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46 Offshore Center Danmark Yearbook 2008

New legislation paves the way for a higher safety standard Danish From Local Safety Act sets new to Global Standards Player The new offshore safety law will be implemented in 2009, but already today the law has a large importance with regards to what is reported to the Danish Energy Authority by offshore companies. In 2009 it is expected that the new safety law for the offshore industry will be approved in its fi nal form. The Act of Offshore Safety was enforced in July 2006, but the national energy authority is now working to detail the Act by listing a range of proclamations for the usage. In November 2007 the latest proclamations were approved by a commission of authorities and offshore representatives, and until all the proclamations have been approved, a set of temporary rules is in force, where elements from the previous Act of Offshore Safety will be used, but with the new proclamations gradually being enforced. – The intent of the new offshore safety act is to improve the Danish law to be the best within the offshore industry, but of course the fundamentals of the regulations will be made in accordance with international rules. Our task will be to ensure that the regulations are implemented within the offshore companies, Hans Erik Christensen, project manager within the Danish Energy Authority, tells us. The legislation, which hereto has been applicable within the offshore area, was part of a law concerning constructions at sea, dating back from Key clauses in the Danish safety law A couple of key clauses in the Danish “Law on Safety etc. of offshore installations used for exploration, production and transport of carbon-based fuels” also called the Act of Offshore Safety, are: § 16 ”Everybody onboard an offshore installation must comply to the procedures, which have been ruled for the work and the stay aboard an installation, and must respect the provisions, which have been made with regards to safety and health related conditions.” § 42, Paragraph 2. ”The norms and standards following paragraph 1, can be deviated from, where reasonable to achieve a higher level of safety and health or as a consequence of new technical advances. It is a requirement to a deviation, that the risks related to safety and health, are reduced to the lowest levels, reasonably and practically possible.” Please refer to for exact paragraphs and full law 1985. A lot has happened within the Danish offshore area since then, and small changes in the existing law would have been inadequate. Hence a new law had to be formulated – also taking into consideration the politicians wishes of more understandable regulations and less administrative burdens. At present we are right in the middle of this work, and we are transforming the intents of the law into proclamations, which the industry then must follow, Hans Erik Christensen explains. Statutory statements One of the main elements of the new law is the requirements on operators to contribute with written statements with regards to Safety and Health on offshore installations – the socalled SSR statement. Companies must account for all aspects of risks and they must document that these risks are being reduced, and that installations have been constructed and arranged to minimize the overall risks. The SSR statement will be a document, which the Danish Energy Authority must approve, before the installation can be taken into operation. – Previously the legislation required companies to have a safety compliant statement, which had to be approved before permission was given to operate offshore. The new law requires companies also to consider health Offshore Center Danmark Yearbook 2008 47

46 <strong>Offshore</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>Danmark</strong><br />

Yearbook 2008

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