Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian

Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian

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siddhis (divine, extraordinary or supernatural powers): by regulating this energy can be obtained the teleportation, levitation and invulnerability(defensive shield) ; give a sense of lightness or levitation (subtle Udana); Prana Vayu: localizare :chest/heart; field of activity: from the heart to the throat; Prana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the head down to the navel, which is the Pranic center in the physical body;It moves between the nostrils and the heart during inhalation / exhalation; the breath called Prana, the bearer of a current of heat, descends from the head downwards to the extremity of the anal canal and thence is sent upwards once more. Coming back to its seat in the head, it once more sends down the heat it bears. Below the navel is the region of digested matter. Above it is that for the food which is taken. In the navel are all the forces of life that sustain the body. function : main function is respiration; Prana governs the intake of substances; Prana brings in the fuel; It controls and regulates all activities of the sense organs. It helps in sound production, swallowing and regulates the body temperature; Prana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the head down to the navel, which is the Pranic center in the physical body. Without Prana the physical body is no more than a lump of clay. Prana sculpts this gelatinous mass into various limbs and organs. It does this by creating various channels or Nadis, through which it can operate and energize gross matter into various tissues and organs. Prana and Udana create the upper openings or bodily orifices Prana Vayu creates the openings and channels in the head and brain down to the heart. There are seven openings in the head, the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and mouth. These are called the seven Pranas or seven Rishis in Vedic thought. Proper nutrition brings about the increase of Prana on a physical level. This also requires proper elimination. In Ayurvedic thought the Prana from the food is absorbed in the large intestine, particularly in the upper two-thirds of this organ, which is not simply an organ of elimination. For this reason Apana Vayu is the most important Prana for physical health. The Vedas say that mortals eat food with Apana, while the Gods eat food with Prana. The mortals are the physical tissues. The immortals are the senses. These take in food via Prana itself. Right food sustains Apana. Right impressions support Prana. For this not only outer factors like contact with nature, but also practices like rituals and visualizations are important, as well as sensory therapies involving color, sounds or aromas. subtle energetic center(chakra): Anahata; gross element (bhuta tattva): Aer,vant (vayu); subtle element (tanmatras tattva):tact(sparsha) sensory terminal (jnana indriya):simtul tactil(tvac); action terminal (karma indriya): hands(pani); movement: inhalation; upward movement. Prana and Udana work opposite to Apana as the forces of energization versus those of elimination. Prana, literally the "forward moving air," moves inward and governs reception of all types from the eating of food, drinking of water, and inhalation of air, to the reception of sensory impressions and mental experiences. It is propulsive in nature, setting things in motion and guiding them. It provides the basic energy that drives us in life. direction:upward ,outward(centrifugal) in six directions; Prana, tends to disperse upward through the mind and senses, as it is our opening to the energies above. Yogic practices require bringing Apana up. Prana must be brought down to unite with Apana. This helps unite and balance all the Pranas. In doing so the inner fire or Kundalini gets enkindled in the region of the navel. Mula Bandha is an important practice in this regard. color: it is golden in color; characteristic: light in weight (opposite to Apana)

prana vayus and the breath: Prana governs inhalation. prana vayus and the mind: Prana governs the intake of sensory impressions prana vayus on psychological level: Prana governs our receptivity to positive sources of nourishment, feeling and knowledge through the mind and senses. When deranged it causes wrong desire and insatiable craving. We become misguided, misdirected and generally out of balance. siddhis (divine, extraordinary or supernatural powers): heightened vitality and sensitivity (subtle Prana). Samana Vayu: localization :plexus solar; field of activity of Samana is from the navel to the heart; there is heat in the bodies of living creatures which is circulated all over the system by the breath called Samana; Samana Vayu governs the movement of energy from the entire body back to the navel. function: digestion ; Samana converts this fuel to energy; Samana governs their digestion, assimilation; nourishes the whole body and gives glowing health to it;burn and elimination of residues, toxins; elimination of diseases; It aids in digestion on all levels. It works in the gastrointestinal tract to digest food, in the lungs to digest air or absorb oxygen, and in the mind to homogenize and digest experiences, whether sensory, emotional or mental. Samana Vayu creates the trunk of the body (which is dominated by the gastro-intestinal tract), Samana Vayu creates the openings in the middle part of the body, those of the digestive system, centered in the navel. It opens out the channels of the intestines and the organs, like the liver and pancreas, which secrete into it. postfunction: consevation of the body when the soul si out; color: white; nature: cool(consevation of the body) subtle energetic center(chakra): (chakra): Manipura; gross element (bhuta tattva): fire;light(tejas); subtle element (tanmatras tattva):sound(sabda) sensory terminal (jnana indriya):seeingl(akshu); action terminal (karma indriya): walking(pada) movement: contraction; concentration; centripetal; Samana, literally the "balancing air," moves from the periphery to the center through a churning and discerning action. direction: centripetal; contraction; Vyana and Samana are opposites as expansion and contraction. prana vayus and the breath: Samana governs absorption of oxygen that occurs mainly during retention of the breath prana vayus and the mind: Samana governs mental digestion. prana vayus on psychological level: Samana Vayu gives us nourishment, contentment and balance in the mind. When deranged it brings about attachment and greed. We cling to things and become possessive in our behavior. prana vayus and spiritual aspects: on a spiritual level, samana vayu governs the space within the heart (antar hridyakasha) in which the true self, the atman dwells as a fire with seven flames, governs the central internal space or antariksha. Samana regulates agni with fuel, which must burn evenly. Without the peace and balance of samana we cannot return to the core of our being or concentrate the mind. siddhis (divine, extraordinary or supernatural powers): radiance that surrounds the entire body and the elimination of all diseases, poisons and toxins from the body; great peace (subtle Samana);

