />

bar-mitzvah; it is a part of the service with which every bar- or<br />

bat-mitzvah family is familiar.<br />

But what do we really know about the haftarah? Why are<br />

these readings included in the Shabbat and festival services?<br />

How did they come to be included? What function do they<br />

perform? Do their meanings change when they are taken<br />

out of their original context in the Bible and placed in a new<br />

context in the Chumash? Above all, what is their ‘message’<br />

and how do they communicate it?<br />

By looking at several examples of haftarot in detail, we<br />

intend to respond to some of these questions and so enrich<br />

our appreciation for the role of the haftarot – and of the<br />

prophetic books of the Bible - in Jewish liturgy and life.<br />

To register or for more information - Leah Justin,<br />

PH: 8534 3600 info@jewishmuseum.com.au<br />



arsn ,<strong>hc</strong><br />

For more information on all events listed below, please contact the TBI office, 9510 1488, unless otherwise specified.<br />


Year long course on various aspects of Judaism<br />

In the Magid Resource Centre - Starts January 31, 7.30pm<br />

A two-semester course for those seriously interested in<br />

confirming their place among the Jewish people. This is<br />

a foundation level course of study covering Jewish source<br />

literature, history, customs and how to pursue a Jewish<br />

lifestyle. Introduction to Judaism meets at TBI most<br />

Tuesday evenings through the year.<br />

There are two intake points for the course each year – late<br />

Nov/Dec and June. Anyone who’s interested in joining<br />

the course should contact TBI rabbis to interview before<br />

registering.<br />

This class is also open to anybody who would like to<br />

refresh their Jewish knowledge. If you are a member of<br />

TBI there is no need for an interview with a Rabbi.<br />


Exploring the Parasha of the Week Tuesday evenings<br />

7.30-9pm in the Friedlander Bet Midrash on the weeks<br />

when Introduction to Judaism meet. All welcome.


,<strong>xbf</strong> ,<strong>hc</strong><br />





Starting 7.30pm February 2, 2012<br />

Beginner Hebrew classes with Karen Rosauer. Conducted as<br />

a series of 12 one-hour sessions. This course is offered twice<br />

yearly.<br />


Starting 7.30pm February 2, 2012<br />

Intermediate Hebrew classes with Albert Bentata. Conducted<br />

as a series of 12 one-hour sessions. This course assumes<br />

you have an understanding of Hebrew word structures and<br />

an elementary vocabulary of key prayer terms. It builds<br />

on the fundamentals to establish a more comprehensive<br />

understanding. For information & registration call the <strong>Temple</strong><br />

<strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> office.<br />


For those who have mastered the Hebrew alphabet and<br />

feel comfortable with the words in the siddur. To extend your<br />

knowledge of Hebrew, we will continue to focus on roots of<br />

words as well as grammar and introduce a little colloquial<br />

modern Hebrew as well. For those who wish to take their<br />

Hebrew study one step further. Please call TBI office for<br />

information.<br />


2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month 10.30am - 12.30pm<br />

February 8 & 22, March 14 & 28. Contact Dot Nathan.<br />


Shabbat Dinner – February 24 and March 23<br />

after Services in Slome Hall. Everyone to bring a non-meat<br />

dish to share. More info at Young TBI on Facebook.<br />


February 19 and March 18<br />

On the 3rd Sunday of the month at 8pm in private homes.<br />

Contact Albert Bentata at 9555 2527.<br />


February 27 at 7.30-9pm in the Friedlander at TBI<br />

A Jewish support group for family carers of a person with<br />

dementia. Changes are an inevitable part of caring. This<br />

session provides a safe space to talk about these changes<br />

and their impact. Not to be missed! Contact Dot Nathan.<br />


Ruach sing on the 3rd Shabbat of every month:<br />

February 17 & 18, March 16 & 17<br />

and rehearse the Tuesday before:<br />

February 14 , March 13 from 6.15 - 7.45pm. Open entry.<br />

GESHER<br />

on the 2nd Saturday of every month<br />

February 11 and March 10 at 9.45am<br />

in the Magid Resource Centre<br />

Intimate Service led by lay members<br />


on the 2nd Saturday of every month<br />

February 11 and March 10 at 9.45am<br />

Service Leaders: Rabbi Kim Ettlinger and Julie Howard<br />

Geared to pre-schoolers and their families, come and<br />

celebrate Shabbat with your children through songs, stories,<br />

and fun. Join other young families in a warm and relaxed<br />

atmosphere.<br />


Friday February 3, April 13 at 6.15pm<br />

Service Leaders: Rabbi Kim Ettlinger and Julie Howard<br />

Join us for a new Shabbat service specifically for primary<br />

school aged children and pre- and post- B’nai Mitzvah<br />

students. The services will include songs, a story and regular<br />

Shabbat service elements with participation from your<br />

children and Netzer.<br />


Friday February 3, April 13 at 6.15pm<br />

Alternative minyanim - Intimate, musical, interactive service<br />

located in the <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Magid Resource Centre.<br />


