Aircraft Spruce 2018_2019_Catalog - Original

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1100 This grade is commercially pure aluminum. It is soft and<br />

ductile and has excellent workability. It is ideal for applications<br />

involving intricate forming because it work hardens more slowly<br />

than other alloys. It is the most weldable of aluminum alloys, by<br />

any method. It is non heat-treatable. It has excellent re sis tance to<br />

corrosion and is widely used in the chemical and food processing<br />

in dus tries. It responds well to decorative finishes which make it<br />

suitable for giftware.<br />

2011 This is the most free-machining of the common aluminum<br />

alloys. It also has excellent mechanical properties. Thus, it is widely<br />

used for automatic screw machine products in parts requiring extensive<br />

ma chin ing.<br />

2014 & 2017 The 2017 alloy combines excellent machinability<br />

and high strength with the result that it is one of the most widely<br />

used alloys for auto matic screw machine work. It is a tough, ductile<br />

alloy suitable for heavy-duty structural parts. Its strength is slightly<br />

less than that of 2014.<br />

5052 This is the highest strength alloy of the more common non<br />

heat-treatable grades. Fatigue strength is higher than most aluminum<br />

alloys.In addition this grade has particularly good resistance<br />

to marine at mos phere and salt water cor ro sion. It has excellent<br />

workability. It may be drawn or formed into intricate shapes and its<br />

slightly greater strength in the annealed condition minimizes tearing<br />

that occurs in 1100 and 3003. Applications: Used in a wide variety of<br />

applications from aircraft com po nents to home appliances, marine<br />

and transportation industry parts, heavy duty cooking utensils and<br />

equipment for bulk processing of food.<br />

5083 & 5086 For many years there has been a need for<br />

aluminum sheet and plate alloys that would offer, for high strength<br />

welded ap pli ca tions, several distinct benefits over such alloys as<br />

5052 and 6061. Some of the benefits fabricators have been seeking<br />

are greater design ef fi ciency, better weld ing characteristics,<br />

good forming properties, excellent re sis tance to corrosion and the<br />

same economy as in other non heat-treatable alloys. Metallurgical<br />

re search has developed 5083 and 5086 as superior weldable alloys<br />

which fill these needs. Both alloys have virtually the same characteristics<br />

with 5083 having slightly higher mechanical properties<br />

due to the increased manganese content over 5086. Ap pli ca tions:<br />

unfired pressure vessels, missile containers, heavy-duty truck and<br />

trailer as sem blies, boat hulls and superstructures.<br />

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2024 This is one of the best known of the high strength aluminum<br />

alloys. With its high strength and excellent fatigue resistance, it is<br />

used to advantage on struc tures and parts where good strength-toweight<br />

ratio is desired. It is readily machined to a high finish. It is<br />

readily formed in the annealed condition and may be subsequently<br />

heat treated. Arc or gas welding is generally not recommended,<br />

although this alloy may be spot, seam or flash welded. Since corrosion<br />

resistance is relatively low, 2024 is commonly used with an<br />

anodized finish or in clad form (“Alclad”) with a thin surface layer of<br />

high purity aluminum. Applications: air craft structural components,<br />

aircraft fittings, hardware, truck wheels and parts for the trans porta<br />

tion industry.<br />

3003 This is the most widely used of all aluminum alloys. It is<br />

essentially com mer cially pure aluminum with the addition of man ganese<br />

which increases the strength some 20% over the 1100 grade.<br />

Thus, it has all the excellent char ac ter is tics of 1100 with higher<br />

strength. It has excellent corrosion resistance. It has excellent workability<br />

and it may be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed. It is<br />

non heat treatable. Applications: cooking utensils, decorative trim,<br />

awnings, sid ing, storage tanks, chemi cal equip ment.<br />

5005 This alloy is generally considered to be an improved version<br />

of 3003. It has the same general mechanical properties as 3003 but<br />

appears to stand up better in actual service. It is readily workable.<br />

It can be deep drawn or spun, welded or brazed. It has excellent<br />

corrosion resistance. It is non heat-treatable. It is well suited for<br />

anodizing and has less tendency to streak or discolor. Applications<br />

same as 3003.<br />

6061 This is the least expensive and most versatile of the heattreatable<br />

alu mi num alloys. It has most of the good qualities of aluminum.<br />

It offers a range of good mechanical properties and good<br />

corrosion resistance. It can be fabricated by most of the commonly<br />

used tech niques. In the annealed condition it has good workability.<br />

In the T4 condition fairly severe forming operations may be accomplished.<br />

The full T6 properties may be obtained by artificial aging.<br />

It is welded by all methods and can be furnace brazed. It is available<br />

in the clad form (“Alclad”) with a thin surface layer of high purity<br />

aluminum to improve both appearance and corrosion resistance.<br />

Applications: This grade is used for a wide variety of products and<br />

ap pli ca tions from truck bodies and frames to screw machine parts<br />

and structural components. 6061 is used where ap pear ance and<br />

better corrosion resistance with good strength are required.<br />

6063 This grade is commonly referred to as the architectural<br />

alloy. It was developed as an extrusion alloy with relatively high tensile<br />

prop er ties, excellent finishing characteristics and a high degree<br />

of re sis tance to corrosion. This alloy is most often found in various<br />

interior and exterior architectural applications, such as windows,<br />

doors, store fronts and assorted trim items. It is the alloy best suited<br />

for anodizing applications - either plain or in a variety of colors.<br />

7075 This is one of the highest strength aluminum alloys available.<br />

Its strength-to weight ratio is excellent and it is ideally used for<br />

highly stressed parts. It may be formed in the annealed condition<br />

and sub se quently heat treated. Spot or flash welding can be used,<br />

although arc and gas welding are not recommended. It is available<br />

in the clad (“Alclad”) form to improve the corrosion resistance<br />

with the over-all high strength being only mod er ate ly affected.<br />

Applications: Used where high est strength is needed.<br />


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