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DAY AFTER DAY No.40 JUNE 26, 2018 3<br />

By Natalia PUSHKARUK, The Day<br />

Recently, President of<br />

Ukraine Petro Poroshenko<br />

made two new appointments<br />

to the Ukrainian<br />

diplomatic service: he<br />

approved the appointment of retired<br />

Ukrainian army commander<br />

Lieutenant-General Petro Lytvyn<br />

as our ambassador to Armenia,<br />

and that of Ihor Tumasov as ambassador<br />

to the Republic of Peru. The<br />

decrees have been made public on<br />

the website of the Presidential<br />

Administration.<br />

The decision to appoint Lytvyn<br />

caused a wave of dissatisfaction.<br />

After all, the official biography<br />

of Lytvyn makes clear that he graduated<br />

from Kyiv Armor Engineering<br />

Academy, the National Defense<br />

Academy of Ukraine and<br />

served in various officer postings.<br />

However, it lists no experience in<br />

the diplomatic service. In addition,<br />

there have been numerous<br />

damaging media reports, most recently<br />

repeated by MP Yurii<br />

Bereza, who said in the chamber on<br />

June 20: “This is the Lytvyn who<br />

abandoned his soldiers in the Sector<br />

D in eastern Ukraine. This is the<br />

Lytvyn whose actions might have<br />

cost me and my brothers-in-arms<br />

our lives.”<br />

It is worth recalling that the<br />

Lytvyn family is quite prominent in<br />

Ukrainian politics. Petro Lytvyn’s<br />

brothers Volodymyr and Mykola also<br />

held high positions. Volodymyr<br />

Lytvyn was speaker of the Verkhovna<br />

Rada and chief of the Presidential<br />

Administration, while General<br />

of the Army of Ukraine Mykola<br />

Lytvyn served as chairman of the<br />

State Border Guard Service. “I<br />

want to remind you that we have a<br />

‘heroic’ little family here, with<br />

one of its members sitting here in<br />

the chamber, who welcomed the<br />

Kharkiv Agreements and has attacked<br />

the Ukrainian state and<br />

Ukrainians every time he has spoken...<br />

And another hero is the newly<br />

appointed ambassador of<br />

Ukraine to Armenia,” Bereza noted<br />

in his speech as well.<br />

“Mr. President, look into the<br />

eyes of the mothers of those who<br />

have not returned from this war..,”<br />

the MP continued. “Lytvyn’s appointment<br />

confirms the thesis that<br />

there is corruption in this chamber...<br />

Unfortunately, the aggressor<br />

state spends a lot of money to ensure<br />

that such people as Lytvyn retain<br />

influence on the government<br />

policy of Ukraine. I would like to<br />

appeal once again to Foreign Minister<br />

Pavlo Klimkin. Friends, you<br />

have crossed the line... I know that<br />

such a person would not have been<br />

allowed to become ambassador in<br />

any other country. Shame on you.”<br />

Chairperson of the Verkhovna<br />

Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs<br />

Hanna Hopko has criticized<br />

the president’s decision as well.<br />

She reminded those present that<br />

her committee had been advocating<br />

the norm requiring candidates for<br />

ambassadorial positions to undergo<br />

preliminary consultations, so as<br />

to allow the committee to “sift out<br />

unprofessional people who bring<br />

dishonor to Ukraine.” “Instead,<br />

we have seen Poroshenko appointing<br />

his own associates. Are we really<br />

so short of people? Is the<br />

Ukrainian diplomatic service totally<br />

lacking people who can represent<br />

Ukraine with dignity? We<br />

saw other personnel appointments<br />

before. I now understand why<br />

Poroshenko has vetoed the Law of<br />

Ukraine ‘On the Diplomatic Service,’<br />

which we approved here on<br />

April 5 with 276 votes in favor. He<br />

did not like consultations in the relevant<br />

committee. And this is not<br />

about specific people serving on the<br />

committee. This is about institutions,<br />

about the principle which<br />

“Are we really so<br />

short of people?”<br />

people fought for after the Maidan,<br />

I mean ensuring that the institutions<br />

defend human rights regardless<br />

of who occupies what position,”<br />

she said.<br />

How are experts commenting on<br />

this appointment?<br />

● “WE SEE A WEAK<br />





Bohdan YAREMENKO, chairman of the<br />

board at the Maidan of Foreign Affairs<br />

Foundation:<br />

“Appointment of Petro Lytvyn<br />

as ambassador of Ukraine to Armenia<br />

illustrates a systemic problem<br />

plaguing foreign policy governance<br />

in Ukraine. In accordance<br />

with the Constitution, the president<br />

of Ukraine, unusually for<br />

mixed parliamentary-presidential<br />

systems, has been given executive<br />

powers: he not only represents<br />

Ukraine in international relations,<br />

but effectively manages all foreign<br />

policy activities, and also very<br />

carefully protects his right to stay<br />

uncontrolled.<br />

“Recently, the parliament attempted,<br />

with the law ‘On the<br />

quainted with a matter, while consultations<br />

are a form of approval,<br />

and hence a form of control. We,<br />

meanwhile, do not have public and<br />

parliamentary control over foreign<br />

policy activities. Therefore,<br />

the president, guided by the belief<br />

that he is constitutionally empowered<br />

to do so, makes decisions at his<br />

own discretion.<br />

“In this case, this decision is<br />

subject to criticism in every regard.<br />

Firstly, the candidate itself<br />

looks suspicious. Why is a soldier<br />

getting appointed, and not a<br />

diplomat, who knows the Armenian<br />

language or understands the<br />

intricacies of the diplomatic service?<br />

Is not there a better candidate?<br />

Moreover, that soldier has,<br />

unfortunately, a very problematic<br />

reputation, which is associated<br />

with the Ilovaisk tragedy. In addition,<br />

he is a brother of<br />

Volodymyr Lytvyn. Obviously,<br />

this appointment is based precisely<br />

