Saheeh Seerah Al Albaanee English

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Chapter 13: The commissioning of the Prophethood and some of the<br />

predictive signs thereof (Part 1)<br />

Muḥammad Ibn Is-ḥaaq رمحهُاهلل said: The Jewish rabbis and the Christians monks and the<br />

Arab soothsayers used to speak about the advent of Prophet Muḥammad ‏,ﷺ even<br />

before he was sent (as a Prophet), and when the time drew near.<br />

The Jews and Christian:<br />

As for the Jewish rabbis and the Christian monks, they spoke about the things which<br />

were mentioned in their books regarding his ﷺ description (and attributes), as well<br />

as the description of the time (and the place) of his arrival. <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said regarding<br />

this:<br />

‏﴿الَّذِينَُيَتَّبِع ونَُالرَّس ولَ‏ ‏ُالنَِّبِ‏ ‏َُّاِّل مِّيَُُّالَّذِيُيَِد ونَه ‏ُمَك ت وب اُعِندَه م ‏ُفِ‏ ‏ُالتَّو رَاةُِوَاْل ‏ِجنِيلِ‏ ‏ُيَأ م ر ه مُبِال مَع ر وفِ‏ ُ<br />

وَيَن هَاه م ‏ُعَنُِال م نكَرُِوَُيِلَُُّلَ‏ م ‏ُالطَّيِّبَاتِ‏ ‏ُوَُي ‏َرِّم ‏ُعَلَي هِم ‏ُاْل ‏َبَائِثَ‏ ‏ُوَيَضَع ‏ُعَن ه م ‏ُإِص رَه م ‏ُُوَاِّل ‏َغ الَ‏ لَ‏ ‏ُالَّتِ‏ ‏ُكَانَت ُُ<br />

عَلَي هِم ‏ُُۖفَالَّذِينَُآمَن واُبِهُِوَعَزَّر وه ‏ُوَنَصَر وه ‏ُوَاتَّبَع واُالنُّورَُالَّذِيُأ نزِلَ‏ ‏ُمَعَه ‏ُُۖأ ولَىئِكَ‏ ‏ُه م ‏ُال م ف لِح ونَ﴾‏<br />

{Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write (i.e.<br />

Muḥammad) whom they find written with them in the Taurah and the Injeel; who<br />

enjoins upon them al-Ma`roof (i.e. Islaamic Monotheism and all that Islaam has<br />

ordained); and forbids them al-Munkar (i.e. disbelief, polytheism of all kinds, and all<br />

that Islaam has forbidden); and makes lawful for them al-Ṭayyibaat (the good things)<br />

and prohibits for them al-Khabaa’ith (the evil and the unlawful), he releases them<br />

from their heavy burdens (of <strong>Al</strong>laah’s Covenant), and from the shackles which were<br />

upon them. So those who believe in him (Muḥammad), honor him, help him, and<br />

follow the light (the Qur’aan) which has been sent down with him, it is they who will<br />

be successful.} [Surah al-A`raaf (7): 157]<br />

And <strong>Al</strong>laah تعاىل said:<br />

‏﴿ْمَُّمَّد ‏ُُرَّس ول ‏ُُاللَّهُُُِۖوَالَّذِينَُُمَعَهُُأَشِ‏ دَّاءُُعَلَىُال ك فَّارُُِر محََاءُُبَي نَه م ‏ُُُۖتَرَاه م ‏ُُركَّع اُس جَّد اُيَب تَغ ونَُُفَض ال ُُ<br />

مِّنَُُاللَّهُُِوَرِض وَان اُُۖسِ‏ يمَاه م ‏ُُفِ‏ ‏ُُو ج وهِهِمُمِّن ‏ُُأَثَرُُِالسُّج ودُُُِۖذَىلِكَُُمَثَل ه م ‏ُُفِ‏ ‏ُُالتَّو رَاةُُُِۖوَمَثَل ه م ‏ُُفِ‏ ُُ<br />

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