Rosh Chodesh (New Moon)<br />

Nisan - March 25, 7.30pm<br />

Led by Rabbi Kim Ettlinger<br />

We would like to extend a warm<br />

invitation to all women to come<br />

along and join a lovely group to meet, chat, learn and<br />

celebrate the monthly new moon as so many women in our<br />

tradition have done before us. Each month we will look at a<br />

chapter in the book. Call the office for location.<br />


February 1 and March 21, 11am @ TBI<br />

Sit, chat and listen to music - lunch is served at 11.45am<br />

$10 including lunch. Rob Severini and Nadia Morando<br />

“Sensafine” An Italian Experience.<br />

(note date change due to Purim) This month’s entertainers<br />

are Jo Abbott on Piano and Alan Lee on Vibraphone. Jazz,<br />

mixed with Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Ravel and Percy Grainger.<br />


10<br />


At the beginning of December those who were<br />

privileged to be in synagogue experienced a very<br />

special Shabbat service. It was the culmination of<br />

a year-long “bnei-mitzvah for adults” course run by<br />

Rabbi Ettlinger. Eight members of our community,<br />

seven women and one man, chanted from the<br />

Torah for the very first time. They also led the<br />

whole of the service, interspersing the prayers with<br />

personal reflections on their meaning and on the<br />

journey that had led each of them to the bimah.<br />

Everyone who was present agreed that this was<br />

one of the most unusual and moving services<br />

they had ever attended. It was magical to see<br />

those eight people so elated by their experience<br />

of ‘leyning’ and ‘drashing’ Torah – singing verses<br />

from the scroll and explaining the significance of<br />

Judaism in their lives.<br />


,<strong>xbf</strong> ,<strong>hc</strong><br />

We invite you to share the magic of leyning Torah<br />

to the congregation. We need leyners every week<br />

throughout the year. Even on bnei-mitzvah dates,<br />

at least a couple of the aliyot are read by other<br />

members of TBI; this is sometimes the bar/batmitzvah<br />

tutor, but other TBI members also play an<br />

active role in leyning Torah.<br />

If you would like to have your name added to our<br />

roster of Torah leyners, please let Oonagh Thomas<br />

know via the TBI office or at Oonagh.thomas@tbi.<br />

org.au. We can fit our dates to suit your availability<br />

and offer full back-up. The more often you leyn,<br />

the easier it becomes and the better equipped<br />

you’ll feel.<br />

If you’ve never leyned before but would like to<br />

learn how, just let Rabbi Morgan know at<br />

rabbi.fred.morgan@tbi.org.au.<br />

Netzer Update<br />

It’s 2012 and Netzer is up and running with a brand new<br />

mazkirut (executive) and 25 enthusiastic, motivated and excellent<br />

madrichim. With 140 chanichim from Melbourne on summer<br />

camps this year, Netzer is off to a great start!<br />

Join us, as we welcome back our fantastic shnatties from 2011,<br />

and farewell Shnat Teva for 2012, for a Netzer-led Shabbat<br />

Service on Friday January 27, starting at 6.15pm at TBI.<br />

We are also excited to announce the very successful 2nd Annual<br />

Hanamtaschen Fundraiser. Orders can be placed through the<br />

Netzer website at www.netzer.org.au, by sending an email to Ellis<br />

Brasch at gizbarvic@netzer.org.au or by picking up a hardcopy of<br />

the order form from the TBI reception.<br />

Our fun-filled weekend programs for years 3 – 12 will begin in<br />

March. This is a great way to keep in touch with camp friends<br />

and stay in Netzer mode all year round! More information about<br />

location and time will be sent out via email. If you’re not on our<br />

email list and would like to know about Netzer’s activities, please<br />

send an email to Olivia Sandler at metaemvic@netzer.org.au.<br />

Happy New Year and we look forward to seeing you all soon!


