Activity 5. Complete the sentences sleep – play – eat – speak – run – study – wash - sing climb – drink – fly – drive – swim – play - write a.- I can sleep ten hours because I am tired. b.- We can ________ the mountains. c.- They can ________ 3 kilometres in 5 minutes because they are fast. d.- She can ________ a lot because she is hungry. e.- Birds can ________ very high. f.- Ann can ________ four languages because she is from Switcherland. g.- We can ________ three bottles of water because we are thirsty. h.- My sister can ________ my car because she has the driving license. i.- You can ________ the piano because you study music. j.- Mary can ________ in a lake because she is a good swimmer. k.- He can ________ study hard for the exam. l.- We can ________ football in the playground. m.- They can ________ their hands before lunch. n.- Sarah can ________ a text in French. o.- He can ________ a song in Italian. © koalatext .com 71

Activity 6. Read and find the secret message a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t correct incorrect a.- I can speak Catalan and Spanish. I P b.- They can swim in the swimming-pool. C E c.- Elephants fly can. Q A d.- My mum can read books. N T e.- John texts can write. W L f.- My dog run can very fast. E I g.- We can mountains climb. R S h.- Charlie can the guitar play. U T i.- You swim can in the ocean. I E j.- He can open the door. N G k.- You can play tennis. T F l.- They drink can lemonade. A O m.- She can ride a horse. T J n.- Tigers eat can small animals. S H o.- We can go to Barcelona. E I p.- Fish can swim fast. R O q.- My dad can fast drive. D A r.- She do can the homework. F D s.- I can dance very well. I P t.- They play the piano can. G O © koalatext .com 72

Activity 6. Read and find the secret message<br />

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t<br />

correct<br />

incorrect<br />

a.- I can speak Catalan and Spanish. I P<br />

b.- They can swim in the swimming-pool. C E<br />

c.- Elephants fly can. Q A<br />

d.- My mum can read books. N T<br />

e.- John texts can write. W L<br />

f.- My dog run can very fast. E I<br />

g.- We can mountains climb. R S<br />

h.- Charlie can the guitar play. U T<br />

i.- You swim can in the ocean. I E<br />

j.- He can open the door. N G<br />

k.- You can play tennis. T F<br />

l.- They drink can lemonade. A O<br />

m.- She can ride a horse. T J<br />

n.- Tigers eat can small animals. S H<br />

o.- We can go to Barcelona. E I<br />

p.- Fish can swim fast. R O<br />

q.- My dad can fast drive. D A<br />

r.- She do can the homework. F D<br />

s.- I can dance very well. I P<br />

t.- They play the piano can. G O<br />

© koalatext .com 72

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