Research Report Abstracts - Gesundheit

Research Report Abstracts - Gesundheit

Research Report Abstracts - Gesundheit


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eS916<br />

Relevance: The economic burden of LBP is enormous and<br />

this appears to be increasing, despite the increasing awareness<br />

of LBP as a socioeconomic burden, few data exists about its<br />

cost in developing countries. Objective data on the economic<br />

burden placed on patients with LBP in a developing community<br />

like Nigeria has been established. The findings from<br />

this study could have compelling and urgent ramifications<br />

for health policy, planning and further research. This study<br />

appears to be the first study to be carried out on the cost analysis<br />

of LBP in Nigeria and is an initial step towards providing<br />

evidence on the economic burden of LBP in Nigeria. Physiotherapists<br />

as health educators and policy makers could help<br />

in determining how resources are being allocated to health<br />

institutions in developing countries.<br />

Participants: Forty (25 males, 15 females) individuals (age<br />

range of 30–80 years) with LBP receiving physiotherapy in<br />

secondary and tertiary health institutions in Ibadan participated<br />

in this cross sectional survey.<br />

Methods: Data on the economic burden of LBP and<br />

socio-demographic information of participants were collected<br />

using a self-developed questionnaire. Component<br />

items/questions on this developed questionnaire were<br />

adapted from information obtained from literature on socioeconomic<br />

impact of LBP. Participants’ disability was assessed<br />

using the Rolland Morris Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire.<br />

Analysis: Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics<br />

of proportions, mean and standard deviations and inferential<br />

statistics of Chi-square and independent t-test. Level of<br />

significance was set at 0.05.<br />

Results: The overall estimated annual economic costs<br />

(direct cost: 318955.09 ± 107829.80 Naira; indirect cost:<br />

77552.00 ± 38385.00 Naira) of LBP are averaged at<br />

319193.37 ± 146214.80 Naira. The average loss of work<br />

hours is estimated at 10.25 ± 6.75 hours per month. There<br />

was no significant difference between the economic costs of<br />

male and female patients with low back pain (p > 0.05). There<br />

was a significant association (p < 0.05) between economic<br />

cost of care and disability.<br />

Conclusions: It was concluded that the direct cost of care<br />

accounted for majority of the money spent on patients with<br />

low back pain receiving physiotherapy treatment. Low Back<br />

Pain places a burden on individuals suffering from the disease.<br />

Low Back Pain results in disability in the majority of<br />

individuals with the disease.<br />

Implications: More emphasis to be laid on educational programmes<br />

that teach proper use of body mechanics as well<br />

as proper lifting techniques is recommended while policy<br />

makers should determine how resources are being allocated<br />

to health institutions in developing countries. Funding agencies<br />

could be encouraged to support a larger study on the<br />

economic costs of LBP as this study is limited in its scope.<br />

Keywords: Low back pain; Economic cost; Disability<br />

Funding acknowledgements: This study was unfunded.<br />

Ethics approval: This study was approved by the University<br />

of Ibadan (UI)/University College Hospital (UCH)<br />

Ethics committee. UI/UCH EC registration Number:<br />

NHREC/05/01/2008a.<br />

<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Report</strong> Poster Display<br />

Number: RR-PO-204-7-Wed Wednesday 22 June 12:00<br />

RAI: Exhibit Halls2&3<br />





O’Donnell M., Cahill M., Warren A., Gowen O., Taylor A.<br />

University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland<br />

Purpose: To implement and evaluate an innovative model<br />

of Interprofessional Education (IPE). The aim is to improve<br />

interprofessional communication and team working skills for<br />

the students and therapists.<br />

Relevance: Therapists are working in environments which<br />

require interprofessional collaboration therefore it seems<br />

imperative that interprofessional working should be mirrored<br />

in student education, especially during placements. IPE is<br />

also being advocated by the World Health Organisation who<br />

have identified IPE as an important component of primary<br />

healthcare.<br />

Participants: Three separate IPE projects were conducted. In<br />

each setting the therapists worked directly with the students<br />

of their own discipline on a 1:1 or 2:1 model. The profile of<br />

the participants are: 4 students each from physiotherapy and<br />

occupational therapy, 3 physiotherapy practice educators and<br />

4 occupational therapy practice educators and one University<br />

based Placement Facilitator from Physiotherapy, Speech and<br />

Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy.<br />

Methods: This research project implemented the MAGPIE<br />

(Meet, Assess, Goal set, Plan, Implement, Evaluate) framework<br />

for interprofessional case based teaching in conjunction<br />

with the International Classification of Functioning (ICF)<br />

framework. Students on the placement site were involved in<br />

case based sessions concerning one of their clients which was<br />

facilitated by University based Placement Facilitators. This<br />

was for one half day per week and the sessions informed<br />

the student’s interventions with patients. The students and<br />

practice educators worked together with the client during the<br />

week. In the final week the students presented their case from<br />

an interprofessional perspective to team members. A series<br />

of focus groups and semistructured interviews were used to<br />

evaluate the experiences of all stakeholders.<br />

Analysis: Data from the focus groups and interviews were<br />

transcribed ad verbatim and analysed using thematic content<br />

analysis.<br />

Results: Formation and strengthening of relationships was a<br />

theme for all stakeholders including the importance of communication<br />

and collaboration. Learning for all was a positive<br />

outcome, the benefits of the MAGPIE model and common

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