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<strong>Hitachi</strong> Real-time Tissue<br />

Elastography:<br />

Publications & International<br />

Communications by Author

Publications<br />

Aigner F, Mitterberger M, Rehder P, et al. Status of transrectal ultrasound imaging of the<br />

prostate. J Endourol. 2010 May;24(5):685-91.<br />

Aigner F, Pallwein L, Junker D, et al. Value of real-time elastography targeted biopsy for<br />

prostate cancer detection in men with prostate specific antigen 1.25 ng/ml or greater<br />

and 4.00 ng/ml or less. J Urol. 2010 Sep;184(3):913-7<br />

Allgayer H, Ignee A, Dietrich CF. Endosonographic elastography of the anal sphincter in<br />

patients with fecal incontinence. Scand J Gastroenterol. 2010;45(1):30-8<br />

Ami O., Lamazou F., Mabille M., et al. Real-time transvaginal elastosonography of uterine<br />

fibroids. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2009; 34: 486–488<br />

Ariji Y., Katsumata A., Hiraiwa Y., et al. Use of sonographic elastography of the masseter<br />

muscles for optimizing massage pressure: a preliminary study. Journal of Oral<br />

Rehabilitation 2009 36; 627–635<br />

Asteria C., Giovanardi A., Pizzocaro A., et al. US-elastography in the differential diagnosis<br />

of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Thyroid. 2008 May;18(5):523-31.<br />

Bojunga J., Herrmann E., Meyer G., et al. Real-time elastography for the differentiation of<br />

benign and malignant thyroid nodules: a meta-analysis. Thyroid. 2010<br />

Oct;20(10):1145-50.<br />

Botar-Jid C., Damian L., Dudea S.M., et al. The contribution of ultrasonography and<br />

sonoelastography in assessment of myositis. <strong>Medical</strong> Ultrasonography 2010, Vol. 12,<br />

no. 2, 120-126<br />

Brock M, von Bodman C, Sommerer F, et al. Comparison of real-time elastography with<br />

grey-scale ultrasonography for detection of organ-confined prostate cancer and extra<br />

capsular extension: a prospective analysis using whole mount sections after radical<br />

prostatectomy. BJU Int. 2011 Oct;108. Epub 2011 Aug 5<br />

Chang J. M., Moon W. K., Cho, N. et al. Breast mass evaluation: factors influencing the<br />

quality of us elastography. Radiology 2011, 259, 59-64<br />

Chang Y-C, Yang M-C, Huang C-S, et al. Automatic selection of representative slice from<br />

cine-loops of real-time sonoelastography for classifying solid breast masses.<br />

Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Volume 37, Issue 5, Pages 709-718 (May 2011)<br />

Cho N., Moon W.K., Park J.S., et al. Nonpalpable breast masses: evaluation by US<br />

elastography. Korean J Radiol, March 1, 2008; 9(2): 111-8.<br />

Cho N., Moon W.K., Park J.S. Real-time US elastography in the differentiation of suspicious<br />

microcalcifications on mammography. Eur Radiol. 2009 Jul;19(7):1621-8.<br />

Cho N., Moon W.K., Kim H.Y., et al. Sonoelastographic strain index for differentiation of<br />

benign and malignant nonpalpable breast masses. . J Ultrasound Med 2010; 29:1–7<br />


Cho N, Jang M, Lyou CY, et al. Distinguishing Benign from Malignant Masses at Breast US:<br />

Combined US Elastography and Color Doppler US—Influence on Radiologist<br />

Accuracy. Radiology 2012;262 80-90<br />

Choi J.J., Kang B.J., Kim S.H., MD et al. Role of sonographic elastography in the differential<br />

diagnosis of axillary lymph nodes in breast cancer. J Ultrasound Med 2011; 30:429–<br />

436<br />

Choi JY, Hong SH, Yoo HJ, et al. Musculoskeletal application of ultrasound elastography:<br />

soft tissue lipoma. J Korean Soc Ultrasound Med. 2010 Dec;29(4):241-245<br />

Chung SY, Moon WK, Choi JW, et al. Differentiation of benign from malignant nonpalpable<br />

breast masses: a comparison of computer-assisted quantification and visual<br />

assessment of lesion stiffness with the use of sonographic elastography. Acta Radiol.<br />

2010 Feb;51(1):9-14.<br />

Ciurea A, Bolboaca S, Ciortea C et al. The influence of technical factors on<br />

sonoelastographic assessment of solid breast nodules. Ultraschall Med. 2010 Oct 11.<br />

[Epub ahead of print]<br />

Colombo S, Buonocore M, Del Poggio A, et al. Head-to-head comparison of transient<br />

elastography (TE), real-time tissue elastography (RTE), and acoustic radiation force<br />

impulse (ARFI) imaging in the diagnosis of liver fibrosis. J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jan 6.<br />

[Epub ahead of print<br />

De Zordo T, Fink C, Feuchtner GM, et al. Real-time sonoelastography findings in healthy<br />

achilles tendons. Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Aug;193(2):W134-8.<br />

De Zordo T, Lill SR, Fink C, Feuchtner GM, et al. Real-time sonoelastography of lateral<br />

epicondylitis: comparison of findings between patients and healthy volunteers. Am J<br />

Roentgenol. 2009 Jul;193(1):180-5<br />

De Zordo T, Chhem R, Smekal V, et al. Real-time sonoelastography: findings in patients<br />

with symptomatic achilles tendons and comparison to healthy volunteers. Ultraschall<br />

