
Born from a passionate desire to dispel the negative perceptions which the world has held of the African Continent, and to replace it with a positive focus, Nomad Africa magazine celebrates life on the African continent. Covering stories from all countries and all cultures, it strives to include unique tourist attractions, business development, technology and investment opportunities as well as looking at the continent's cultural heritage. Nomad Africa inspires and breeds a conscious, knowledgeable generation of visionaries among our own, and influences positive perceptions and appreciation for the true worth of Africa worldwide. Born from a passionate desire to dispel the negative perceptions which the world has held of the African Continent, and to replace it with a positive focus, Nomad Africa magazine celebrates life on the African continent. Covering stories from all countries and all cultures, it strives to include unique tourist attractions, business development, technology and investment opportunities as well as looking at the continent's cultural heritage. Nomad Africa inspires and breeds a conscious, knowledgeable generation of visionaries among our own, and influences positive perceptions and appreciation for the true worth of Africa worldwide.

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Patrice Lumumba at city hotel in Montreal, July 29, 1960. He became the firstt Prime Minister of the new country. dark. In addition, the mission schools were poorly equipped, with few textbooks or basic school supplies. Nevertheless, Lumumba's teachers spotted his quick intelligence and loaned him their own books, encouraging him to advance. Some teachers also found that his intelligence caused them problems, feeling he asked too many troublesome questions. A NOBLE STRUGGLE Coming from a home with four brothers and two simple farmer parents, Lumumba joined the Liberal Party of Belgium, where he worked on editing and distributing party literature after working odd jobs such as a beer salesman and postal clerk. His release from serving a twelve month sentence in prison for embezzling saw Patrice come back to help resurrect the broad-based Mouvement National Congolais (MNC) in 1958. The party was a united front organisation dedicated to achieving independence and bringing together members from a variety of political backgrounds in order to achieve independence. Lumumba had charisma, the gift of the gab and soon galvanised the party into action with his oratory skills. However, his rhetoric was too radical for some in the party and they broke away to form a new party. In the year 1959, Lumumba gained recognition as the only truly national figure on the Congo’s political scene. His persuasive, attractive personality dominated the political meeting called the Luluabourg Congress in April 1959, in which all the political groups who favoured a unified form of government for the Congo, one that would unite tribes and regions into one nation, Lumumba attempted to establish a common front. Patrice Lumumba famously said at his Independence Day speech, “We are proud of this struggle, of tears, of fire, and of blood, to the depths of our being, for it was a noble and just struggle, and indispensable to put an end to the humiliating slavery, which was imposed upon us by force.” However, Lumumba's growing reputation and seemingly radical views caused hostility among other MNC leaders. The result of this disagreement was a split in the party in July 1959. Most of the party's original founders supported Albert Kalonji as 56 | | ...Celebrating the world’s richest continent | Issue 12