prana vayus and the breath: Prana governs inhalation.<br />

prana vayus and the mind: Prana governs the intake of sensory impres<strong>si</strong>ons<br />

prana vayus on psychological level: Prana governs our receptivity to po<strong>si</strong>tive sources of<br />

nourishment, feeling and knowledge through the mind and senses. When deranged it causes<br />

wrong de<strong>si</strong>re and insatiable craving. We become misguided, misdirected and generally out of<br />

balance.<br />

<strong>si</strong>ddhis (divine, extraordinary or supernatural powers): heightened vitality and<br />

sen<strong>si</strong>tivity (subtle Prana).<br />

Samana <strong>Vayu</strong>: localization :plexus solar; field of activity of Samana is from the navel to the<br />

heart;<br />

there is heat in the bodies of living creatures which is circulated all over the system by the<br />

breath called Samana; Samana <strong>Vayu</strong> governs the movement of energy from the entire body<br />

back to the navel.<br />

function: digestion ; Samana converts this fuel to energy; Samana governs their digestion,<br />

as<strong>si</strong>milation; nourishes the whole body and gives glowing health to it;burn and elimination of<br />

re<strong>si</strong>dues, toxins; elimination of diseases; It aids in digestion on all levels. It works in the<br />

gastrointestinal tract to digest food, in the lungs to digest air or absorb oxygen, and in the<br />

mind to homogenize and digest experiences, whether sensory, emotional or mental. Samana<br />

<strong>Vayu</strong> creates the trunk of the body (which is dominated by the gastro-intestinal tract),<br />

Samana <strong>Vayu</strong> creates the openings in the middle part of the body, those of the digestive<br />

system, centered in the navel. It opens out the channels of the intestines and the organs, like<br />

the liver and pancreas, which secrete into it.<br />

postfunction: consevation of the body when the soul <strong>si</strong> out;<br />

color: white;<br />

nature: cool(consevation of the body)<br />

subtle energetic center(chakra): (chakra): Manipura;<br />

gross element (bhuta tattva): fire;light(tejas);<br />

subtle element (tanmatras tattva):sound(sabda)<br />

sensory terminal (jnana indriya):seeingl(akshu);<br />

action terminal (karma indriya): walking(pada)<br />

movement: contraction; concentration; centripetal; Samana, literally the "balancing air,"<br />

moves from the periphery to the center through a churning and discerning action.<br />

direction: centripetal; contraction; Vyana and Samana are oppo<strong>si</strong>tes as expan<strong>si</strong>on and<br />

contraction.<br />

prana vayus and the breath: Samana governs absorption of oxygen that occurs mainly<br />

during retention of the breath<br />

prana vayus and the mind: Samana governs mental digestion.<br />

prana vayus on psychological level: Samana <strong>Vayu</strong> gives us nourishment, contentment<br />

and balance in the mind. When deranged it brings about attachment and greed. We cling to<br />

things and become posses<strong>si</strong>ve in our behavior.<br />

prana vayus and spiritual aspects: on a spiritual level, samana vayu governs the space<br />

within the heart (antar hridyakasha) in which the true self, the atman dwells as a fire with<br />

seven flames, governs the central internal space or antariksha. Samana regulates agni with<br />

fuel, which must burn evenly. Without the peace and balance of samana we cannot return to<br />

the core of our being or concentrate the mind.<br />

<strong>si</strong>ddhis (divine, extraordinary or supernatural powers): radiance that surrounds the<br />

entire body and the elimination of all diseases, poisons and toxins from the body; great<br />

peace (subtle Samana);

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