Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sollicitudin felis at dolor aliquam, et egestas justo blandit. In vitae bibendum nibh. Duis condimentum libero justo, ac malesuada dolor malesuada sodales. Phasellus at sem massa. Aliquam semper pellentesque aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ac dui orci. Quisque euismod nisl risus, ut sodales purus consequat eget. Mauris tempus velit convallis nibh tempus interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin sollicitudin porta velit bibendum interdum. Quisque bibendum fringilla odio a accumsan. Maecenas accumsan sodales neque sed pellentesque. Aliquam sed eleifend purus. Integer hendrerit dolor diam, non dignissim nisl vehicula id. Proin suscipit molestie convallis. Morbi quis mi nec eros dapibus convallis id a eros. Donec congue commodo purus, a lacinia purus consequat eu. Phasellus at nibh eget arcu tempor hendrerit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sollicitudin felis at dolor aliquam, et egestas justo blandit. In vitae bibendum nibh. Duis condimentum libero justo, ac malesuada dolor malesuada sodales. Phasellus at sem massa. Aliquam semper pellentesque aliquam. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ac dui orci.

Quisque euismod nisl risus, ut sodales purus consequat eget. Mauris tempus velit convallis nibh tempus interdum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin sollicitudin porta velit bibendum interdum. Quisque bibendum fringilla odio a accumsan. Maecenas accumsan sodales neque sed pellentesque. Aliquam sed eleifend purus. Integer hendrerit dolor diam, non dignissim nisl vehicula id. Proin suscipit molestie convallis. Morbi quis mi nec eros dapibus convallis id a eros. Donec congue commodo purus, a lacinia purus consequat eu. Phasellus at nibh eget arcu tempor hendrerit.


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Year 61 NO. 03<br />


FRIDAY, <strong>15</strong> TH <strong>JUNE</strong>, 2018<br />

EC$2.00<br />

At The Pumps This Weekend Maximum Price ULG per gallon - Dated : 01/05/18 DELTA $12.12 / SOL $12.84<br />


GUN, DRUGS<br />

(PAGE 02)<br />

Photo: Prime Minister Dr.<br />

Timothy Harris (left) and Senior<br />

Minister Vance Amory shake<br />

hands at a past public event<br />


Photo: Image of the alleged gun<br />

(PAGE 03)<br />

Photo: (Left) Dawud Byron Jr.<br />

(son of the late Dawud ‘Mudada’<br />

Byron) accepts a certificate in his<br />

memory presented by SKNLP<br />

Deputy Leader Marcella Liburd<br />

while other family members look<br />

on including his sister (end right)<br />

Dara Byron (photo courtesy<br />

SKNLP Public Relations Unit)<br />

(PAGE 11)<br />










2018 HURRICANE SEASON....<br />



The Labour Spokesman<br />

The Spokesman - Established May 1957<br />

Published by: The St. Kitts-Nevis Trades & Labour Union<br />

Ag. Editor: Precious Mills<br />

Masses House, Church Street<br />

P.O. Box 239 . Basseterre . St. Kitts . West Indies<br />

Tel: (1 869) 465-2229 Fa: (1 869) 466-9866<br />

Email: info@sknunion.com<br />

Website: www.thelabourspokesman.com<br />

Editorial<br />

Labour Is<br />

Your Best<br />

Option<br />

The air is thick with the lies constantly being spewed by the<br />

political gadflies who, all day, each and every day, seem to have<br />

nothing to do other than call in to every radio station, trying most<br />

desperately to make evil seem as if it is good, and to convince us<br />

that good is evil.<br />

One cannot help but wonder at their capacity for twisting and<br />

distorting facts and the truth in such ways as to make even the most<br />

devout Christians want to abandon their faith and hew to the teachings<br />

and urges of darkness.<br />

As a small example, we refer to their obstinate insistence that<br />

Canada withdrew visa-free entry privileges for our people because<br />

of some abuse of a diplomatic passport. On numerous occasions it<br />

has been shown that nothing could be further from the truth.<br />

Yet their agents continue to state, categorically and in writing:<br />

“As a result of Moghadam, the Canadian government halted visa-free<br />

access for Kittitians and Nevisians into Canada.” (The Democrat<br />

Newspaper, Issue 3558, Friday June 8, 2018, Page 10, ‘Passport<br />

Pathology’.)<br />

In the face of such blatant and outrageous lying, undertaken<br />

against the reality that such was never the case, one cannot help but<br />

wonder if there is really anything which persons of goodwill can do<br />

to help such persons?<br />

But, given our experience over the years, we are convinced that<br />

such skullduggery is all a part of deliberately indulging in evil for<br />

the sole purpose of seizing and holding on to political power.<br />

It has nothing whatsoever to with you, our people of St. Kitts<br />

and Nevis. It is all about their masters, themselves, their families<br />

and relatives, and they have shown, again and again, that they are<br />

quite willing to be ‘used’ just so long as ‘something’ is in it for them.<br />

One of their latest ‘acquisitions’ rather infamously stated, some<br />

time ago, that he does not care anything about Labour or loyalty to<br />

Labour. He is only concerned about loyalty to himself, personally, and<br />

it has to be one hundred percent (100%) loyalty. For the avoidance<br />

of any doubt we state, quite categorically, that here we are NOT<br />

talking about Donald J Trump.<br />

That paragon of evil went on to say that, as far as he is concerned,<br />

he, himself, his family and his relatives come first, second, third,<br />

fourth, fifth and even sixth. The constituency comes seventh, and,<br />

if anything is left after that, whoever is left can have it.<br />

And, even as those facts play out before our very eyes, they and<br />

their sycophants try desperately to convince us that we are NOT<br />

seeing that which we are seeing.<br />

Boy, oh boy! What has become of our once beautiful little country<br />

of St Kitts and Nevis and our people?<br />

Many, though not all, are aware of the case of a certain man who<br />

once convinced us of the very evil nature of a political organisation.<br />

Inside and outside of parliament, in print and over the public<br />

loudspeakers, he told us of their wicked, deceitful and disrespectful<br />

nature. He explained to us how they fostered evil and criminal<br />

activities in our country, how they, their sons and the sons of their<br />

trumps brought the drugs trade to this country, and even took it into<br />

our schools, and how they undermined the police and our people’s<br />

Williams Services Built<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

respect for law and order.<br />

Now that same individual would have us to believe that none of it is true. Really? This just goes to<br />

show that the individual does not think well of us at all.<br />

Then there is the case of ‘Madam know It All’, who really does not know anything AT ALL, but<br />

who persists in constantly and relentlessly befouling the airwaves with her pseudo intellectual claptrap.<br />

But our experiences tell us that the less said about one such as her the better.<br />

As our comrade leaders have been bringing to the attention of our people, in just three short years<br />

under SCHEME UNITY our once prosperous nation has retrogressed with unbelievable rapidity, in<br />

what can only be described as ‘a race to the bottom’.<br />

Having subjected our people to all kinds of ‘pie-in-the-sky’ promises we have all experienced the<br />

opposite taking place of virtually everything that they promised.<br />

The cost of living has gone through the roof. Staple items of food, such as bananas, potatoes,<br />

plantains, and even breadfruit, are being sold by the supermarkets, groceries, hucksters and side-way<br />

vendors for hither fore unimaginable prices. One is unable to obtain a small, forced-ripe breadfruit for<br />

anything less than twelve dollars ($12).<br />

And while our people cry out for relief from these horrors, the SCHEME UNITY lot continue to<br />

find ways to gallivant hither, thither and yon. Yes, dear people, so compulsive is their lust that, even<br />

when they are mightily scared of Scotland Yard, the FBI and the Mounties, they find it impossible to<br />

resist sneaking out of and into our of the country, into and out of the US, and into and out of secret<br />

meetings at Joe’s place.<br />

How quickly they seem to have forgotten their own warnings that ‘whatever is done in the dark<br />

MUST come into the light’!<br />

Oh, what demons these creatures be!<br />

Within fairly recent times, governmental authorities in The UK and The US have seen it necessary<br />

to issue certain warnings about St. Kitts and Nevis.<br />

In the case of the UK, it is about their citizens travelling into, within, and out of our country. They<br />

have found it necessary to urge them to exercise care and caution because of the heightened levels of<br />

crime within our borders.<br />

From the other side of ‘The Pond’ the US authorities found it necessary to warn their citizens and<br />

others about the propensity for corruption which obtains in St Kitts and Nevis.<br />

Is it not most interesting that these warnings about St. Kitts and Nevis should now be given by The<br />

UK and The US because of SCHEME UNITY, the very same people who, before they got into office,<br />

sought to, and did succeed, in blackening the good name of St Kitts and Nevis?<br />

Whatsoever you send forth is that which will be returned to you, and usually it is done by one’s<br />

own hand.<br />

During last Wednesday’s edition of Issues our beloved Deputy Party Leader, Comrade Marcella<br />

Liburd, repeatedly reminded you that “Labour Is Your Best Option”. We of this newspaper wish to join<br />

her in sending you this reminder, for there can be no doubt that in the mind of any rational person that<br />

our great movement has always been the one that truly cares for ALL of our people, and has always<br />

developed and implemented policies and programmes that cater for the greatest good for you, our<br />

people and our country.<br />

The Labour Spokesman urges one and all to stand by to set things right.<br />

We send our heartiest congratulations to our beloved Comrade Leader, Dr. The Rt. Hon Denzil<br />

Douglas, on his appointment to the PAHO committee to expand and improve health across the Americas.<br />

We are confident that he will once again makes all very proud to be Kittitians and Nevisians.<br />

After all, as Comrade Marcella has pointed out: Leadership Matters.<br />

of The Workers’ Party,epitomised the kind of leader which the poor and downtrodden yearn for,<br />

not only in Brazil but all across the world.<br />

Is Seeking an Assistant and a Labourer<br />

Contact :664-1687<br />

Sun and Fun Water Sports Ltd<br />

Seeking two honest, hardworking persons to work as<br />

Water Sports Operator and Sales Person.<br />

Also seeking a mechanic to fix and maintain water sports<br />

equipment.<br />

Contact: 764-1837/664-1051

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman LOCAL NEWS<br />

NRP ‘Virdee’<br />

Disappointed In<br />

Amory<br />

By: Spokesman Newsroom<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (June 2018)-Controversial allegations<br />

pointed at the St.Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris<br />

concerning the Peter Virdee corruption scandal has prompted the<br />

opposition Nevis Reformation Party (NRP) to state its shock and<br />

disappointment in the support that Dr. Harris received from former<br />

Premier Vance Amory-a senior government minister- who was<br />

present at a town hall meeting held last month (May) in which Dr.<br />

Harris directly addressed the hot topic for the first time.<br />

At Dr. Harris’ Open Forum held at the Edgar T. Morris Primary<br />

School in his home community of Tabernacle (located within his<br />

constituency), he rejected calls by the opposition St.Kitts-Nevis<br />

Labour Party (SKNLP) to resign.<br />

“They say that they put in the Labour chat that ‘Timothy<br />

going go resign tonight so people must come down Government<br />

Headquarters tomorrow’. Ah well want dem go down dere like<br />

a pappy show. That is what dey put inna dey chat. I wanted to<br />

make it very clear we came here to report that I am not resigning<br />

tonight! A not resigning tomorrow, a not resigning next week!<br />

A not resigning next year so long as God give me wellness and<br />

soundness of body and mind. We will go as we promised ten<br />

years of service for Dr. Timothy Harris as the Federation’s Prime<br />

Minister. That is what we committed to the people.”<br />

While the NRP is judging Dr. Harris for choosing a platform<br />

that sought to rally his core constituency and strategically preempt<br />

any possibility of the truth telling, the St.Kitts-Nevis Prime<br />

Minister had declared before his audience that night: “I innocent.<br />

If you have evidence to the contrary bring it to the court of law.<br />

That’s all.”<br />

“Acting the role of a celebrity Prime Minister, Dr. Harris<br />

rather than addressing the country with sobriety and in a manner<br />

befitting the importance of the office he holds, chose a platform<br />

that sought not only to rally his core constituency but strategically<br />

preempted any possibility of him telling the truth,” the NRP told<br />

in its recent statement.<br />

As disclosed by the opposition body: “Invariably, we in the<br />

NRP and those on Nevis who support the Concerned Citizens<br />

Movement (CCM) were shocked and deeply disappointed by<br />

the extraordinarily explicit support that Dr. Harris received from<br />

our former Premier, the Hon. Vance Amory. His presence at the<br />

Town Hall event is indefensible and left an indelible stain on the<br />

already frayed moral and ethical fiber of Nevis.”<br />

Dr. Harris’ comments about forced resignation at the town hall<br />

meeting sparked rumours that internally within his Team Unity<br />

cabinet among some of his colleagues are of the opinion that he<br />

should resign.<br />

“To all of you who came out to show your support, to show<br />

your solidarity-the progress of the country will go on. There will<br />

be no forced resignation. I will stand with the people and the<br />

people will stand with me! Whoever carried their suit to be dried<br />

clean to get freshen up and nice up for his swearing in of the Prime<br />

Minister, tell them there is no vacancy! There is no vacancy in<br />

the office of the prime minister and I don’t care and I don’t care<br />

how much rumours they spread.”<br />

According to the NRP, “As anticipated, Dr. Harris unequivocally<br />

expressed his determination to resist the chorus of calls by the<br />

SKN Labour Party, members of civil society and allegedly by a<br />

faction of his own government to resign.”<br />

Amory praised by Dr. Harris for being a trusted figure in the<br />

early construct of Team Unity.<br />

“I trusted the word of the [then] leader of the CCM, the<br />

honourable Vance Amory who is here tonight and I would say to<br />

you my confidence in him has never one day been found wanted.<br />

Vance is an honorable man; a leader in whom you can depend. He<br />

brings the wisdom and experience and the selflessness in giving<br />

advice. You ain’t have to second guess his motive.”<br />

Brothers Smuggle Gun, Drugs<br />

Through Airport<br />

By: Spokesman Newsroom<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (Friday <strong>15</strong>th June 2018)- On the sister isle of Nevis, two brothers,<br />

one a customs officer and the other said to be another airport employee were reportedly arrested<br />

and charged yesterday (Thursday) for drugs and a gun found in a package which entered the country<br />

from abroad.<br />

As gathered, police conducted an operation at the Vance Amory International Airport in Nevis<br />

which led to the men’s run-in with the law. Furthermore, it is understood that one brother cleared<br />

the package which was then collected by his sibling who was monitored and stopped by police<br />

after leaving the airport’s compound.<br />

Cocaine and a gun were said to have been discovered hidden in an item.<br />

More details in a follow-up report.<br />

Photo: Image of the alleged drugs<br />


The property described below is offered for sale by Royal Bank of Canada in their<br />

capacity as Mortgagee:-<br />

Description of Property: ALL THAT lot of land hereditaments and premises situate at<br />

