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The techniques available to monitor instrument transformers on-line can be focused on fewer possible<br />

degradation mechanisms than those for monitoring power transformers. However, the mechanisms by<br />

which instrument transformers fail are among the most difficult to detect on-line and are not easy to<br />

simulate or accelerate in the laboratory.<br /> Failure Mechanisms Associated with Instrument <strong>Transformer</strong>s<br />

While the failure rates of instrument transformers around the world are generally low, the large numbers<br />

of installed instrument transformers has led to the development of a database of failures and failure<br />

statistics. One problem associated with compiling a database of failures of porcelain-housed instrument<br />

transformers is that such failures are often catastrophic, leaving little evidence to determine the cause of<br />

the fault. Nevertheless, the following mechanisms have been observed and identified as probable causes<br />

of failure.<br /> Moisture Ingress — Moisture ingress is commonly identified as a cause of failure of instrument<br />

transformers. The ingress of moisture into the instrument transformer can occur through loss of<br />

integrity of a mechanical seal, e.g., gaskets. The moisture penetrates the oil and oil/paper insulation<br />

(which increases the losses in the insulating materials) and failure then follows. This would appear to be<br />

a particular problem if the moisture penetrates to certain high-stress regions within the instrument<br />

transformer. The increase in the dielectric losses will be detected as a change in the power factor of the<br />

material and will also appear as increased moisture levels in oil quality tests.<br /> Partial Discharge — The insulation of instrument transformers may have voids within it.<br />

Such voids will undergo partial discharge if subjected to a high enough electric field. Such discharges<br />

may produce aggressive chemical by-products, which then enlarge the size of the void, causing an increase<br />

in the energy of the discharge within the void. Eventually, these small partial discharges can degrade<br />

individual insulation layers, resulting in the short-circuiting of stress grading layers. Such a developing<br />

fault can be detected in two ways. One is the observance of a change in the capacitance of the device<br />

(through the shorting of one stress grading layer), and which may reflect as a change in tan delta. The<br />

second is an increase in the partial discharge levels (in pC) associated with the failing item.<br /> Overvoltages — Overvoltages produced by induced lightning surges are also a failure mechanism,<br />

particularly where thunderstorms occurred in the vicinity of the failure. More recently, the<br />

observance of fast rise-time transients (T rise 100 s) in substations during disconnect switch operations<br />

has led to concerns that these transients may cause damage to the insulation of instrument transformers.<br />

There is significant speculation that instrument transformers do not perform well when exposed to a<br />

number of disconnect switch operations in quick succession. These disconnector-generated fast transients<br />

will remain a suspected cause of failure until more is understood about the stress distribution within the<br />

instrument transformer under these conditions. Switching overvoltages are an additional source of<br />

overstressing that may lead to insulation failure.<br /> Through-Faults — In order to prevent failures due to the mechanisms outlined above,<br />

experience seems to indicate that slower-forming faults are probably detectable and preventable, while<br />

fast-forming faults due to damage caused by lightning strikes will be difficult to detect quickly enough<br />

to prevent consequential failure of the transformer.<br />

Another possible mechanism may relate to mechanical damage to the insulation after a current<br />

transformer (CT) has been subjected to fault current through its primary winding. After current transformer<br />

failures, it is often observed in retrospect that one to two weeks prior to the failure the CT had<br />

been subjected to a through-fault. Again, it is difficult to state that damage is caused to the CT under<br />

these conditions, and additional information would be required before this mechanism can be considered<br />

a probable cause of failure.<br /> Instrument <strong>Transformer</strong> On-Line Monitoring Methods<br />

On-line techniques for the measurement of relative tan delta and relative capacitance (by comparing<br />

individual units against a larger population of similar units) have been installed by a number of utilities,<br />

with reports of some success in identifying suspect units. On-line partial-discharge measurement techniques<br />

may provide important additional information as to the condition of the insulation within the<br />

instrument transformer, but research and development work is still under way in order to address issues<br />

related to noise rejection vs. required sensitivity and on-site calibration. Other possible future developments<br />

may include on-line dissolved-gas analyzers that will be able to detect all gases associated with the<br />

partial-discharge degradation of oil/paper insulation. The following subsections review applicable methods<br />

for on-line monitoring of instrument transformers.<br /> Relative Tan Delta and Relative Capacitance Measurements — Off-line partial discharge<br />

and tan delta monitoring are well-established techniques. These can be supplemented by taking small<br />

samples of mineral oil from the instrument transformer for DGA. The development of on-line monitoring<br />

techniques is ongoing, but significant progress has been made, particularly with respect to on-line tan<br />

delta and capacitance measurements. Laboratory-type tan delta and capacitance measurements usually<br />

require a standard low-loss capacitor at the voltage rating of the equipment under test, such that a sensitive<br />

bridge technique can be used to determine the capacitance and the tan delta (also know as the insulation<br />

power factor) of the insulation. This is not practical for on-line measurements.<br />

This problem is overcome by relying on relative measurements, in which the insulation of one instrument<br />

transformer is compared with the insulation of the other instrument transformers that are installed<br />

in the same substation. By comparing sufficient numbers of instrument transformers with other similar<br />

units, changes in one unit (not explained as normal statistical fluctuations due to changes in loading and<br />

ambient temperatures) can be identified. There are two commercially available units that monitor tan<br />

delta on-line. In the first, the ground current from each of the three single-phase instrument transformers<br />

is detected. This is done by isolating the base of the instrument transformer from its base except at one<br />

connection point, which then forms the only current path to ground. This current can then be measured<br />

using a suitable sensor. The current consists of two components: a capacitive component (the capacitance<br />

of a typical CT to earth being on the order of 0.5 to 1 F) and a resistive component dependent upon<br />

the insulation loss factor or tan delta of the insulation within the instrument transformer. If each of the<br />

three instrument transformers is in similar condition and of similar design, then the phasor sum of the<br />

three-phase currents to earth is essentially zero. Any resistive component of current to earth causes slight<br />

phase and magnitude shifts in these currents. If all three units on each phase have a low tan delta, then<br />

changes in one unit with respect to the other two can be readily detected. As the insulation deteriorates,<br />

and possibly as a grading layer is shorted out, a change in the capacitance of the unit will be reflected as<br />

a change in the capacitive current to earth. As the measurements are made with respect to other similar<br />

units, such measurements are referred to as relative tan delta and relative capacitance change measurements.<br />

Figure 3.13.3 shows this arrangement schematically.<br />

Another technique involves comparing each instrument transformer with a number of different units,<br />

possibly on the same busbar or on each of three phases. The capacitive and resistive current flows to<br />

earth are monitored, and the results for each instrument transformer can then be compared with those<br />

values measured on other units. Relative changes in tan delta and capacitance can then be determined,<br />

and an alarm is raised if these exceed norms established from software algorithms.<br />

These two techniques are currently in service and have achieved success in detecting instrument<br />

transformers behaving in a manner that is markedly different from other similar units. Both measurement<br />

tools are trending instruments by detecting changes of certain parameters for a large sample of units<br />

over a period of time. Consequently, they can identify an individual unit or units performing outside<br />

the parameter variations seen for other units.<br /> On-Line Gas Analysis — The fuel-cell sensor-membrane technology that has been applied<br />

widely to power transformers with circulating oil can be applied to instrument transformers. However,<br />

in instrument transformers, the oil is confined, and this confinement can affect sensor operation.<br />

© 2004 by CRC Press LLC<br />

© 2004 by CRC Press LLC

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