2018 Summer Newsletter

SPG Summer Newsletter SPG Summer Newsletter

Wealth Management Specialists<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2018</strong><br />


C O N T E N T S<br />

Craner<br />

Ryan<br />

commonly<br />

shares<br />

gimmicks<br />

seen<br />

tricks pg. 3<br />

and<br />

pg. 3<br />

Don't Fall for this Radio Sales Pitch<br />

by Ryan Craner<br />

Ryan talks SOS (second opinion service)<br />

and gimmicks to avoid<br />

pg. 5<br />

Planning, Emotions, and Drastic<br />

Actions<br />

by John Park<br />

John shares his secret to avoiding<br />

potential mistakes and keeping emotions<br />

out of planning<br />

pg. 7<br />

A Message to Post-Millennials<br />

by Tom Craner<br />

School debt and the dilemma it causes to<br />

post-millennials<br />

pg. 9<br />

Retirement Wordsearch<br />

by Jackie O'Shea<br />

Can you find the hidden retirement<br />

terms?<br />

pg. 10-11<br />

Meet the Team<br />

Introducing the new members of the<br />

office<br />

pg. 3<br />

Don't Fall for this Radio Sales<br />

Pitch<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 2


DON'T<br />


RADIO<br />

By Ryan Craner<br />

Taking the client advocate and consumer protection approach, Ryan has always viewed every<br />