New Road in the Parish St. Peter in the Island of Saint<br />

Christopher containing by admeasurement 5,063.0 square<br />

feet and bounded and measuring as follows:- On the North by<br />

lands of Delsol, 140.30 feet; On the East by lands of Douglas<br />

Estate, 34.74 feet; On the South by lands of Brown, 141.22<br />

feet; and On the West by the Island Main Road, 35.14 feet; or<br />

howsoever otherwise the same is or heretofore was abutted<br />

measured known distinguished or described and all buildings<br />

thereon together with all fixtures privileges easements<br />

advantages and appurtenances whatsoever to the said land<br />

hereditaments and premises; all the same as is described in<br />

an Indenture of Mortgage from EVENSON CAINES AND<br />


21 st day of September 1993 and recorded as Deed No. 8333 in<br />

Liber L Volume 7 at Folios 2551 to 2562 of the Register of<br />

Deeds for the Island of Saint Christopher.<br />

Tenders:<br />

Interested persons may obtain the Conditions of Sale from<br />

Royal Bank of Canada’s Attorneys-at-Law, Kelsick, Wilkin &<br />

Ferdinand, not later than Friday June 29, 2018 and the<br />

closing date for the return of Tenders is Friday July 20,<br />

2018.<br />


Attorneys-at-Law for Royal Bank of Canada (Mortgagee)<br />

Fred Kelsick Building, Independence Square South, Basseterre, St Kitts<br />

Tel: (869) 465-2645 Fax: (869) 465-7808<br />

Attention: Mr. Garth L. Wilkin<br />

Email: GLW@kwfonline.com<br />



The Labour Spokesman<br />


By: Batumba Tak - General Secretary<br />

The St. Kitts-Nevis Trades & Labour Union<br />


In the words of Wendell Phillips, “To be as good as our fathers<br />

we must be better; imitation is not discipleship.”<br />

The origin of Father’s Day is not clear. Some say that it began<br />

with a church service in West Virginia in 1908. Others say that the<br />

first Father’s Day ceremony was held in Vancouver Washington.<br />

Furthermore, it was also said that it was the president of the<br />

Chicago branch of the Lion’s Club, Harry Meek, is said to have<br />

celebrated the first Father’s Day with his organisation in 19<strong>15</strong> and<br />

the day that they chose was the third Sunday in June, the closet<br />

date to Meek’s own birthday.<br />

But regardless of when the first true Father’s Day occurred, the<br />

strongest promoter of Father’s Day was conceptualized by Ms.<br />

Sonora Smart Dodd, a loving daughter from Spokane.<br />

It so happen that Sonora attended a Mother’s Day Sermon in<br />

1909 and she was struck with the noble idea that society must<br />

observe a day to honor the important contribution made by father’s<br />

in the raising of their children.<br />

In addition, she was encouraged by the love of her own father,<br />

‘William Smart’, a civil war veteran who single-handedly raised<br />

her along with her five siblings after the death of her mother.<br />

Thus, Sonora worked hard to make her concept a reality.<br />

Therefore, the noble idea of celebrating Father’s Day soon spread<br />

like wild fire. As a result Father’s Day was then recognised by<br />

a joint Resolution of Congress in 1956. However, on the third<br />

Sunday in June since 1966 President Lyndon B. Johnson issued<br />

the first proclamation honoring fathers.<br />

We have listed below a few countries that celebrate Father’s<br />

Day, and the month:<br />

1. Canada Third Sunday in June.<br />

2.Japan<br />

Third Sunday in June.<br />

3.United Kingdom Third Sunday in June.<br />

4.United States Third Sunday in June.<br />

5.New Zealand First Sunday in September.<br />

6.Australia First Sunday in September.<br />

7.Brazil Second Sunday in August.<br />

8.Republic of China (Taiwan) August 8th.<br />

However, just like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is highly<br />

commercialised in over seventy (70)) countries. It is noticed that<br />

days before the celebrations of Father’s Day, marketers usually<br />

launch an aggressive advertising campaign to lure people and<br />

cash in on the sentimental value of the occasion.<br />

Even though some critics<br />

are very much against the<br />

commercialisation of Father’s<br />

Day, many people also feel<br />

that marketing of Father’s Day<br />

helps to create awareness about<br />

the day and therefore help to<br />

strengthen the bond of love<br />

shared between father and a<br />

child.<br />

Historically, children wear<br />

roses to express gratitude for<br />

their fathers. But traditionally,<br />

if the child is wearing a red<br />

rose, it symbolises the child<br />

father is alive. Likewise, a<br />

white rose means that the child<br />

father is no more.<br />

In today’s time, persons<br />

express affection and honour<br />

fathers by presenting them<br />

cards, flowers and chocolate. In<br />

addition, several other gifts of<br />

love, including neckties, shirts<br />

electronic gadgets, stationery<br />

items are also gifted to fathers.<br />

However, another<br />

noticeable trend about Father’s<br />

Day is that apart from their<br />

biological father, people wish<br />

“Happy Father’s Day”to their<br />

grandfathers, stepfathers, foster<br />

fathers, uncles or any other<br />

man who is as affectionate and<br />

loving towards them as a father.<br />

Thus dining out with family<br />

is another popular Father’s<br />

Day tradition. It is no wonder<br />

restaurants and bars, and other<br />

eating joints witness a bumper<br />

rush on the occasion.<br />

Like many other countries<br />

around the world, right here in<br />

our very beloved Federation<br />

of Saint Christopher (St. Kitts)<br />

and Nevis, we do not miss<br />

the opportunity to honor our<br />

fathers by celebrating Father’s<br />

Day on the third Sunday in<br />

June.<br />

However, let us continue to<br />

honor our fathers, grandfathers,<br />

foster fathers, uncles or any<br />

other man who is affectionate<br />

and loving to all of us in our<br />

daily lives.<br />

As I close for today I wish<br />

every man a “Happy Father’s<br />

Day.”<br />

I leave you with a father’s<br />

day quote b y William<br />

Shakespeare.<br />

“It is a wise father that<br />

knows his own child.” –<br />

William Shakespeare.<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

Occupational Safety<br />

& Health<br />

By: Joseph Jones<br />

Workers! It’s a number of years this Union (St.Kitts-Nevis<br />

Trades & Labour Union) in its efforts in promoting Occupational<br />

Safety and Health, to my mind, it is a difficult hill but as you would<br />

be “aware”, people (workers) perceive a hill to be steeper than it<br />

really is especially if they are tired of carrying a heavy load. But<br />

I can say to you that THIS UNION IS NOT TIRED. When you<br />

are burdened and exhausted with problems that seem too big to<br />

handle, check them out. This is a fact that when encounter a trial<br />

in life, we are tempted to sit down at the workplace, home or at the<br />

base of the hill and stay there convinced that the grade is too steep.<br />

That is why the Union is encouraging you to draw near. These<br />

articles are sweet words to my taste. Ewe are creatures with all<br />

kind of needs. Without air, water or food for instance we can’t<br />

go on living. In addition to these absolutely basic necessities, we<br />

have a host of others that must be met if we are to be healthy, safe<br />

and happy. But these needs are not just physical, emotional and<br />

social, they are also spiritual.<br />

Before I close, allow me to say furthermore that the world has<br />

changed drastically but the battle still rages.<br />

We owe a debt of gratitude to the St.Kitts-Nevis Trades &<br />

Labour Union, NO MATTER WHAT! It has and still is fighting<br />

for us the worker of the Federation in terms of stress, noise,<br />

chemicals, occupational accidents and diseases.<br />

Hello! I will again touch on Body Ergonomics. What is that?<br />

Human Engineering- is a way of thinking and planning work<br />

so that it is organised to suit the abilities and needs of workers<br />

(people) doing it.<br />

Let me hit it home now. Everybody is different. People are<br />

of different heights, they are built differently. Some people<br />

are stronger than others and their temperaments and ability to<br />

withstand physical stress and strains vary. These are basic facts<br />

that cannot be changed and we must use them as a basis for<br />

planning working environments.<br />

*NOTE WELL*<br />


Sex- refers to being either a male or female but in this article<br />

‘sex’ is a health hazard. Mark you, it is not occupational but some<br />

people use it as a business and there is where stress and strain roll<br />

up on the back and brain. This is no laughing matter; take this<br />

very seriously. Again, the “awareness” must be there at all times.<br />

*See below*<br />

*Stress- To put in difficulties, subject to emphasis constraint<br />

and pressure.<br />

*Strain* to stretch lightly, to exert to the utmost, to over task,<br />

to carry too far.<br />

It is said that man or woman is as old as he or she feels. But<br />

the International Labour Organisation (ILO) says a man or woman<br />

is as old his or her BACK.<br />

Until next week. Thank you.<br />


Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman COMMENTARY<br />


A TENTH OF <strong>JUNE</strong> IN 1967,<br />


By Earle Clarke, 5|06|2018:<br />

5<br />

“All of us are Referees in the Game of Life for, as people of conscience (which is the voice of<br />

God) and Principle, we have to place that whistle to our lips and blow for the infringements we see<br />

taking place on the field of life. Were we afraid to perform in this manner, we would become the<br />

disrespected human beings in our society, drifting like the twig on the sea totally unable to chart<br />

the course of our daily existence. But, on the other hand, if we were to blow for the infringements<br />

when we witness them, we will draw the wrath of the player involved and some unconscionable<br />

spectators, but we will procure the LOVE AND RESPECT of the vast majority of our fellowmen.<br />

We will be able to hold our heads high as we tread the streets of our native land and our reputation<br />

as fair minded, honest and unafraid individuals will precede us whenever we travel abroad, for<br />

these qualities will dog our every footstep!” Kennedy Earle Clarke:<br />

Dear reader, in the year 2007, the 40th anniversary of the ATTEMPTED OVERTROW OF THE<br />


ON 10th <strong>JUNE</strong> 1967 by PAM supporters, Anguillans and USA mercenaries, then Comrade Dwyer<br />

Astaphan and I, along with those from the Defence Force who were involved in DEFENDING<br />

THE COUNTRY, met at an office at the Sands Complex where our testimonies were recorded.<br />

Comrade Astaphan gave and account of his having to sleep on Conaree Beach that night and he<br />

also spoke about armed men at the dance at the Factory Social Centre which he and his school<br />

mates attended. He also spoke about his father informing him not to come to Basseterre because<br />

there was too much confusion in the Capital. He explained to us that his father who was looking<br />

out of a Western window of his home in down Town Basseterre saw Victor Cebron Vaugh from<br />

New Town, heading west and he the father hailed out to Cebron asking him where he was going.<br />

Cebron replied that he was going home because teargas and shooting took place at GREEN<br />

KORNER, the place where Barker and Kelly later occupied as their main office, situated immediately<br />

to the East of the Cinema in front of the Pelican Mall where Ready Fry operates. The confusion with<br />

armed men and teargas disoriented Cebron to the point that, instead of heading east to New Town,<br />

he headed west. All this was said by then Comrade Dwyer Astaphan who was Minister of National<br />

Security in the Dr. Denzil Llewellyn Douglas Labour Administration. This recording was played<br />

on every radio station in St. Kitts with the voice of Comrade Dwyer and myself distinctly featured,<br />

from 2007 – 2013. In 2014, I could not believe my ears when I heard Comrade Dwyer Astaphan<br />

changing his tune on a radio station, claiming that there was no 10th June, 1967. I immediate went<br />

and used two cotton swab tips to clean my ears before going the rounds to ask the other Comrades<br />

if what I heard the Comrade said was really what he said?<br />

In order to ease my doubts, I telephoned my good friend Captain Val Morris and he confirmed<br />

what I actually heard but did not want to believe that I heard. For 7 (seven) years ( 2007 –2013), I<br />

found the DENIAL , the ROUND ABOUT BEHAVIOUR of the Comrade to be so DISTASTEFUL,<br />

so DISHONEST because he even quoted from a BOOK entitled the ANGUILLA BATTLE FOR<br />

FREEDOM 1967-1969 written by Colville Petty and A. Nat Hodge page 84 and Chapter (4) –<br />

“ARMED ATTACK ON ST. KITTS!” How could the Comrade, sorry—the ex Comrade change his<br />

mouth like this? It would have been better for him if he had stayed MUTE, because HISTORICAL<br />

FACTS are HISTORICAL FACTS and cannot be changed to suit the whims and the fancies of the<br />

individual. We have to ask the Question, 51 years ago on 10th June 1967, did PAM supported by<br />

Anguillans and USA Mercenaries UNSUCCESSFULLY ATTEMPTED TO OVERTHROW the<br />

Lawfully Elected Government of Premier Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw by ARMED FORCE? The<br />

answer to this QUESTION is a RESOUNDING “YES!”<br />

The young people of today cannot dismiss this HISTORICAL FACT LIGHTLY, for they have<br />

to sit, REFLECT AND PONDER what might have been their FATE TODAY, HAD THE COUP<br />

which was SPONSORED by the oligarchs been successful in OVERTHROWING A LAWFULLY<br />

AND OVERWHELMINGLY ELECTED GOVERNMENT IN 1966? What would have been the<br />

POSITION of the working class man and woman of the day had they succeeded? Would the working<br />

class of the land be re-enslaved 129 years 1838 – 1967 after they had been so-called liberated<br />

from their chains and shackles and 32 years after the 1935 Buckley’s Revolution in which St. Kitts<br />

played such a MAJOR PART? This is FOOD for THOUGHT for the Younger Generation of today.<br />

Would our country have been turned into another South Africa in the CARIBBEAN with the FEW<br />