Med. 2010 Aug;31(4):394-400.<br />

Dietrich C.F., Hirche T. O., Ott M., et al. Real-time tissue elastography in the diagnosis of<br />

autoimmune pancreatitis. Endoscopy 2009; 41: 718–720<br />

Dighe M, Kim J, Luo S, et al. Utility of the ultrasound elastographic systolic thyroid stiffness<br />

index in reducing fine-needle aspirations. J Ultrasound Med. 2010 Apr;29(4):565-74.<br />

Drakonaki EE, Allen GM, Wilson DJ. Real-time ultrasound elastography of the normal<br />

Achilles tendon: reproducibility and pattern description. Clin Radiol. 2009<br />

Dec;64(12):1196-202. Epub 2009 Oct 8<br />

Drakonaki EE, Allen GM. Magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and real-time ultrasound<br />

elastography of the thigh muscles in congenital muscle dystrophy. Skeletal Radiol.<br />

2010 Jan 9. [Epub ahead of print]<br />


Dudea S. M., Giurgiu C. R., Dumitriu D., et al. Value of ultrasound elastography in the<br />

diagnosis and management of prostate carcinoma. <strong>Medical</strong> Ultrasonography, 2011,<br />

Vol. 13, no. 1, 45-53<br />

Farrokh A, Wojcinski S, Degenhardt F. Diagnostic value of strain ratio measurement in the<br />

differentiation of malignant and benign breast lesions. Ultraschall in Med 2011;<br />

32(4): 400-405<br />

Ferrari FS., Scorzelli A., Megliola A. et al. Real-time elastography in the diagnosis of<br />

prostate tumor. Journal of Ultrasound (2009) 12, 22-31<br />

Friedrich-Rust M., Ong M.F., Herrmann E., et al. Real-time elastography for noninvasive<br />

assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic viral hepatitis. AJR 2007; 188:758–764<br />

Friedrich-Rust M., Schwarz A., Ong M.F., et al. Real-time tissue elastography versus<br />

Fibroscan for noninvasive assessment of liver fibrosis in chronic liver disease.<br />

Ultraschall in Med 2009; 30: 478 - 484<br />

Friedrich-Rust M, Sperber A, Holzer K, et al. Real-time elastography and contrastenhanced<br />

ultrasound for the assessment of thyroid nodules. Exp Clin Endocrinol<br />

Diabetes. 2009 Oct 23. [Epub ahead of print]<br />

Fujimoto K., Kato M., Tonomura A., et al. Non-invasive evaluation method of the liver<br />

fibrosis using real-time tissue elastograpy -usefulness of judgment liver fibrosis stage<br />

by liver fibrosis index (LF index). Kanzo 2010; 51: 539-541<br />

Gheonea DI, Săftoiu A, Ciurea T, et al. Real-time sono-elastography in the diagnosis of<br />

diffuse liver diseases. World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr 14;16(14):1720-6.<br />

Gheonea DI, Săftoiu A. Beyond conventional endoscopic ultrasound: elastography, contrast<br />

enhancement and hybrid techniques. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2011 Sep;27(5):423-<br />

9.<br />

Gheorghe L., Iacob S., Gheorghe C. Real-time sonoelastography - a new application in the<br />

field of liver disease. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis, December 2008 Vol.17 No 4, 469-<br />

474<br />

Gietka-Czernel M., Kochman M., Bujalska K., et al. Real-time ultrasound elastography — a<br />

new tool for diagnosing thyroid nodules. Pol J Endocrinol 2010; 61 (6): 652–657<br />

Giovannini M., Hookey L.C ., Bories E., et al. Endoscopic ultrasound elastography: the first<br />

step towards virtual biopsy? Preliminary results in 49 patients. Endoscopy 2006;<br />

38:1-5<br />

Giovannini M., Botelberge T., Bories E., et al. Endoscopic ultrasound elastography for<br />

evaluation of lymph nodes and pancreatic masses: a multicenter study. World J<br />

Gastroenterol 2009 April 7; 15(13): 1587-1593<br />

Goddi A, Sacchi A, Magistretti G, et al. Real-time tissue elastography for testicular lesion<br />

assessment. Eur Radiol. 2012 Apr;22(4):721-30. Epub 2011 Oct 26<br />

Hatzung G, Grunwald S, Zygmunt M, et al. Sonoelastography in the diagnosis of malignant<br />

and benign breast lesions: initial clinical experiences. Ultraschall Med. 2010<br />

Dec;31(6):596-603.<br />


Havre R.F., Elde E., Gilja O.H., et al. Freehand real-time elastography: impact of scanning<br />

parameters on image quality and in vitro intra- and interobserver validations.<br />

Ultrasound Med Biol. 2008 Oct;34(10):1638-50.<br />

Havre RF, Waage JR, Gilja OH, et al. Real-Time Elastography: Strain Ratio Measurements<br />

Are Influenced by the Position of the Reference Area. Ultraschall Med. 2011 Jun 10.<br />

[Epub ahead of print]<br />

Hirche T.O., Ignee A., Barreiros A. P., et al. Indications and limitations of endoscopic<br />

ultrasound elastography for evaluation of focal pancreatic lesions. Endoscopy 2008;<br />

40: 910-917<br />

Hirooka M, Koizumi Y, Hiasa Y, et al. Hepatic elasticity in patients with ascites: evaluation<br />

with real-time tissue elastography. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Jun;196(6):W766-71.<br />

