Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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unmistakable. He (the awaited Prophet) will eat from things given to him as gifts but<br />

not from things given to him as charity. Between his shoulders there is the seal of<br />

Prophethood. So if you are able to go to that land, then you should do so.’”<br />

Salmaan said: “After his death, I stayed in `Ammooriyyah as long as <strong>Al</strong>laah Willed me to<br />

stay there. A group of `Arab traders from the Kalb tribe passed through `Ammooriyyah,<br />

I told them: “Take me with you to the land of the `Arabs in return for whatever cows<br />

and goat I have.” They agreed and I paid them. When we reached Waadi al-Quraa (a<br />

place between al-Madeenah and Syria), they broke their agreement and sold me as a<br />

slave to a Jew. I worked as a servant for him and saw some palm trees and hoped that<br />

this would be the place that my companion had described. One day while I was there<br />

with this Jew, his cousin from the tribe of Banee Quraiẓhah in al-Madeenah came for a<br />

visit. So he sold me to his cousin, who took me with him to al-Madeenah, the city of<br />

date-palms. By <strong>Al</strong>laah! As soon as I saw it I recognized it as the Christian at<br />

`Ammooriyyah had described it to me.<br />

Then the mission came to the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏,ﷺ who remained in Makkah<br />

without me hearing anything about him, because of the harsh duties of slavery which<br />

were imposed upon me. When the Prophet ﷺ reached al-Madeenah after his Hijrah<br />

(emigration) from Makkah, I was working for my master at the top of a palm tree, with<br />

my master sitting underneath it. A cousin of his came up and said: ‘May <strong>Al</strong>laah kill<br />

Banoo Qaylah! 100 By <strong>Al</strong>laah, they have gathered at Qubaa in support of a man who has<br />

today come from Makkah and whom they claim to be a Prophet.’”<br />

Salmaan said: “As soon as I heard this I began to tremble, so much that I thought that I<br />

would fall on top of my master. I quickly got down from the tree and spoke to my<br />

master’s cousin: “What did you say? Repeat the news for me.” My master got very<br />

angry and spoke harshly to me and shouted: ‘What has this got to do with you? Go<br />

back to what you were doing.’ I replied: “Nothing, except that I wanted to ascertain<br />

that I heard him correctly.”<br />

I had put aside some food, and when evening came, I went to the place where the<br />

Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ had alighted in Qubaa. I went up to him and said: “I have<br />

heard that you are a righteous man and that you have companions with you who are<br />

strangers and are in need. Here is something from me as Sadaqah (charity). I see that<br />

you are more deserving of it than others.” I presented it to him; he ﷺ said to his<br />

100 Meaning: The Anṣaar (from the tribes of Aws and the Khazraj, the two main Arab tribes of Madeenah)<br />

Ilm4all.blogspot Page 73

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