Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Ibn Is-ḥaaq reported that Salamah Ibn Salaamah Ibn Waqsh رضيُاهللُعنه – and he was from<br />

the people of Badr – said: “We had a Jewish neighbor (living) with the tribe of Banee<br />

`Abd al-Ash-hal.” He (Salamah) continued: “One day he (the Jew) came out of his house<br />

and went to the tribe of Banee `Abd al-Ash-hal. I was the youngest at that time, and I<br />

had a fur gown over me and was lying in it in the courtyard of my family’s house. He<br />

(the Jew) talked about the Day of Judgment, mentioning the Resurrection, the<br />

Judgment, the Scale, the Paradise and the Fire. This he told to the people who<br />

committed Shirk and worshiped idols, and who do not believe in the resurrection after<br />

death.” They said to him: ‘Woe to you! Do you really believe that all this will happen,<br />

that people will be resurrected after their death and will be sent to the place where<br />

there will be Paradise and Fire and that they will be rewarded according to their<br />

deeds?’ He (the Jew) said: ‘Yes! By the One by whom oaths are sworn! I believe that my<br />

share of that Fire will be like the hottest oven in your house. It will be heated up and I<br />

will be cast into it and the next day I will be delivered from that fire.’ They said: ‘Woe to<br />

you! What is its Sign?’ He said: ‘A Prophet will be sent from this land’, and he pointed<br />

(to the South) towards Makkah and Yemen. They said: ‘When will we see him?’ He<br />

looked at me, and I being the youngest one there, and then said: ‘If this boy lives a<br />

normal lifespan, he will live up to his time.’” Salamah said: “By <strong>Al</strong>laah! Days and nights<br />

had not passed by except that <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل sent Muḥammad ﷺ as Messenger, and the<br />

Jew was still alive and living amongst us. We believed in him ﷺ while the Jew<br />

disbelieved out of grudge and envy. We said to him: ‘Woe to you! Is he (Muḥammad)<br />

not the one about whom you spoke?’ He said: ‘Indeed (I said what I said)! But he is not<br />

the one.’” 93<br />

(The same has been) reported by Imaam Aḥmad in his Musnad from the route of<br />

Ya`qoob, from his father on the authority of Ibn Is-ḥaaq. 94<br />

<strong>Al</strong>-Baihaqee reported from the route of al-Ḥaakim. 95<br />

93 I (al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee) say: The chain of this narration is “Ṣaḥeeḥ”. And it is in “al-<strong>Seerah</strong>” of Ibn Hishaam (1/225-226);<br />

and from his route, Abu Nu`aim reported it in “Dalaa’il al-Nubuwwah” and he added, “the Jews name was<br />

Yoosha`u”.<br />

[TN: Some corrections have been made from “Dalaa’il al-Nubuwwah” of al-Baihaqee]<br />

94 Musnad Aḥmad (15841) and it is “Ḥasan”.<br />

95 “Dalaa’il al-Nubuwwah” of al-Baihaqee (2/78-79) and al-Ḥaakim in al-Mustadrak (5764, 5765) and he said: “It is<br />

“Ṣaḥeeḥ” as per the condition of Imaam Muslim”, and al-Dhahabee agreed with him.<br />

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