GRAMMAR - BOOK 1 PREPOSITIONS OF TIME Prepositions of Time (in / on / at) PREPOSITIONS: IN – ON - AT IN . Months (January, February,…) . My birthday is in January. . Seasons (Summer, Spring,…) . I don’t go to school in summer. . Years (1973, 2013,…) . I was born in 2010. . Parts of the day (morning, afternoon and evening) . I get up at 8:00 in the morning. ON . Days of the week (Monday, Tuesday,…) . I play football on Saturdays. . Dates (9 November,…) . My birthday is on 9 November. . Special days . I feel good on New Year’s Day. AT . Times (9 o’clock,…) . I get up at 9 o’clock. . Midnight,… . I am sleeping at midnight. © koalatext .com 9

Activity 1. Write “AT”, “IN” or “ON” a.- In June k.- ________ Friday b.- ________ the afternoon l.- ________ 1976 c.- ________ Saturday m.- ________ night d.- ________ 1997 n.- ________ 5:00 e.- ________ winter o.- ________ Monday night f.- ________ the morning p.- ________ July g.- ________ Christmas q.- ________ 2016 h.- ________ Wednesday r.- ________ summer i.- ________ 2011 s.- ________ 6:00 j.- ________ Tuesday morning t.- ________ Sunday Activity 2. Write “AT”, “IN” or “ON” a.- We usually play basketball on Fridays. b.- We can go to the park ________ the weekend. c.- My birthday is ________ April. d.- I have classes ________ the morning. e.- I was born ________ 2005. f.- I usually go to bed ________ 9:00. g.- I meet my friends ________ the afternoons. h.- I usually get up ________ 8:00. i.- We often go to the beach ________ summer. j.- I don’t go to school ________ Saturdays. © koalatext .com 10

Activity 1. Write “AT”, “IN” or “ON”<br />

a.- In June<br />

k.- ________ Friday<br />

b.- ________ the afternoon l.- ________ 1976<br />

c.- ________ Saturday<br />

m.- ________ night<br />

d.- ________ 1997 n.- ________ 5:00<br />

e.- ________ winter<br />

o.- ________ Monday night<br />

f.- ________ the morning p.- ________ July<br />

g.- ________ Christmas q.- ________ 2016<br />

h.- ________ Wednesday r.- ________ summer<br />

i.- ________ 2011 s.- ________ 6:00<br />

j.- ________ Tuesday morning t.- ________ Sunday<br />

Activity 2. Write “AT”, “IN” or “ON”<br />

a.- We usually play basketball on Fridays.<br />

b.- We can go to the park ________ the weekend.<br />

c.- My birthday is ________ April.<br />

d.- I have classes ________ the morning.<br />

e.- I was born ________ 2005.<br />

f.- I usually go to bed ________ 9:00.<br />

g.- I meet my friends ________ the afternoons.<br />

h.- I usually get up ________ 8:00.<br />

i.- We often go to the beach ________ summer.<br />

j.- I don’t go to school ________ Saturdays.<br />

© koalatext .com 10

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