arsn ,<strong>hc</strong><br />


<strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> is a proud<br />

constituent of the Union for<br />

Progressive Judaism: Australia,<br />

Asia and New Zealand (the UPJ).<br />

The UPJ does many things for our<br />

movement. It supports Netzer<br />

and <strong>Israel</strong>, promotes Progressive<br />

Judaism in our region, responds<br />

to current issues, runs a useful website, holds<br />

conferences and workshops, sponsors the Rabbinic<br />

Council (the Moetzah) and its Bet Din, and much<br />

more.<br />

Every year the UPJ makes two kinds of awards to<br />

members of Progressive communities who have made<br />

outstanding contributions to their congregations and<br />

the Progressive movement in general. The Vatik<br />

(“Pioneer”) Award was established in the early 2000s<br />

to honour Presidents of congregations in our region<br />

who have maintained a high level of involvement<br />

for at least five years following their term of office.<br />

Awardees at TBI have included Philip Mayers (2007),<br />

Peter Kolliner (2009) and Philip Bliss (2010; Philip was<br />

President at the Leo Baeck Centre some years ago,<br />

and is currently Chair of Progressive Judaism Victoria).<br />

The Ner Tamid (“Eternal Flame”) Award was<br />

established in the early 1990s. It is given to<br />

acknowledge members of UPJ congregations who<br />

have not held high office in their congregations<br />

but have worked at a grass-roots level to achieve<br />

extraordinary things. Their efforts often span<br />

communities and bring honour to our movement<br />

in the wider Jewish world. Two or three candidates<br />

from across the UPJ are awarded the Ner Tamid per<br />

annum.<br />

11<br />

Over the past 17 years eight TBI members have been<br />

honoured with this very special award: the Hon Walter<br />

Jona z”l (1994), Fred Mote z”l (1996), Albert Bentata<br />

(1998), Ian Samuel (2000), Joe Stupel (2002), Nicole<br />

Brown (2004, nominated by The King David School),<br />

Dot Nathan (2007) and Rhondda Hall (2010).<br />

We are thrilled that Sue Morgan has been awarded<br />

the Ner Tamid for 2011. Sue’s activities on behalf<br />

of TBI and Progressive Judaism range from leading<br />

choirs to networking among musicians across the<br />

region; promoting social justice by creating links with<br />

the Aboriginal community and involving herself and<br />

others at TBI in interfaith projects; supporting TBI<br />

members in need, founding the TBI Tele-chat group<br />

and maintaining pastoral contacts across the agegroups<br />

in our synagogue. She has also taught B’nei-<br />

Mitzvah students over the years, she leyns Torah on a<br />

regular basis, and she is a major contributor to Gesher,<br />

TBI’s alternative minyan.<br />

Sue will be presented with her Ner Tamid Award by<br />

David Robinson, President of the UPJ, on February 18<br />

at the conclusion of the Shabbat service at TBI.<br />

We wish Sue kol hakavod, all honour to her for this<br />

prestigious award!<br />

Family-oriented community Second Seder - Saturday April 7, 2012, 6pm<br />

Led by Rabbi Fred Morgan and Rhondda Hall,<br />

this family-friendly seder is structured to ensure everyone can<br />

participate! Professional catering with all the ritual trimmings!<br />

Adults $55 members/ $70 non-members<br />

Children to 13 $25<br />

Young TBI $45<br />

Concessions available on request<br />

For information contact Sue Silver at the TBI office on<br />

9510 1488 or sue.silver@tbi.org.au

12<br />



Recent Births (07.11.11 - 05.01.12)<br />

• Miles Otis Grossbard, son of Merle Zierke & Guy Grossbard •<br />

Tyson Cecil Crespin, son of Mia & Tait Crespin • Jesse Asher Same,<br />

son of Josh & Tara Same • Coby David Segal, son of Gemma &<br />

Jona Segal • Jake Hopper Sharret, son of Dani & Eric Sharret •<br />

B’nei mitzvah (31.01.12 - 29.02.12)<br />

• Gabriella Markov • Ashley King • Zachary Rockman •<br />

Recent Ba’alei Kriyat Torah Leyners (07.11.11 - 05.01.12)<br />

• Caroline Appelboom• Raphael Danos • Roslyn Eldar • Rabbi<br />

Kim Ettlinger • Huw Goldstein • Rhondda Hall • Peter Haylock •<br />

Sam Heselev • Ian Heyman • Ginny Klooger • Liz Lalor Kogan<br />

• Rena Langberg • Alex Langsam • Bruce Levin • Liz Marks •<br />

Helen Midler • Ian Moore • Evi Morawetz • Simon Morawetz •<br />

Rabbi Fred Morgan • Sue Morgan • Evi Nelson • Rina Reiss •<br />

Milestone Wedding anniversaries (04.12.11 - 29.02.12)<br />

“Milestone” is defined as an anniversary ending in 5 or 0 from<br />

25 to 85 and then after 85 every year.<br />

• Mr Neville & Mrs Vivien Swinnerton • Mr Stephen Jacobs JP &<br />

Mrs Rhonda Jacobs • Mr Andrew & Mrs Irene Metter • Mr Andrew<br />

& Mrs Michelle Komesaroff • Mr Russell & Mrs Janis Whytcross<br />

• Dr Jose Segal & Dr Lisa Farber • Mr Roger & Mrs Sue Mendelson<br />

• Mr Barry Fradkin OAM & Dr Pam Fradkin • Mr Michael & Mrs<br />

Sally Schonfeld • Mr Richard & Mrs Roslyn Boyar<br />