We are proud of this struggle, of tears, of fire, and of blood, to the depths of our being, for it was a noble and just struggle, and indispensable to put an end to the humiliating slavery which was imposed upon us by force.” their representative, while Lumumba held onto the loyalty of most other party members. Nevertheless, in the election in May 1960, Lumumba's MNC gained a stunning majority, in Stanleyville (Kisangani). While the MNC did not by any means gain a national majority its showing was indicative of substantial support for national identification and a rejection of ethnicity-based politics. A coalition government with the ABAKO party, led by Joseph Kasavubu, was formed with the MNC accepting Kasavubu as president and Lumumba as Prime Minister of the Republic. Seemingly a brilliant move at the time, it however set in motion a political drama of epic proportions. The charismatic nationalist, Lumumba led the only party in parliament with a nationwide rather than ethnic or regional base. Within days, however, Congo’s troops mutineered against their allwhite officer corps (a holdover from the colonial era) and started terrorising the European population. Belgium responded by sending forces to reoccupy the country and helping Congo’s richest province, Katanga, to secede. Their objective was to secure European interests and protect white settlers from the ensuing violence. This action however infuriated Lumumba privately, but he condoned the intervention publicly. However, he sought UN intervention and demanded that a neutral UN peacekeeping force be deployed rather than a partisan Belgium 6000 strong force. When Lumumba was not able to induce the UN force to invade and capture control of Katanga, and having no luck from the United States, he called on Soviet aid. Other Congolese politicians recognised what the introduction of Soviet forces into the Congo imbroglio would mean. What followed was a chain of events that plunged the Congo into a deep political crises with dire ramifications that were to be endured by the population for decades to come. When Kasavubu dismissed Lumumba as prime minister, it had the opposite effect and given Lumumba’s nature, Lumumba himself provoked a constitutional crisis by attempting to fire Kasavubu in turn and when that failed, he attempted to set up an alternative government in Stanleyville (Kisangani). According to historical reports years later, what transpired was a quagmire of subterfuge that involved Belgium officers, the CIA, MI6 the British Intelligence, and the Katangan authorities themselves. Lumumba was arrested under orders from the Belgian Minister of Colonies by and forcibly taken to the state of Katanga. He arrived in Elizabethville, now Lubumbashi, on 17 January 1961. It was here, where he was tortured and beaten with 2 other politicians, Maurice Mpolo and Joseph Okito, and eventually assassinated by firing squad in the evening by Belgian and Katangan forces, while Katangan President Tshombe and his cabinet deliberated on what to do with Lumumba. All three politicians were executed one after the other, their bodies eventually buried, and then dismembered, dissolved in sulphuric acid and vanishing without a trace. Declassified documents would later reveal, however, that the CIA had plotted to assassinate Lumumba, other Congolese leaders such as Mobutu Sese Seko and Joseph Kasavubu were complicit and received money and weapons directly from the CIA. The US Government believed that Lumumba was a communist and was siding with the Soviet Union. Yet another report released in 2017 revealed that the American role in Lumumba's murder was only under consideration by the CIA, but the plan was not carried out. In Congo, Lumumba's 1961 assassination is viewed as the country's original sin. Coming less than seven months after independence, it was a stumbling block to the ideals of national unity, economic independence and Pan-African solidarity that Lumumba had championed, as well as a shattering blow to the hopes of millions of Congolese for freedom and material prosperity. The assassination took place at a time when the country had fallen under four separate governments: the central government in Kinshasa (then Léopoldville); a rival central government by Lumumba's followers in Kisangani (then Stanleyville); and the secessionist regimes in the mineral-rich provinces of Katanga and South Kasai. Patrice Lumumba is, next to Nelson Mandela, possibly one of the most iconic African figures that most readily come to mind when Africa is discussed in relation to its struggle against imperialism and racism. Leaving behind his legacy, Lumumba was the first Congolese to espouse views contrary to traditional Belgian views of colonisation, while highlighting the suffering of the indigenous population under European rule. He was alone among other leaders by in- Issue 12 | ...Celebrating the world’s richest continent | | 57

