Read News Magazine (pdf) - Offshore Center Danmark

Read News Magazine (pdf) - Offshore Center Danmark Read News Magazine (pdf) - Offshore Center Danmark
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CO2 from Power Stations to be used in Oilfi elds A research project started in 2007 will determine whether CO2 can be used to increase the extraction degree in the Danish part of the North Sea. This could turn out to have a huge potential, the development manager from DONG Energy informs. Offshore Center Danmark has undertaken a preceeding pilot project in the period 2005- 2007, to investigate increased oil recovery from the Danish chalk fi elds with participants from several companies as well as Aalborg University (Esbjerg Institute) and GEUS (Geological Survey of Danmark and Greenland). CO2 injection and microbial addition was the main focus of the pilot project. 12 Offshore Center Danmark Yearbook 2008 Can the residual product CO2 originating from the production of the Danish power stations be used to increase the extraction degree on oilfi elds in the North Sea and at the same time contribute to solve one of the planet’s greatest challenges within the environment: The discharge of CO2? A question raised by DONG Energy and several partners in a current research project supported by the Danish foundation for high technology. Denmark discharges more CO2 per inhabitant compared to the European average – 11 tons compared to eight tons in the entire Europe – and of the 55 million CO2 a year the power stations count for approximately 50% of the discharge. – Several places CO2 is used in land-based drillings, especially in the US, and one of the questions is, whether we can transfer the knowledge from land in the US and Canada to the North Sea, where the distance between the wells is longer, the development manager Charles Nielsen, DONG Energy, informs. Neither in the Danish nor in the Norwegian part of the North Sea CO2 is as yet used to improve the degree of oil extraction, however MARGINAL FIELDS Statoil Hydro has during the approximately past 10 years deposited CO2 in connection with the extraction of natural gas. Before the injection of CO2 to increase the pressure in the wells could be taken into use, a series of tests are to be effectuated, where the infl uence of oil, installations and reservoirs is to be simulated. – I believe that on a long-term basis we will have a European infrastructure of pipelines to deposits on land, to drained oilfi elds and maybe to initiatives to improve the extraction on active oilfi elds. This could turn out to have a big potential; in my opinion, however, it will take another ten years to get it operating at 100%. The technology to isolate the CO2 from the fl ue-gas is not yet in place, and on top of this the right facilities would also have to be constructed, Charles Nielsen explains. The objective of the EU countries is to reduce the CO2 discharge by 20% before 2010, and furthermore by 30%, provided that we reach a global agreement in 2009. One of the means to reach the objective could be investment of billions of DKK in order to transfer the CO2 from the power stations to the oilfi elds. ■

Offshore – focus, flexibility and a forward-looking approach Promecon has many years’ experience in offshore-related work, whether onshore fabrication or offshore maintenance. The foundation We serve the whole of the Nordic offshore sector in connection with daily enquiries for fabrication of pipe spool and structural steel. Furthermore, we carry out a number of manpower contracts for the Danish offshore operators. These tasks are often related to the operators’ day-to-day operation and maintenance. EPCI - solutions Our internal and external networks enable us to undertake assignments within Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI), particularly new, large and complex projects involving several disciplines. We are happy to assume responsibility for the entire EPCI process. By drawing on Photo lent by DONG Energy the whole of our broad and experienced organisation, we are able to identify the appropriate team to coordinate and manage the collaboration with our partners. HSEQ Promecon operates in an industry in which safety and quality play a major part. We consequently focus on these areas daily. We are certified to OHSAS 18001 / ISO9001:2000 / EN 729:1995 / PED / Achilles Joint Qualification System. MACOS Maintenance And Construction On Site is a boat concept conceived by Promecon. The intention behind the concept is for workshop, production and associated accommodation facilities to be located on boats when work is being carried out on unmanned offshore installations. References: • Maersk Oil Clamp for caisson, 2006 • Maersk Oil MACOS assignment on Valdemar, Roar and Rolf, 2005 • Amerada Hess Aps Water injection pumps – structural & piping, 2004 • Elsam Kraft A/S Replacement of boat landings, 2004 • The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation and Hydrography Lighthouse at Gedser Reef, 2003 You can read our references at Contacts: Michael L. Madsen Tel.: +45 4122 9225 Søren E. K Kristensen Tel.: +45 4017 5131 Arne K. H. Møller Tel.: +45 4122 9227 Promecon as Reg. No. 26 78 67 70

<strong>Offshore</strong> – focus, flexibility and a forward-looking approach<br />

Promecon has many years’ experience in offshore-related work, whether onshore fabrication<br />

or offshore maintenance.<br />

The foundation<br />

We serve the whole of the Nordic<br />

offshore sector in connection with daily<br />

enquiries for fabrication of pipe spool<br />

and structural steel. Furthermore,<br />

we carry out a number of manpower<br />

contracts for the Danish offshore<br />

operators. These tasks are often related<br />

to the operators’ day-to-day operation<br />

and maintenance.<br />

EPCI - solutions<br />

Our internal and external networks<br />

enable us to undertake assignments<br />

within Engineering, Procurement,<br />

Construction and Installation (EPCI),<br />

particularly new, large and complex<br />

projects involving several disciplines. We<br />

are happy to assume responsibility for<br />

the entire EPCI process. By drawing on<br />

Photo lent by DONG Energy<br />

the whole of our broad and experienced<br />

organisation, we are able to identify<br />

the appropriate team to coordinate<br />

and manage the collaboration with our<br />

partners.<br />

HSEQ<br />

Promecon operates in an industry in<br />

which safety and quality play a major<br />

part. We consequently focus on these<br />

areas daily. We are certified to OHSAS<br />

18001 / ISO9001:2000 / EN 729:1995 /<br />

PED / Achilles Joint Qualification System.<br />

MACOS<br />

Maintenance And Construction On Site is<br />

a boat concept conceived by Promecon.<br />

The intention behind the concept is for<br />

workshop, production and associated<br />

accommodation facilities to be located<br />

on boats when work is being carried out<br />

on unmanned offshore installations.<br />

References:<br />

• Maersk Oil<br />

Clamp for caisson, 2006<br />

• Maersk Oil<br />

MACOS assignment on Valdemar,<br />

Roar and Rolf, 2005<br />

• Amerada Hess Aps<br />

Water injection pumps –<br />

structural & piping, 2004<br />

• Elsam Kraft A/S<br />

Replacement of boat landings, 2004<br />

• The Royal Danish Administration<br />

of Navigation and Hydrography<br />

Lighthouse at Gedser Reef, 2003<br />

You can read our references at<br /><br />

Contacts:<br />

Michael L. Madsen<br />

Tel.: +45 4122 9225<br />

Søren E. K Kristensen<br />

Tel.: +45 4017 5131<br />

Arne K. H. Møller<br />

Tel.: +45 4122 9227<br />

Promecon as<br />

Reg. No. 26 78 67 70<br />

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