• Dr David Irons & Ms Joanne Loewy Irons • Dr Marcus & Ms<br />

Emma Zipper • Mr Leslie Gross & Ms Di Erlichman • Mr Charles<br />

& Mrs Jan Levi • Mr Daniel Star & Ms Karen Salter • Dr Andrew<br />

Smith & Dr Sheree Krass • Mr Louis & Mrs Joan Abrahams<br />

• Mr Arthur Eger • Prof Leon Piterman AM & Dr Hannah Piterman<br />

• Mr Harry & Mrs Nadine Kahan • Mr Warren Fineberg &<br />

Dr Vivienne Elton • Dr Peter & Mrs Carole Loewy • Dr Karen<br />

Wayne & Dr Victor Wayne • Mr Martin & Dr Hali Halphen • Ms<br />

Katie Valentine & Mr Trevor Nathan • Mr Charles & Mrs Karyn<br />

Akkerman • Mr Efim & Mrs Manya Shmukler • Mr Geoffrey Green<br />

OAM & Mrs Pauline Green • Mr Frank & Mrs Fliss Goldstein<br />

• Mr Richard & Mrs Liz Leder • Mr Thomas & Mrs Diana Lew<br />

• Mr Michael & Mrs Ellen Frajman • Mr Brian & Mrs Jenny Samuel<br />

• Mr Alan & Mrs Dianne Samuel • Mr Barry & Mrs Paula<br />

Rockman • Dr Paul & Mrs Eve Bartrop • Mr Robin & Mrs Margaret<br />

McKenzie • Miss Elaine Bourne • Mr Joel & Mrs Stacey Dodge<br />

• Mr Jeffrey Harrison & Ms Heike Schwarz<br />



General Fund (03.11.11 - 03.01.12)<br />

• Mr Charles & Mrs Karyn Akkerman • Mr Victor & Mrs Caroline<br />

Appelboom • Mr Basil Arkles • Dr Michael Balint & Mrs Susie<br />

Balint OAM • Ms Paulette Bancroft • Mr Roger Bancroft JP •<br />

Mr Gregory & Mrs Elena Barger • Dr Victor & Mrs Sally Barnes •<br />

Mrs Adrienne Basser • Dr Russell & Dr Deborah Basser • Jeremy<br />


vesm<br />

Members Milestone Birthdays (04.12.11 - 29.02.12)<br />

“Milestone” is defined as a birthday ending in 5 or 0 from 25 to 85 and<br />

then after 85 every year.<br />

• Mrs Ellen Bando • Mr Roger Bancroft JP • Mr Jeremy Basser •<br />

Mrs Norma Benjamin • Miss Emma Black • Mrs Helene Boon • Mr<br />

Rhys Boyar • Mr Arnold Bram • Mr Graham Burrows • Mr Harvey<br />

Caplan • Miss Danielle Cohen • Mr Mervyn Cohen • Mr Michael<br />

Cohn • Miss Claire Cyngler • Mrs Lea Donald • Mrs Andrea Dorey<br />

• Mrs Mary Dunn • Mr Conrad van Embden • Mr Joshua Fast •<br />

Mrs Beryl Feldman • Dr Phillip Feren • Mrs Marga Finkelstein • Mrs<br />

Hannah Forshaw • Mrs Emma Franco • Mrs Natalie Galak • Ms<br />

Irene Ginzbourg • Mrs Jeanette Goldman • Miss Romi Goldschlager<br />

• Mrs Jan Goldsmith • Mrs Katie Gould • Mrs Kate Graham • Mr<br />

Clive Green • Mr Jake Green • Miss Stephanie Greenberg • Mr<br />

Garry Grossbard • Mrs Judi Grossbard • Ms Caroline Gurvich • Mrs<br />

Zara Halprin • Miss Toni Hamilton • Ms Muffy Hand • Mrs Fella<br />

Harbig • Mrs Stella Harris • Mrs Pam Hayat • Mrs Jane Hayman<br />

• Mrs Sharon Herbert • Mrs Amy Hershan • Mr Jeremy Hershan •<br />

Mr Daniel Heymann • Mrs Fran Van Hoof • Mr Nathan Jacobson<br />

OBE • Dr Michael Jelinek • Mrs Sylvia Joachim • Mr Daniel Jones<br />

• Mrs Diana Kahn • Mrs Jennifer Kalmus • Mr Albert Kaminsky •<br />

Mrs Debbie Kiffer • Mr Matthew Koadlow • Mrs Renee Krane •<br />

Mrs Jo Kuperholz • Miss Carina Lawrence • Mrs Helen Leperere<br />

• Ms Mairead Lesman • Mrs Rose Lester • Miss Ramelle Lewis<br />

• Ms Michelle Lewit • Mrs Vanessa Levin • Mrs Helen Light • Mr<br />

Stephen Lucas • Mrs Malvina Malinek OAM M.Sc. • Mr Guy Malka<br />

• Mrs Eve Markov • Mr Jeremy Marks • Mr Joshua Marlow • Mrs<br />

Etta Maver • Mr Philip Mayers • Mr Barrie Midler • Mr Julian Miller<br />

• Mr Randall Moshinsky • Mrs Ruth Mote • Mrs Di Morton • Mrs<br />

Tania Nahum • Mrs Elaine Nassau • Miss Emily Nathan • Mrs<br />

Molly Nathan • Mrs Rochelle Obel • Mrs Judith Page • Mr Justin<br />

Page • Mr Gabi Palti • Mrs Anna Paul • Mrs Grete Pearce • Mrs<br />

Lotti Eisinger-Philipp • Mr Werner Philipp • Mrs Ursula Piekarski • Dr<br />

David Pook • Mrs Sarah Popper • Mr Jeremy Precel • Mr Michael<br />

Precel • Mrs Carmella Prideaux • Prof Bernard Rechter • Mr John<br />

Reed • Mr Justin Robin • Mr Oliver Rose • Mrs Martha Sanders •<br />

Mrs Danielle Schilling • Dr Kurt Schwarz • Mr Jerry Sender • Mrs<br />

Hedy Setton • Miss Dionne Shalit • Mr Danny Sharp • Mr Laurence<br />

Sharpe • Mr Charles Shaw • Mrs Leanne Shaw • Mrs Judy Sher<br />

• Mr David Simmelmann • Miss Nicole Simmelmann • Mr Alan<br />

Simon • Mrs Sharon Simon • Ms Kylie Smith • Mr Len Singer • Miss<br />

Leya Snider • Mr Daniel Sonenberg • Mr Bradley Spencer • Mrs<br />

Edith Spencer • Mr Sam Stiglec • Mr Geoffrey Sward • Dr Natalie<br />

Taft • Mrs Susan Tescher • Mr Harrison Yardney • Mr Torsten<br />

Weller • Mrs Gloria Wieselmann • Dr Hendrik Zimmet • Dr Marcel<br />

Zimmet •<br />

Basser • Mr Phillip & Mrs Sandy Benjamin OAM • Mrs Jean<br />

Berah • Dr Philip & Mrs Andrea Bliss • Mr Arnold & Mrs Mary<br />

Bram • Mrs Naomi Carrick • Mrs Susie Cymbalist • Mr Andrew<br />

Danos • Georgia and Evelyn Danos • Mr Matthew Danos • Mr<br />

Robert Danos • Mr Tom Danos • Mrs Leoni Davis • Mr Ron &<br />

Mrs Judy Dodge • Ms Phyllis Dorey • Dr Ron & Mrs Andrea Dorey


vesm<br />



With thanks for your generous donations (received from (03.11.11 - 03.01.12)<br />

