Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian

Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian

Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian


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Akasha-gamanam(<strong>cap</strong>acitatea deplasarii prin eter;trecerea prin obstacole<br />

materiale,teleportarea; translocatia); The power of teleportation:travel through<br />

Ether(akasha);<br />

YS 3.43. .kāyākāṡayoḥ sambandha-saṃyamāl laghu-tūla-samāpatteṡ cākāṡa-gamanam. [in<br />

alte variante in pozitia: YS 3.42]<br />

Traducerea convergenta/Convergent translation:<br />

R: Akasha-gamanam(<strong>cap</strong>acitatea deplasarii prin eter; trecerea prin obstacole<br />

materiale,teleportarea; translocatia) <strong>si</strong> laghiman(levitatia; zborul;plutirea in aer;<br />

imponderabilitatea) se obtin gratie samyama asupra le<strong>gat</strong>urii dintre kaya(corpul fizic) <strong>si</strong><br />

akasha (eter) pana la realizarea stadiului de identificare(de osmoza totala) numit tula<br />

(nor;ceata;vata;bumbac;de impregnare eterica a materiei);<br />

E: The power of traveling through akasha(akasha-gamanam)is obtained by samyama on<br />

the relationship between the body (kaya) and akasha (space;ether) when the lightness of<br />

cotton is attained during coalesced contemplation;<br />

F: Le pouvoir de se déplacer au travers akasha (espace; éther; ciel) est assuré par la pratique<br />

de la contrainte(samyama) sur la relation entre le corps(kaya) et akasha et par la<br />

concentration dans la légèreté du coton;<br />

S: El poder por atravesar (gamanam) el espacio (akasha) se logra efectuando el control<br />

mental (samyama) sobre la relación (sambandha) entre el espacio vacío (akasha) y el<br />

cuerpo (kaya), y fu<strong>si</strong>onando la mente (la identificación enstática; samapatti ) con la ligereza<br />

(laghu) del algodón (tula)<br />

Traducerea divergenta a fiecarui termen/Divergent Translation (word-by-word):<br />

kāya (kaya) (जजज) = R: MW274.1(masculin) corp, trup; corpul fizic; ansamblu; deriva de la √ci (a<br />

reuni, a uni); II.43 - III.21 - III.29 - III.42 - III.45 - III.46; E: body; S: MW274.1(masculino) cuerpo,<br />

ensamblaje; deriva de √ci (reunir, juntar); II.43 - III.21 - III.29 - III.42 - III.45 - III.46;<br />

ākāṡa(akasha) = R: spatiu;eter; akashayoh : a spaţiului; E: space, ether; F: ciel;espace;ether; S: el<br />

espacio vacío; éter;<br />

sambandha = R: relatie;le<strong>gat</strong>ura;conexiune; E: relationship; F: relation; S: relación;<br />

saṃyamaḥ (samyama) (जजजज) = R: MW1112.1 (masculin) autocontrol; egalitatea;echilibrul;control,<br />

egalitatea; perfecta stapanire; a mentine unit; samyama- termen tehnic care desemneaza practica<br />

unificata intr-un proces unic al concentrarii(dharana) , meditatiei (dhyana) <strong>si</strong> a samadhi (identificarii<br />

complete;transa mistica ) asupra aceluia<strong>si</strong> obiect ;procesul in trei faze care conduce la identificarea<br />

subiect-obiect <strong>si</strong> la functionarea holografica,coerenta; procesul de acordarea rezonanta cu Constiinta<br />

Cosmica; autocontrolul; egalitatea;echilibrul; perfecta stapanire; sam (impreuna, unit; complet;intreg)<br />

+ yama, deriva de la √yam (a se abtine, a se restringe); 1) control mental, concentrare perfecta,<br />

completa infranare,subjugare, autocontrol total; 2) practica continua,unificata (le<strong>gat</strong>ă) intr-un proces<br />

unic a a concentrarii (dhārana), meditatiei (dhyāna) <strong>si</strong> a transei mistice sau a identificarii(samadhi)<br />

asupra aceluia<strong>si</strong> obiect; procesul in trei faze care conduce la identificarea subiect-obiect <strong>si</strong> la<br />

functionarea holografica,coerenta; procesul de acordarea rezonantă cu Constiinta Cosmica; samyamah<br />

(masculin, nominativ, <strong>si</strong>ngular) YS 3.4; samyamāt (masculin, ablativ, <strong>si</strong>ngular) prin samyama; YS 3.16 -<br />

YS 3.17 - YS 3.21 - YS 3.22 - YS 3.26 - YS 3.35 - YS 3.41 - YS 3.42 - YS 3.44 - YS 3.52; E: MW1112.1<br />

(masculine); perfect mastery,constraint, perfect discipline; a technical term meaning the practice of<br />

dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (mystic trance) in a <strong>si</strong>ngle process;the<br />

three phases of identification between subject and object for entering the holographic functioning of<br />

mind; perfect mastery,constraint, perfect discipline; perfectly concentrated meditation; annihilation(SB<br />

4.11.16) ; regulation(SB 11.17.34-35);complete control (SB 11.18.22) ; holding together,<br />

restraint,abstinence;self-restraint control, (esp.) control of the senses, self-control Mn. MBh.<br />

&c;concentration of mind [compri<strong>si</strong>ng the performance of Dhāranā, Dhyāna, and Samādhi, or the last

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