Hirooka M, Ochi H, Koizumi Y, et al. Splenic Elasticity Measured with Real-time Tissue<br />

Elastography Is a Marker of Portal Hypertension. Radiology 2011;261 960-968<br />

Hong Y., Liu X., Li Z., et al. Real-time ultrasound elastography in the differential diagnosis of<br />

benign and malignant thyroid nodules. J Ultrasound Med 2009; 28:861–867<br />

Iagnocco A., Kaloudi O., Perella C., et al. Ultrasound elastography assessment of skin<br />

involvement in systemic sclerosis: lights and shadows. J Rheumatol August 2010<br />

37(8):1688-1691<br />

Iglesias-Garcia J, Larino-Noia J, Abdulkader I, et al. Quantitative endoscopic ultrasound<br />

elastography: an accurate method for the differentiation of solid pancreatic masses.<br />

Gastroenterology. 2010 Oct;139(4):1172-80<br />

Ishibashi N, Yamagata K, Sasaki H, et al. Real-time tissue elastography for the diagnosis of<br />

lymph node metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2012<br />

Mar;38(3):389-95. Epub 2012 Jan 21.<br />

Ishikawa D., Ando T., Watanabe O., et al. Images of colonic real-time tissue<br />

sonoelastography correlate with those of colonoscopy and may predict response to<br />

therapy in patients with ulcerative colitis. BMC Gastroenterology 2011, 11:29<br />

Itoh A., Ueno E., Tohno E., et al. Breast disease: clinical application of US elastography for<br />

diagnosis. Radiology 2006;239:341-350<br />

Itokawa F, Itoi T, Sofuni A, et al. EUS elastography combined with the strain ratio of tissue<br />

elasticity for diagnosis of solid pancreatic masses. J Gastroenterol. 2011<br />

Jun;46(6):843-53<br />

Jacobson B. Pressed for an answer: has elastography finally come to EUS? Gastrointest<br />

Endosc 2007;66(2):301-2<br />

Janssen J., Schlörer E., Greiner L. EUS elastography of the pancreas: feasibility and<br />

pattern description of the normal pancreas, chronic pancreatitis, and focal pancreatic<br />

lesions. Gastrointest Endosc 2007;65:971-8.<br />

Janssen J., Dietrich C. F., Will U., et al. Endosonographic elastography in the diagnosis of<br />

mediastinal lymph nodes. Endoscopy 2007; 39: 952-957<br />


Janssen J. Us elastography: current status and perspectives. [Article in German]<br />

Gastroenterol. 2008 Jun;46(6):572-9<br />

Kato K., Sugimoto H., Kanazumi N., et al. Intra-operative application of real-time tissue<br />

elastography for the diagnosis of liver tumours. Liver International. 2008;28(9):1264-<br />

1271<br />

Kamoi K., Okihara K., Ochiai A., et al. The utility of transrectal real-time elastography in the<br />

diagnosis of prostate cancer. Ultrasound in Med. and Biol. 2008; 34(7):1025-1032<br />

Klauser AS, Faschingbauer R, Jaschke WR. Is sonoelastography of value in assessing<br />

tendons? Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2010 Sep;14(3):323-33. Epub 2010 Jun 10.<br />

Koizumi Y., Hirooka M., Kisaka Y., et al. Liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis C:<br />

noninvasive diagnosis by means of real-time tissue elastography—establishment of<br />

the method for measurement. Radiology 2011: Volume 258: Number 2, 610 - 617—<br />

February 2011<br />

Li YY, Wang XM, Zhang YX, Ou GC. Ultrasonic elastography in clinical quantitative<br />

assessment of fatty liver. World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Oct 7;16(37):4733-7<br />

Luo S, Kim Y. Objective ultrasound elastography scoring of thyroid nodules using<br />

spatiotemporal strain information. Med. Phys. 39, 1182 (2012);<br /><br />

Mezzi G., Arcidiacono P. G., Carrara S., et al. Elastosonography in malignant rectal disease:<br />

preliminary data. Endoscopy 2007; 39: 375<br />

Miyanaga N., Akaza H., Yamakawa M., et al. Tissue elasticity imaging for diagnosis of<br />

prostate cancer: a preliminary report. Int J Urol. 2006 Dec;13(12):1514-8.<br />

Miyagawa T., Tsutsumi M., Matsumura T., et al. Real-time elastography for the diagnosis of<br />

prostate cancer: evaluation of elastographic moving images. Japanese Journal of<br />

Clinical Oncology Advance Access published April 9, 2009<br />

Moon W.K., Huang C-S., Shen W-C., et al. Analysis of elastographic and B-mode features<br />

at sonoelastography for breast tumor classification. Ultrasound Med Biol, 2009<br />

Nov;35(11):1794-802<br />

Moon W.K., Choi, J.W., Cho N. et al. Computer-aided analysis of ultrasound elasticity<br />

images for classification of benign and malignant breast masses. AJR 2010;<br />

95:1460-1465<br />

Morishita S, Hirooka Y, Sato K et al. [Real-time tissue elastography in chronic liver disease]<br />

[Article in Japanese]. Rinsho Byori. 2010 Apr;58(4):319-24.<br />

Niitsu M., A. Michizaki A., Endo A., et al. Muscle hardness measurement by using<br />

ultrasound elastography: a feasibility study. Acta Radiologica 2011; 52: 99–105.<br />