• Ms Judi Dubiner • Dr Ian & Mrs Dianne Eilenberg • Ms Roslyn<br />

Eldar • A/Prof Joseph Epstein AM FIFEM & Mrs Janice Epstein •<br />

Dianne Erlichman • Mr David Ettelson • Mrs Erika Fisher • Mr<br />

David & Mrs Katarina Freedman • Mrs Vera Freidin • Mr Jorge &<br />

Mrs Diana Gerzenstein • Ms Jenny Goldsmith • Mr Frank & Mrs<br />

Fliss Goldstein • Mr Eric & Mrs Beverley Gorr • Mr Jack & Mrs<br />

Katie Gould • Mrs Liselotte Graetzer • Mr Geoffrey Green OAM<br />

& Mrs Pauline Green • Mrs Rita Greiner • Mr Garry & Mrs Julie<br />

Grossbard • Dr Paul Hall • Mr Ashley Halphen • Mrs Elfi Halphen<br />

• Mrs Fella Harbig • Mrs Jill Harris • Stella Harris • Mr Rodney<br />

& Mrs Jessie Hartman • Mr Peter Haylock • Mr Symon Hyman •<br />

Mr Nathan Jacobson OBE • Dr Andrew & Mrs Penny Jakobovits<br />

• Mr Vernon & Mrs Sandra Jedwab • Mr Graham Joel • Brenda<br />

Kahan • Mr Joshua & Mrs Minnie Kahan • Albert Kaminsky •<br />

Mr Zeleck & Mrs Shirley Kaminsky • Mrs Masza Kaye • Mrs Faye<br />

Kayser • Lara & Suzanne Kimmel • Mr Andrew & Mrs Kath Kolb<br />

• Mr Peter Kolliner OAM & Mrs Barbie Kolliner • Dr Henryk & Mrs<br />

Emily Kranz • Andrew Smith & Sheree Krass • Ms Rena Langberg<br />

• Miss Carina Lawrence • Liz Leder • Mr Jeffrey & Mrs Danielle<br />

Leigh • Charles Levi • Mr Hal & Mrs Roslyn Levy • Mrs Maria<br />

Lewit OAM • Mr Ross Liebmann • Dr Larry & Dr Helen Light AM<br />

• Mrs Marion Lippmann • Mr Len Lock • Peter Loewy • Mr Ron<br />

& Mrs Frances Lowe • Dr Lewis & Mrs Eve Lustig • Mr Brian &<br />

Mrs Jeanette Mandie • Mr John Mansfield • Mr Stan Marks OAM<br />

& Mrs Eva Marks • Mr Leigh & Mrs Sandra Masel • Dr George &<br />

Prof Danuta Mendelson • Irene Metter • Ms Rosemary Michael<br />

• Rabbi Fred & Mrs Sue Morgan • Ms Miriam Morris • Ruth<br />

Mote • Dr Carl & Mrs Madeleine Muller • Elaine Nassau • Mr<br />

Peter Nathan • Mr Robert & Mrs Eva Neeter • Mr Les & Mrs Ellen<br />

Pahoff • Mrs Anna Paul • Mr Gerald Pearce • Mr Marc Pearce •<br />

Mr Maurice Pereira • Dr Michael Rich & Dr Nicole Phillips • Mr<br />

Daniel Poll • Mrs Hanna Popiolek • Mrs Irene Popper • Mr Peter<br />

& Mrs Bette Pulver • Mrs Rodika Reich • Mr Daniel & Mrs Neomy<br />

Reuben • Dr John & Mrs Margot Rogers • Mr Howard Rogers<br />

• Ms Karen Rosauer • Mr Saul Rozenbes • Dr Paul Rozental &<br />

BEREAVEMENTS (07.11.11 - 03.01.2012)<br />

Richard Adler Father of Marion Bishop & Gary<br />

Sir Zelman Cowen Husband of Lady Anna, father of Shimon,<br />

Nick (Yosef), Kate and Ben<br />

Annalise Felder Mother of Ron & John<br />

Leslie Fuerst Husband of Karen, father of Rebecca<br />

and Danielle<br />

Leslie Gold Father of David<br />

Erica Greenberg Partner of Reuben Potts, mother of Joe & Judy<br />

Sylvia Greenberg Mother of Selwyn<br />

Mary Hollander Mother of Rachel Hollander<br />

Edith Kohn Mother of Peter<br />

Sheilah Layton Wife of Richard, mother of Naomi Layton<br />

& David<br />

Leo Lazarus Uncle of Rhonda Jacobs<br />

13<br />

Mrs Rochelle Rozental • Mr Adam & Mrs Yoko Ryan • Mr Daniel<br />

Star & Ms Karen Salter • Mr Phillip Same • Mr Alan & Mrs Dianne<br />

Samuel • Mr Graeme Samuel AC & Ms Jillian Davies • Mr Neil &<br />

