Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian

Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian

Udana Vayu: localizare :gat si cap; centru ... - Dan Mirahorian


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matter and spirit - exactly as Janine Fontaine refers to the subtle bodies or aura. 19<br />

Jung<br />

speaks of "a projected psychic content, a corpus mysticum in the sense of a 'subtle<br />

body'", but<br />

in this case it is not a correspondence but a direct perception, and con<strong>si</strong>dered as a<br />

"psychic<br />

content" it is an introjection, but in fact it probably is the psyche. Similarly while he<br />

refers to<br />

the "magic attributed to gems", it is now found that crystals really do affect the subtle<br />

energies. Since the subtle bodies belong to a different order of reality from the<br />

phy<strong>si</strong>cal or material<br />

world perceived by the senses, it is likely that they belong to the three timedimen<strong>si</strong>ons,<br />

and<br />

are at least related to the three elements or functions without the component of earth<br />

or<br />

sensation, which corresponds to the phy<strong>si</strong>cal body.In our present stage of<br />

development we are only conscious of, or adopt the attitude of being<br />

only conscious of the phy<strong>si</strong>cal or material world, and of ourselves as bodies, and while<br />

we use<br />

the words "mind", or "personality", and so on, we do not really allow ourselves to<br />

believe in<br />

anything other than "body". Therefore we confine our awareness to a small part of our<br />

total<br />

being and reality. We believe mind and personality to arise from and be a more or less<br />

accidental function of body, instead of the other way round, where body is a<br />

materialisation of<br />

the former. Bodies are entirely subject to time, and altogether tran<strong>si</strong>ent - they do not<br />

partake<br />

of time, but are confined within its cycle, and this is where we imprison our vi<strong>si</strong>on.<br />

Aspectul energetic al terapiei medicale<br />

Aspectul energetic al medicinii nu se limiteaza la produsele imbunatatite energetic<br />

(energetically enhanced products)?<br />

Dr. Deepak Chopra a declarat în cartea sa, "Cresti mai tinar traieste mai mult" ...<br />

"corpul tau nu este o structură mecanică ...acesta este un câmp de energie, <strong>cap</strong>abil de<br />

perpetua autoreparare sau vindecare" Dr. Deepak Chopra stated in his book, Grow<br />

Younger Live Longer… “Your body is not a mechanical structure…it is a field of energy,<br />

<strong>cap</strong>able of perpetual healing”<br />

A patra cauza de deces în America (după cancer, bolile de inima <strong>si</strong> accidentele<br />

vasculare cerebrale) este reprezentat de reacţiile la medicamente. The fourth leading<br />

cause of death in America (after cancer, heart disease and stroke) is reactions to<br />

medications.<br />

"Jurnalul Asociatiei Medicale Americane", raporteaza ca peste 100.000 de oameni pe<br />

an mor în SUA din cauza reacţiilor nocive la medicamente. Toate medicamentele pot<br />

avea efecte secundare nocive, chiar dacă sunt luate în dozele adecvate. Prin urmare,<br />

ar fi logic sa scadem la minimim cantitatea de medicamente care le luăm şi sa folo<strong>si</strong>m<br />

solutiile cele mai naturale <strong>si</strong> mai <strong>si</strong>gure po<strong>si</strong>bil pt. a restabili starea de sănătate. The<br />

“Journal of the American Medical Association” reports that over 100,000 people a year<br />

die in the U.S. from harmful reactions to medications. All medications can have bad<br />

<strong>si</strong>de effects, even when taken in proper doses. Therefore, it would seem logical to<br />

minimize the amount of medications we take and to use the most natural and safe<br />

health solutions as pos<strong>si</strong>ble<br />

Ce este ingrijirea energetica a sanatatii? What is energetic healthcare?<br />

In filmul de mai sus se mai afirma<br />

Energia ... poate nu ştim ce este, dar noi ştim atunci când o avem ... şi mai ales<br />

atunci când nu o avem ! Energy…we may not know what it is, but we know when we<br />

have it… and especially when we don’t have it!

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