Pallwein L., Mitterberger M., Pinggera G., et al. Sonoelastography of the prostate:<br />

comparison with systematic biopsy findings in 492 patients. Eur J Radiol. 2008<br />

Feb;65(2):304-10<br />


Pallwein L., Mitterberger M., Struve P., et al. Comparison of sonoelastography guided<br />

biopsy with systematic biopsy: impact on prostate cancer detection. Eur Radiol. 2007<br />

Sep;17(9):2278-85<br />

Pallwein L., Mitterberger M., Gradl J., et al. Value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound and<br />

elastography in imaging of prostate cancer. Curr Opin Urol. 2007 Jan;17(1):39-47.<br />

Pallwein L., Mitterberger M., Struve P., et al. Real-time elastography for detecting prostate<br />

cancer: preliminary experience. BJU Int. 2007 Jul;100(1):42-6<br />

Pallwein L., Mitterberger M., Pelzer A., et al. Ultrasound of prostate cancer: recent<br />

advances. Eur Radiology 2008 Apr;18(4):707-15<br />

Pallwein L., Aigner F., Faschingbauer R., et al. Prostate cancer diagnosis: value of real-time<br />

elastography. Abdom Imaging. 2008 Nov-Dec;33(6):729-35. Review<br />

Paterson S, Duthie F, Stanley AJ. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided elastography in the nodal<br />

staging of oesophageal cancer. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Mar 7;18(9):889-95.<br />

Rago T., Santini F., Scutari M., et al. Elastography: new developments in ultrasound for<br />

predicting malignancy in thyroid nodules. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007<br />

Aug;92(8):2917-22<br />

Raza S., Odulate A., Ong E., et al. Using real-time tissue elastography for breast lesion<br />

evaluation. Our initial experience. J Ultrasound Med 2010; 29:551–563<br />

Rubaltelli L., Corradin S., Dorigo A., et al. Differential diagnosis of benign and malignant<br />

thyroid nodules at Elastosonography. Ultraschall Med. 2009 Apr;30(2):175-9.<br />

Rustemovic N., Cukovic-Cavka S., Brinar M., et al. A pilot study of transrectal endoscopic<br />

ultrasound elastography in inflammatory bowel disease. BMC Gastroenterology<br />

2011, 11:113<br />

Săftoiu A., Vilman P. Endoscopic ultrasound elastography - a new imaging technique for the<br />

visualization of tissue elasticity distribution. J Gastrointestinal Liver Disease, June<br />

2006;15 (2):161-165<br />

Săftoiu A., Vilman P., Hassan F., et al. Analysis of endoscopic ultrasound elastography<br />

used for characterisation and differentiation of benign and malignant lymph nodes.<br />

Ultraschall in Med 2006;27:535 – 542<br />

Săftoiu A., Vilman P., Ciurea T., et al. Dynamic analysis of EUS used for the differentiation<br />

of benign and malignant lymph nodes. Gastrointest Endosc 2007; 66 (2): 291 – 300<br />

Săftoiu A., Vilmann P., Gorunescu F., et al. Neural network analysis of dynamic sequences<br />

of EUS elastography used for the differential diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis and<br />

pancreatic cancer. Gastrointest Endosc 2008;68:1086-94<br />

Săftoiu A., Iordache S., Gheonea D., et al. Combined contrast-enhanced power doppler and<br />

real-time sonoelastography performed during EUS, used in the differential diagnosis<br />

of focal pancreatic masses. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2010; 72: 739-747<br />


Săftoiu A, Vilmann P, Gorunescu F et al. Accuracy of endoscopic ultrasound elastography<br />

used for differential diagnosis of focal pancreatic masses: a multicenter study.<br />

Endoscopy. 2011 Mar 24; [Epub ahead of print]<br />

Săftoiu A, Vilmann P, Gorunescu F et al. Efficacy of an artificial neural network-based<br />

approach to endoscopic ultrasound elastography in diagnosis of focal pancreatic<br />

masses. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2012 Jan;10(1):84-90.e1. Epub 2011 Oct 1.<br />

Salomon G., Köllerman J., Thederan I., et al. Evaluation of prostate cancer detection with<br />

ultrasound real-time elastography: a comparison with step section pathological<br />

analysis after radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol. 2008 Dec;54(6):1354-62<br />

Satake H, Nishio A, Ikeda M, et al. Predictive value for malignancy of suspicious breast<br />

masses of BI-RADS categories 4 and 5 using ultrasound elastography and MR<br />

diffusion-weighted imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2011 Jan;196(1):202-9.<br />

Scaperrotta G., Ferranti C., Costa C., et al. Role of sonoelastography in non-palpable<br />

breast lesions. Eur Radiol. 2008:18 (11); 2381 - 9<br />

Sconfienza LM, Silvestri E, Cimmino MA. Sonoelastography in the evaluation of painful<br />

Achilles tendon in amateur athletes. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2010 May-Jun;28(3):373-8.<br />

Epub 2010 Jun 23.<br />

Sumura M., Shigeno K., Hyuga T., et al. Initial evaluation of prostate cancer with real-time<br />

elastography based on step-section pathologic analysis after radical prostatectomy: a<br />

preliminary study. Int J Urol. 2007 Sep;14(9):811-6.<br />

Swiatkowska-Freund M., Preis K.. Elastography of the uterine cervix – implications for<br />

delivery elastography of cervix. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Apr 12. [Epub<br />

ahead of print]<br />

Tan S.M., Teh H.S., Kent Mancer J.F., et al. Improving B mode ultrasound evaluation of<br />

breast lesions with real-time ultrasound elastography- a clinical approach.The Breast;<br />