client as a long term and very important relationship.<br />

ver the past few years<br />

several Strategic Planning Group<br />

clients have contacted me<br />

requesting an SOS (Second<br />

Opinion Service)<br />

O<br />

regarding<br />

proposals pitched to them or their<br />

extended family or friends by<br />

various insurance sales<br />

organizations in Utah. These<br />

pitches are coming via selfproclaimed<br />

“gurus” on the radio,<br />

at dinner seminars and more.<br />

Once I examined the sales<br />

proposals, it didn’t take long to<br />

identify them as an old insurance<br />

gimmick that has been repackaged<br />

and repurposed. Once again,<br />

aggressive salespeople are out<br />

pounding the pavement looking<br />

for fresh clients.<br />

Insurance Company Tricks<br />

On the surface many of these<br />

pitches appear to be valuable<br />

insider-only nancial strategies<br />

that eliminate all the taxes on your<br />

401(k) and IRA accounts. As you<br />

proceed through their sales<br />

process you will quickly discover<br />

that the actual underlying strategy<br />

is to liquidate and pay full taxes<br />

and penalties on most or all your<br />

retirement investment assets.<br />

Then you take what is left after full<br />

taxation and use it to make a<br />

massive premium payment on<br />

usually one large illiquid cash<br />

value life insurance policy from<br />

only one life insurance company.<br />

The nal outcome is far different<br />

than all the come-ons and one-<br />

liners that make it all sound like<br />

your “retirement salvation.”<br />

Radio Guru’s<br />

On the radio every weekend you<br />

will hear this endless diatribe<br />

about magical “tax free,” “risk<br />

free,“ and “safe money”<br />

investments. They may go on and<br />

on about how risky traditional<br />

retirement investments are. They<br />

tell stories about years,<br />

didn’t take long to<br />

It<br />

them as an<br />

identify<br />

insurance<br />

old<br />

that has<br />

gimmick<br />

repackaged<br />

been<br />

repurposed.<br />

and<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 3

When<br />

(SOS).<br />

as<br />

something<br />

like 2008, that people were “wiped<br />

out” and destroyed their<br />

retirements. These same so-called<br />

advisors also talk about “social<br />

security secrets” that only they<br />

know… These secrets supposedly<br />

can give you tens of thousands of<br />

dollars of social security income<br />

over the course your retirement.<br />

This is obviously a ploy to get<br />

people to contact them. This may<br />

come as a surprise to you, but the<br />

Social Security Administration<br />

does not have secret strategies<br />

that only some people know.<br />

There are some choices to make<br />

and there is some strategy to use,<br />

but there are no secrets that only<br />

these salespeople know. Any<br />

knowledgeable advisor can help<br />

you with social security decisions,<br />

and the Social Security<br />

Administration itself is available to<br />

help with your choices. These<br />

insurance agents and salespeople<br />

love to exploit people's fear of a<br />

market drop. They tend to overemphasize<br />

the risk of a market<br />

downturn.<br />

Let’s be realistic, people can (and<br />

do) damage their retirement by<br />

making foolish mistakes in their<br />

retirement investments. People<br />

who over concentrate in single<br />

speculative stocks or make huge<br />

bets on other risky investments<br />

certainly can get “wiped out”.<br />

When using a diversified and longterm<br />

disciplined approach there<br />

certainly will be down years,<br />

however over the long-term the<br />

down years are very unlikely to<br />

destroy or “wipe out” any<br />

investors.<br />

You might be asking, “Why in the<br />

world would anyone allow<br />

themselves to get sucked into this<br />

sales pitch?” It really boils down to<br />

consumers failing to seek an<br />

objective and competent second<br />

opinion. What exactly is the<br />

problem with this gimmick?<br />

A severe lack of investment<br />

diversication: There are people<br />

that lack a properly diversied<br />

retirement portfolio. This would<br />

consist of a variety of different<br />

investment institutions and<br />

myriad investment options. In this<br />

insurance gimmick all of your<br />

retirement investment money is<br />

usually put into a single life<br />

insurance company policy.<br />

sure to utilize<br />

Be<br />

Planning<br />

Strategic<br />

Second<br />

Group’s<br />

Service<br />

Opinion<br />

as your<br />

important<br />

future is<br />

financial<br />

the line, you<br />

on<br />

never have<br />

should<br />

“take someone’s<br />

to<br />

for it.”<br />

word<br />

A loss of liquidity: Most of these<br />

life insurance policies have<br />

expensive and long-term<br />

surrender or early withdrawal<br />

penalties. In many cases, 15-20<br />

years into the future.<br />

Exorbitant internal fees and<br />

expenses: Remember, these are<br />

life insurance policies where the<br />

built-in cost for the life insurance<br />

coverage is deducted from your<br />

principal every month on an<br />

increasing scale — the older you<br />

get, the bigger the cost.<br />

Claims of higher taxes in the<br />

future: One of the ways<br />

insurance sales people talk<br />

consumers into these maneuvers<br />

is the claim that you will be in a<br />

higher tax bracket down the road.<br />

This approach can avoid the<br />

problems of lack of diversication,<br />

loss of liquidity, exorbitant fees,<br />

and lack of competitive return.<br />

Keep in mind that most people as<br />

they enter retirement certainly do<br />

pay less tax, and are in lower tax<br />

brackets than before retirement.<br />

The bottom line is this—For<br />

more than 20 years I have been<br />

warning my clients about these<br />

gimmicks, and I am not alone. You<br />

can hear the same concerns and<br />

advice from consumer advocates<br />

like Dave Ramsey and Clark<br />

Howard.<br />

Lately, there seems to be a<br />

resurgence of the aggressive hype<br />

and promotion of these<br />

maneuvers. You must be on your<br />

guard. Remember the adage, “If it<br />

sounds to good to be true, it<br />

probably is.” If you, or anyone you<br />

know, is ever approached with a<br />

proposal like the ones I have<br />

described, or with any signicant<br />

nancial recommendation, be sure<br />

to utilize the Strategic Planning<br />

Group’s Second Opinion Service<br />

(SOS). When something as<br />

important as your nancial future<br />

is on the line, you should never<br />

have to “take someone’s word for<br />

it.”<br />

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AND<br />

By John Park<br />

From investments to complicated retirement strategies, he works to educate and advise<br />

