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zip2 "$TAR"<br />

echo "...done." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

echo "Copying to $SERVER..." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

scp "$BZIP" "$SERVER:$RDIR" > /dev/null 2>&1<br />

echo "...done." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

echo -e "Done backing up Linux course:\nSource files, PNG and EPS images.\nRubbish removed." >> "<br />

rm "$BZIP"<br />

}<br />

bupbash()<br />

{<br />

DIR="/nethome/tille/xml/db/"<br />

TAR="<strong>Bash</strong>.tar"<br />

BZIP="$TAR.bz2"<br />

FILES="bash-programming/"<br />

SERVER="rincewind"<br />

RDIR="/var/www/intra/tille/html/training/"<br />

cd "$DIR"<br />

tar cf "$TAR" "$FILES"<br />

echo "Compressing $TAR..." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

bzip2 "$TAR"<br />

echo "...done." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

echo "Copying to $SERVER..." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

scp "$BZIP" "$SERVER:$RDIR" > /dev/null 2>&1<br />

echo "...done." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

echo -e "Done backing up <strong>Bash</strong> course:\n$FILES\nRubbish removed." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

rm "$BZIP"<br />

}<br />

DAY=`date +%w`<br />

<strong>Bash</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Beginners</strong><br />

if [ "$DAY" -lt "2" ]; then<br />

echo "It is `date +%A`, only backing up <strong>Bash</strong> course." >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

bupbash<br />

else<br />

buplinux<br />

bupbash<br />

fi<br />

echo -e "Remote backup `date` SUCCESS\n----------" >> "$LOGFILE"<br />

This script runs from cron, meaning without user interaction, so we redirect standard error from the scp<br />

command to /dev/null.<br />

It might be argued that all the separate steps can be combined in a command such as<br />

tar c dir_to_backup/ | bzip2 | ssh server "cat > backup.tar.bz2"<br />

However, if you are interested in intermediate results, which might be recovered upon failure of the script, this<br />

is not what you want.<br />

The expression<br />

command &> file<br />

is equivalent to<br />

Chapter 11. Functions 135

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