OLIGRACHS controlling the vast majority Black People on the Island? What would have been<br />

the reaction of Nevisians were this to have happened, considering that they are kith and kin to the<br />

inhabitants of St. Kitts?<br />

Would Nevis have been invaded as well and its citizens forced to live under an Apartheid System<br />

as well? Because, there could not have been a NEVIS where its citizens are free and the inhabitants<br />

of St. Kitts the larger of the TWO held in bondage, especially knowing the BLOOD TIES between<br />

the TWO peoples. So, I POSE the QUESTION to my NEVIS READERS, “What would have been<br />

the FATE of Nevis and Nevisians who are just a mere 2 miles at the nearest point and 11 miles from<br />

Port to Port, were the 1967 ATTEMPTED COUP in St. Kitts successful? Ever PONDERED THIS<br />

QUESTION? Sometimes it takes a long time before reality strikes home; sometimes we act like the<br />

proverbial ostrich, burying our heads in the sand of not wanting to know, but the FACTS are there<br />

glaring and staring at us and the questions that are unanswered yesterday, just cannot be ignored<br />

any longer as they are bawling<br />

out loudly to be answered,<br />

for NEVISIANS would have<br />

been affected in some way<br />

or other, even at the thought<br />

of their families in St. Kitts<br />

being subjugated and they up<br />

there in Nevis are free. But<br />

would Nevisians be allowed<br />

to be free?<br />

And so, whenever this<br />

DAMNABLE DATE comes<br />

around, it should be a period<br />

of REFLECTION! The “IFS!”<br />

And the “WERE’S!” have to<br />

be confronted for we cannot<br />

forever play dodging hoop with<br />

them. We have to FACE them<br />

and answer them forthrightly!<br />

The 10th of June was nothing<br />

staged by the Labour Party<br />

and Mr. Bradshaw, as the<br />

perpetrators alleged. There<br />

was indeed an ATTEMPTED<br />



MERCENARIES, all with the<br />



which was REJECTED ONE<br />

YEAR EARLIER! Now, dear<br />

reader I POSE the QUESTION<br />

and I would encourage you<br />

to answer honestly. Do you<br />

firmly believe that if the<br />

oligarchs of St. Kitts who<br />

financed the ATTEMPTED<br />

COUP were successful, that<br />

they would have spent all<br />

those monies to introduce a<br />


GOVERNMENT, bearing in<br />

mind that they were vehemently<br />

accusing Mr. Bradshaw and the<br />

Labour Party of enabling the<br />

workers to live like them? Do<br />

you really believe so?<br />

Do you think that the<br />

oligarchs would have abided<br />

by the system of one man one<br />

vote when they vehemently<br />

opposed the introduction of<br />

Adult Suffrage in 1952 which<br />

drained them of their political<br />

power for they had both?<br />


PAGE 6..


The Labour Spokesman<br />

If the Political and the Economic Power were returned to<br />

them and having the FEAR that those who they once owned were<br />

advancing too rapidly, would they have taken us up in their bosom<br />

and be chummy, chummy with us treating us as their equals?<br />

Were they to do this, better that they had saved their monies and<br />

allowed Mr. Bradshaw to continue his pilgrimage of making us<br />

live like them. But, it was because they opposed the idea, why<br />

they financed the COUP! One of the weaknesses of the BLACK<br />

RACE is that we have not yet begun to fathom our HISTORY, to<br />

determine who is working in our interest and those who aren’t.<br />

A drink of rum and a few beers make us believe that we have<br />

crashed through the social barriers and we are sitting at the table<br />

of the oligarchs. The Plantation system of upward mobility still<br />

has us gripped and clawing our way to reach by them and we<br />

fail to see that they have us at arm’s length, keeping the distance<br />

between them and us.<br />

Dear reader, in their BOOK –ANUILLA’S BATTLE TO<br />

FREEDOM 1967- 1969, the Authors in CHAPTER (4) Page<br />

84 said in the publication: The notion of attacking St. Kitts was<br />

the brainchild of Ronald Webster and a Prominent Kittitian<br />

Lawyer (if we are not daft, we know who that Kittitian Lawyer<br />

was). The ATTACK was to be carried out on Saturday 10th<br />

June 1967, which was a Holiday in those days (The Queen’s<br />

Birthday Parade). The party of armed men who landed in ST.<br />

Kitts had two principle objectives which were interrelated. One<br />

was the defence of the Anguilla Revolution. The other was the<br />

overthrow of the government of Premier Robert Bradshaw and the<br />

installation of a government sympathetic to the Anguillan cause.<br />

Ronald Webster one of the leaders of the Anguilla Revolution<br />

was fearful of an invasion from St. Kitts and reasoned that the<br />

best way of preventing this was to attack St. Kitts and overthrow<br />

its government. His philosophy was the best form of defence, is<br />

to attack.<br />

On the other hand, the main objective of the prominent<br />

Lawyer was the capture of the leadership of St. Kitts. He thought<br />

it expedient to use the armed might and revolutionary fervor of<br />

the Anguillan people to achieve it. Therefore it was not difficult<br />

for him and Webster to join forces. Both of them had goals<br />

which they envisaged could be accomplished by defeating their<br />

common enemy Robert Bradshaw. Webster was grossly misled<br />

by opposition politicians into believing that that the majority<br />

Kittitians were prepared to take up arms against their government.<br />

On page 85 –THE PLAN: (a) To capture Premier Bradshaw<br />

and Deputy Premier Paul Southwell, their transfer to Anguilla<br />

and an announcement by Reuben (RUBIE) GUMBS over the<br />

government controlled radio station ZIZ in St. Kitts that the<br />

prominent Lawyer was the new Premier (c) The destruction<br />

of the Island’s fuel depot situated in eastern Basseterre. The<br />

reasoning was that the setting of fire to the gasoline tanks would<br />

cause the Police, the Fire Brigade and the people of Basseterre<br />

to concentrate on preventing a major catastrophe, thus leaving<br />

Basseterre unprotected and making it easier for the Anguillans<br />

and the opposition forces in St. Kitts, to occupy and control it.<br />

Dear reader you might want to pose the question, “How<br />

come no one was imprisoned for this DASTARDLY ACT?”<br />

The answer to such a question is simple; the same people who<br />

financed the COUP were the same persons who were the Jurors<br />

on the cases. In those days only the oligarchs could have sat on<br />

High Court Cases as Jurors. A few of us who volunteered to<br />

guard the country were stationed at the High Court one night and<br />

witnessed a certain lawyer nearby going through the names of the<br />

Jury with the Registrar -- a Mr. James who hailed from Dominica.<br />

We reported it to Mr. Bradshaw the next morning. It was after<br />

the acquittal of the perpetrators that Mr. Bradshaw introduced<br />

Legislation empowering all persons, as long as their names are<br />

on the Voters List, to be JURORS! Was there AN ATTEMPTED<br />


BY THE OLIGARCHS on 10th June, 1967? YOU CAN BET<br />


is available to whosoever wants a copy. Just contact me at 664-<br />

2700: Let us THANK the SUPREME BEING for SPARING US<br />


Chino’s<br />

Indian Chef Wanted<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

Looking for an experienced Chef for New Indian restaurant in<br />

Village Food Court, Camps. Minimum Experience 5 years<br />

Contact - 660-4491<br />


Company: Caribbean HVAC Solutions<br />

Position: Secretary<br />

Contact #: 660-0431<br />

Name: Roberto Caines, General Supervisor<br />

From the Supervisor of<br />

Elections. Issue 59: The Election<br />

Petition<br />

Writer: Elvin Bailey<br />

The application for the discontinuance of the election petition was held on Monday 11th June.<br />

The result has not yet been finalized, but it is an open expectation that the applicant will face costs.<br />

Whose costs, and how much we do not know yet.<br />

This case makes interesting reading and may well be the first in history, certainly in our Federation.<br />

Just barely making the 21- day deadline, Mr. Hector, the losing candidate in the December 2017<br />

NIA elections petitioned the Court for “relief” from Spencer Brand, the election district winner, the<br />

Attorney General, the Supervisor of Elections and the Registration Officer. Specifically, he wanted<br />

the result to be voided by the Court.<br />

When the petition was filed, the Judge was told that the matter was urgent, and so we were<br />

summoned to Court in early February. At that hearing, the Judge gave instructions. The petitioner,<br />

Mr. Hector, was to file his affidavits (or evidence) by March 20th, the defendants were given until<br />

April 3rd to respond and file theirs. The petitioner was then granted another period of time to study<br />

the statements of the defendants, respond if they wanted to; and the case would be heard shortly<br />

thereafter.<br />

Just before the case was to be heard, the petitioner decided to withdraw his petition. We do not<br />

know exactly why; one ubiquitous blogger wrote that it is because the NRP was not financing his<br />

challenge. But the Petitioner stated that he now believes it is in the best interest of the people of<br />

Nevis that he does so.<br />

That statement encapsulates it all. It was never in the best interest of Nevisians for this petition<br />

to be brought. The best that could have possibly come out of this case is that there could have been<br />

two persons on the opposition bench instead of one, but the NRP would still have been in opposition,<br />

and the government would not have changed. Duh!<br />

There are pundits who feel that the petition was seen to be a pathway to party leadership and<br />

eventually to Premiership. Mark petitioned and look where he is now! He is both Party Leader and<br />

Premier. The win:loss record of petitions should have alerted Hector of what he was up against.<br />

Seems like it did not. Instead, he was bullish. He had discovered a ‘sinister’ plot that he had to<br />

bring to the fore.<br />

It would have been interesting and informative to have heard arguments; but now we will never<br />

know. He gambled. He gambled that the defendants would have rolled over and play dead. He<br />

gambled that we would have attacked the validity of the petition rather than contest it. None of the<br />

above happened.<br />

He clutched at straws: people who had little standing in the matter, persons who actually voted,<br />

and people who had no voting rights presented affidavits in support of their chosen candidate; only<br />

to be left in the dust. Several people signed to say they put up money; have they been released from<br />

this obligation? It cannot be a good feeling to think you are leading a charge, look back, only to<br />

realize that no one is following; no one has your back!<br />

In due course, the depositions of all the parties will be published so readers can decide for<br />

themselves.<br />

Meanwhile, the moral of this entire episode in our electoral history is yet to fully emerge. What<br />

remains pellucidly clear is that one man, one vote in the right place and fairness to all is the only<br />

right way to conduct an election.

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman COMMENTARY<br />

Tribute to a true friend-<br />

Pamela Annette Ferdinand<br />

By: Cedric R. Liburd, former Parliamentary Representative of St. Christopher<br />

Eight<br />

I met Pamela Annette Ferdinand over thirty (30) years ago when I became involved<br />

in Politics as the Candidate for Constituency #8, and we became friends until her death.<br />

Because of her political affiliation with the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party she said to<br />

me “do not call me by my first name just call me Annette”.<br />

Today, let us celebrate her life and remember the things she accomplished and how<br />

wonderful her life was. It is no secret that she was the political manager in Conaree for<br />

the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party after the death of her Mother Mary Ferdinand in 2005.<br />

There are many qualities for which Annette would be remembered and which I am<br />

sure, endeared her to many friends. Among them were-<br />

. Her dedication and commitment to a worthy cause<br />

. Her ability to communicate effectively<br />

. Her thoughtfulness and caring ways<br />

. Her ability to cook not only cookup but also other delicacies.<br />

. Her unwavering support and a trusted friend.<br />

During my difficult period in 20<strong>15</strong>, she always called and asked “Bossie, how are<br />

you doing?” That was a true friend. While she was sick, I would visit her and spend<br />

some quality time with her.<br />

A light has gone out without so much as a flicker, and all we have left is the precious<br />

memory of how brightly it burned and the warmth it gave us.<br />

In her passing, we have lost a true friend but her influence lives on and we will<br />

be forever enriched by and grateful for the time she spent with us. We will miss her<br />

with all of our hearts.<br />

Annette, thank you for the wonderful experience of being your friend and for<br />

the many things we have accomplished together for the people of Conaree, the<br />

Constituency and St. Kitts- Nevis as a whole.<br />

On behalf of my family I wish to extend our deepest sympathy to her children<br />

grandchildren and the rest of her family.<br />

May the angels guide you to your rest and may your soul rest in perpetual peace.<br />


Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC)®, the regional examining<br />

body, is seeking a dynamic talented leadership professional to<br />

lead its team in the capacity of Registrar/Chief Executive Officer<br />

(CEO) at its Headquarters located in Barbados.<br />

The CEO is required to:<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

provide leadership and strategic management for<br />

the organisation;<br />

ensure timely and effective implementation of the<br />

strategic and operational plans;<br />

shape the culture of a results oriented organisation;<br />

ensure the financial viability of the organisation;<br />

partner with a talented and diverse team in creating<br />

policies and procedures<br />

be an advocate for the Council in its relations<br />

with member Governments, other stakeholder<br />

institutions and organisations.<br />

The CEO is expected to be a leader in implementing cutting<br />

edge technologies and company practices to fully enable<br />

the organisation to be the catalyst for sustainable growth<br />

and development of the region by enhancing the global<br />

competitiveness of its human resources.<br />

CXC is a performance driven organisation which offers<br />

a competitive and attractive remuneration and benefits<br />

package and opportunities for further learning and career<br />

development.<br />

Interested applicants should visit our website:<br />

www.cxc.org/vacancies where further information on the<br />

role can be accessed.<br />

Please include the names and contact information for<br />

three (3) referees.<br />

The Deadline for submissions is 22 June 2018. Only suitably<br />

qualified applicants will be contacted.<br />




The Labour Spokesman<br />

Opposition Leader Douglas<br />

Appointed To High-Level PAHO<br />

Commission<br />

Source: Public Relations Unit, St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Part<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

Photo: Dr. Denzil Douglas<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (Tuesday 12th June, 2018): Former Prime Minister and Leader of<br />

the Opposition, Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil L. Douglas has been appointed as a member of a high-level<br />

commission that was convened by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) to propose<br />

solutions for expanding health coverage and access in the Americas, with the goal of leaving no<br />

one behind by 2030.<br />

Dr. Douglas was appointed by PAHO’s Director Carissa Etienne earlier this month to be a<br />

member of the recently launched Regional Forum on Universal Health in the 21st Century: 40<br />