17 (2008):252 – 257<br />

Tatsumi C, Kudo M, Ueshima K, et al. Non-invasive evaluation of hepatic fibrosis for<br />

type C chronic hepatitis. Intervirology. 2010;53(1):76-81. Epub 2010 Jan 5.<br />

Tessarolo M, Bonino L, Camanni M, et al. Elastosonography: a possible new tool for<br />

diagnosis of adenomyosis? Eur Radiol. 2011 Jul;21(7):1546-52. Epub 2011 Jan 26.<br />

Thomas A., Fischer T., Frey H., et al. Real-time elastography - an advanced method of<br />

ultrasound: first results in 108 patients with breast lesions. Ultrasound Obstet<br />

Gynecol 2006, Sep;28 (3): 335-340<br />

Thomas A. Picture of the month: Imaging of the cervix using sonoelastography. Ultrasound<br />

Obstet Gynecol 2006, Sep;28 (3): 356-357<br />

Thomas A., Kümmel S., Fritzsche F., et al. Real-time sonoelastography performed in<br />

addition to B-mode ultrasound and mammography: improved differentiation of breast<br />

lesions? Acad Radiol. 2006 Dec;13(12):1496-504<br />


Thomas A., Kümmel S., Gemeinhardt O., et al. Real-time sonoelastography of the cervix:<br />

tissue elasticity of the normal and abnormal cervix. Acad Radiol 2007; 14:193–200<br />

Thomas A, Degenhardt F, Farrokh A, et al. Significant differentiation of focal breast lesions:<br />

calculation of strain ratio in breast sonoelastography. Acad Radiol. 2010<br />

May;17(5):558-63. Epub 2010 Feb 20.<br />

Tranquart F., Bleuzen A., Pierre-Renoult P., et al. Elastosonography of thyroid lesions<br />

[Article in French]. J Radiol. 2008 Jan;89(1 Pt 1):35-9.<br />

Tsutsumi M., Miyagawa T., Matsumura T., et al. The impact of real-time tissue elasticity<br />

imaging (elastography) on the detection of prostate cancer: clinicopathological<br />

analysis. Int J Clin Oncol. 2007 Aug; 12(4):250-5. Epub 2007 Aug 20.<br />

Tsutsumi M., Miyagawa T., Matsumura T., et al. Real-time balloon inflation elastography for<br />

prostate cancer detection and initial evaluation of clinicopathologic analysis. Am J<br />

Roentgenol. 2010 Jun;194(6):W471-6.<br />

Uchida H., Hirooka Y., Itoh A., et al. Feasibility of Tissue Elastography Using<br />

Transcutaneous Ultrasonography for the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Diseases.<br />

Pancreas 2009;38(1):17-22<br />

Unlütürk U, Erdoğan MF, Demir O et al. The role of ultrasound elastography in preoperative<br />

localization of parathyroid lesions: a new assisting method to preoperative<br />

parathyroid ultrasonography. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012 Apr;76(4):492-8. doi:<br />

10.1111/j.1365-2265.2011.04241.x.<br />

Vorländer C., Wolff J., Saalabian S., et al. Real-time ultrasound elastography—a<br />

noninvasive diagnostic procedure for evaluating dominant thyroid nodules.<br />

Langenbecks Arch Surg (2010) 395:865–871<br />

Waage JE, Havre RF, Odegaard S, et al. Endorectal elastography in the evaluation of rectal<br />

tumours. Colorectal Dis.2011;13;10:1130-1137<br />

Walz J., Marcy M., Thomassin Pianna J., et al. Identification of the prostate cancer index<br />

lesion by real-time elastography: considerations for focal therapy of prostate cancer.<br />

World J Urol. 2011 May 26. [Epub ahead of print]<br />

Wang Y., Dan H-J., Dan H-Y., et al. Differential diagnosis of small single solid thyroid<br />

nodules using real-time ultrasound elastography. The Journal of International <strong>Medical</strong><br />

Research 2010; 38: 466 – 472<br />

Wojcinski S, Farrokh A, Weber S, et al. Multicenter study of ultrasound real-time tissue<br />

elastography in 779 cases for the assessment of breast lesions: improved diagnostic<br />

performance by combining the BI-RADS®-US classification system with<br />

sonoelastography. Ultraschall Med. 2010 Apr 20. [Epub ahead of print]<br />

Xie, P., Xiao, Y. and Liu, F. Real-time ultrasound elastography in the diagnosis and<br />

differential diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis. J Clin Ultrasound. 2011 Jun 14. doi:<br />

10.1002/jcu.20850. [Epub ahead of print]<br />

Yamaguchi S., Kamei Y., Kozuma S., et al. Tissue elastography imaging of the uterine<br />

cervix during pregnancy. JMed Ultrasonics (2007) 34:209–210 Ultrasound image of<br />

the month<br />


Yi A, Cho N, Chang JM, et al. Sonoelastography for 1786 non-palpable breast masses:<br />

diagnostic value in the decision to biopsy. Eur Radiol. 2011 Nov 25. [Epub ahead of<br />

print]<br />

Zhi H., Ou B., Luo B., et al. Comparison of ultrasound elastography, mammography, and<br />

sonography in the diagnosis of solid breast lesions. J Ultrasound Med 2007; 26: 807–<br />