on such connections and<br />

nepotism. He has no professional<br />

qualities, knowledge, skills needed<br />

to serve as an ambassador, especially<br />

in such a complex country<br />

with which we have a lot of fundamental<br />

disagreements. I do not<br />

understand why his candidacy is<br />

Diplomatic Service,’ to enact provisions<br />

requiring consultations in<br />

the parliamentary committee when<br />

appointing ambassadors, but the<br />

president has vetoed it. However,<br />

he made a counter-proposal to present<br />

candidates for ambassadorial<br />

positions to the committee, but<br />

presentation and consultations are<br />

different things, since presentation<br />

is just a way to get people acany<br />

better than the candidacy of<br />

any department head in the Ministry<br />

of Foreign Affairs.<br />

“Secondly, why is our ambassador<br />

getting appointed to Armenia<br />

at all? After all, that country,<br />

which is an ally of Russia, officially<br />

voted against the UN resolution<br />

that supported the territorial<br />

integrity of Ukraine, and<br />

therefore, Armenia does not rec-<br />

Hanna Hopko, other politicians and experts have sharply criticized the<br />

appointment of career soldier Petro Lytvyn as ambassador to Armenia<br />

Photo by Ruslan KANIUKA, The Day<br />

ognize the territorial integrity of<br />

our state. Thus, the absence of a<br />

Ukrainian ambassador there can<br />

be considered a way of expressing<br />

disagreement with its position.<br />

This is a weak demarche, but a demarche<br />

nevertheless.<br />

“That is, we see a weak candidate<br />

and a weak political decision<br />

that cannot be explained, because<br />

we are completely in the dark about<br />

personnel selection with its defining<br />

principles and criteria, since it<br />

happens behind closed doors and<br />

shuttered windows in the Presidential<br />

Administration.<br />

“All this testifies to the fact<br />

that the diplomatic service is in a<br />

state of decay, and it is probably<br />

already as bad as it gets. The foreign<br />

policy service has turned into<br />

a PR department for the president.<br />

And this is not only about<br />

Poroshenko, such a situation took<br />

shape quite a long time ago, and it<br />

was like this, in fact, with all the<br />

presidents. The president has the<br />

right to appoint ambassadors at<br />

his own discretion, but whether<br />

this is reasonable and what criteria<br />

are used in exercising this<br />

right, we do not know. And this is<br />

a big problem.”<br />






Vasyl FILIPCHUK, chairman of the<br />

board at the International Center for<br />

Policy Studies:<br />

“There are two major ways of appointing<br />

ambassadors around the<br />

world. For example, in the US, these<br />

are mostly purely political appointments,<br />

while in European countries,<br />

ambassadors are appointed from<br />

among career diplomats. In Ukraine,<br />

as a rule, ambassadors are appointed<br />

from among high-level career<br />

diplomats who have worked for a certain<br />

time in the diplomatic service<br />

and meet the requirements for an<br />

ambassadorial posting. Still, a certain<br />

part of the appointments is political<br />

by nature: people who have a<br />

certain political weight get appointed<br />

to such positions.<br />

“It is unclear what was the logic<br />

behind the appointment of this<br />

person as ambassador to Armenia.<br />

On the one hand, he is definitely not<br />

a career diplomat who has gone<br />

down the diplomatic service path and<br />

can occupy this post. On the other<br />

hand, he is not a politician either.<br />

This is the result of some personal<br />

decisions on the part of the president.<br />

Considering the problematic<br />

qualities of this person, he probably<br />

had some compelling reasons to<br />

make this appointment.<br />

“Indeed, Armenia is not a G7<br />

country and not one of Ukraine’s<br />

Top 5 priorities. Still, it is an important<br />

country for us: we have a<br />

large Armenian community, there<br />

are certain interests, we have a<br />

partnership with Azerbaijan, and<br />

Azerbaijani-Armenian relations<br />

are very complicated. Therefore, a<br />

highly skilled diplomat should be<br />

appointed to this post. Requirements<br />

are very high there. Everyone<br />

in the diplomatic service remembers<br />

former Ambassador Oleksandr<br />

Bozhko, who served in Armenia<br />

for a long time and worked to<br />

maintain good relations between<br />

our two countries.<br />

“Given the bad publicity, the<br />

president would do well to explain to<br />

the public what the decision was<br />

based on. This is not a personal patronage<br />

service for the head of state<br />

or a position at his factory. These are<br />

government positions that require<br />

nation-level thinking and statesman-like<br />

responsibility. It is doubtful<br />

whether the criteria of statesman-like<br />

responsibility were in fact<br />

met with this appointment.<br />

“The question is important and<br />

significant in public opinion, therefore<br />

the president should explain to<br />

the public why he has made such an<br />

appointment, and what determined<br />

his decision.<br />

“Another aspect is that this decision<br />

calls into question the credibility<br />

of the diplomatic service. We<br />

have a lot of good, high-quality career<br />

diplomats. The ambassadorial<br />

position is not a sinecure. However,<br />

the impression is that it is precisely<br />

that: if you are a good friend of the<br />

president, but he cannot get you a position<br />

here, then you can go serve as<br />

an ambassador for a good salary,<br />

plus you get to use an ambassadorial<br />

residence, a car, a chauffeur, and<br />

so on. The impression is that decisions<br />

are made sometimes to satisfy<br />

one’s friends’ avarice. I really do not<br />

want this to be true.”

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