Program & Abstract Book - EPFL Latsis Symposium 2009

Program & Abstract Book - EPFL Latsis Symposium 2009 Program & Abstract Book - EPFL Latsis Symposium 2009
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EPFL Latsis Symposium 2009: Understanding Violence P-52 106 February 11-13 2009 ge n e -e n v i r o n m e n t a l i n t e r p l a y o n t h e a s s o c i a t i o n b e t w e e n a g g r e s s i v e b e h a v i o r a n D a l c o h o l D e p e n D e n c e von der Pahlen, Bettina 1 ; Johansson, Ada 1 ; Sandnabba, N. Kenneth 1 ; Santtila, Pekka 1 1 Center of Excellence in Behavior Genetics, Department of Psychology, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland We investigated the interplay between genetic and environmental effects on the association between alcohol dependence and aggressive behaviour as well as sex differences in this interplay. There were 3141 male (mean age 26.2 [S.E. = 0.1]) and 6026 female (mean age 26.1[S.E. = 0.1]) participants in this extended twin study. Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT), and two subscales of Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) were used to assess the phenotypes. The phenotypes were positively associated with men exhibiting higher levels on both phenotypes. In the model fitting, we explored first how the level of alcohol use moderated the genetic and environmental effects on aggressive behaviour separately for men and women. Second, we explored in similar fashion how the level of aggressive behaviour moderated the genetic and environmental effects on alcohol dependence. The implications of the results for understanding the connection between these two phenotypes will be discussed.

EPFL Latsis Symposium 2009: Understanding Violence P-53 Poster Abstracts ag g r e s s i o n: bi o p s y c h o s o c i a l me c h a n i s m s Wahl, Klaus 1 1 German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut) and Univer- sity of Munich, Germany We try to close the gap between biological, psychological and sociological approaches to aggression and violence. In order to do this we are looking at the mechanisms connecting systems for aggression at the genetic, neuronal, psychic, and social levels. After a broad study of new research findings in the different sciences we recently started an empirical research project combining brain studies (EEG, fMRI), psychological tests (attachment, affective reactions etc.) and biographic interviews with violent perpetrators and a control group ( n = 24 in the pre-study). This interdisciplinary study is done in cooperation with researchers from German and Austrian universities (Bremen, Magdeburg, Heidelberg, Kassel,Innsbruck). 107

<strong>EPFL</strong> <strong>Latsis</strong> <strong>Symposium</strong> <strong>2009</strong>: Understanding Violence<br />

P-53<br />

Poster <strong>Abstract</strong>s<br />

ag g r e s s i o n: bi o p s y c h o s o c i a l me c h a n i s m s<br />

Wahl, Klaus 1<br />

1 German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut) and Univer-<br />

sity of Munich, Germany<br />

We try to close the gap between biological, psychological and sociological<br />

approaches to aggression and violence. In order to do this we are looking<br />

at the mechanisms connecting systems for aggression at the genetic,<br />

neuronal, psychic, and social levels.<br />

After a broad study of new research findings in the different sciences we<br />

recently started an empirical research project combining brain studies<br />

(EEG, fMRI), psychological tests (attachment, affective reactions etc.) and<br />

biographic interviews with violent perpetrators and a control group ( n =<br />

24 in the pre-study). This interdisciplinary study is done in cooperation<br />

with researchers from German and Austrian universities (Bremen, Magdeburg,<br />

Heidelberg, Kassel,Innsbruck).<br />


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