Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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ﷺ From this, we learn that all the Prophets gave the glad tidings of the Prophet’s<br />

advent and instructed their people to obey and follow him.<br />

Ibraaheem عليهُالسالم in his supplication for the people of Makkah said:<br />

‏﴿رَبَّنَاُوَاب عَث ‏ُُفِيهِم ‏ُُرَس وّل ‏ُُمِّن ه م ‏ُُيَت ل وُعَلَي هِم ‏ُُآيَاتِكَُُوَي عَلِّم ه مُُال كِتَابَُُوَاحل ‏ِك مَةَُُوَي زَكِّيهِم ‏ُُُۖإِنَّكَُُأَنتَُُ‏<br />

ال عَزِيز ‏ُُاحل ‏َكِيمُ﴾‏<br />

{“Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of theirs, who shall recite unto them<br />

Your Aayaat and teach them the Book and al-Hikmah (wisdom), and purify them.<br />

Verily! You are the <strong>Al</strong>l-Mighty, the <strong>Al</strong>l-Wise.”} [Surah al-Baqarah (2): 129]<br />

Imaam Aḥmad reported from the Ḥadeeth of Abu Umaamah ‏ُاهلل ‏ُعنه ‏:رضي I said: O<br />

Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ‏!ﷺ How was the beginning of your affair? He ﷺ said: ❝I am<br />

the answer to the prayer of my father, Ibraaheem (<br />

`Eesa (<br />

عليه السالم<br />

عليه السالم<br />

), and the glad tidings of<br />

), and when my mother became pregnant with me, she saw something<br />

as if a light came out of her and illuminated the palaces in the land of Syria.❞ 81<br />

Imaam Aḥmad and Ibn Is-ḥaaq also reported from a different chain that the<br />

Companions of the Messenger of <strong>Al</strong>laah ﷺ asked him something similar… 82<br />

And the meaning of this is that he ﷺ referred to the beginning of his mission among<br />

his people which was famously known and widespread among the men. So he (first)<br />

mentioned that he was the answer to prayers of Ibraaheem عليه ‏ُالسالم – to whom the<br />

عليهُالسالم Arabs traced their ancestry; then he mentioned about the glad tidings of `Eesaa<br />

but without mentioning the source. Ibn Jareer and Ibn Abee Ḥaatim also reported this in their respective ‏,عنهم<br />

Tafseer, but as a statement of al-Suddiyy (instead of Ibn `Abbaas).<br />

81 Musnad Aḥmad (22261), the chain of this narration is “Jayyid” (excellent) and it has supporting chains. The next<br />

Ḥadeeth strengthens this Ḥadeeth.<br />

82 (Shaikh al-<strong>Al</strong>baanee said): The author (Ibn Katheer) mentioned this Ḥadeeth in its entirety in the earlier<br />

chapters.<br />

[TN: Refer to chapter 2 and 5 for the complete Aḥaadeeth]<br />

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