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34 Offshore Center Danmark Yearbook 2008

Danish expertise ensures market shares on the global offshore markets New Frontiers Especially within the past 10 years Danish offshore has expanded towards new markets. With a vast experience within exploration and production of oil and gas during the extremely complicated conditions in the North Sea, Danish know-how is becoming a sought-after commodity in the rest of the world. Within areas such as horizontal drilling, intelligent stimulation of wells, marginal fi elds, satellite installations, preventive maintenance and offshore wind, the operators and suppliers to the Danish offshore industry have found international niches, where they are able to match the international demands as either suppliers or partners to the international offshore industry. New markets are opening themselves to the Danish offshore industry all over the world, at the same speed, at which the increase of recovery rates from existing fi elds and the exploitation of marginal fi elds become more and more important for an optimal exploitation of the oil and gas reserves of the world. These years Danish offshore is living through an exciting period of growth with new assignments arising all over the world. – Know-how is the most important tool to increase the market share in an increasingly competitive and internationally orientated offshore industry. Presently the total onshore market is greater than the offshore market, however, we see that most major new discoveries are found offshore, so that is where the growth is coming from. These new discoveries are found in areas, which are diffi cult to access, and where experience from offshore fi elds is often lacking. We see this in the Persian Gulf, offshore West-Africa and offshore Brazil. In addition, major reserves are expected to be located offshore Greenland. Danish companies have a vast offshore experience, and this know-how provides a good match to the local demands in these places, Peter Blach, director of Offshore Center Danmark, states. – In Qatar other operators had more or less given up on what was thought of as a mature fi eld. Now a Danish operator has redeveloped the old fi eld using Danish expertise, and a huge increase in the oil production has occurred, making this particular fi eld one of the largest offshore oil fi nds worldwide of this decade, with a production soon passing ½ million barrels (80,000 m 3) per day. In offshore Angola and offshore Brazil the water depths are greater, but huge oil fi nds in the fi elds neighbouring the Danish owned concessions give a good ground for optimism, so Danish suppliers will soon be packing their rucksacks for these destinations, Peter Blach continues. Credit to Maersk Oil The largest operator in Denmark is Maersk Oil. Apart from being the largest operator in Denmark, the company operates licenses in 14 other countries. This includes Qatar, the UK, Algeria and Oman and in recent years licenses have also been acquired in Norway, Angola and Brazil, amongst others. – One of the Maersk trademarks is marginal fi elds and areas with harsh conditions or diffi cult access. When success is achieved in such areas, great respect is gained within the offshore industry worldwide, with one good example being what was previously considered the mature Al-Shaheen fi eld in Qatar. Hence a good reputation and creditability is received for future licensing rounds. Other Danish operators are inheriting some of these trademarks, amongst which can be mentioned DONG Energy and Hess Denmark. Both are now also becoming experts in marginal fi elds, exploiting oil from fi elds other operators are abandoning or considered non-commercial, Peter Blach explains. – In the future we will see the three key Danish operators being joined also by new operators following the successful appraisal drillings after the 6th licensing round. A company such as Noreco (previously Offshore Center Danmark Yearbook 2008 35

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<strong>Offshore</strong> <strong>Center</strong> <strong>Danmark</strong><br />

Yearbook 2008

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