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;;<br />

2)<br />

$FORTUNE startrek<br />

;;<br />

3)<br />

$FORTUNE kernelnewbies<br />

;;<br />

4)<br />

echo "Sports are a waste of time, energy and money."<br />

echo "Go back to your keyboard."<br />

echo -e "\t\t\t\t -- \"Unhealthy is my middle name\" Soggie."<br />

;;<br />

5)<br />

$FORTUNE bofh-excuses<br />

;;<br />

6)<br />

$FORTUNE magic<br />

;;<br />

7)<br />

$FORTUNE love<br />

;;<br />

8)<br />

$FORTUNE literature<br />

;;<br />

9)<br />

$FORTUNE drugs<br />

;;<br />

10)<br />

$FORTUNE education<br />

;;<br />

0)<br />

echo "OK, see you!"<br />

break<br />

;;<br />

*)<br />

echo "That is not a valid choice, try a number from 0 to 10."<br />

;;<br />

esac<br />

done<br />

Mind that break exits the loop, not the script. This can be demonstrated by adding an echo command at the<br />

end of the script. This echo will also be executed upon input that causes break to be executed (when the user<br />

types "0").<br />

In nested loops, break allows for specification of which loop to exit. See the <strong>Bash</strong> info pages for more.<br />

9.5.2. The continue built-in<br />

<strong>Bash</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> for <strong>Beginners</strong><br />

The continue statement resumes iteration of an enclosing for, while, until or select loop.<br />

When used in a for loop, the controlling variable takes on the value of the next element in the list. When used<br />

in a while or until construct, on the other hand, execution resumes with TEST-COMMAND at the top of the<br />

loop.<br />

Chapter 9. Repetitive tasks 115

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