Mrs Marion Samuel • Mrs Martha Sanders • Michael Schonfeld •<br />

Kurt Schwarz • Mr Claude & Mrs Rose Schwarz • Mrs Mim Segal<br />

• Mrs Marion Segal • Mr Bernard Shafer • Mrs Ellen Shafer • Mrs<br />

Sam Sharman • Mrs Glenda Shulman • Ms Susan Silberberg • Jack<br />

Silberscher • Mr Paul Silberscher • Mr Leon & Mrs Laura Silver • Mr<br />

Jeff & Mrs Marion Simmelmann • Dr Maurice Slonim • Kylie Smith<br />

• Mr Frank & Mrs Sarah Steen • Mrs Jutta Sterling • Dr Rodney<br />

& Mrs Aviva Taft • Mrs Magdee Taryan • Dr John & Mrs Tanya<br />

Tescher • Mr John & Mrs Sally Unglik • Dr Renata Valentine • Karen<br />

Wayne • Mr Peter Weiniger • Mr Russell & Mrs Janis Whytcross • Mr<br />

Jonathan & Mrs Ula Wolfe • Mr Lewis & Mrs Deborah Woolf • Mrs<br />

Ilse Ziffer • Mr Michael & Mrs Bobbi Zylberman •<br />

PJCF<br />

The Progressive Jewish Cultural Fund (PJCF) is a tax deductible fund for<br />

the promotion of Jewish Cultural events which include Seminars, lectures,<br />

conferences and educational programmes for the public; research into<br />

Jewish Cultural Heritage such as design, literature, music, arts & crafts<br />

and establish scholarships, bursaries & award prizes; establish & maintain<br />

cultural centres.<br />

• Ms Dorothy Bresner & Ms Evelyn Bresner • Mr Max & Mrs Pat<br />

Fink • Mr Barry Fradkin OAM & Dr Pam Fradkin • Miss Dorothy<br />

Graff & Mr Felix Wyss • Mr Garry & Mrs Julie Grossbard • Mr<br />

Robert & Mrs Yvonne Hershan • Mr Peter & Mrs Jenny Levi • Hon<br />

Mr Justice Howard Nathan • Mr Peter Newman • Mr Adam & Mrs<br />

Yoko Ryan • Mr Leonard & Mrs Marie Shenker • Mr Neil and Mrs<br />

Kerri Slonim • Mrs Lorraine Topol • Mr Mark Wollan •<br />

CRES<br />

The Council for Jewish Education in Schools (CRES) is a tax deductible<br />

fund which is to promote Jewish education to Jewish children outside of the<br />

Jewish schooling system.<br />

• Dr Ron & Mrs Andrea Dorey • Mr Ian Samuel OAM & Mrs<br />

Shayndel Samuel •<br />

All Yahrzeits are recorded on the weekly Shabbat synagogue supplement<br />

Malcolm Lerner Husband of Marjorie, father of Sarah & James<br />

Victor Nathan Husband of Shirley, father of Greg & Rafi<br />

Rae (Rachel) Singer Wife of Len, mother of Pauline Walvisch and<br />

Pamela Rees<br />

Ruth Webster<br />

Michael Weinstein Husband of Ina (Josephine), father of Dianne<br />

Veseley & Cynthia Weinstein<br />

Fima Weisman Husband of Evgenia Nisman, father of Albert<br />

Weisman<br />

Susan Whyte Wife of David<br />

Rabbi Moshe Zemer<br />

Rhonda Nirens JP - Executive Director of Bet Olam Jewish Funerals<br />

and Funeral Director - Pager 9883 6237 Mobile 0438 464 909

14<br />



juk<br />


February 5<br />

10.30am<br />

Limmud on Sunday<br />

“Four Unorthodox Lectures on<br />

Jewish History”<br />

February 12<br />

10.30am<br />

Limmud on Sunday<br />

“Four Unorthodox Lectures on<br />

Jewish History”<br />

8pm<br />

Men’s Group<br />

February 19<br />

February 26<br />

10.30am<br />

Limmud on Sunday<br />

“Four Unorthodox Lectures on<br />

Jewish History”<br />

February 6<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivors Group -<br />