815<br />

Zhi H., Xiaa XY., Yang H-Y., et al. Semi-quantitating stiffness of breast solid lesions in<br />

ultrasonic elastography. Acad Radlol 2008; 15:1347-1353<br />


International Communications<br />

Abdel Razek N.M., Ezzat L., Shaalan M., et al. Is sonoelastography helpful in Bi-Rads III-IV<br />

(probably benign-probably malignant) lesions? European Congress of Radiology,<br />

March 7 th – 10 th 2008, Vienna, Austria<br />

Abdel Razek N.M., Ezzat L. Real-time sono-elastography in assessment of rotator cuff<br />

tendon tears: comparison of findings between elastography and mri in healthy<br />

volunteers and patients with shoulder pain. Radiological Society of North America<br />

94 th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting November 30 th – December 5 th , 2008,<br />

Chicago, USA<br />

Abitabile P., Maurer C.A. Intraoperative real-time elastography of the pancreas: first<br />

experience. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Volume 37, Issue 8, Supplement ,<br />

Page S70, August 2011<br />

Abitabile P. Intraoperative elastography of the pancreas: first experience. EuroEUS 2011,<br />

Marseille, France, May 26-27<br />

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study. European Congress of Radiology, March 9 th – 12 th 2007, Vienna, Austria<br />

Aigner F., De Zordo T., Junker D., et al. Realtime-sonoelastography for evaluation of<br />

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Alam F., Naito K., Tachikake T., et al. Efficiency of ultrasonic elastography in the differential<br />

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Allgayer H., Dietrich C.F. T. Endosonographic elastography of the anal sphincter – a<br />

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Allgayer H., Dietrich CF. Endosonographic elastography (E-SELA) of the anal sphincter in<br />

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Athanasiou A., Tardivon A., Barreau B., et al. Ultrasound elastography: results of a<br />

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Burdelova N.N., Zubarev A., Kartavykh A.A. Sonoelastography in thyroid as a new method<br />

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Endoscopy 2010; 42 (Suppl I) A159<br />

Botar-Jid C., Fodor D., Dudea S.M., et al. Sonoelastography of superficial lymph node<br />

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Ultrasound in medicine and Biology, May 31 – June 3 2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Botar-Jid C., Vasilescu D., Dudea S.M., et al. Ultrasound elastography in musculoskeletal<br />

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Medicine and Biology/XIth Romanian Conference of Ultrasound in medicine and<br />

Biology, May 31 st – June 3 rd 2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Brock M., Noldus J., Eggert T., et al. Comparison of real-time elastography to conventional<br />

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Budau, M., Jinga, V., Braticevici, B., et al. Prostate cancer detection using power doppler<br />

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Chang J.M., Moon J.M., Cho N., et al. Factors influencing the quality of sonoelastography<br />

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95 th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting November 29 th – December 4 th , 2009,<br />

Chicago, USA<br />

Chang J.M., Moon J.M., Cho N., et al. Comparison of commercially available shear wave<br />

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Meeting November 27th – December 2nd, 2011, Chicago, USA<br />

Chiorean A., Duma M., Dudea S., et al. Short analysis on elastographic images of benign<br />

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2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Chiorean A., Duma M., Dudea S., et al. Sonoelastographically guided preoperative<br />

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Cho N. Ultrasound (US) elastography of breast lesions associated with suspicious<br />

microcalcifications detected at mammography. Radiological Society of North America<br />

93 rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting November 25 th – 30 th , 2007, Chicago,<br />

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Cho N., Moon W. et al. Comparison of two commercially available sonoelastography<br />

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December 4 th , 2009, Chicago, USA<br />

Cho N., Moon W., Chang JM, et al. Sonoelastographic lesion stiffness: preoperative<br />

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Choi J.W. Ultrasound (US) elasticity images and computer-aided analysis for classification<br />

of nonpalpable benign and malignant breast masses. Radiological Society of North<br />

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Choi J., Cho N., Moon W.K. Ultrasound (US) elastography of breast lesions associated with<br />

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Radiology, March 7 th – 10 th 2008, Vienna, Austria<br />

Choi J., Kang B., Kim S., et al. Role of sonographic elastography in the differential diagnosis<br />

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Choi J., Kang B., Kim S., et al. Sonographic elastography in papillary lesions of the breast<br />

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Churkina S., Gazhonova V., Savinova H., et al. Real-time sonoelastography in local staging<br />

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12 th World Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology,<br />

30 th August – 3 rd September 2009, Sydney, Australia<br />

Churkina S., Gazhonova V., Khokhlova H., et al. Diagnostic possibilities of real-time<br />

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Ciurea A., Dumitriu D., Ciortea C., et al. Sources of error in breast US elastography. XXth<br />

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Biology/XIth Romanian Conference of Ultrasound in medicine and Biology, May 31 –<br />

June 3 2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Dasgeb B. Elastographic ultrasound quantitative analysis combined with high frequency<br />

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Dawwas M F, Taha H, Leeds J, et al. The utility of quantitative endoscopic ultrasound<br />

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De Zordo T., Gradl J., Feuchtner G., et al. Value of real-time sonoelastography in lateral<br />

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November 25 th – 30 th , 2007, Chicago, USA<br />

De Zordo T., Gradl H., Feuchtner G., et al. Real-time sonoelastography in achilles tendon of<br />

healthy volunteers and patients with symptomatic achilles tendons: comparison to US<br />

and MRI. Radiological Society of North America 93 rd Scientific Assembly and Annual<br />