his clients on making smart financial decisions.<br />

ave you ever spent time<br />

diagnosing yourself on the<br />

internet? There are so many selfhelp<br />

medical resources out there.<br />

It is almost a curse. I<br />

H<br />

occasionally<br />

find these resources helpful, but<br />

sometimes I need to avoid them.<br />

I’m normally not a hypochondriac,<br />

however, after 30 minutes on<br />

WebMD, I feel like I have every<br />

illness known to man. I start to<br />

wonder if I contracted some rare<br />

illness that’s only been diagnosed<br />

five times in history. Ok, maybe it’s<br />

not that extreme, but you get the<br />

point.<br />

If I feel like my health and wellness<br />

are not optimal, I really need to<br />

see my trusted doctor. After all, a<br />

person’s health can be a very<br />

emotional subject and our<br />

conclusions can often be wrong.<br />

Thankfully we are limited in the<br />

damage we can do to ourselves<br />

with medical self- diagnosis. Could<br />

you imagine what would happen if<br />

you could call the pharmacy and<br />

prescribe yourself dangerous, life<br />

altering drugs, because you read<br />

about a potential problem online?<br />

Perhaps it’s best to involve a<br />

professional in such an important<br />

and emotionally charged subject.<br />

Naturally, there are comparisons<br />

between this example and<br />

investment management. It makes<br />

sense that we get scared and<br />

upset about investments and our<br />

money in general. Money is a<br />

means to an end. It provides<br />

financial stability, pays for our<br />

living costs, medical costs, etc.<br />

Money is an important factor to<br />

anyone planning for or living in<br />

retirement. At the same time, it’s<br />

an emotionally charged factor.<br />

a majority of what<br />

If<br />

hear and read<br />

we<br />

our money is in<br />

says<br />

it’s only<br />

danger,<br />

to be<br />

natural<br />

worried.<br />

The world of finance is precarious.<br />

You can quickly sign up for a long<br />

term and illiquid investment or<br />

take action that causes massive<br />

taxation and penalty with just a<br />

few mouse clicks. You can find a<br />

less than qualified “professional”<br />

to assist you in the damaging<br />

actions.<br />

Let’s examine what leads to<br />

financial self-diagnosis and drastic<br />

action: If a majority of what we<br />

hear and read says our money is<br />

in danger, it’s only natural to be<br />

worried. Many clients are already<br />

disciplined and wise enough to not<br />

fall for the fear-mongering tactics<br />

of the news media, insurance sales<br />

people, and commission-based<br />

investment advisors. The media<br />

and sales people often rely on<br />

such tactics to have any hope of<br />

getting you to subscribe to their<br />

advice. If they can’t convince you<br />

that you are in trouble or in need<br />

of what they know, why else would<br />

you pay them any attention?<br />

A simple example is the kind of<br />

cliché news tease we frequently<br />

hear: “Tune in at nine to find out<br />

what unsuspecting everyday<br />

household item can harm you and<br />

your family!” One might ask<br />

themselves, do I want anything<br />

bad to happen? Obviously not.<br />

Well, guess I better tune in at<br />

nine.<br />

Another common example are the<br />

swarms of advisors who pay for<br />

radio and online advertising. They<br />

might say things like<br />

“learn how to protect your<br />

investments from devastating<br />

crashes” or “find out how to get<br />

wealthy from this secret.” One<br />

might ask themselves, do I want to<br />

protect my money? Yes. Do I want<br />

to be wealthy?<br />

Yes. Well then, I better subscribe<br />

to whatever this person is saying<br />

and selling. It is usually easy to<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 5