Jewish Care<br />

February 13<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivors Group -<br />

Jewish Care<br />

February 20<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivors Group -<br />

Jewish Care<br />

February 27<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivors Group -<br />

Jewish Care<br />

7.30pm<br />

Living with Dementia<br />

February 7<br />

10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

10am<br />

TBI Archive Group<br />

4pm Matan<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm<br />

Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

February 14<br />

10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

4pm Matan<br />

6.15pm<br />

Ruach Rehearsal<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

February 21<br />

10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

10am<br />

TBI Archive Group<br />

4pm Matan<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

February 28<br />

10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

4pm Matan<br />

6.15pm<br />

Ruach Rehearsal<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

11am<br />

Friendship Club<br />

10.30am<br />

Drop in & Chat<br />

February 1<br />

February 8<br />

6pm<br />

B’nei Mitzvah Orientation<br />

8pm<br />

Maccabi Toastmasters<br />

10.30am<br />

Drop in & Chat<br />

February 2<br />

10.30am<br />

Holocaust Survivours Group -<br />

Russian Speaking<br />

(Jewish Care)<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

February 9<br />

10.30am<br />

Holocaust Survivours Group -<br />

Russian Speaking<br />

(Jewish Care)<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

February 15 February 16<br />

February 22<br />

7.30pm<br />

Rosh Chodesh - Adar (offsite)<br />

8pm<br />

Maccabi Toastmasters<br />

February 28<br />

3 Adar 5772 4 Adar 5772<br />

5 Adar 5772 6 Adar 5772<br />

10.30am<br />

Holocaust Survivours Group -<br />

Russian Speaking<br />

(Jewish Care)<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

February 23<br />

10.30am<br />

Holocaust Survivours Group -<br />

Russian Speaking<br />

(Jewish Care)<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

February 3<br />

6.15pm<br />

B’yachad Service<br />

6.15pm<br />

Shabbat Shira<br />

Service<br />

10 Shevat 5772<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat<br />

Shabbat Service<br />

Ruach<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat<br />

Shabbat service<br />

7.30pm<br />

Young TBI Dinner<br />

February 10<br />

February 17<br />

February 24<br />

February 4<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Beshallach<br />

8 Shevat 5772 9 Shevat 5772<br />

11 Shevat 5772<br />

February 11<br />

9am<br />

Shabbat Mishpacha<br />

9.45am<br />

Gesher Service<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Yitro<br />

BM Gabriella Markov<br />

12 Shevat 5772 13 Shevat 5772 14 Shevat 5772 15 Shevat 5772 16 Shevat 5772 17 Shevat 5772 18 Shevat 5772<br />

February 18<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Mishpatim<br />

BM Ashley King<br />

19 Shevat 5772 20 Shevat 5772 21 Shevat 5772 22 Shevat 5772 23 Shevat 5772 24 Shevat 5772 25 Shevat 5772<br />

Ruach<br />

February 25<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Terumah<br />

BM Zachary Rockman<br />

26 Shevat 5772 27 Shevat 5772 28 Shevat 5772 29 Shevat 5772 30 Shevat 5772 1 Adar 5772 2 Adar 5772<br />

Share your simcha<br />

with your community<br />

If you would like to sponsor a kiddush please contact the office today<br />

for information on how you can get your name up in lights!


juk<br />

MARCH<br />


March 4<br />

10.30am<br />

Limmud on Sunday<br />

“Four Unorthodox Lectures on<br />

Jewish History”<br />

3pm<br />

Family<br />

Purim<br />

Carnival<br />

March 5<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivors Group -<br />

Jewish Care<br />

March 6<br />

10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

10am<br />

TBI Archive Group<br />

4pm Matan<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

March 7<br />

7.30pm<br />

Purim - Quiz & supper<br />

March 1<br />

10.30am<br />

Holocaust Survivours Group -<br />

Russian Speaking<br />

(Jewish Care)<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

10 Adar 5772 11 Adar 5772<br />

12 Adar 5772 13 Adar 5772 14 Adar 5772 15 Adar 5772 16 Adar 5772<br />

March 11<br />

March 12<br />

March 13<br />

March 14<br />

2 Nisan 5772 3 Nisan 5772<br />

4 Nisan 5772 5 Nisan 5772 6 Nisan 5772 7 Nisan 5772 8 Nisan 5772<br />

The <strong>Temple</strong> <strong>Beth</strong> <strong>Israel</strong> Business Breakfast<br />

March 2<br />

15<br />

7 Adar 5772 8 Adar 5772<br />

9 Adar 5772<br />

March 8<br />

March 15<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

March 9<br />

March 16<br />

with Brian A McNamee, AO<br />

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director CSL Limited<br />

Friday March 16, 2012, 7.30am - 9am Slome Hall, 76-82 Alma Road, St Kilda<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Tetzaveh<br />

