JULY 2018 ARTeFACT Magazine

The Arts and Culture Unit of the City of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia's monthly newsletter. What happened in June and what's happening in July around town. The Arts and Culture Unit of the City of Ballarat, Victoria, Australia's monthly newsletter. What happened in June and what's happening in July around town.


Ballarat Photography Group meets monthly, every second Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm. Our Clubroom is located at PINAC, 222 Otway St Sth, Ballarat. Our Club invites memberships of anyone interested in amateur photography whether as a hobby or as an expression of art. New members are always welcome to join and share your photos with others through field excursions and club competitions. This club has been actively promoting and advancing photography for 50 years in Ballarat. Monthly competitions encourage amateur photographers to compare their composition and development with their peers in a constructive and non-judgemental way. e: photographygroupballarat@gmail.com The Ballarat Camera Club Inc. aims to provide opportunities for members to learn about and improve their photography, regardless of their level of competence. Since its establishment in 1938, members of the Ballarat Camera Club Inc. have encouraged and inspired each other in their photographic pursuits and personal growth. Depending on the needs of members, committee and key club members organise a variety of activities which facilitate the learning of the many aspects of photography. Through participating in monthly competition nights, informal imaging nights (social), workshops and outings, members can learn new skills and understandings, such as; how to operate their camera, understand light, process images on the computer. Members have the opportunity to seek feedback on their work and view the work of fellow photographers during these activities. The Ballarat Camera Club Inc. is affiliated with the Victorian Association of Photographic Societies Inc. (VAPS), which allows members to be involved in the wider photographic community in Victoria, including conferences and interclub competitions. The ‘Ballarat National Photographic Exhibition’ has been proudly run by the Ballarat Camera Club Inc. since 1968. This exhibition is held in high regards within photographic circles across Australia and is hung in the prestigious Art Gallery of Ballarat. We invite you to browse our website and the galleries within. We hope it inspires you and we look forward to welcoming you at one of our activities in the near future! Please contact one of our friendly committee members should you wish to join us on one of our activities. Ballarat Camera Club, 616 Barkly Street Golden Point VIC 3350 - P.O. Box 1362, Bakery Hill 3354 *CHECK THE WEBSITE FOR MONTHLY MEETING DATES info@ballaratcameraclub.org.au www.ballaratcameraclub.org.au *check the website for monthly meeting dates info@ballaratcameraclub.org.au www.ballaratcameraclub.org.au Light Painting is our passion, join us in one of our light painting sessions. Fun and inspirational evenings learning how to capture images of light using a fun technique of creating images with long exposure settings and hand held light sources. We have spent many nights twirling lights, swinging steel wool, creating orbs and domes and swishing light sabres. Contact us for more information… www.weshootstuff.com.au/light-painting www.facebook/ballaratlightpainters 0421 594 559 Zlatko Balazik with his light sculptures in Police Lane at the lunch of Laneway Lumieres for the Winter Festival 34 July 2018 ARTeFACT Newsletter

July 2018 ARTeFACT Newsletter 35

July <strong>2018</strong> <strong>ARTeFACT</strong> Newsletter<br />


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