Years of Alma-Ata.<br />

The high-level commission is headed by former president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet.<br />

The commission is composed of representatives of international organizations, government,<br />

civil society and academia from more than 10 countries of the Americas.<br />

Other members of the commission, along with Dr. Denzil Douglas, former prime minister of Saint<br />

Kitts and Nevis are Carina Vance, executive director of the South American Institute of Government<br />

in Health (ISAGS-UNASUR); Lais Abramo, director of the Social Development Division of the<br />

U.N. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Margarita Posada,<br />

national coordinator of the Social Health Forum of El Salvador; Hernando Viveros Cabezas,<br />

president of the Afro-Colombian Global Initiative; Vivian Camacho, defender of the rights of the<br />

indigenous populations of Bolivia; Toni Reis, president of the Dignidade Group, which defends<br />

the rights of LGBTI people in Brazil; and Mirna Kay Cunningham Kain, president of the Board<br />

of Directors of the Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the<br />

Caribbean (FILAC).<br />

The commission is expected to produce a report with recommendations on improving the<br />

performance of health systems, including those who are still excluded, and empowering communities<br />

and improving social participation in decisions that impact on their health, in order to advance<br />

universal health in the Americas.<br />

British Citizens Warned Of Criminal Climate In St. Kitts & Nevis<br />

Source: Public Relations Unit, St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party<br />

www.thelabourspokesman.com<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (Tuesday 12th June, 2018): The United Kingdom is again admonishing their nationals to be extremely vigilant while in the Federation<br />

of St. Kitts and Nevis should they decide to travel here.<br />

In a circular disseminated earlier this month, the UK government stated that although there is no recent history of terrorism in St. Kitts and Nevis, personal attacks<br />

cannot be ruled out due to the current criminal climate.<br />

This warning follows that of yet another travel advisory issued in March 2018.<br />

An excerpt from the June 2018 advisory reads, “You should be vigilant at this time.” It continued to note that although most visits to the Federation St. Kitts and<br />

Nevis by British nationals were trouble free, there have been a number of incidents of crime including murder, armed robbery and sexual assault.<br />

British Nationals were urged that during their travels to the Federation, they should maintain at least the same level of personal security awareness as they would<br />

in the UK and make sure their accommodation is secure.<br />

Another excerpt reads, “Be vigilant at all times. Take care when walking alone off the busy main roads and avoid isolated areas, including beaches, particularly<br />

after dark. Only use licensed taxis and take particular care at late night street parties, especially during the festival season.”<br />

It was also advised that British citizens visiting St. Kitts and Nevis not to “carry large amounts of cash or jewellery. If possible, leave valuables and travel documents<br />

in a safety deposit box or hotel safe. You should check that the hotel safe is securely fixed before using it to store your items.”

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman NEWS FROM POLITICS<br />

Sharon Rattan Placed<br />

As Permanent Secretary<br />

Under Patches After<br />

Defeating Harris-led<br />

Government In Court<br />

Source: Public Relations Unit, St. Kitts-Nevis Labour<br />

Party<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (Thursday 14th June, 2018):<br />

Sharron Rattan is back out to work after her huge win against the<br />

Dr. Timothy Harris-led government in Court on April 10th 2018.<br />

Photo: Sharon Rattan<br />

Formerly the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Social<br />

Development, et al, Ms Rattan took the THUG (Timothy Harris<br />

Unity Government) to court after they attempted to illegally<br />

demote her following their victory at the 20<strong>15</strong> general elections.<br />

Ms. Rattan took the matter to court based on claims that the<br />

demotion was politically motivated and sheer victimization as<br />

it was a decision enforced by the Public Service Commission<br />

without any consultation.<br />

Accordingly, the court outlined that the government’s move<br />

was indeed immoral and as a result, she should be reinstated as<br />

a Permanent Secretary.<br />

Miss Rattan now sits as the Permanent Secretary of Post and<br />

Urban Development under Hon. Ian ‘Patches’ Liburd.<br />

This is Ms. Rattan’s first day of work after being sent home<br />

for the last for two years and eight months.<br />

Many are using Ms Rattan’s bravery and success in the courts<br />

as motivation to stand up against the Harris-led government that<br />

continually targets, victimizes and mistreats many civil servants.<br />

Commenting briefly on the matter, Deputy Leader of the St.<br />

Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Hon. Marcella Liburd at the time said<br />

that Ms. Rattan's victory in court should serve as a driving force<br />

for other civil servants to stand up for their rights.<br />

PM Harris To Avoid Global<br />

Investment Immigration Summit<br />

in London?<br />

Source: Erasmus Williams<br />

Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 14, 2018 – Do not look for St. Kitts and Nevis’ Prime Minister Dr.<br />

Timothy Harris to go near London, the British capital any time soon as calls continued Wednesday<br />

for him to step down.<br />

The embattled St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister has been named in the Peter Virdee scandal<br />

and is not among representatives from other OECS nations down to attend the Global Investment<br />

Immigration Summit in London on June 21 and 22.<br />

St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) Deputy Political Leader, Hon. Marcella Liburd, while<br />

speaking on FreedomFM’s ‘Issues’ programme in reiterating the call for Prime Minister Harris to<br />

step down, said the “bribery scandal hangs over his head and a dark cloud hangs over the Federation<br />

of St. Kitts and Nevis.”<br />

“Timothy Harris must step down now and relieve the country of that cloud. Leadership matters<br />

and this is what good governance demands. Good governance demands that Prime Minister Harris<br />

must follow the example of Asot Michael, also named in the bribery scandal,” said Liburd, Member<br />

of Parliament for St. Christopher 2 (Central Basseterre).<br />

She is of the view that Harris intransigence is likely to worsen as he continues to deceive the<br />

people of St. Kitts and Nevis by his misleading statements that during his recent visit to the British<br />

capital to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting he dined with Queen Elizabeth<br />

and met Prime Minister Theresa May ‘and no one ask me any questions.’<br />

“But that visit to London was around April 16, 2018. Harris is giving the impression that since<br />

the handing down of the judgement in the London High Court on May 11, 2018, he went London<br />

and no one asked him any question. The Commonwealth Heads meeting was from April 16 to<br />

April 20. The judgement in the bribery scandal was delivered on May 11, nearly one month after<br />

the most recent London visit,” said Liburd, who called on Prime Minister Harris “to stop deceiving<br />

people and tell the truth.”<br />

She said she expects Dr. Harris to avoid going to London to attend the Global Investment<br />

Immigration Summit in London on June 21 and 22.<br />

“He will not go to London, not with that bribery scandal hanging over his head. And that is<br />

an important Summit for us as it has to deal with the Citizenship by Investment Programme. Our<br />

country will suffer by his absence,” said Liburd, who noted that the keynote speaker at the official<br />

opening is Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister, Hon. Gaston Browne.<br />

“Gaston Browne has replaced Dr. Denzil Douglas as lead prime minister in the OECS,” she noted.<br />

Representatives of OECS countries of Antigua, St. Lucia and Dominica will give an overview of<br />

their respective Citizenship by Investment Programmes and participate in active panel discussions.<br />

Presentations will also be made by Malta, Canada, Greece and the United States.<br />

The scandal has already claimed one casualty, Antigua and Barbuda’s Minister of Investment<br />

and Trade, Hon. Michael Asot, who like Dr. Harris, is also named in a judgement in the British High<br />

Court, in which British property tycoon Peter Virdee is accused of bribing Harris and Michael and<br />

other Caribbean politicians. Michael tendered his resignation from the Cabinet of Prime Minister<br />

Hon. Gaston Browne.<br />

9<br />

“Stand up for your rights! This government has been trampling<br />

on the rights of civil servants and expect victims to do nothing,<br />

say nothing or just grumble or endure the victimisation.”<br />

Peter Virdee<br />

Hon. Marcella Liburd<br />

Hon. Timothy Harris


The Labour Spokesman<br />

SKNLP Reps Bash<br />

Tourism Minister For<br />

Alleged Lies Regarding Air<br />

Canada<br />

Source: Public Relations Unit, St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (Thursday 14th June, 2018): Minister of Tourism<br />

Hon. Lindsay Grant is under fire yet again, for allegedly lying to the people of St.<br />

Kitts and Nevis regarding flights by Air Canada to St. Kitts.<br />

In a release disseminate this week, Grant stated that flights into St. Kitts by<br />

the Canadian-based airline is a historic first, noting that the venture is due to his<br />

leadership.<br />

Speaking on National Radio today, representatives of the Labour Party chastised<br />

Hon. Grant for making such a statement, noting that the history of the airline and<br />

its connection to St. Kitts and Nevis states differently.<br />

Both Dr. Terrance Drew, Chair of the Labour Party and Deputy Leader, Hon.<br />

Marcella Liburd recalled that Air Canada has been flying into the Federation for<br />

quite some time, noting that it was as a result of the ingenuity of the former Minister<br />

of Tourism Hon. Ricky Skerritt.<br />

“Blatant Lies! Everybody knows Air Canada has been coming here for years.<br />

It is very sad that they will stoop to this level just to get credit,” Dr. Drew said.<br />

Hon. Liburd said, “At no point did Lindsay Grant say that Air Canada has being<br />

flying into St. Kitts since 2011. Air Canada has been flying non-stop into St. Kitts<br />

since 2011 and they fly in every year for five months from December to April<br />

during the tourist season. What Grant should be doing is thanking Ricky Skerritt<br />

for making sure we had Air Canada coming here since 2011”<br />

Hon. Liburd also noted that the additional flights by the airline are as a result of<br />

Park Hyatt being in operation.<br />

“The additional flights have absolutely nothing to do with Lindsay Grant. The<br />

month extension by the airline has solely to do with the opening of Park Hyatt.<br />

The opening of Park Hyatt, with the increased room service that will deliver; this<br />

is why the airline has extended.”<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

Labour Party-initiated<br />

construction projects helped<br />

St. Kitts and Nevis' slight<br />

economic growth in 2017<br />

Source: Erasmus Williams<br />

Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 11, 2018 – As the St. Kitts and Nevis economy continues to slowdown under the Timothy Harris-led Team Unity regime, the Eastern<br />

Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB), has listed construction projects initiated by the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) administration of the Rt. Hon. Dr. Denzil<br />

L. Douglas, helped to buttress economic activity in the twin-island Federation in 2017.<br />

The St. Kitts and Nevis economy dipped to a GDP of 1.7 percent in 2017 compared to 2.2 percent in 2016 and 3.9 in 20<strong>15</strong> when the Harris regime took office.<br />

The St. Kitts and Nevis economy grew 6.0 percent in 2014 and 6.2 in 2013 under the Labour Party administration.<br />

According to the just released Annual Economic and Financial Review for 2017, the ECCB said private sector activity in St Kitts consisted of major completion<br />

work on the Park Hyatt Hotel, Christophe Harbour which opened for business on 1 November 2017.<br />

“Other ongoing projects consisted of accelerated work on the Heldens Estate Condo Resort & Residences in the north of St. Kitts to be managed by Ramada<br />

Resorts, Koi Resort at Half-Moon Bay and the T-Loft Pirates Nest, a Radisson-branded development in Frigate Bay. Construction work also continued on the second<br />

phase of the Kittitian Hill development,” the ECCB said.<br />

All of these and many more ongoing projects began while the Labour Party was in government.

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman MORE LOCAL NEWS<br />

11<br />

Mudada’s Daughter Says ‘Thank You’<br />

By: Precious Mills<br />



To Magistrate “A”<br />

To Superintendent of Police.<br />

I, Lesroy Simon now residing in Taylor’s Ext in the town<br />

or village of Basseterre do hereby give you notice that<br />

it is my intention to apply on 2nd day of July next to the<br />

District Magistrate at District A for a Liquor retail licence<br />

in Port Zante in............<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (June 2018)- On behalf of her family, Dara Byron, 34, has expressed<br />

heartfelt gratitude that her father Dawud ‘Mudada’ Byron of Constituency One (East Basseterre)-past<br />

editor of this newspaper-was among ten (10) fallen heroes honoured during the annual Requiem<br />

Mass organised by the opposition St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) which was held at the St.<br />

Peter’s Anglican Church on Sunday 10th June under the theme ‘LABOUR-Stronger, Safer, Better<br />

for You!’<br />

Speaking with Dara, she told this reporter: “We are honoured because he has been a comrade<br />

and a stalwart of the Labour Party for many years; for as long I’ve been born he’s always been a<br />

Labour, he has always preached Labour. He has suffered, he has endured a lot and he has always<br />

taught us that we should always know what our party is about and go forth with that on our journey<br />

and in life as well.”<br />

Commenting on one of her fondest memories of her daddy, She replied: “When we were small<br />

and he used to travel a lot and so when he came back, me my brother and my sister, we would<br />

always wait by the door to see what he brought back for us because he was into his journalism so<br />

he would come back with a million and one pictures or whatever new toy might have been out in<br />

whatever country he came from so that was a good time for us.”<br />

Dawud Mudada Byron, who was born in December 1947, passed away in November 20<strong>15</strong> at<br />

the age of 67.<br />

At the remembrance service, deceased SKNLP comrades from within the eight constituencies<br />

on St.Kitts were recognised for their contributions.<br />

A second individual of Constituency One Ralph Tota (September 1932 – December 2008) was<br />

celebrated also while the other honourees six are as follows: Joseph Hanley (August 1958 – January<br />

2016) of Constituency Two; Cyril Delaney (February 1922 – August 2006) of Constituency Three;<br />

David Samuel Humphreys (August 1912 –October 2008) of Constituency Four; Joseph Barham<br />

Buchanan (January 1914 – December 2014) of Constituency Five; Andrew Laplace (May 1939 –<br />

April 2018) of Constituency Six; Eunice Elizabeth Williams (October 1914 – November 2000) of<br />

Constituency Seven and also married couple Mr. Basil Tuckett (Aug 1922 – March 2009) and Mrs.<br />

Cynthia Tuckett (January 1925 – September 1996) of Constituency Eight.<br />

SKNLP Deputy Leader Marcella Liburd, Parliamentary Representative of Constituency Two<br />

(Central Basseterre), in her feature address at the event, expressed gratitude and delight on behalf<br />

of the Party to those who attended the event “as we pray for the souls of departed members of the<br />