BM Azul Rosenstein<br />

9am<br />

Shabbat Mishpacha<br />

9.45am<br />

Gesher Service<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Ki Tissa<br />

BM Mitchell Midler<br />

March 3<br />

March 10<br />

March 17<br />

Labour Day - Office closed 10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

4pm Matan<br />

10.30am<br />

Drop in & Chat<br />

7.30am<br />

TBI Business Breakfast<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Vayakhel-Pekudei<br />

BM Rebecca Freedman<br />

6.15pm Ruach Rehearsal<br />

Ruach<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm<br />

Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

8pm<br />

Maccabi Toastmasters<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

Ruach<br />

17 Adar 5772 18 Adar 5772<br />

19 Adar 5772 20 Adar 5772 21 Adar 5772 22 Adar 5772 23 Adar 5772<br />

March 18<br />

March 19 March 20<br />

March 21<br />

March 22<br />

March 23<br />

10.30am<br />

10am<br />

Limmud on Sunday -<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

10.30am<br />

11am<br />

Baruch Spinoza: Apostate Jew<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivours Group -<br />

Friendship Club<br />

or Progressive Jew?<br />

TBI Archive Group<br />

Russian Speaking<br />

6.15pm<br />

3pm<br />

4pm Matan<br />

(Jewish Care)<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat<br />

Port Philip Open Day<br />

7.30pm<br />

7.30pm<br />

Service<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

8pm<br />

7.30pm<br />

7.30pm<br />

Young TBI Dinner<br />

Men’s Group<br />

Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

24 Adar 5772 25 Adar 5772<br />

26 Adar 5772 27 Adar 5772 28 Adar 5772 29 Adar 5772<br />

March 25<br />

10.30am<br />

Limmud on Sunday -<br />

Baruch Spinoza: Apostate Jew<br />

or Progressive Jew?<br />

7.30pm<br />

Rosh Chodesh - Nisan (offsite)<br />

March 26<br />

10am<br />

Holocaust Survivors Group -<br />

Jewish Care<br />

March 27<br />

10am<br />

English Classes - Jewish Care<br />

4pm<br />

Matan<br />

7.30pm<br />

Introduction to Judaism<br />

7.30pm<br />

Parashat Ha’shavua<br />

10.30am<br />

Drop in & Chat<br />

March 28<br />

8pm<br />

Maccabi Toastmasters<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Tough<br />

7.30pm<br />

Aleph isn’t Enough<br />

March 29<br />

Contact TBI for booking & information<br />

9.30am<br />

KDS Model Seder<br />

6.15pm<br />

Kabbalat Shabbat<br />

Service<br />

March 30<br />

March 24<br />

10am Shabbat Vayikra<br />

10am<br />

Shabbat Tzav<br />

BM Benjamin Brill<br />

1 Nisan 5772<br />

March 31

16<br />



A GALAXY of Australians from all walks of life<br />

- more than 1200 of them -- gathered at TBI to<br />

farewell Sir Zelman Cowen, aged 92. The mourners<br />

included Governor-General Quentin Bryce, Prime<br />

Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition leader Tony<br />

Abbott.<br />

Rabbi Fred Morgan introduced the King David<br />

School Choir, directed by Joe Stupel, which offered<br />

both stanzas of Advance Australia Fair, ushering<br />

in a solemn, heartfelt service. Tributes flowed,<br />

interspersed with Hebrew prayers sung by our<br />

cantorial soloists Rhondda Hall and Bruce Levin,<br />

and by the TBI Choir. In his eulogy, Rabbi John Levi<br />

described Sir Zelman’s and Lady Anna’s long, close<br />

ties to TBI, noting his father Bernard had been the<br />

synagogue’s president, her father Hymie Wittner had<br />

been a treasurer, and the Cowens had married at TBI<br />

in 1945.<br />

Sir Zelman began his Oxford years at Oriel College,<br />

returning to Australia and a long, honourable life in<br />

academia. In the wake of the 1975 constitutional<br />


rufz<br />

crisis, Malcolm Fraser appointed Sir Zelman, a<br />

wholly non-partisan figure who, in thought and<br />

action, had grappled more profoundly than perhaps<br />

anyone else in this country with the issues of division,<br />

consensus, communication, and healing, to the post<br />

of Governor-General.<br />

Sir Zelman was patron of St Kilda Football Club,<br />

and in 1966, although it was Yom Kippur, he had<br />

quietly gone to the football to witness St Kilda’s only<br />

premiership triumph. Speaking at the funeral, his<br />

friend Simon Skala recalled a conversation with him<br />

about this several decades later. “I asked him was it<br />

worth it, and he replied, ‘Too soon to tell’. I think he<br />

now knows the answer”.<br />

Reflecting on his life, Sir Zelman said, “The small<br />

boy could not dream of all this. I am deeply grateful.”<br />

We, too, are deeply grateful to have had Sir Zelman<br />

Cowen as our mentor and friend at TBI for so<br />

many years.

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