Meeting November 25 th – 30 th , 2007, Chicago, USA<br />

De Zordo T., Chhem R., Feuchtner G., et al. Real-time sonoelastography of achilles<br />

tendons: comparison to clinical findings and ultrasound findings. Radiological Society<br />

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December 5 th , 2008, Chicago, USA<br />

De Zordo T., Lill S., Feuchtner G., et al. Value of real-time sonoelastography in lateral<br />

epicondylitis: comparison with clinical examination, ultrasound, and power doppler<br />

ultrasound. Radiological Society of North America 94 th Scientific Assembly and<br />

Annual Meeting November 30 th – December 5 th , 2008, Chicago, USA<br />

Dharmadhikari R., Richardson D., Johnson S. Ultrasound elastography in thyroid<br />

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Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting November 25 th – 30 th , 2007, Chicago, USA<br />

Dietrich C. Elastography in endoscopic ultrasound. 12 th World Congress of the World<br />

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2009, Sydney, Australia<br />

Dighe M., Bae U., Dubinsky T., et al. Thyroid elastography using carotid artery pulsation for<br />

differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules: preliminary results. Radiological Society of<br />

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December 1 st , 2006, Chicago, USA<br />

Dighe M., Kim J., Jordan C., et al. Thyroid us and elastography using carotid artery<br />

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30 th – December 5 th , 2008, Chicago, USA<br />

Dighe M. Efficacy of thyroid elastography in differential diagnosis of small

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malignant papillary ovarian tumors. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, Volume 37,<br />

Issue 8, Supplement , Page S40, August 2011<br />

Feld R., Merton D., Fukunari N., et al. Thyroid nodule evaluation with grayscale ultrasound,<br />

color Doppler, and elastography: an international multicenter trial. Radiological<br />

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30 th – December 5 th , 2008, Chicago, USA<br />

Ferrero G, Martini C, Sconfienza LM, et al. Real-time sonoelastography and color-doppler<br />

ultrasound (US) evaluation of the common extensor tendon (CET) after US-guided<br />

treatment of lateral epicondylitis. Radiological Society of North America 97th<br />

Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting November 27th – December 2nd, 2011,<br />

Chicago, USA<br />

Figueiredo FA., Giovannini M., Bories E., et al. Endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) strain<br />

ratio (SR-EUS) vs. Contrast-enhanced eus (CE-EUS) for the diagnosis of focal<br />

pancreatic solid lesions. Digestive Disease Week, May 30 th – June 4 th , 2009,<br />

Chicago, USA, 922<br />

Fischer T. New ultrasound techniques for the detection and characterization of focal breast<br />

lesions. European Congress of Radiology, March 9 th – 12 th 2007, Vienna, Austria<br />

Fischer T., Degenhardt F., Farrokh A., et al. Significant differentiation of focal breast lesions:<br />

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Frauscher F., et al. Comparison of real-time sonoelastography targeted biopsy with<br />

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Frauscher F., Pallwein L. How can imaging improve prostate biopsy? European Congress<br />

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Friedrich-Rust M., Samaras P., Ong M.F., et al. Assessment of the stage of hepatic fibrosis<br />

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of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 25 th – 27 th September, 2005,<br />

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Fritsche, H.M., Brandtner, A., Wieland, W.F., et al. Prospective study comparing detection<br />

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Fujimoto K., Tatsumi C., Ueshima K., et al. Evaluation of liver fibrosis in diffuse liver<br />

disease using real-time tissue elastography. Digestive Disease Week, May 30 th –<br />

June 4 th , 2009, Chicago, USA, M1774<br />

Fukuda K., Mori M., Koma M. Analysis of strain patterns of common liver tumors using realtime<br />

tissue elastography. 12 th World Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound<br />

in Medicine and Biology, 30 th August – 3 rd September 2009, Sydney, Australia<br />

Fukunari N., Tanaka K., Sugino K., et al. Clinical evaluation of real-time tissue elastography<br />

(RTE) for the differential diagnosis of thyroid follicular lesions. XVIII th Congress of<br />

European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 25 th – 27 th<br />

September, 2005, Geneva, Switzerland<br />

Fukunari N. Clinical evaluation of real-time tissue elastography (RTE) for the differential<br />

diagnosis of thyroid follicular lesions. Radiological Society of North America 91 st<br />

Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, November 27 th – 30 th 2005, Chicago, USA<br />

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(RTE) for the differential diagnosis of thyroid follicular lesions. European Congress of<br />

Radiology, March 3 rd – 7 th 2006, Vienna, Austria<br />

Fukunari N., Arai K., Nakamura A., et al. Clinical evaluation of elastography for the<br />

differential diagnosis of thyroid follicular tumors. Radiological Society of North<br />

America 93 rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting November 25 th – 30 th , 2007,<br />

Chicago, USA<br />

Fukunari N., Arai K., Naakamura A., et al. Clinical evaluation of elastography for the<br />

differential diagnosis of thyroid follicular tumors. 12 th World Congress of the World<br />

Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30 th August – 3 rd September<br />

2009, Sydney, Australia<br />

Fumihide I., Itoi T., Moriyasu F., et al. Usefulness of the characterization of tissue hardness<br />

of pancreatic mass using elastography endoscopic ultrasound.- first trial of the<br />

quantification using strain ratio. Digestive Disease Week, May 17 th – 22 nd , 2008, San<br />