Labour Movement whose love of country and commitment to us all have contributed so greatly to<br />

the lives that we are able to lead today.”<br />

She added: “The St.Kitts-Nevis Labour Party is not a new creation. We who have the honour of<br />

leading the Party today therefore stand on the shoulders of thousands. We stand on the shoulders of<br />

thousands of ordinary men and women who over the decades have worked with courage and faith,<br />

determination and thanksgiving for the good that they were able to do. Our movement was baptised<br />

by the sweat and tears of countless men and women some learned, some unschooled, some figures<br />

of history, other's names didn't by the midst of time, some whose charisma moved multitudes, some<br />

who quietly assumed whatever task they were placed before them but all determined to defend the<br />

God-given humanity of the men and women of these two islands and all striving to create a more<br />

just and fair society with the help of a merciful awesome God.”<br />

Surviving relatives (or representatives) of the deceased lit a candle in memory of their loved<br />

ones and were presented with certificates of comradery tribute acknowledgement.<br />

The annual remembrance service traditionally salutes the contribution to the nation and people<br />

by fallen stalwarts: The Right Excellent Sir Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw (first National Hero), the<br />

Rt. Excellent Sir C. A. Paul Southwell (National Hero), the Rt. Excellent Sir Joseph N. France<br />

(National Hero), Hon. Fitzroy C. Bryant, Hon. Charles E. Mills, Sir Lee Llewellyn Moore, Hon.<br />

E. St. John Payne, John Allen Joseph Samuel and James Archibald.<br />

Dated this 07th day of June, 2018<br />

Signed<br />

Lesroy Simon<br />

Section of the audience (credit: Erasmus Williams)<br />


Samuel Julius is seeking one farmer to work on a farm.<br />

Interested persons are asked to contact : 665-4356

12 The Labour Spokesman<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />



The property described below is offered for sale by Royal Bank of Canada in their<br />

capacity as Mortgagee:-<br />

The property described below is offered for sale by Royal Bank of Canada in their<br />

capacity as Mortgagee:-<br />

Description of Property: ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of being Lot No. 64 of Half<br />

Moon Courtyard Housing Development situate in the<br />

Parish of St. Peter in the Island of Saint Christopher and<br />

comprising 6,790.56 square feet bounded and measuring as<br />

follows:- On or towards the North North-West by lands of<br />

Farakhan, 80.00 feet; On or towards the East North-East by<br />

Lot No. 65, 86.50 feet; On or towards the South South-East by<br />

a Development Road, 80.07 feet and On or towards the West<br />

South-West by Lot No. 63, 83.26 feet; all the same as is<br />

described in an Indenture of Mortgage from Juliette Alicita<br />

Boon to Royal Bank of Canada dated July 12, 2010 and<br />

recorded as Deed No. 17,891 in Liber C Volume 8 at Folios<br />

1644 to 1653 of the Register of Deeds for the Island of Saint<br />

Christopher.<br />

Tenders:<br />

Interested persons may obtain the Conditions of Sale from<br />

Royal Bank of Canada’s Attorneys-at-Law, Kelsick, Wilkin &<br />

Ferdinand, not later than Friday June 29, 2018 and the<br />

closing date for the return of Tenders is Friday July 20,<br />

2018.<br />

Description of Property: ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land being Lot No. 247 of<br />

Half Moon Heights Development Phase 3B, situate in the<br />

Parish of Saint Peter, in the Island of Saint Christopher,<br />

bounded and measuring as follows, that is to say:- On or<br />

towards the North by Lot No. 257, 98.39 feet; On or towards<br />

the East by Lot No. 246, 123.34 feet; On or towards the South<br />

by a Development Road, 46.67 feet; On or towards the South-<br />

West by a Development Road, 57.02 feet and 10.10 feet; and<br />

On or towards the West by Lot No. 248, 110.26 feet and<br />

containing by admeasurement 12,575.34 square feet all the<br />

same as is described in an Indenture of Mortgage from Keith<br />

W. Archibald and Astric Assanet Archibald to Royal Bank of<br />

Canada dated the 24 th day of August 2011 and recorded as<br />

Deed No. 18,353 in Liber D Volume 8 at Folios 2287 to 2296<br />

of the Register of Deeds for the Island of Saint Christopher.<br />

Tenders: Interested persons may obtain the Conditions of Sale from<br />

Royal Bank of Canada’s Attorneys-at-Law, Kelsick, Wilkin &<br />

Ferdinand, not later than Friday June 29, 2018 and the<br />

closing date for the return of Tenders is Friday July 20,<br />

2018.<br />


Attorneys-at-Law for Royal Bank of Canada (Mortgagee)<br />

Fred Kelsick Building, Independence Square South, Basseterre, St Kitts<br />

Tel: (869) 465-2645 Fax: (869) 465-7808<br />

Attention: Mr. Garth L. Wilkin<br />

Email: GLW@kwfonline.com<br />


Attorneys-at-Law for Royal Bank of Canada (Mortgagee)<br />

Fred Kelsick Building, Independence Square South, Basseterre, St Kitts<br />

Tel: (869) 465-2645 Fax: (869) 465-7808<br />

Attention: Mr. Garth L. Wilkin<br />

Email: GLW@kwfonline.com

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />

13<br />

Community Notice<br />

The Government of the Republic of Chile is pleased to invite<br />

nationals of St. Kitts and Nevis to apply for a scholarship to earn<br />

a Diploma in Public Management.<br />

Prospective applicants are required to complete an application<br />

form and attach the following documents: notarized copy of a<br />

university degree, copy of curriculum vitae, photocopy of passport,<br />

medical certificate that indicates the applicant’s mental and physical<br />

health, and a letter of recommendation and support from the<br />

applicant’s place of work.<br />

Section of the audience at the recently held Requiem Mass (credit: Erasmus Williams)


The Labour Spokesman<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

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the right to subsequently change prices without notice.<br />

Offers available while stocks last. All finance terms are subject<br />

to credit approval. Weekly prices are based on a Gold 36<br />

months repayment plan. 3 to 36 month credit plans available.<br />

See in-store for details.

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />


<strong>15</strong><br />

WIN AN<br />






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OFFER VALID UNTIL 30TH <strong>JUNE</strong>, 2018.<br />

Prices are correct at the time of going to print. Courts reserves the<br />

right to subsequently change prices without notice. Offers<br />

available while stocks last. All finance terms are subject to credit<br />

approval. Weekly prices are based on a Gold 36 months repayment<br />

plan. 3 to 36 month credit plans available. See in-store for details


The Labour Spokesman<br />

Police:<br />

Grandson Killed<br />

His Grandma<br />

By: Drizel Hanley<br />

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts (June 2018)- A 28-year-old man<br />

has been charged in connection with the death of his 82-year-old<br />

bedridden grandmother found dead in her Ponds Estate home<br />

last week.<br />

Police are reporting that on Thursday 7th June, the accused<br />

Michael Nicholas was formally arrested and charged on a warrant,<br />

in the first instance, for the offence of murder.<br />

He was charged for causing the death his grandmother, Bernice<br />

Iona Nicholas, at their residence.<br />

At about 9:<strong>15</strong> p.m. on Sunday 3rd June, the elderly woman<br />

was discovered dead in her home by one of her grandsons.<br />

An autopsy performed on the body of the octogenarian on<br />

Monday 4th June determined that the woman, who had been<br />

confined to bed for some time, was manually suffocated.<br />

Forensic Pathologist Dr. Valery Alexandrov in his findings,<br />

according to police, concluded that her death was as a result of<br />

mechanical asphyxia due to obstruction of the airway”, a police<br />

release said.<br />

Police investigations into the matter are ongoing.<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

Fishermen Still Missing Despite<br />

Extensive Searches<br />

By: Drizel Hanley<br />

BASSTERRE, St. Kitts (June 2018)-Two fishermen who went on a fishing trip last weekend<br />

are still missing despite the joint efforts of both local and regional and searches.<br />

According to a police report, Vernon Pemberton of New Road was last seen by members of his<br />

family Sunday, June 3rd, sometime after midday after indicating that he was going on a fishing trip<br />

with Hayden Langley of Buckley’s. Neither men have been seen since. Hence, they were reported<br />

missing and the searches began.<br />

“The Coast Guard launched a search operation for the two missing men. On Tuesday, the<br />

organisation conducted a day-long search exercise that included three search operations: one<br />

south of Nevis; and two near Redonda down to the St. Eustatius channel. The Coast Guard has<br />

also asked for assistance from within the region. As a result of that request, two fly-over searches<br />

were done by the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre based in Martinique. The neighbouring<br />

Dutch islands have also planned fly-over exercises for this week. Notification of the situation was<br />

sent to the Department of Maritime Affairs as well. That entity has asked vessels passing through<br />

the identified areas to look out for debris, a submerged vessel of persons in distress. If anything is<br />

found in relation to the case, they have been asked to report it immediately,” a police release said.<br />

The fly over exercises mentioned above were to no avail.<br />

The duo went out to sea aboard Motor Vessel V4-537-BW, which is owned by Pemberton.<br />

Since then, police have reported that they were in the possession of a number of person effects<br />

belonging to Pemberton that were found at sea by another fisherman.<br />

Photo Caption: Motor Vessel V4-537-BW<br />

2018 Hurricane Season:<br />

NEMA Urges Preparedness<br />

By: Drizel Hanley<br />

BASSTERRE, St. Kitts (June 2018)- The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA)<br />

is making an appeal to residents and businesses to briskly prepare for the 2018 Atlantic Hurricane<br />

Season, which began on June 1st.<br />

Senior Officer at St. Kitts Meteorological Services Elmo Burke said that the predicted number<br />

of hurricanes\storms for the year 2018 are 14 storms and 7 hurricanes.<br />

“Predictions suggest the potential for 3 major hurricanes,” he said, “however, we must be<br />

reminded that even in that eventuality, developing systems will not necessarily impact us here in<br />

St. Kitts-Nevis.”<br />

The Deputy Disaster Coordinator (DNDC), Claricia Langley-Stevens, noted that the message<br />

for residents to be prepared “cannot be overstated”.<br />

“Persons ought to do whatever is possible to minimise impacts now, before a disaster happens,<br />

thus reducing challenges to your recovery process,” she said.<br />

Residents were further advised to adhere to warnings issued by the disaster management officials,<br />

particularly if it relates to evacuating certain areas and also to have a disaster plan for their families

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />

Culinary Arts To Be Included At<br />

Zack’s Music Workshop<br />

By: Precious Mills<br />


17<br />

and not wait until the last<br />

minute to find out where they<br />

have to go, in the event their<br />

homes would be compromised.<br />

According to the DNDC,<br />

the following is a list to follow<br />

when getting prepared for the<br />

hurricane season:<br />

Check your roofs, walls,<br />

structure for vulnerabilities and<br />

begin to collect non-perishable<br />

goods, portable lights such as<br />

flash lights, batteries and clean<br />

receptacles for water storage;<br />

Store additional medicines at<br />

home for long-term illnesses<br />

and other supplies in the<br />

event that you have to stay<br />

indoors for long periods,<br />

or that businesses such as<br />

pharmacies are impacted and<br />

remain closed; Turn off all<br />

electronic equipment at the<br />

source during an event; Turn<br />

your refrigerator to the coldest<br />

setting leading into an impact;<br />

Share emergency numbers with<br />

all members of your household<br />

and create a family plan to<br />

identify important activities<br />

such as where to reconnect after<br />

impact, if you are separated;<br />

Keep a transistor or other<br />

portable radio device on hand<br />

to receive alerts and updates<br />

from the relevant authorities<br />

and Remain indoors during and<br />

after an event, until the ALL<br />

CLEAR has been given by the<br />

Authorities.<br />

The 2018 storm names:<br />

Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby,<br />

Ernesto, Florence, Gordon,<br />

Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk,<br />

Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar,<br />

Patty, Rafael, Sara, Tony,<br />

Valerie and William.<br />

The Atlantic Hurricane<br />

Season which started on June<br />

1st runs through November<br />

30th. And, occasionally, storms<br />

can form outside those months<br />

as happened in 2017 when<br />

Tropical Storm Arlene formed<br />

in April.<br />

This year, Subtropical<br />

Storm Alberto was the first<br />

tropical cyclone of the year<br />

to enter the Gulf of Mexico<br />

in May since Hurricane Able<br />

in 1951.<br />

BASSETERRE, St.Kitts (June 2018)-For the upcoming 12th annual Traditional Music<br />

Workshop, coordinated by Cultural Preservationist Winston ‘Zack’ Nisbett, food will be a new<br />

hands-on topic for the children featuring the culinary arts of cultural dishes namely cassava bread<br />

and conkie.<br />

“This year, it would be completely different. We will be teaching the children how to do cassava<br />

bread. I have the dish already and the rings and I will be bringing somebody to teach them the<br />

things we are going to incorporate and one other thing is how to make conkie,” said Nisbett during<br />

a sit-down interview this week.<br />

Under the theme ‘Discipline Continues To Be The Key’, the month-long summer workshop<br />

is expected to run from Monday 30th July to 25th August for the second year at the new location<br />

dubbed Zack’s Historical-Cultural Library & Museum located at the Buckley’s Estate aback<br />

Kawaja’s Food Centre east of the Caribbean Cinemas.<br />

Classes will be held from 9am to 3pm with music lessons on four instruments-banjo, quarto,<br />

guitar and fife.<br />

Asked about the inspiration behind the cultural food aspect of the workshop, Nisbett said: “Well,<br />

it is our culture and the workshop that I have is basically a cultural workshop and the museum and<br />

library in general deals with history, culture which comprise of dress, the type of foods we eat and<br />

so on.”<br />

He added: “We need to go back to the more indigenous types of food which is the basic sweet<br />

potato, the roast potato and those sort of things because looking at most of the old people today,<br />

they live until they’re 80 and 90 something, and also more people are living to 100 now and so it<br />

means that something they did right in their days than today. This therefore gives me this impetus<br />

to go back to basic in a sense in getting the youngsters to understand the more indigenous type of<br />

food and the local drinks. Yes, we have bottle drinks and so that are being manufactured here in<br />

St.Kitts-Nevis but we also need the local drinks like the ginger beer, mauby, soursop, passion fruit,<br />

lemonade and guava. Those are the type of nourishment we need in our bodily system.”<br />