We are proud of this struggle, of tears, of fire, and of<br />

blood, to the depths of our being, for it was a noble and<br />

just struggle, and indispensable to put an end to the<br />

humiliating slavery which was imposed upon us by force.”<br />

their representative, while Lumumba held<br />

onto the loyalty of most other party members.<br />

Nevertheless, in the election in May 1960,<br />

Lumumba's MNC gained a stunning majority,<br />

in Stanleyville (Kisangani). While the MNC<br />

did not by any means gain a national majority<br />

its showing was indicative of substantial<br />

support for national identification and a rejection<br />

of ethnicity-based politics. A coalition<br />

government with the ABAKO party, led<br />

by Joseph Kasavubu, was formed with the<br />

MNC accepting Kasavubu as president and<br />

Lumumba as Prime Minister of the Republic.<br />

Seemingly a brilliant move at the time, it<br />

however set in motion a political drama of<br />

epic proportions. The charismatic nationalist,<br />

Lumumba led the only party in parliament<br />

with a nationwide rather than ethnic<br />

or regional base. Within days, however,<br />

Congo’s troops mutineered against their allwhite<br />

officer corps (a holdover from the<br />

colonial era) and started terrorising the European<br />

population.<br />

Belgium responded by sending forces to reoccupy<br />

the country and helping Congo’s<br />

richest province, Katanga, to secede. Their<br />

objective was to secure European interests<br />

and protect white settlers from the ensuing<br />

violence. This action however infuriated Lumumba<br />

privately, but he condoned the intervention<br />

publicly. However, he sought UN<br />

intervention and demanded that a neutral<br />

UN peacekeeping force be deployed rather<br />

than a partisan Belgium 6000 strong force.<br />

When Lumumba was not able to induce the<br />

UN force to invade and capture control of<br />

Katanga, and having no luck from the United<br />

States, he called on Soviet aid. Other Congolese<br />

politicians recognised what the introduction<br />

of Soviet forces into the Congo<br />

imbroglio would mean.<br />

What followed was a chain of events that<br />

plunged the Congo into a deep political<br />

crises with dire ramifications that were to be<br />

endured by the population for decades to<br />

come.<br />

When Kasavubu dismissed Lumumba as<br />

prime minister, it had the opposite effect<br />

and given Lumumba’s nature, Lumumba<br />

himself provoked a constitutional crisis by<br />

attempting to fire Kasavubu in turn and<br />

when that failed, he attempted to set up an<br />

alternative government in Stanleyville<br />

(Kisangani).<br />

According to historical reports years later,<br />

what transpired was a quagmire of subterfuge<br />

that involved Belgium officers, the<br />

CIA, MI6 the British Intelligence, and the<br />

Katangan authorities themselves.<br />

Lumumba was arrested under orders from<br />

the Belgian Minister of Colonies by and<br />

forcibly taken to the state of Katanga. He arrived<br />

in Elizabethville, now Lubumbashi, on<br />

17 January 1961. It was here, where he was<br />

tortured and beaten with 2 other politicians,<br />

Maurice Mpolo and Joseph Okito, and<br />

eventually assassinated by firing squad in<br />

the evening by Belgian and Katangan<br />

forces, while Katangan President Tshombe<br />

and his cabinet deliberated on what to do<br />

with Lumumba.<br />

All three politicians were executed one after<br />

the other, their bodies eventually buried,<br />

and then dismembered, dissolved in sulphuric<br />

acid and vanishing without a trace.<br />

Declassified documents would later reveal,<br />

however, that the CIA had plotted to assassinate<br />

Lumumba, other Congolese leaders<br />

such as Mobutu Sese Seko and Joseph<br />

Kasavubu were complicit and received<br />

money and weapons directly from the CIA.<br />

The US Government believed that Lumumba<br />

was a communist and was siding<br />

with the Soviet Union.<br />

Yet another report released in 2017 revealed<br />

that the American role in Lumumba's murder<br />

was only under consideration by the CIA,<br />

but the plan was not carried out.<br />

In Congo, Lumumba's 1961 assassination is<br />

viewed as the country's original sin. Coming<br />

less than seven months after independence,<br />

it was a stumbling block to the ideals of national<br />

unity, economic independence and<br />

Pan-<strong>Africa</strong>n solidarity that Lumumba had<br />

championed, as well as a shattering blow to<br />

the hopes of millions of Congolese for freedom<br />

and material prosperity.<br />

The assassination took place at a time when<br />

the country had fallen under four separate<br />

governments: the central government in<br />

Kinshasa (then Léopoldville); a rival central<br />

government by Lumumba's followers in<br />

Kisangani (then Stanleyville); and the secessionist<br />

regimes in the mineral-rich provinces<br />

of Katanga and South Kasai.<br />

Patrice Lumumba is, next to Nelson Mandela,<br />

possibly one of the most iconic <strong>Africa</strong>n<br />

figures that most readily come to mind<br />

when <strong>Africa</strong> is discussed in relation to its<br />

struggle against imperialism and racism.<br />

Leaving behind his legacy, Lumumba was<br />

the first Congolese to espouse views contrary<br />

to traditional Belgian views of colonisation,<br />

while highlighting the suffering of the<br />

indigenous population under European rule.<br />

He was alone among other leaders by in-<br />

Issue 12 | ...Celebrating the world’s richest continent | | 57

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