Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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ﷺ that the Prophet رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنه al-Asqa` Imaam Aḥmad reported from Waathilah Ibn<br />

said: ❝The Suhuf (Scriptures) of Ibraaheem عليه السالم were revealed on the first night<br />

of Ramaḍhaan, the Taurah was revealed on the sixth of Ramaḍhaan, the Injeel was<br />

revealed on the thirteenth of Ramaḍhaan, and the Qur’aan was revealed on the<br />

twenty-fourth of Ramaḍhaan.❞ 133<br />

رضيُاهللُ‏ Ibn Mardawaih also reported the same in his “Tafseer” from Jaabir Ibn `Abdullaah<br />

‏.ﷺ attributing it to the Prophet عنهما<br />

This is why a group of Companions and Taabi`een were of the opinion that Laylatul-<br />

Qadr is on the twenty-fourth of Ramaḍhaan.<br />

As for the statement of Jibreel: ❝Read❞, and his ﷺ reply: ❝I do not know how to<br />

read.❞ is a negation, i.e. I am not of those who can read properly; this was the opinion<br />

of al-Nawawee 134 and before him Shaikh Abu Shaamah (also said the same). As for<br />

those who say that he ﷺ was just inquiring (meaning: should I read this?), are<br />

incorrect because the letter ‏”ب“‏ (in the word: ‏(بقارئ is not added to a word when<br />

affirming something.<br />

As for his ﷺ saying: ❝till I could not bear it any more❞, the Angel pressed him<br />

thrice. <strong>Al</strong>-Khaṭṭaabee said: “The Angel did that to test his ﷺ patience and to teach<br />

him self-control and discipline so that he becomes accustomed to bear the burdens of<br />

Prophethood that is going to be placed upon him. Because of these burdens, he would<br />

be gripped by a feverish condition and have a high temperature, i.e. he would breathe<br />

hard and sweat profusely.”<br />

Other said: “Jibreel did that for various reasons. One of them is: To awaken him to the<br />

gravity of what was being placed upon him by treating him in such a distressing<br />

manner. As <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said:<br />

‏﴿إِنَّاُسَن ل قِيُعَلَي كَُُقَو ‏ّل ‏ُُثَقِيال ُ﴾<br />

133 Musnad Aḥmad (16984). I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say: The chain of this narration is “Ḥasan” as I have clarified in “al-<br />

Ṣaḥeeḥah” (1575).<br />

134 [TN: Sharh Ṣaḥeeḥ Muslim of al-Nawawee (2/199)]<br />

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