Nisbett further told that in the old days, the basic thing was the cassava bread (made from the<br />

cassava flour) as well as other byproducts like and dumpling and porridge and also the conkie<br />

-wrapped in the grape bush or the fig plant leaves- which is like a whole meal because it is filling.<br />

“Those are indigenous things and we need to preserve them and go back to them because not<br />

only do those things make us healthier but also stronger and the food itself gives you a sense of<br />

motivation. It’s time we preserve our culture as we are number one as the mother colony and we<br />

need to stand up and be counted which is important.”<br />

Additionally, Nisbett informed that reading classes will also be another highlight of the workshop.<br />

According to him, poor reading in some children is not only a challenge in the Buckley’s<br />

community and its environs but throughout St.Kitts as a whole whilst pointing out “There are many<br />

books that we have there that could assist them.”<br />

The Cultural Preservationist is hoping that the children would be consistent in their attendance<br />

to the workshop.<br />

“We want them to come to experience the entire duration of the workshop; not to come two days<br />

and then miss because in order for you to become an expert in that field, you have to go through the<br />

day to day learning of holding the chords and different things. However, different to the workshop,<br />

they will be having extra things to do.”<br />

Persons interested in the workshop are asked collect registration forms or contact Nisbett at<br />

664-9016.<br />

Photo: Students performing at the 2017 graduation ceremony (Spokesman Snap)


The Labour Spokesman<br />

Editor's Apology and Note of Correction: At page 17 of last week's edition of<br />

the paper (Year 60, Number 52, Friday 8 June 2018, Column 1) we re-published<br />

an written by Professor Scott W Allard of the University of Washington, which<br />

dealt with the reasons why poverty is rising faster in suburbs than in cities. It<br />

had been correctly published the week before (Year 60, Number 51, Friday<br />

1 June 2018, Page 13, Column 1). The caption used last week was in fact the<br />

descriptive note of a photograph which should have accompanied the correct<br />

article intended for last week, both of which we now correctly reproduce<br />

below. We apologise very sincerely for that error, a case of the printer's devil<br />

at work once again.<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

Reuters - News - World - Asia Pacific - Thursday 7 June 2018<br />

Taiwan Holds Large-scale Military Drills<br />

Amid China Tensions - By Jess Macy Yu<br />

TAICHUNG, Taiwan (Reuters) - Taiwan simulated repelling an invading force<br />

on Thursday and used civilian-operated drones for the first time as part of annual<br />

military drills on the self-ruled island amid escalating tensions with China.<br />

The drills were presided over by Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen and<br />

watched by the visiting King of eSwatini, the African kingdom formerly known<br />

as Swaziland, at the center of a diplomatic tug-of-war between Taiwan and China.<br />

China claims self-ruled Taiwan as its sacred territory, under its "one China"<br />

policy, and Beijing has never renounced the use of force to bring what it sees as<br />

a wayward province under its control.<br />

China's air force has conducted a series of military maneuvers near the<br />

island in recent months that Taipei has denounced as intimidation.<br />

"Our armed forces' combat effectiveness is the guarantee of our national<br />

security. It is the flourishing basis of society, and it is the back-up force for our<br />

values of democracy and freedom," Tsai said at the Han Kuang drills in the central<br />

Taiwanese city of Taichung.<br />

"So long as our armed forces are around, Taiwan will surely be around,"<br />

she added.<br />

More than 4,000 personnel and over 1,500 pieces of equipment were<br />

deployed in the annual exercise, with drones flying overhead to provide battlefield<br />

surveillance and construction workers practising repairs to an airbase runway.<br />

King Mswati III, Africa's last absolute monarch and Taiwan's only<br />

remaining African ally, was the first foreign leader to observe the Han Kuang drills<br />

since Tsai took office in 2016.<br />

China has called on eSwatini to sever relations with Taiwan before early<br />

September, when Beijing will host a summit of African leaders.<br />

Taiwan has accused China of using dollar diplomacy to lure away its allies,<br />

promising generous aid packages, charges Beijing has denied.<br />

"In the process of the drills taking place, our armed forces' displayed their<br />

fighting capacity and our ally nation was able to observe," said Taiwan Defence<br />

Ministry spokesman Chen Chung-chi.<br />

"This is one way we hope to deepen our dialogue on both sides," he added.<br />

Taiwan has said it has received assurances from eSwatini that ties are<br />

secure.<br />

Taiwan has recently lost two diplomatic allies, the West African state of<br />

Burkina Faso and the Dominican Republic which established relations with Beijing.<br />

Taipei has official ties with just 18 countries worldwide.<br />

In a move certain to rile Beijing, Chen said Taiwan was eager to take part<br />

in a US-hosted naval drill. The Pentagon last month withdrew an invitation to<br />

China in response to what it sees as Beijing's militarization of islands in the South<br />

China Sea.<br />

The Rim of the Pacific exercise, known as RIMPAC, is billed as the world's<br />

largest international maritime exercise, held every two years in Hawaii in June<br />

and July.<br />

Tension between Taiwan and its big neighbor has increased in recent<br />

months, with China suspicious Tsai's administration wants to push for the island's<br />

formal independence.<br />

Tsai has said she wants to maintain the status quo, but will protect Taiwan's<br />

security and not be bullied by Beijing.<br />

Taiwan is equipped with mostly US-made weaponry and wants Washington<br />

to sell it more advanced equipment, including new fighter jets.<br />

Military experts say the balance of power between Taiwan and China has<br />

shifted in favor of China, which could probably overwhelm the island unless US<br />

forces came quickly to its aid.<br />

(Reporting By Jess Macy Yu; Writing by Anne Marie Roantree; Editing by<br />

Darren<br />

SKNAAA Notice-National<br />

Championships<br />

The St. Kitts &amp; Nevis Amateur Athletic Association, SKNAAA, wishes<br />

to inform all<br />

track and field fans that the 2018 National Championships will take place this<br />

Sunday, 17 th June, from 12:00 Noon-6:00PM, at the Kim Collins Athletic<br />

Stadium.<br />

All the top athletes, including those based overseas, will be here for this all<br />

important championships.<br />

All athletic fans are therefore encouraged to provide their usual support to our<br />

youth, junior and senior athletes.

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman PUBLIC INFORMATION<br />

19<br />

Ireland Attains Test-Cricket Status - By J C Andrews<br />

After more than a decde of playing top-class international cricket Ireland were<br />

recently admitted to 'Test' status. In that run-up they had featured in three successive<br />

World Cups, and, during the same period, they managed to inflicted defeats on<br />

notable test giants England, The West Indies and Bangladesh.<br />

During the 1800s the English introduced cricket to Ireland, who fielded their<br />

first team in 1855. They toured Canada and the United States laterin that century<br />

(the 19th) and, from time to time, hosted matches against international sides<br />

touring England.<br />

In Ireland cricket grew in popularity until the early 1880s. However the game<br />

suffered some setbacks as a consequence of what was known as 'The Land War',<br />

which had started in 1879, resulting from the 'Irish Land Commission', and the<br />

Gaelic Athletic Association placing a ban on the playing of 'foreign' (read British)<br />

games, and all those who did so were subsequently debarred from playing truly<br />

'Irish' games, such asGaelic football and hurling.<br />

They played their maiden first-class match in 1902 while on a tour of England,<br />

over the course of which they were able to secure one win and two draws, and<br />

suffered one defeat, a most commendable performance by what was essentially a<br />

non-cricketing country against one of the top teams in the world.<br />

That very first match was played on 19 May 1902 against a London County<br />

side which included the legendary W G Grace. Under the captaincy of Sir Tim<br />

O'Brien the Irish won by a very convincing 238 runs.<br />

In 1894 Ireland had played Souht Africa, their first game against a Test-match<br />

side, which they lost. However they defeated South Africa when they played against<br />

them again in 1904, their first victory against a Test-match team.<br />

Ireland and Scotland began playing a series of annual first-class matches in<br />

1909. Those lasted until 1999, only interrupted by the two world wars. Begining<br />

in 1924 the Irish played a series of annual first-class matchesagainst the MCC.<br />

TDC Group of Companies - Michael L. King Scholarship Grant 2018<br />

2018 TDC Michael King Scholarship Grant deadline approaching<br />

Kittitian and Nevisian students studying at the undergraduate level have just a few days left to<br />

apply for the 2018 TDC Michael King Scholarship Grant.<br />

With the deadline of Friday <strong>15</strong>th June 2018, citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis (expect employees of<br />

the TDC Group or its related Companies), who are normally resident in the Federation pursuing<br />

full-time undergraduate studies and intend to return after completion of their course of study have<br />

just about one (1) week left to submit their respective applications.<br />

The Annual award is intended to assist Nationals who are desirous of pursuing higher education in the<br />

following areas, but is not limited to, Agriculture, Architecture, Accounting, Business Management,<br />

Construction Management, Economics, Engineering, Information Technology, and Pharmacology.<br />

All applicants are required to maintain a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.0 or higher<br />

and must demonstrate exemplary scholarship to receive a one-time disbursement of five thousand<br />

(US$5000) dollars for one (1) calendar year.<br />

Additional information can be obtained from the following sources:<br />

TDC Human Resources Department, Fort Street, Basseterre (869) 465-2511<br />

TDC General Office, Pinney’s Industrial Estate, Charlestown, Nevis (869) 469 5430<br />

The TDC Group of Companies website, www.tdcgroupltd.com<br />

The Michael L. King Scholarship Grant was introduced in 2007 and is an honorary bursary named<br />

after the company’s second Chairman, who was a staunch advocate of Educational excellence.<br />

National Caribbean Insurance Company Limited having made<br />

sworn deposition that policy number 73905 on the life of<br />

Ju’Zariyah Clarke has been lost, and having made application to<br />

the directors to grant a special policy, notice is hereby given that<br />

unless objection is raised within one month of the date hereof,<br />

the special policy asked for will be issued.<br />

Dated: <strong>15</strong>/6/2018<br />

By Order,<br />

Cedric Jeffers<br />

General Manager

20 PUBLIC INFO<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />

They developed a habit of<br />

surprising test-cricket sides,<br />

much as they had done to South<br />

Africa in 1904. In 1928 they<br />

played their first match against<br />

The West Indies. It was a threeday<br />

match, played in Dublin,<br />

and they won by 60 runs. In<br />

1969, in a match played at<br />

Sion Mills in County Tyrone,<br />

the Irish again defeated The<br />

West Indies, this time by nine<br />

wickets, they having bowled us<br />

out for a truly paltry 25 runs.<br />

That West Indies side included<br />

players of the calibre of Clive<br />

Lloyd and Sir Clyde Walcott.<br />

They became an Associate<br />

Member of the ICC in 1993,<br />

and it was not long before<br />

they had attained the status of<br />

'leading Associate'.<br />

Ireland qualified for Cricket<br />

World Cup in 2007 and have<br />

played in that tournament ever<br />

since.<br />

They also qualified for the<br />

World Twenty-20 contests<br />

of 2009, 2010, 2012, and<br />

2014, and have won the ICC<br />

Intercontinental Cup four times<br />

since 2005, their most recent<br />

win being that of 2013.<br />

In 2006 Ireland played their<br />

first One Day International.<br />

That was against England.<br />

Since that time they have<br />

played 117 ODIs, chalkingup<br />

51 victories and 3 ties,<br />

experienced 57 defeats, and<br />

7 games without any results.<br />

They are currently ranked<br />

twelth (12th) in the ODI form<br />

of the game.<br />

They became a 'professional'<br />

side in 2009 when they began to<br />

retain players on a contractual<br />

basis, and in January 2012<br />

Mr Warren Deutrom, chief<br />

executive of Cricket Ireland,<br />

announced to the public their<br />

ambition to play Test Cricket<br />

by the year 2020, a goal which,<br />

to their credit, they attained 3<br />

years early. Before then Irish<br />

cricketers capable of playing<br />

at 'Test' standards were able to<br />

do so only by using 'residency'<br />

rules to which enabled them to<br />

play for England.<br />

Very significantly their<br />

maiden testmatch was played<br />

against Pakistan, one of the<br />

world's leading teams, but also<br />

one which they defeated, most<br />

memorably, in the 2007 World<br />

Cup, it having been Ireland's<br />

first win against a test cricket<br />

side in recent times.<br />

At first it seemed as though<br />

mother nature was going to<br />

cause a washout of their first<br />

game, but the rain eventually<br />

held off and allowed play to<br />

take place at the Malahide<br />

Cricket ground in Dublin,<br />

begining on Friday 11 May<br />

2018.<br />

The Irish team was: William<br />

Porterfield (Capt), Andrew<br />

Balbirnie, Ed Joyce, Tyrone<br />

Kane, Andy McBrine, Tim<br />

Murtagh, Kevin O’Brien and<br />

Niall O’Brien (brothers), Boyd<br />

Rankin, Nathan Smith, Paul<br />

Stirling, James Shannon, Stuart<br />

Thompson, and Gary Wilson.<br />

The opening bowlers were<br />

Boyd Rankin, who had played<br />

for England, and Australian<br />

born Nathan Smith. That was<br />

a clear indication that the Irish<br />

were truly 'out for business', and<br />

the whole side turned in a truly<br />

commendable performance.<br />

Having won the toss the<br />

Irish sent the Pakistanis in to<br />

bat. It was a gutsy move, and<br />

the Irish also played bravely<br />

throughout the match. Even<br />

so it ended in defeat. Pakistan<br />

decalerde at 9 for 310, with half<br />

centuries having been achieved<br />

by batsmen Faheem Ashraf,<br />

Asad Shafiq and Shadab Khan.<br />

With 4 for 45 Tim Murtagh<br />

turned in the best bowling<br />

performance for Ireland.<br />

Ireland repled with a mere<br />

130 runs all out. For Pakistan<br />

Mohammad Abbas took 4<br />

wickets for 44 runs and Shadab<br />

Khan took 3 for 31.<br />

Forced to follow-on the<br />

Irish put on a much better<br />

performance in their second<br />

innings, with Kevin O'Brien<br />

scoring 118 runs, and Stuart<br />

Thompson 53, ending<br />

the innings at 339 all out.<br />

Mohammad Abbas turned<br />

in another outstanding spell<br />

of bowling with 5 for 66. It<br />

was his second five-wicket<br />

achievement Test cricket.<br />

With Pakistan needing 160<br />

runs to win the Irish got off<br />

to a very good start, quickly<br />

capturing three wickets to<br />

with Pakistan having a mere<br />

14 runs on the board. That was<br />

during the Tuesday morning<br />

session. For quite some time<br />

the Pakistanis were extremely<br />

nervous. Indeed, they were<br />

truly scared and very much<br />

on edge. However opening<br />

batsman Imam ul-Haq and the<br />

number 5, Babar Azam, turned<br />

in a partnership of 126, which<br />

took their side safely across<br />

'the finishing line', winning by<br />

5 wickets.<br />

Kevin O'Brien was<br />

adjudged the Man of the Match<br />

for his century.<br />

Even though Ireland's<br />

historic Test debut ended<br />

in a five-wicket defeat their<br />

accomplishment is most<br />

worthy of note, and should<br />

serve as a strong motivation<br />

for those sides now languishing<br />

in terms of their test-match<br />

performances.<br />

The Irish cricket team<br />

represents ALL of Ireland,<br />

namely both north and south<br />

of the border. Their journey to<br />

test-status has been a long and<br />

truly ardous one. It should serve<br />

as a guiding light to others, not<br />

only interms of cricket, but also<br />

where all of life's endeavours<br />

are concerned.<br />

H e a r t i e s t<br />

congratulations to the people<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

