Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 18: The (foretellers) communication with the Jinn<br />

That which the Jinn used to communicate to the foretellers or speak from behind the<br />

idols:<br />

Imaam al-Bukhaaree reported on the authority of `Abdullaah Ibn `Umar (Ibn al-<br />

Khaṭṭaab) رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنهما that he said: I never heard `Umar mentioning about something,<br />

saying: “I think it is such-and-such”, except that he was quite right. Once while `Umar<br />

was sitting, a handsome man passed by him, `Umar said: “If I am not mistaken, this<br />

person is still on his religion of Jaahiliyyah (the pre-lslaamic period of ignorance) or he<br />

was their foreteller. Call the man to me.” When the man was called to him, he (`Umar)<br />

told him of his thought. The man said: ‘I have never seen such a day on which a Muslim<br />

is faced with such an accusation.’ `Umar said: “I am determined that you should tell me<br />

the truth.” The man said: ‘I was a foreteller in Jaahiliyyah.’ Then `Umar said: “Tell me<br />

the most astonishing thing your female Jinn had told you of.” He said: ‘One-day while I<br />

was in the market, she came to me scared and said: ‘Haven't you seen the Jinn and<br />

their despair and they were overthrown after their defeat (and prevented from<br />

listening to the news of the heaven) so that they (stopped going to the sky and) kept<br />

following camel-riders (i.e. `Arabs)?’’ `Umar said: “He is right”, and added: “One day<br />

while I was near their idols, a man came with a calf and slaughtered it as a sacrifice (for<br />

the idols). An (unseen) creature shouted at him, and I have never heard harsher than his<br />

voice. He was crying: ‘O you bold evil-doer! A matter of success! An eloquent man is<br />

saying: ‘None has the right to be worshiped except <strong>Al</strong>laah.’’ On that the people fled, but<br />

I said: ‘I shall not go away till I know what is behind this.’ Then the cry came again: ‘O<br />

you bold evil-doer! A matter of success! An eloquent man is saying: ‘None has the right<br />

to be worshipped except <strong>Al</strong>laah.’’ I then went away and a few days later it was said: ‘A<br />

prophet has appeared.’” 122<br />

122 Ṣaḥeeḥ al-Bukhaaree (3866)<br />

(Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): Ibn Is-ḥaaq has also reported this in his “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>” with even a more complete<br />

narration, but with a chain which is “Mursal”, and there are some narrators whose names are not mentioned. The<br />

author (Ibn Katheer) had mentioned all of them in his book, each differs from the other (in its wording), and<br />

having some defects (in its chain), and some (narrations) are “Severely Weaker” than the others. <strong>Al</strong>-Ḥaafiẓh Ibn<br />

Ḥajr also pointed this out in his “al-Fatḥ” (7/179), but he also said: “all these different routes strengthen each<br />

other”, meaning: as a whole (i.e. all of them combined together); otherwise, he himself pointed out the variations<br />

and the additions and omissions (in this narration). Anyways, what al-Bukhaaree has reported is the most<br />

authentic.<br />

[TN: There are many instances where `Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭaab’s رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنه statements would confirm with Divine<br />

Revelation. As <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Messenger ُ hadﷺ said: ❝There had been among the people before you inspired<br />

persons and if there were any such among my Ummah `Umar Ibn al-Khaṭṭaab would be one of them.❞ Ibn<br />

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