ecognize the absurdity of these<br />

tactics; although, sometimes we<br />

can’t help it. We are bombarded<br />

with terrible advice and cheap<br />

sales tactics in all areas of our<br />

lives. Over the decades,<br />

advertisers have learned to<br />

become sneaky and use subtle<br />

tactics. They often rely on fear and<br />

other emotions to get you to buy.<br />

They will make bold predictions<br />

and pretend to know the future.<br />

Occasionally these charlatans<br />

appear to be right. The markets<br />

have never opened on January 2nd<br />

and gone straight positive until<br />

December 31st. You hear the<br />

naysayers declare a market pull<br />

back or crash is imminent (their<br />

definition of “crash” is very broad).<br />

you. It’s ironic that money in<br />

general needs to be handled<br />

logically and wisely, yet it is one of<br />

the most emotional subjects we<br />

deal with. Just as with medicine,<br />

it’s wise to involve a third party<br />

with your crucial fiscal decisions.<br />

to<br />

Remember<br />

remain level<br />

always<br />

and logical<br />

headed<br />

it comes to<br />

when<br />

finances and<br />

your<br />

Don’t<br />

investments.<br />

the onslaught of<br />

let<br />

and<br />

marketing<br />

deter<br />

schemers<br />

you.<br />

sustainable food storage, you<br />

don’t set it on fire because a food<br />

shortage started.<br />

When trouble starts, you need to<br />

hold onto your existing plan. Don’t<br />

abandon it. Realize that you’re<br />

prepared and need to avoid<br />

drastic actions. Stay the course.<br />

Stick with the plan. It will work!<br />

Because we tend to have intrayear<br />

pullback and cyclical action in<br />

the markets, the naysayers are, on<br />

a rare occasion, right. They may be<br />

wrong most of the year, but<br />

eventually they seem right.<br />

Remember the saying “even a<br />

broken clock is right twice a day?"<br />

Well these doomsday fools are<br />

indeed broken clocks.<br />

Remember to always remain level<br />

headed and logical when it comes<br />

to your finances and investments.<br />

Don’t let the onslaught of<br />

marketing and schemers deter<br />

Please remember, although we<br />

don’t get emotional about<br />

investments and finances, it<br />

doesn’t mean we don’t care or are<br />

not vested in your well-being. It is<br />

the opposite. It’s because we care<br />

so much about your financial wellbeing<br />

and security that we focus<br />

on being diligent and prudent with<br />

your investments. One of the ways<br />

we demonstrate our focus and<br />

dedication to our clients is how we<br />

react to volatile markets. We know<br />

that wise planning is done ahead<br />

of time. We help you develop a<br />

diversified and disciplined<br />

approach to investing up front,<br />

before anything else. It is<br />

this blueprint and groundwork<br />

that helps us.<br />

"A goal<br />

without a<br />

plan is just<br />

a dream."<br />

Dave Ramsey<br />

Once we have developed and<br />

agreed to a disciplined plan, the<br />

last thing we want to do is<br />

abandon it when times get rough<br />

or appear to be rough. I often<br />

equate smart financial planning to<br />

food storage. You don’t wait until<br />

a famine happens to develop a<br />

contingency plan of food storage.<br />

By then it is too late. You’re in<br />

trouble. At the same time, if you<br />

have built a long-term and<br />

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A<br />


By Tom Craner<br />

With client relations and customer service experience going back nearly a decade, Tom has a<br />

