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Substation A<br />

Substation B<br />

FIGURE 3.7.7A Step-voltage regulator in routine application.<br />

Substation A<br />

FIGURE 3.7.7B Step-voltage regulator in reverse power-flow application.<br />

52A<br />

52B<br />

52A<br />

52B<br />

Open<br />

L A1<br />

L B1<br />

L A1<br />

L B1<br />

or often up to three different percentages, using different taps on the fooler transformer. Having the<br />

sensed voltage boosted by, say, 5% without changing the voltage set point of the control will cause the<br />

control to run the tap position down by 5% voltage, thus accomplishing the desired voltage reduction.<br />

The percentage of three reduction steps, most commonly 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5%, is preestablished by the<br />

design of the fooler transformer.<br />

Digital controls do the same function much more conveniently, more accurately, and more quickly.<br />

The voltage reduction applicable to steps 1, 2, and 3 are individually programmed and, upon implementation,<br />

effectively lower the voltage set point. Control based on the new set point is implemented without<br />

intentional time delay, reverting to panel time delay after the voltage reduction has been implemented.<br />

Most often, controls provide for three steps of voltage reduction, each step individually programmed up<br />

to 10.0%.<br /> Reverse <strong>Power</strong> Flow<br />

Voltage regulators as used on distribution feeders are sometimes subjected to reverse power flow due to<br />

system switching. A common practice is to install the distribution system per the illustration of<br />

Figure 3.7.7. Normally, step-voltage regulators A and B both usually “see” forward power flow, as in<br />

Figure 3.7.7a. Line switching, such as might be necessary due to service required in Substation B, causes<br />

Feeder B to be served from Substation A and the Regulator B to operate in reverse power flow mode, as<br />

in Figure 3.7.7b. Were special precautions not taken, Regulator B would operate incorrectly, inevitably<br />

running to a “raise” or “lower” tap limit. This would have occurred because the regulator would continue<br />

to attempt to operate based on knowledge of the voltage at its load terminal, but now that terminal is,<br />

in fact, the source. Tap-changer operation does nothing to correct that voltage, but it severely disturbs<br />

the voltage to loads L B1 between Regulator B and Substation B.<br />

The remedy is to operate Regulator B based on the voltage at its usual source (now the load) terminal.<br />

Analog controls have been provided to automatically switch between the load and source terminals upon<br />

FPF<br />

V S V L<br />

Reg A<br />

V S<br />

FPF<br />

V L<br />

Reg B<br />

FPF<br />

V S<br />

V S<br />

Reg A<br />

RPF<br />

Reg B<br />

V L<br />

V L<br />

L A2<br />

L B2<br />

L A2<br />

L B2<br />

recognition of reverse power flow, but the expense of doing so, involving in most cases the addition of<br />

a new VT, seldom justified the avoidance of simply manually switching off automatic operation during<br />

the planned power-reversal event. Digital controls accomplish this feature automatically with no additional<br />

hardware. These controls calculate the voltage at the normal source terminal using knowledge of<br />

the measured load terminal voltage, the recognized tap position plus, in some cases, an approximation<br />

of the internal regulation of the regulator. Accomplishing voltage regulation with Regulator B during<br />

reverse power-flow operation in this manner adds only about 0.5% to the error of the control vis a vis<br />

having a supplemental VT for the application.<br />

The apparatus and procedures defined above for step-voltage regulators are not correct for most<br />

transformer applications where reverse power flow can occur. The basic difference is that the feederregulator<br />

application remains a radial system after the line switching is complete. Reverse power in<br />

transformers is more likely to occur on a system where the reverse power is due to a remote generator<br />

that is operating continuously in parallel with the utility. The proper operation of the LTC in this case<br />

must be evaluated for the system. Perhaps the preferred operation would be to control the LTC so as to<br />

minimize the var exchange between the systems. Some systems are simply operated with the LTC control<br />

turned off of automatic operation during reverse power flow so that the LTC says fixed on position until<br />

forward power flow resumes.<br />

3.7.7 Introduction to Control for Parallel Operation of LTC <strong>Transformer</strong>s<br />

and Step-Voltage Regulators<br />

For a variety of reasons, it may be desirable to operate LTC transformers or regulators in parallel with<br />

each other. This may be done simply to add additional load-handling capability to an existing overloaded<br />

transformer, or it may be by initial design to afford additional system reliability, anticipating that there<br />

may be a failure of one transformer.<br />

Most common paralleling schemes have the end objective of having the load tap changers operate on<br />

the same, or on nearly the same, tap position at all times. For more-complex schemes, this may not be<br />

the objective. A knowledge of the system is required to assess the merits of the various techniques.<br /> The Need for Special Control Considerations<br />

To understand why special control consideration needs to be given to paralleling, consider two LTC<br />

transformers operating in parallel, i.e., the primary and secondary of the transformers are bused together<br />

as in Figure 3.7.8. If the transformers are identical, they will evenly divide the load between them at all<br />

times while they are operating on the same tap position. Consider that the voltage at the secondary bus<br />

goes out of band. Even if the controls are set the same, they are never truly identical, and one will<br />

command tap-change operation before the other. Later, when the voltage again changes so as to require<br />

a second voltage correction, the same control that operated more quickly the first time would be expected<br />

to do so again. This can continue indefinitely, with one LTC doing all of the operation. As the tap positions<br />

of the LTC transformers digress, the current that circulates in the substation increases. This current simply<br />

circulates around the loop formed by the buses and the two transformers doing no useful work, but it<br />

causes an increase in losses, perhaps causing one or both of the transformers to overheat. To put the<br />

matter in perspective, consider the case of a distribution substation where there are two 5/8%-step, 15-<br />

MVA LTC transformers of 8.7% impedance in parallel. The secondary voltage is 12.47 kV. For a tap<br />

difference of only one step, a circulating current of 25 A flows in the substation LV bus. This current<br />

magnitude increases linearly with tap-position difference.<br />

In the illustration above for LTC transformers, the circulating current was limited by the impedances<br />

of the transformers. It is very important to recognize that the same procedure cannot be done with stepvoltage<br />

regulators, as the impedance of a regulator is very low at even the extreme tap positions, and it<br />

may be essentially zero at the neutral tap position. In this case, if one regulator is on neutral and the<br />

other moves to position 1R, the circulating current will be expected to be sufficiently large to cause<br />

catastrophic failure of the regulators. The user is cautioned: Step-voltage regulators can only be operated<br />

in parallel when there is adequate supplemental impedance included in the current loop. This is most<br />

© 2004 by CRC Press LLC<br />

© 2004 by CRC Press LLC

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