www.thelabourspokesman.com<br />





To Magistrate “A”<br />

To Superintendent of Police.<br />

I, Lewis Richardson now residing in #135 Ivy Battice<br />

Street in the town or village of Basseterre do hereby give you notice<br />

that it is my intention to apply on 2nd day of July next to the District<br />

Magistrate at District A for a Liquor licence in CockleShell Beach Street<br />

in............<br />

Dated this 07th day of June, 2018<br />

Signed<br />

Lewis Richardson<br />

To Magistrate “A”<br />

To Superintendent of Police.<br />

I, Caroline Rogers (The Exotic Gardens) now residing in Upper Market<br />

Street in the town or village of Basseterre do hereby give<br />

you notice that it is my intention to apply on 2nd day<br />

of July 2018 next to the District Magistrate at Basseterre for a<br />

Retail licence in respect of my premises in Upper Market Street in<br />

Basseterre<br />

Dated this 08th day of June, 2018<br />

Signed<br />


Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018 The Labour Spokesman COMMENTARY<br />






Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 14, 2018 (RSCNPF): The Community Policing<br />

Team decided to spread their arms a bit more and have added town hall meetings<br />

to their list of outreach activities.<br />

According to team member, Officer Lauston Percival, every Thursday the<br />

group will be visiting a different community. This Thursday (June 14) they will<br />

be at the Bronte Welsh Primary School at 5:30 p.m. That meeting will be for the<br />

residents of Challengers, West Farm and Boyds.<br />

“Yes we’re in the schools and we have done walk-throughs in the different<br />

communities, but we think it’s time to have a sit down with members of these<br />

various communities. We want to explain to the persons who attend what<br />

community policing is about, what to expect from community policing and what<br />

we expect from them,” Officer Percival said.<br />

The Community Policing Team has been a key part of the Ministry of<br />

National Security’s Explorer Movement. The Officers are the ones coordinating<br />

the various youth groups and also work along with primary and high schools.<br />

The idea to have town hall meetings came about as a result of feedback from<br />

principals, children and other members of different communities. The team has<br />

planned a series of meetings in both St. Kitts and Nevis.<br />

“We want to meet with the community, but also important is meeting the<br />

parents in the communities. They will be held in St. Kitts and Nevis. The thing<br />

about it is, when it comes to community policing, any avenue you can get to<br />

reach out to people you should use it, any time you can get to even one or two<br />

persons you should use the opportunity. So any avenue you can use to speak to<br />

people you should take it,” said an enthusiastic Percival.<br />

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the position of<br />

IT MANAGER at the St. Kitts Biomedical Research Foundation, Lower<br />

Bourryeau Estate, St. Kitts.<br />

Job Description<br />

The selected applicant will be responsible for maintaining all<br />

computerized platforms, print and network services at the facility. Primary<br />

responsibilities will include:<br />

• Contributing to the validation and implementation of computerized<br />

systems, generation and modification of facility Standard<br />

Operating Procedures (SOPs).<br />

• Providing technical training oncomputerized platforms, routine<br />

hardware maintenance, software platforms and provides logistical<br />

support to the Chief Technology Officer, Director of Research<br />

Operations, Facility Manager and contract IT support.<br />

Preferred Experience Requirements<br />

• Familiarity with Google G-Suite administration<br />

• Familiarity with Synology NAS devices and user administration<br />

• Familiarity with Ubiquity Unifi network devices<br />

• Basic knowledge of AWS platforms and administration<br />

Education & Additional Experience Requirements<br />

• BA, BS, or equivalent in a technical field of study (such as computer<br />

science, electrical engineering, or mathematics) or equivalent work<br />

experience<br />

• 2+ years experience supporting IT help desk functions or equivalent<br />

• 2 or more years of experience implementing and supporting IT<br />

systems including server and client-side applications and operating<br />

systems<br />

• Technical expertise in two or more IT related fields including PC<br />

or Mac hardware repair, Windows or MacOSX IT support, Office<br />

365, network storage and data archiving, network configuration and<br />

management<br />

• Understanding of core internet technologies - DHCP, DNS, mail<br />

transport, TCP/IP<br />

• Security-focused knowledge of one or more of the following:<br />

Databases, Networking, Virtualization, Cloud (IaaS)<br />

• Excellent verbal and written communication skills<br />

21<br />

Photo: Community Policing Team in Nevis having a discussion with<br />

Development Bank employees.<br />

Applicants not meeting the above requirements will not be contacted for<br />

an interview.<br />

Kindly forward all applications to: hr@skbrf.org and/or to the below<br />

mailing address:<br />

St. Kitts Biomedical Research Foundation<br />

Attn: General Manager<br />

P.O.Box 6018<br />

Lower Bourryeau Estate<br />

St. Kitts W.I.

22 NEWS<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />

URBAN<br />










Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 13, 2018 (SKNIS): The Urban<br />

Development Unit within the Ministry of Urban Development<br />

hosted an open forum on Tuesday, June 12, for street vendors<br />

and key stakeholders to discuss challenges faced by both in the<br />

capital, Basseterre.<br />

“We all recognized that there are challenges regarding street<br />

vending. Challenges to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and<br />

challenges by the vendors themselves,” said Director of the Urban<br />

Development Unit, Rhon Boddie. “So, we thought it best to have<br />

this forum to get an idea as to what challenges are faced by the<br />

vendors and stakeholders and to inform them about what we are<br />

going to do as a possible solution to these issues.”<br />

Mr. Boddie explained that the solution will be carried out in<br />

phases, but the grand solution is still in the works.<br />

In the first instance, a registry will be created for vendors to<br />

document what they sell and their current location.<br />

In addition to this, the Urban Development Unit has devised<br />

a plan to move vendors who sell from food trucks.<br />

“We plan to create a small food court at North Square Street<br />

on a property that belongs to government and have these truck<br />

vendors park there instead of around town, especially around the<br />

Independence Square.<br />

One of the plans put forward by the Urban Development Unit<br />

was to have Liverpool Row, between College Street Ghaut and<br />

Shear Lane, blocked from vehicular traffic and set up what will<br />

be termed “vendors alley” where spaces will be issued to different<br />

vendors to sell in that location.<br />

The director shared that there are also a number of challenges<br />

faced by the stakeholders.<br />

“We had the police who expressed their concerns with regards<br />

to vehicular traffic and pedestrians speaking about vendors who<br />

take up the sidewalks,” he said. “The pedestrians have to walk<br />

in the street, which causes an issue for both pedestrians and<br />

vehicular traffic.”<br />

Representatives from the Ministry of Tourism spoke about<br />

nuisances that can be created from vendors in various unfavourable<br />

locations around the capital.<br />

Also, there was representation from the Environmental Health<br />

Department whose concerns were the preparation of food and the<br />

possession of a food handler’s permit among other things.<br />

The Solid Waste Department expressed concerns about the<br />

disposal of waste especially patrons who do not properly dispose<br />

of their items.<br />

Mr. Boddie expressed that he was pleased with the turn out<br />

of the vendors.<br />

“In fact, we had a packed house. They did express their<br />

feelings from wanting to know first and foremost if they have to<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

move where they would have to move to,” he said.<br />

The director noted that one of the surprising thing that came out of the forum was both the<br />

government and the vendors coming to an agreement that there must be a measure of control on<br />

street vending.<br />

“I expected that to be more from our end, but it was highlighted more from the street vendors<br />

end. That was a positive in my opinion,” he said.<br />

Representatives from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, along with Minister of Public<br />

Infrastructure, Post, Urban Development and Transport, Honourable Ian Patches Liburd, and senior<br />

