I Move We Move - Good For Kids - NSW Government

I Move We Move - Good For Kids - NSW Government

I Move We Move - Good For Kids - NSW Government


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2.11<br />

Resource 1: Physical activity policy checklist<br />

Use this checklist to develop or review your physical activity policy. Aim to get a tick in every box to<br />

have a best practice physical activity policy.<br />

Policy Introduction<br />

� Includes an overall aim of the service in<br />

terms of physical activity<br />

� Includes specific goals that support the aim<br />

of the policy<br />

� Includes a list of strategies which enable<br />

the goal to be met<br />

Limiting Small Screen Recreation and<br />

Time Spent Being Sedentary<br />

� Includes how the service will limit small<br />

screen recreation and sedentary behaviours<br />

in line with current recommendations<br />

Physical Activity Environments<br />

� Includes a statement on how the indoor<br />

and outdoor environment is designed to<br />

accommodate active play and fundamental<br />

movement skill development<br />

� Includes a statement on how the physical<br />

environment is designed to encourage<br />

children to create their own opportunities<br />

for physical activity<br />

� Includes information on the service's safety<br />

and risk management procedures relevant<br />

to physical activity<br />

Monitoring and Review<br />

� Includes information on how the service<br />

will monitor children's physical activity<br />

progress in regards to active play, sedentary<br />

activities and fundamental movement skills<br />

� Includes information on how and when the<br />

service will evaluate their physical activity<br />

policies and practices. Include time frames<br />

for review.<br />

I <strong>Move</strong> <strong>We</strong> <strong>Move</strong>, The Guide Edition 1 August 2009<br />

Learning Experiences<br />

� Includes a statement on providing planned<br />

physical activity learning experiences<br />

� Includes a statement on identifying<br />

opportunistic physical activity learning<br />

experiences<br />

� Includes a statement on assisting with<br />

fundamental movement skill development<br />

through appropriate instruction and guidance<br />

� Includes a statement on educational strategies<br />

for limiting small screen recreation<br />

Staff Knowledge and Skills<br />

� Includes a statement outlining how relevant<br />

staff will be trained in physical activity and<br />

how knowledge and skills will be maintained<br />

Promoting Physical Activity and<br />

Skill Development<br />

� Includes how the service will encourage children<br />

to meet their physical activity requirements<br />

� Includes a statement on ensuring this is done<br />

in a manner that is developmentally appropriate<br />

� Includes a statement on the importance to staff<br />

role-modelling positive physical activity behaviours<br />

� Includes a statement that supports development<br />

of children's fundamental movement skills in a<br />

physical environment that is challenging yet safe<br />

Partnerships with families<br />

� Includes a statement regarding consulting<br />

families during the development and review<br />

of physical activity policies and procedures<br />

� Includes information on the service's physical<br />

activity communication strategies with parents<br />


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