proven track record of genuine care for our clients.<br />

am a millennial. I am among the<br />

generation of people that,<br />

according to PEW research is the<br />

most educated generation to date.<br />

29% of millennial men, and 36%<br />

I<br />

of<br />

millennial women have at least a<br />

bachelors degree; and many more<br />

have partial or unfinished postsecondary<br />

schooling. Educating<br />

institutions offer many more fields<br />

of study today than they used to.<br />

Additionally, a robust federal loan<br />

program, scholarships, grants, and<br />

private lenders ensure that many<br />

can secure money for higher<br />

education as soon as they<br />

graduate high school. My<br />

generation has access to more<br />

college degrees, more fields of<br />

study, and more ways to receive<br />

funding for college than ever<br />

before.<br />

It would seem believable that,<br />

due to these conditions, the<br />

millennials will inevitably end up<br />

smarter and more successful than<br />

previous generations; but if more<br />

education is supposed to be<br />

making millennials more<br />

successful, then why is it that<br />

millennials are living at home with<br />

their parents 50% more often than<br />

the previous generation? Why<br />

then, despite being a major part of<br />

the workforce, most millennials<br />

are unable or unwilling to<br />

purchase a home? Why is it that<br />

millennials between the ages 25<br />

and 34 earn 20% less than their<br />

Boomer parents did at the same<br />

age? Why is it that $1.1 trillion of<br />

the total $3.6 trillion dollars of<br />

consumer debt is held by the 21-<br />

34 age group? Why is it that 52%<br />

of the 21 to 34 age group, when<br />

surveyed, expressed worries of<br />

defaulting on any loan over the<br />

next 12 months? These questions<br />

aren’t easy to answer without<br />

multi-varied analysis, but there is<br />

one factor that stands out above<br />

the rest: student loan debt.<br />

According to CNBC, the average<br />

student debt for the older<br />

millennials (30-39 years) is $34,000<br />

on average and affects around 12<br />

million people, whereas the under<br />

age 30 demographic has around<br />

24 million people affected by<br />

student debt amounts above<br />

$22,000 on average. This means<br />

that a staggering one out of ten<br />

Americans rack up student loan<br />

debt amounts over $22,000 before<br />

ever entering their career field.<br />

Compounding the issue is<br />

that most college graduates aren’t<br />

working in the field which they<br />

went to college for and are often<br />

earning too little to unbury<br />

themselves from their immense<br />

debt. The real kicker (and<br />

something the post-millennials<br />

should be aware of) is according<br />

to a survey done by Accenture,<br />

over 50% of all college graduates<br />

say that the careers they are<br />

working in don’t require a degree<br />

what-so-ever. That’s one out of<br />

two college grads who wasted<br />

their time and money getting a<br />

degree they are never going to<br />

use.<br />

Adding to the college dilemma is<br />

the fact that tuition at public<br />

universities has more than<br />

doubled since 1984, even after<br />

adjusting for inflation. Despite<br />

this, college tuition has become<br />

much more accessible than it was<br />

at its advent. This is due to the<br />

ease with which one can borrow<br />

from the various federal student<br />

loan programs. In 1958, under the<br />

National Defense Education Act,<br />

student loans were only offered to<br />

those studying Science,<br />

Engineering, or Education. Now,<br />

however, you can borrow money<br />

for any major at any university or<br />

college. You can also borrow for<br />

private, for-profit schools, which<br />

generally offer certification or<br />

licensure, rather than an official<br />

degree. Kids graduating high<br />

school often jump right into<br />

borrowing for school without ever<br />

considering a much cheaper trade<br />

school, or simply joining the work<br />

force and gaining the much-<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 7