Diego, USA<br />

Gazhonova V., Ivanchenko L., Zubarev A. Real-time sonoelastography in Peyronie`s<br />

disease: preliminary results in diagnosis and staging. European Congress of<br />

Radiology, March 6 – 9 th , 2009, Vienna, Austria<br />

Gazhonova V., Churkina S., Zubarev A. Real-time sonoelastography of benign and<br />

malignant ovarian tumors. 12 th World Congress of the World Federation for<br />

Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 30 th August – 3 rd September 2009, Sydney,<br />

Australia<br />

Gazhonova V., Churkina S., Zubarev A. Real-time sonoelastography improved early<br />

detection of ectopic pregnancy. European Congress of Radiology, 2010, March 5 th –<br />

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to conventional Ultrasound: improved early detection of ectopic pregnancy. European<br />

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Geaid A.A., Grunwald S., Zygmunt M., et al. The value of the sonoelastography in breast<br />

diagnosis: a prospective comparison between fat/lesion ratio and elastography<br />

scoring. XIXth Congress of European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in<br />

Medicine and Biology & Dreiländertreffen, 24 th – 27 th October 2007, Leipzig,<br />

Germany (in German)<br />

Geaid A.A., Grunwald S., Hatzung G., et al. Fat-lesion-ratio vs. elastography score: a new<br />

method for sonoelastograpny in the diagnostics of breast lesions. XXth Congress of<br />

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Romanian Conference of Ultrasound in medicine and Biology, May 31 – June 3<br />

2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Gheonea D., Saftoiu A., Ciurea T., et al. Dynamic hue histogram analysis of real-time<br />

elastography for non-invasive assessment of liver fibrosis. 15th United European<br />

Gastroenterology Week, October 29 th – 31 st , 2007, Paris, France<br />

Gheonea D., Saftoiu A., Ciurea T., et al. The role of real-time elastography in the noninvasive<br />

assessment of fibrosis in diffuse hepatopathies. XXth Congress of<br />

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Romanian Conference of Ultrasound in medicine and Biology, May 31 – June 3<br />

2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Gheonea D., Saftoiu A., Gorunescu F., et al. The role of real–time elastography in the non–<br />

invasive assessment of fibrosis in diffuse hepatopathies. Eighth International<br />

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Gheonea A., Stoica Z., Bondari A. The role of sonoelastography in the differential diagnosis<br />

of breast lesions. European Congress of Radiology 2011, March 4 th – 8 th , Vienna<br />

Gheorghe L., Iacob S., Iacob R., et al. Real-time elastography - a pilot study for noninvasive<br />

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Gheorghe L., lacob S., Lupescu I., et al. Early and non-invasive diagnosis of small<br />

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Timisoara, Romania.<br />

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identifying thyroid malignancy. 12 th World Congress of the World Federation for<br />

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patients. 14th United European Gastroenterology Week, October 21st – 25 th , 2006,<br />

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Giovannini M., Figuereida, G. Monges, et al. Endoscopic ultrasonography (eus) strain ratio<br />

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Chicago, USA<br />

Hatzung G., Grunwald S., Geaid A.A., et al. Elastography: better results in the diagnosis of<br />

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Havre R.F., Ødegaard S., Gilja O.H., et al. Endoscopic sonoelastography – initial<br />

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Havre R.F., Ødegaard S., Gilja O.H., et al. Endoscopic elastography of pancreatic disease.<br />

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Hedayati V, Vouros M, Wilkins C.J, et al. The clinical value of real-time elastography with<br />

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Radiological Society of North America 97th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting<br />

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Heinzelbecker, J., Von Weyhern, C.H., Michel, M.S., et al. How to practice real-time<br />

elastography of the prostate: two different learning models. EAU Vienna 2011, March<br />

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Hirooka Y., Itoh A., Kawashima H., et al. Diagnosis of involvement of hepatoduodenal<br />

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malignancies. Digestive Disease Week, May 30 th – June 4 th , 2009, Chicago, USA,<br />

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Hirooka Y., Itoh A., Kawashima H., et al. Diagnosis of pancreatic disorders using contrastenhanced<br />

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Iglesias-Garcia J., Castiñeira-Alvariño M., Larino-Noia J., et al. Usefulness of quantitative<br />

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EuroEUS 2011, Marseille, France, May 26-27<br />

Ignee A., Hirche TO., Barreiros AP., et al. Indications and limitations of tissue real-time<br />

elastography using endoscopic ultrasound in pancreatic disease. XXth Congress of<br />

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2008, Timisoara, Romania.<br />

Ignee A., Hirche TO., Barreiros AP., et al. Indikationen und limitationen der endosonografie<br />

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Ignee A., Michaela 0., Dietrich C.F. Tissue real-time elastography in autoimmune<br />

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Iglesias-Garcia J., Larino-Noia J., Dominguez-Munoz E., et al. Endoscopic ultrasound<br />

elastography in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic solid masses: towards the<br />

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Iglesias-Garcia J., Larino J., Dominguez-Munoz E. Accuracy of second-generation<br />

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Inoue Y., Arita J., Kaneko J., et al. Intraoperative applications of freehand real-time<br />

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intraoperative use. European Congress of Radiology 2011, March 4 th – 8 th , Vienna<br />

Itokawa F., Itoi T., Moriyasu F., et al. Usefulness of the characterization of tissue hardness<br />

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