staff of his ministries, were present at the forum.<br />

Vendors in meeting with Government Officals. SKNIS Photo

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />




23<br />

By Vigilante<br />

Dey say dat de queen offer to wine and dine Humpty Dumpty<br />

if he come up for de big meeting. But Humpty Dumpty ain<br />

even acknowledge receipt a she invitation. Dey say Ole Mother<br />

Hubbard tell him is a trick and anytime he go anywhere near<br />

England, is lock dey gon lock him up.<br />

Poor Ole Mother Hubbard and de bad wud minister carn go<br />

near England air space either. Dey done wuk out dat any time<br />

dey mek a mistake, is divert dey gon divert de plane and lock<br />

dem up in England.<br />

Dey done start extradition procedure gainst Humpty Dumpty<br />

and dey trying to get Ole Mother Hubbard to tun crown evidence<br />

gainst him. But she tell Scotland Yard to give her some time to<br />

tinkbout it.<br />

De bad wud minister tell Humpty Dumpty dat he gon have<br />

to give him everyting he ask for if he ain want him tun crown<br />

evidence gainst him. He say dat he pull he piece on people and he<br />

get way plus de underage girl story. He help he family get way wid<br />

stuff. If he ain want to go jail where everybody know him and<br />

he know everybody, is no way he gon tek any jail in England.<br />

After Humpty Dumpty had he big meeting and say what he<br />

say bout de rest a dem, de frilly mout deputy tell de Marriott man<br />

dat he not surprise. He tell him dat was why he was trying to tell<br />

dem to leave Humpty Dumpty alone. Because now he say what<br />

he say and all a dem had to back dung, it really look like PAM<br />

dead and one really more dan four.<br />

Dey say dat Humpty Dumpty and he brother fly out even<br />

before de Social Security shingdig done for him to go visit he<br />

spiritualist. He say dat Ole Mother Hubbard believe in all kinda<br />

ting and does do all kinda ting to keep de jumbie dem far. And<br />

he say like how Aunty come back, he had was to go way quick,<br />

quick to gird he loinsdem.<br />

But people in de know say dat he went go visit de herbalist dat<br />

de lady tell him bout. Dey say dat even though he mek de lady<br />

tek dung she post, he did call de herbalist and he tell him dat de<br />

lady right. De stuff inside a him for over two years. It look like<br />

dey dump all de __it from Dubai in he belly.<br />

Dey say dat because even PAM people saying dat PAM dead,<br />

de PAM politician dem say dat dey not tekking on Humpty<br />

Dumpty and dey going on whatever radio station dey want. And<br />

if he ain want to listen to de radio station dat is he business. He<br />

done busedem and say dat all a dem a tief and he never trust dem<br />

before and he still ain trust dem now.<br />

People want to know if is true dat Humpty Dumpty family is<br />

who does have de herb to sell when it scarce in de rest a de country.<br />

www.thelabourspokesman.com<br />

Every time that I hear of a drug bust or a<br />

gun bust and it involves customs officers, police<br />

officers or some other persons sworn to uphold<br />

the law, I become more and more convinced<br />

that ninety-nine percent of the illegal firearms<br />

in our beloved federation came through our air<br />

and sea ports.<br />

It seems that the importers of these illegal<br />

weapons and drugs have people working for<br />

them at the air and sea ports who facilitate, for<br />

thirty pieces of silver, the easy movement of<br />

these illicit goods into our country.<br />

If this is so, we have a serious problem. And<br />

because these rogue officers have no conscience<br />

and don’t care how many persons are killed by<br />

the guns they allow to pass through or don’t<br />

care how many drug addicts they create, the<br />

authorities have to find a way to not just weed<br />

them out of the system, but to expose them and<br />

jail them.<br />

But we have a bigger problem when the<br />

importers are the customs officers and the police<br />

officers themselves.<br />

I believe that for how many times there has<br />

been a bust involving those who are being paid<br />

to guard us and protect us, those honest persons<br />

at the top have to do things differently.<br />

Perhaps it is time for lie detectors to be part of<br />

the vetting process. If I could be hearing names<br />

of people who “do things” and are involved<br />

in “things” and I do not work in the Customs<br />

Department nor in the police station, certainly,<br />

senior persons must also be hearing “things”.<br />

And while I am not encouraging witch<br />

hunting at all, most times where there is smoke,<br />

there is fire.<br />

Take for instance this story going around that<br />

thousands of fake driver’s licences were issued<br />

in the federation.<br />

I can bet my watch and my shoes that if this<br />

story is true, those at the top had heard rumours<br />

before.<br />

The federation is too small for somebody big<br />

not to have heard something.<br />

But the problem is that everybody has a<br />

friend. Or worse yet, the politics of the deviant<br />

is of critical importance.<br />

It seems as if these entities are so contaminated<br />

that only a complete and thorough purge done by<br />

some big name body or bodies from the USA,<br />

Canada or the UK will produce the results that<br />

fair minded persons want to see.<br />

Team Unity said that they had the solution to<br />

every single problem that befell the federation<br />

so they should not have any difficulty finding<br />

the will to do what needs to be done to rid the<br />

Customs, the Police Force and all such entities of<br />

all these undesirable characters who are sullying<br />

our good name.<br />

But as I write this, I am reminded that it might<br />

not be in the best interest of some people in Team<br />

Unity to make a big song and dance about trying<br />

to clean up the Police Force nor the Customs<br />

Department, for example.<br />

It might not be in their best interests to raise<br />

it at all.<br />

For when a prime minister can say for all<br />

the world to hear that not one member in his<br />

cabinet can hold a candle of correction to him,<br />

how then will he be able to accuse the police or<br />

the customs or anybody for that matter of any<br />

wrong doing?<br />

It seems to me that sleeping dogs will be<br />

allowed to sleep.<br />

Nobody in Team Unity has the moral<br />

authority to tell nobody else, in cabinet or out<br />

of cabinet, that they are doing wrong.<br />

None of them can hold a candle of correction.<br />

None of them has clean hands.<br />

This is not good for the federation.<br />

Not good at all.<br />

And it is not coming from Labour. It is<br />

coming from the person in charge of all of them.<br />

You know, since Team Unity got into power,<br />

I cannot think of one week that has gone by<br />

without some drama of some sort.<br />

Team Unity is a soap opera. A soap opera<br />

government.<br />

Drama and scandal. Scandal and drama.<br />

We need an end to this. We need to feel<br />

settled.<br />

Trust me. Traffic lights all around St. Kitts<br />

will excite for a while. The second cruise pier,<br />

once no more machinery topples into to the sea,<br />

will also excite for a while.<br />

But the excitement will not last forever.<br />

Both Labour and Unity supporters are<br />

unsettled. Worried about all these scandals.<br />

You see how life is.<br />

When in opposition, Team Unity used to<br />

make up scandals. Now in government, their<br />

scandals are real.<br />

We have had the opportunity to see Timothy<br />

Harris in action. And what he has shown us is<br />

not good.<br />

We saw Douglas too. And while it was not<br />

perfect, we were not embroiled in these weekly<br />

scandals.<br />

So we have to end the scandals.<br />

We have to get rid of Team Unity.<br />

Scoops<br />



The Labour Spokesman<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

www.thelabourspokesman.com<br />

The Shark Shack<br />

Address: Building #2, Unit 105 &106. Basseterre, Port Zante<br />

Vacancy: Seeking two experienced sales persons<br />

Contact: 763-4693<br />





To Magistrate “A”<br />

To Superintendent of Police.<br />

I, Jeanette K Huggins now residing in Market Alley<br />

Street in the town or village of Lower Cayon do hereby give<br />

you notice that it is my intention to apply on 2nd day<br />

of July 2018 next to the District Magistrate at Basseterre for a<br />

Retail Liquor licence in respect of my premises in Main Street in Lower<br />

Cayon.<br />

Dated this 28th day of May 2018<br />

Signed J Huggins<br />

To Magistrate “A”<br />

To Superintendent of Police.<br />

I, Yogini Devi Samaroo now residing in Lot D18 Earl Mourne Drive<br />

Street in the town or village of Basseterre do hereby give<br />

you notice that it is my intention to apply on 2nd day<br />

of July day of 2018 next to the District Magistrate at Basseterre for a<br />

Liquor licence in respect of my premises in Village Walk Food Court<br />

Street in Basseterre<br />

Dated this 11th day of June 2018<br />

Signed Yogini Devi Samaroo

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />





PLAN<br />

Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 12, 2018 (SKNIS): Airport<br />

authorities could be meeting as early as this week to tweak their<br />

emergency response plan after it was tested over the weekend.<br />

St. Christopher Air and Sea Ports Authority (SCASPA)<br />

officials at the Robert Llewellyn Bradshaw (RLB) International<br />

Airport took the lead in executing a simulation of a plane crash<br />

on Saturday, June 09, during which they were able to successfully<br />

test their emergency response plan. The activity fell under the<br />

human assistance and disaster relief component of the Tradewinds<br />

2018 exercise currently taking place in St. Kitts and Nevis. In the<br />

simulation, the circumstances were that a Boeing 763 aircraft, with<br />

290 passengers and crew members was en route to Antigua and<br />

Barbuda from Puerto Rico and made a crash landing just short<br />

of the runway after both engines failed. The scene was set with<br />

the use of actors who played the roles of victims, a container for<br />

part of the fuselage and piles of crates that were set ablaze as the<br />

flaming scattered debris.<br />

The objectives of the drill were many, but chief among<br />

them were to test emergency response procedures, response<br />

times and mechanisms for several groups and entities including<br />

Air Traffic Controllers, Fire and Rescue Services, Emergency<br />

Medical Services, Police and Airport Security. The activity<br />

was also meant to assess mass casualty protocols at the RLB<br />

International Airport, multi-agency response and coordination,<br />

victim transporting capabilities for the hospital, as well as the<br />

activation and management of the Emergency Operating Centre<br />

(EOC).<br />

Airport Manager at the RLB International Airport, Ellsworth<br />

Warner, described the simulation as an opportunity for airport<br />

authorities to check the readiness of their emergency plan. Mr.<br />

Warner disclosed that he and his team would be meeting soon to<br />

discuss the way forward.<br />

"It was an opportunity for us to really see where we are and<br />

actually work towards improvement. So I'm not feeling bad about<br />

anything, it was a great opportunity to measure ourselves and to<br />

move on....we have a lot of work to do and we have to do them<br />

as quickly as possible because they are very crucial in some<br />

areas...," Mr. Warner said.<br />

He also encouraged members of the public to expose<br />

themselves to training in responding to disasters as well.<br />

"They need<br />

to know that<br />

disasters are<br />

possible and<br />

so even they<br />

themselves<br />

can get<br />

involved, get<br />

some training,<br />

and be part<br />

of the whole<br />

operation if it<br />

does happen.<br />

They don't have<br />

to be a part of<br />

SCASPA, but<br />

they can get<br />

some training<br />

wherever they<br />

work, whatever<br />

they do and in<br />

cases like this<br />

they can come<br />

in and provide<br />

assistance,"<br />

said the airport<br />

manager.<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />


The property described below is offered for sale by Royal Bank of Canada in their<br />

capacity as Mortgagee:-<br />

Description of Property: ALL THAT lot piece or parcel of land with building thereon<br />

situate at Dieppe Bay, in the Parish of St John, Capistere, in<br />

the Island of Saint Christopher containing by<br />

admeasurement 3,134 square feet bounded and measuring<br />

as follows, that is to say: On or towards the North-East by<br />

lands in possession of M. Pringle and A. Pringle, 25.1 feet and<br />

46.7 feet; On or towards the South-East by a road, 44.7 feet;<br />

On or towards the South-West by lands in possession of I.<br />

Ferguson, 74.2 feet; and On or toward the North-West by an<br />

Access Road, 43.8 feet all the same as is described in an<br />

Indenture of Reconveyance in favour of Brenda Daniel,<br />

Diedre Daniel and Kishma Daniel dated the 24 th day of<br />

August 2012 and recorded as Deed No. 18,779 in Liber E<br />

Volume 8 at Folios 2099 to 2104 of the Register of Deeds for<br />

the Island of Saint Christopher.<br />

Tenders:<br />


Interested persons may obtain the Conditions of Sale from<br />

Royal Bank of Canada’s Attorneys-at-Law, Kelsick, Wilkin &<br />

Ferdinand, not later than Friday June 29, 2018 and the<br />

closing date for the return of Tenders is Friday July 20,<br />

2018.<br />


Attorneys-at-Law for Royal Bank of Canada (Mortgagee)<br />

Fred Kelsick Building, Independence Square South, Basseterre, St Kitts<br />

Tel: (869) 465-2645 Fax: (869) 465-7808<br />

Attention: Mr. Garth L. Wilkin<br />

Email: GLW@kwfonline.com<br />



The Labour Spokesman<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018<br />

The Labour Spokesman<br />




Photo: A section of engineers trained and certified during Phase One of Exercise Tradewinds 2018<br />

Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 14, 2018 (SKNIS): Three engineers from the St. Kitts-Nevis Defence<br />

Force (SKNDF) Coast Guard Unit are now fully certified and equipped with the skills and knowledge<br />

needed to diagnose issues and repair mercury outboard engines.<br />

The trio, Privates Shaquille Fredricks, Tristan Thomas and Romain Stanley, received their<br />

official certification from representatives of the Mercury Headquarters in Florida, U.S.A., during<br />

Phase One of Exercise Tradewinds 2018, which was held in St. Kitts and Nevis from June 04-12.<br />

Midshipman and Engineering Officer, Lenn Daniel of the SKNDF Coast Guard Unit, explained<br />

the practical need for the institution to have officers certified as mercury repair men.<br />

“The main purpose of having mercury certified engineers is to overcome the issues that surround<br />

warranty, due to the fact that we do not have a mercury dealer on the island. Our fast response vessels<br />

are fitted with mercury engines, which are very sensitive and expensive equipment that require<br />

specially trained personnel to work on,” said Midshipman Daniel. “We do have qualified outboard<br />

motor engineers, however, mercury requires all engineers working on equipment under warranty<br />

to be certified by their organizations’ standards. Therefore, these certifications will eliminate the<br />

need for having a dealer fly into the country to deal with minor issues that can easily be resolved<br />

by one of our own qualified engineers.”<br />

Private Fredricks noted that the training was important and extremely useful given that it<br />

broadened his knowledge and skills.<br />

“The training became useful because I had little knowledge of the mercury engines, but after the<br />

week and three days of doing the mercury training, I got a lot more knowledge. I learnt about how<br />

to use the computer that diagnoses the engines when they have mechanical and sensor problems,”<br />

he said, adding that the facilitator was quite clear and ensured that participants fully understood<br />

what was taught.<br />

Private Thomas said that the training was a good reminder for him as he undertook the basic<br />

course in Barbados prior to participating in Exercise Tradewinds 2018. He shared his views on<br />

having certified engineers living and working in St. Kitts and Nevis.<br />

“It is really useful to me to say that we have mercury engines and now qualified persons to<br />

work on them. First thing the facilitators did was to make sure that we knew the engine parts as it<br />

was the most important thing so that if we are called upon to assist we will know what to do,” he<br />

said, while noting that he had an exceptional time during the exercise. “The experience and the<br />

friendships were rewarding and they do impart some great training that affords us the opportunity<br />

to return to our place of work and teach others.”<br />

Based on feedback from members of the SKNDF Coast Guard Unit who were directly involved<br />

in all maritime tracks, the events appeared to be very well organized and exercises executed<br />

exceptionally well.<br />

To date, the United States Government through its Embassy in Bridgetown, Barbados, has<br />

donated a total of 14 mercury outboard engines to SKNDF’s Coast Guard Unit for use on the Coast<br />

Guard interceptors.<br />

Four Youth Parliamentarians to represent Nevis<br />

in CPA Regional Youth Parliament Debate in<br />

Cayman Islands<br />

27<br />

NIA CHARLESTOWN NEVIS (June 14, 2018) -- Hon.<br />

Farrel Smithen, President of the Nevis Island Assembly, says<br />

four youth parliamentarians will represent the Nevis Branch of<br />

the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), at the<br />

14th Regional Youth Parliament Debate in the Cayman Islands<br />

on Friday June 22, 2018.<br />

Mr. Rol-J Williams of Nevis Sixth Form College, Ms. Lauren<br />

Lawrence and Ms. Celestial Hanley from Charlestown School<br />

(CSS) and Ms. Charlyn Myers from Gingerland Secondary<br />

School (GSS) were chosen from a 32 students who participated<br />

in a Youth Parliamentary sitting at the Nevis Island Assembly<br />

on May 25, 2018. They will be chaperoned by Ms. Uta Taylor,<br />

a teacher at CSS.<br />

The debate is part of the 43rd CPA Regional Conference of<br />

the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region, which will<br />

be held at the Marriott Hotel in the Cayman Islands from June<br />

<strong>15</strong> to 23, 2018.<br />

Mr. Smithen said the students will join counterparts across the<br />

region to debate on the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom.<br />

“In accordance with the resolution that was forwarded to<br />

us, this year’s debate will be in relation to the United Kingdom<br />

Brexit referendum results that was announced on the morning of<br />

the 24th day of June, 2016, that showed a 51.9 percent of those<br />

who voted in favour of the United Kingdom leaving the European<br />

Union,” he said.<br />

The President of the Assembly, added that the youth<br />

parliamentarians were actively preparing and, are looking at the<br />

pros and cons of the resolution. He believes they would do the<br />

topic justice at the debate.<br />

Nevis has participated in the youth parliamentary conference<br />

since its inception in 2000 in the Bahamas and has been successful.<br />

“Nevis has been in the forefront, to a large extent, within the<br />

youth parliament. We have had successes. I recall in 20<strong>15</strong>, Mr.<br />

Rol-J Williams was the Best Speaker and he was showered with<br />

gifts because of that. It was decided that they…do not have it as<br />

a competition.<br />

“I agree with that, let the children speak freely without trying<br />

to compete but at the same time, they have been getting rewards<br />

here and there in terms of their approach…but the idea for me<br />

is the expression, the knowledge that one would gain from<br />

participating in forums like these,” he said.<br />

Mr. Smithen believes that the benefits of participating in the<br />

debate are two-fold. The participants are given the opportunity<br />

to discuss among their peers in the region and provided with a<br />

better understanding of the workings of parliament which augurs<br />

well for their future.<br />

He noted that the attendance at the conference is not a<br />

government matter but a parliamentary one. However they do<br />

receive a stipend from the government to assist with some of the<br />

cost as well as financial assistance from the private sector to help<br />

defray cost for accommodating the students and airfare.<br />

Mr. Smithen is expected to leave Nevis for the Cayman Islands<br />

to attend the 43rd CPA Regional Conference on Saturday June<br />

16, 2018.<br />

Photo: Privates Fredricks (left) and Thomas (right)<br />

Photo caption: Hon. Farrel Smithen, President of the Nevis Island<br />

Assembly, introducing Youth Parliamentarians taking part in the<br />

14th Regional Youth Parliament Debate in the Cayman Islands<br />

on Friday June 22, 2018; (sitting left) Ms. Uta Taylor, chaperon;<br />

(standing l-r) Ms. Celestial Hanley, Mr. Rol-J Williams, Ms.<br />

Charlyn Myers and Ms. Lauren Lawrence


The Labour Spokesman<br />

Friday, June <strong>15</strong> TH 2018

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