needed experience most careers<br />

demand. They very often sidle<br />

themselves with massive debt,<br />

even before figuring out what they<br />

want to do with their lives, or<br />

whether they need a degree to do<br />

it. Our society pressures kids to go<br />

to college as if it’s the only way to<br />

succeed.<br />

The current axiom that our youth<br />

must take on immense debt to get<br />

a college degree, no matter what<br />

their particular circumstances, is<br />

destructive for millennials in the<br />

long run, especially in regard to<br />

retirement. Simply put, generating<br />

substantial amounts of debt early<br />

on dramatically affects your ability<br />

to retire. Let’s say you spend your<br />

20’s getting a degree in a field<br />

where skill and experience are far<br />

more requisite. Once you graduate<br />

you will spend, on average, $350<br />

per month on your student loans<br />

for the foreseeable future. While<br />

you were busy growing debt,<br />

someone else worked their way up<br />

in the same field, saved $350 per<br />

month, and acquired valuable<br />

experience along the way. If you<br />

read my last article, then you will<br />

know that a dollar saved now<br />

is worth much more than a dollar<br />

saved later, assuming you invest<br />

and grow your money to beat<br />

inflation. If you spend half of your<br />

adult life in severe debt, you may<br />

have very low chances of retiring<br />

on time, if at all. Not to mention,<br />

the wonders of compounding<br />

interest are working against you,<br />

instead of for you.<br />

Many of the people in my<br />

generation are faced with the<br />

harsh reality of attempting to<br />

overcome a seemingly<br />

insurmountable mountain of debt,<br />

acquired by following the wellintended<br />

advice of people who still<br />

believe college is like it was in the<br />

past; back when it cost half or a<br />

third as much, in today’s dollars,<br />

for young professionals to acquire<br />

a specific skill or knowledge<br />

necessary to their career path.<br />

While reasonable and legitimate<br />

fields of study still exist, and<br />

should be pursued, they are<br />

awash in institutions that, for the<br />

price of one young person’s<br />

future, offer a lot of useless<br />

degrees or tack on pricey<br />

“free elective” classes which are<br />

anything but free and<br />

elective. Despite this, hope is not<br />

lost for those of us millennials<br />

who fell into the college debt trap.<br />

If we get serious about retirement,<br />

set some realistic goals and make<br />

the necessary sacrifices, we can<br />

still retire at a reasonable age. It<br />

won’t be easy, however, and it<br />

requires immediate action. See my<br />

last article for more insight.<br />

As for those in the post-millennial<br />

generation, who are beginning to<br />

graduate high school now, I have a<br />

simple question: How can you<br />

ensure that you are not wrecking<br />

your chances of retirement by<br />

borrowing frivolously? For that I<br />

have a few, more specific answers:<br />

1. Make a plan, have a direction,<br />

and know what you want to do<br />

with your life: Many of us feel<br />

unsure about our plans, and it can<br />

be paralyzing; but there is a way to<br />

break out of that paralysis. It<br />

starts with taking yourself more<br />

seriously and discovering yourself.<br />

Spend some time alone, away<br />

from the distractions of the<br />

internet. Begin to write in a<br />

journal. Talk to parents, siblings,<br />

and friends regarding what they<br />

notice about your personality,<br />

good and bad. Develop some<br />

strong insights into your own<br />

unique and individual<br />

temperaments, strengths, and<br />

weaknesses. Find out what<br />

success is for you specifically.<br />

Define it, in words, on paper. Do<br />

all of this, meaningfully, and you<br />

will have a much easier time<br />

deciding what career and/or<br />

lifestyle fits you. To put it simply,<br />

don’t make major life-altering<br />

decisions for yourself, without<br />

knowing who you are first.<br />

2. Understand what education<br />

you require for your career:<br />

After getting to know yourself and<br />

developing a vision of your future,<br />

you can decide whether college is<br />

required for you to achieve what<br />

you want. If you want to work for<br />

NASA, or study micro-organisms in<br />

a lab at the CDC, then you may<br />

want to go get a degree. However,<br />

if you are leaning toward learning<br />

a trade, like an electrician, a<br />

plumber, or a violinist, then you<br />

may not need a four-year degree<br />

and $30,000 in loan debt. Just find<br />

a job or an internship in the field<br />

you want, get the necessary<br />

licensing, and get to work.<br />

3. Try to Avoid loans: If you do<br />

end up college bound, assess<br />

whether you need or want to get<br />

the degree from a pricey high-end<br />

university, or if a community<br />

college will suffice. You may want<br />

to look into the field you’re<br />

planning on getting a degree in to<br />

see if it has a growing and healthy<br />

work force and that the pay is<br />

commensurate with the cost of<br />

the education. When paying for<br />

college, utilize every grant,<br />

scholarship, relative, friend, and<br />

piggy bank to help avoid taking<br />

out loans for as much of the cost<br />

as possible.<br />

In conclusion, my post-millennial<br />

friends, I want you to succeed. You<br />

are the only one who has control<br />

of whether you will spend your<br />

70’s and 80’s working or sipping<br />

pineapple juice on a beautiful<br />

sandy beach. You likely won’t win<br />

the lottery, find a genie in a bottle<br />

or discover rare-earth minerals<br />

buried in your backyard. Good<br />

luck generation Y, and Godspeed.<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 8

By Jackie O'Shea<br />



S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 9

THE TEAM<br />

The people of Strategic Planning Group work closely as a team to foster an unambiguous<br />

and clear path forward. Our team is integral to ensuring that our principles towards<br />

MEET<br />

investment planning and management of your estate are effectively implemented.You can<br />

trust that the combined decades of experience shared by our advisors will always be<br />

utilized by our staff to ensure success in your Strategic Plan.<br />

Y A N C R A N E R<br />

R<br />

President & CEO<br />

Ryan founded Strategic Planning Group to help consumers<br />

avoid piecemeal planning and simply buying products and<br />

instead create an all-inclusive written Strategic Plan. A<br />

Strategic Plan is to your financial life what a blueprint is to<br />

building a home. This custom approach which began as a<br />

simple idea has grown Strategic Planning Group into a trusted<br />

and established firm.<br />

Wealth Management Advisor<br />

M A T T N E V E<br />

Wealth Management Advisor<br />

Account Trading and<br />

Operations<br />

J O H N P A R K<br />

T O M C R A N E R<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 1 0

Client Services<br />

Client Services<br />

Client Services<br />

J A C K I E O ' S H E A<br />

J E N A O L N E Y<br />

J E S S E C A H A L L O W S<br />

"Your<br />

like<br />

retirement,<br />

song, should<br />

a<br />

a unified and<br />

be<br />

harmonious<br />

composition."<br />

S T R A T E G I C P L A N N I N G G R O U P | 1 1

Located on Historic Main Street in Bountiful<br />

Now<br />

services are offered through Strategic Planning Group, a Registered Investment Advisor with the SEC. Securities offered through Purshe Kaplan Sterling Investments, Member FINRA/SIPC.<br />

Advisory<br />

190 South Main Street<br />

Bountiful, UT 84010<br />

(801)627-2200<br />

Retirement Planning Specialists

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