Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 15: The commissioning of the Prophethood and some of the<br />

predictive signs thereof (Part 3)<br />

How Salmaan al-Faarisee accepted Islaam and his meeting with the Christians<br />

رضي ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنه Persian) reported how Salaam al-Faarisee (the رمحه ‏ُاهلل Thereafter, Ibn Is-ḥaaq<br />

became a Muslim. He reported from Ibn `Abbaas رضي ‏ُاهللُعنهما that he said: Salmaan al-<br />

Faarisee himself narrated to me: “I grew up in the town of Aṣbahaan (Iṣfahaan in<br />

Persia) in the village of Jayyu. My father was the Dihqaan (chief) of the village. I was the<br />

most beloved of <strong>Al</strong>laah’s creation to my father. His love for me was so strong (that he<br />

feared to lose me or have anything happen to me), so he kept me at home (as a<br />

prisoner) in the same way that young girls were kept.<br />

I became devoted to the Magian religion so much so that I attained the position of<br />

custodian of the fire (which we worshipped). My duty was to see that the flames of the<br />

fire kept burning and never for a moment let it go out.<br />

My father owned a large farm. One day he was busy with constructing a building, so he<br />

said to me: ‘My son, as you see, I am too busy to go out to the farm today. Go and look<br />

after matters there for me today.’ He instructed me on what needed to be get done<br />

and said: ‘Do not stay away from me for long, as you are more important to me than<br />

the farm and all my other possessions.’<br />

So I left for the farm as he had told me and on the way I passed by a Christian church<br />

and the voices at prayer attracted my attention. I did not know anything about the<br />

followers of any other religion, as all this time my father had kept me in the house<br />

away from people. When I heard the voices of the Christians I entered the church to<br />

find out what they were doing. I was impressed by their manner of praying and felt<br />

drawn to their religion. I said: “By <strong>Al</strong>laah! This is better than the religion that we are<br />

upon.” I did not leave them until sunset.<br />

(That day) I did not go to my father’s farm. I asked them (the Christians): “Where did<br />

this religion originate?” They said: ‘It originated in al-Shaam (Greater Syria).’ I returned<br />

home (that night). My father had sent people to look for me. When I arrived, he asked:<br />

‘My son, where have you been? Did I not entrust you with an obligation?’ I told him: “O<br />

my father! I passed by some people who were praying in their church, and I was<br />

impressed by their religion. So I was with them till sunset.”<br />

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