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where<br />

L = inductance, H<br />

= flux linkage caused by current I, weber turns<br />

I = current producing flux linkages, A<br />

d = first derivative of <br />

dI = first derivative of I<br />

L is referred to as self-inductance if the current producing the flux is the same current being linked.<br />

L is referred to as mutual inductance if the current producing the flux is other than the current being<br />

linked [3]. Grover [34] published an extensive work providing expressions to compute the mutual and<br />

self-inductance in air for a large number of practical conductor and winding shapes.<br />

One of the most difficult phenomena to model is the magnetic flux interaction involving the different<br />

winding sections and the iron core. Historically, this phenomenon has been modeled by dividing the<br />

flux into two components: the common and leakage flux. The common flux dominates when the<br />

transformer behavior is studied under open-circuit conditions, and the leakage flux dominates the<br />

transient response when the winding is shorted or loaded heavily. Developing a transformer model<br />

capable of representing the magnetic-flux behavior for all conditions the transformer will see in factory<br />

test and in service requires the accurate calculation of the mutual and self-inductances.<br /> <strong>Transformer</strong> Inductance Model<br />

Until the introduction of the computer, there was a lack a practical analytical formulas to compute the<br />

mutual and self-inductances of coils with an iron core. Rabins [35] developed an expression to calculate<br />

mutual and self-inductances for a coil on an iron core based on the assumption of a round core leg and<br />

infinite core yokes, both of infinite permeability. Fergestad and Heriksen [36] improved Rabins’s inductance<br />

model in 1974 by assuming an infinite permeable core except for the core leg. In their approach,<br />

a set of state-variable equations was derived from the classic lumped-parameter model of the winding.<br />

White [19,37] derived an expression to calculate the mutual and self-inductances in the presence of<br />

an iron core with finite permeability under the assumption of an infinitely long iron core. White’s<br />

inductance model had the advantage that the open-circuit inductance matrix could be inverted [37].<br />

White derived an expression for the mutual and self-inductance between sections of a transformer<br />

winding by solving a two-dimensional problem in cylindrical coordinates for the magnetic vector potential<br />

assuming a nonconductive and infinitely long open core. He assumed that the leakage inductance of<br />

an open-core configuration is the same as the closed core [19,37]. r r r<br />

Starting from the definition of the r magnetic r vector potential BA<br />

and A 0<br />

and using<br />

Ampere’s law in differential form, Jf H<br />

, White solved the following equation:<br />

2 Arz<br />

r , <br />

r<br />

oJrz<br />

, <br />

(3.10.12)<br />

The solution broke into two parts: the air-core solution and the change in the solution due to the<br />

insertion of the iron core, as shown in the following equations:<br />

r r<br />

r Aor, z A<br />

r<br />

1r, z , 0 r R<br />

r<br />

c<br />

Arz , {<br />

Aor, z A2<br />

r, z , r Rc<br />

r<br />

A (, r z ) r<br />

0<br />

is the solution when the core is present, and A (, r z ) r<br />

1<br />

and A (, r z ) 2<br />

are the r solutions when<br />

the iron core is added. r Applying Fourier series to Equation 3.10.12, the solution for A (, r z ) 0<br />

was found<br />

first and then A (, r z ) 2<br />

.<br />

Knowing the magnetic vector potential allows the flux linking a filamentary turn at (r,z) to be determined<br />

by recalling (r,z) = Arz (, ) dl. The flux for the filamentary turn is given<br />

r r<br />

by:<br />

<br />

(3.10.13)<br />

The flux in air, 0 (r,z), can be obtained from known formulas for filaments in air [49], therefore it is<br />

only necessary to obtain the change in the flux linking the filamentary turn due to the iron core. If the<br />

mutual inductance L ij between two coil sections is going to be calculated, then the average flux linking<br />

section i need to be calculated. This average flux is given by<br />

(3.10.14)<br />

Knowing the average flux, the mutual inductance can be calculated using the following expression<br />

NN<br />

i jave<br />

Lij<br />

<br />

I<br />

j<br />

White’s final expression for the mutual inductance between two coil segments is:<br />

where<br />

(3.10.15)<br />

(3.10.16)<br />

(3.10.17)<br />

and where L ijo is the air-core inductance; r = 1/ r is the relative reluctivity; and I 0 (R c ), I 1 (R c ), K 0 (R c ),<br />

and K 1 (R c ) are modified Bessel functions of first and second kind.<br /> Inductance Model Validity<br />

The ability of the inductance model to accurately represent the magnetic characteristic of the transformer<br />

can be assessed by the accuracy with which it reproduces the transformer electrical characteristics, e.g.,<br />

the short-circuit and open-circuit inductance and the pseudo-final (turns ratio) voltage distribution. The<br />

short-circuit and open-circuit inductance of a transformer can be determined by several methods, but<br />

the simplest is to obtain the inverse of the sum of all the elements in the inverse nodal inductance matrix,<br />

n . This has been verified in other works [38,39]. The pseudo-final voltage distribution is defined in a<br />

work by Abetti [15]. It is very nearly the turns-ratio distribution and must match whatever voltage<br />

distribution the winding arrangement and number of turns dictates. An example of this is available in<br />

the literature [39].<br />

3.10.6 Capacitance Model<br /> Definition of Capacitance<br />

Capacitance is defined as:<br />

r v r<br />

rz , 2rAorz , A2rz , orz , 2rA2rz<br />

, <br />

<br />

ave<br />

L L 2N N 1v R<br />

ij ijo i j r o c<br />

0<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

v v<br />

Ri<br />

Zi<br />

r,<br />

z dzdr<br />

R <br />

<br />

i<br />

Zi<br />

v<br />

H R R<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

i i i<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I0 Rc<br />

I1<br />

Rc<br />

F <br />

v 1v R I R K R d <br />

r r c 1 c 0 c<br />

R<br />

1 1<br />

i<br />

2 Hi<br />

F<br />

[ v xK x dx<br />

R R <br />

1( ) ] sin( )<br />

R<br />

H<br />

2<br />

<br />

<br />

i i i<br />

i<br />

R<br />

1<br />

i<br />

2 H<br />

j<br />

[ v xK x dx<br />

dij<br />

R R <br />

1( ) ] sin( )cos( )<br />

R<br />

H<br />

2<br />

<br />

<br />

v<br />

v<br />

i i i<br />

j<br />

C <br />

Q V<br />

(3.10.18)<br />

© 2004 by CRC Press LLC<br />

© 2004 by CRC Press LLC

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